Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 880 The fifth test twenty-three

Remember in a second【】

Su Tang took the lead in breaking the silence of this group.

"I suggest that we move forward, don't refuse in a hurry, listen to me.

The furthest time interval between the safe cabins we encountered the other day was only eight hours.

We have been traveling for more than four hours now, including the time we came out of the last safe house, it is almost eight hours, and now there are only more than four hours before it gets dark, we have plenty of time to find the next one safe hut.

what do y'all think? "

Although what Su Tang said was well-founded, Cain was still worried.

After thinking for a while, he said, "We don't even know how the safe houses are distributed. I suggest going back the same way. Since there is a map, it is only a matter of time before we find the exit. There is no need to take risks."

Su Tang nodded thoughtfully, but then asked another question.

"Then have you ever wondered, can the satiety pill in us support us to find the exit? I said before that the circular open space is the center of the maze, but it was actually just my guess.

I can’t see how far we are from the final exit on the map, but I know that if we return now, it will take a total of nine hours to go back and forth, and we will definitely waste a full stomach pill. We have a limited number of full stomach pills , each one is precious. "

Cain fell silent for a while.

After careful consideration, he clenched his fists and compromised, "One hour, find another hour, if we can't find it, we have to go back the same way."

When I first came here, I didn't run with all my strength, and Su Tang had to stop to study the map from time to time, so the physical exertion was not serious.

If you run at full speed, you can go back in about an hour or so.

So stay for another hour or so at most, if you can find it, of course it's best, if you can't find it, even if you waste a full stomach pill, you have to go back.

Cain made a concession, and Su Tang was not unreasonable, after all, everything he did was for her.

So Su Tang quickly nodded and said, "Okay, it's not too late, let's look for it quickly."

After nearly an hour of intensive searching, a safe cabin was finally found at the last moment.


The setting of this safe house made everyone very serious.

Safe hut: The safe hut can only be opened after the sun goes down. After entering the safe hut, all personnel are not allowed to go out until the sun rises again. Limited to 5 people

It is the same as the previous introduction, but there is an extra limit in the end.

Inexplicably, everyone panicked.

If Adam and the others hadn't been eliminated before, then even if everyone found this place, they wouldn't be able to enter at the same time.

And, why is the limit on the number of people suddenly started?

Could it be that they are gradually approaching the end?

Wouldn't it mean that the closer you get to the finish line, the fewer people will be restricted from entering the safe house? Or fewer safe huts?

Anyway, anyway, this is definitely not good news for them.

this night.

Cain and Xi did not go out to fight Godzilla again.

After a night's rest, everyone set out on the road with a heavy heart the next day.

Departure at 6:00 in the morning, at the same speed as yesterday, coupled with the guidance of the map, the speed is not slow at all.

But even so, I didn't meet the new safe house until 4 pm.

As they had guessed, only four people were allowed in the new safe house.

Everything is going in a bad direction.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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