Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Eight hundred and seventieth IX The fifth test twenty-two

Remember in a second【】

"Ayin, do you think this is the way we came here?"

Su Tang pointed to the pile of lines on the map and sketched lightly.

After looking at it twice, Cain confirmed, "Yes."

After that, Su Tang happily picked up the map and slowly moved in the opposite direction.

Sure enough, while she was shifting, the lines on the map began to change slowly.

Su Tang couldn't restrain the smile from the corner of his mouth, "It's really a map! Ah Yin, we have a map and we can go out soon!"

Cain looked at her with a gentle smile, "Yes."

Su Tang was excited for a while, then suddenly sighed again, "You said why I didn't think of it earlier, so that we can avoid many wrong roads."

"It's not too late to find out now." Cain rubbed Su Tang's soft hair with a doting look on his face.

This is already day 11.

Before, because they only knew the direction and needed to ensure safety, they took many detours.

The original ten pills for each person, except that Su Tang only consumed ten pills, and Cain and Xi had to fight Godzilla, plus the non-stop rush, both of them had already consumed twenty pills.

In other words, they now only have forty full stomach pills left.

If this circle is the heart of the maze, then without a map, there is no way to support them to reach the end with the number of satiety pills they currently have.

But now that there is a map, the situation is estimated to be much better.

Moreover, the basis for Su Tang to judge that the circle they were in was the location of the center of the maze was that the circle happened to be at the center of the map when looking at the map last night.

But now that she has discovered that the map will change in real time, she is not sure if this is the center of the maze.

Su Tang held his chin in distress, "Why does the map only show a part, not the whole thing?"

If it shows all, she can know how far they are from the end.

Cain opened his mouth, and just about to say something, Su Tang suddenly shuddered.

She shook her head vigorously, and finally patted her cheek to show her calmness, "How can I think that? It would be nice to have a map that shows part of the maze! Compared with others, we are so lucky that none Injuried."

"It's right to think so." Xi smiled and handed over a water polo, "With the map, our speed will be faster than before. Drink some water and rest, and we will continue forward."


have to say.

It's different with a map.

Su Tangwo held the map in Cain's arms, compared it with the compass on the watch, and turned into a humanoid navigator.

Su High Efficiency and Precise Navigation Sugar

"Turn left at the intersection ahead."

"Go straight through the two intersections, then turn right."

"After passing, turn around and go around the stone wall on the right."

"Stop! Rest on the spot, let me study for two seconds."

"Continue to set off and continue on the current road for two intersections."

With the command of navigation, it is different.

It was only ten o'clock in the morning when they encountered a safe cabin.

There are still nearly nine hours before it gets dark in the afternoon. According to the usual practice, we continue to move forward.

But after more than four hours passed, they found no sign of the safe house.

The map also only outlines the lines representing the stone walls, and there is no safe house.

They suddenly fell into a dilemma: "Go back, or go forward?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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