Serena pointed to the symbol in the center of the pattern.

That symbol is exactly what she drew before, the pattern of the logo of the Mermaid Kingdom.

Chapter 0065 career planning! A mountain-shaped island!

Ryan has seen it.

In the center of the pattern is the pattern that looks like a spring.

This pattern is quite delicate.

"This sign must be the fountain of the ocean."

Ryan thought.

That is to say, the mermaid kingdom that was destroyed used to use the ocean spring as the symbol of its own kingdom.

This also makes sense.

After all, the Fountain of the Sea is where the mermaids were born.

For mermaids, the Fountain of the Sea is equivalent to a holy place.

After seeing this logo, Ren looked at the whole pattern again, and he was a little affirmed immediately.

The pattern hidden in the mermaid's horn is probably the map leading to the fountain of the ocean.

It can also be seen as a treasure map.

Who knows if there will be other treasures besides the Ocean Spring.

Maybe after the mermaid kingdom collapsed, some surviving mermaids hid a lot of treasure there, and then engraved the treasure map in the mermaid horn and sent it out.

For young mermaids.

Even Mia didn't find this treasure map, because the fourth-order Mia... lacks mental strength.

That is to say, only when the strength reaches the fifth level, and the spiritual power equivalent to that of a fifth-level magician, is it possible to discover this treasure map.

The other party hid it so tightly on purpose, and even set a threshold of strength, which is probably a test for the mermaid who obtained the treasure map.

When the strength is reached and the test is passed, the treasure map can be found, otherwise it is the White Tower.

"My lord, I feel that this treasure map is most likely pointing to the Ocean Fountain of the Mermaid Kingdom."

Mia expressed her thoughts.

Ren nodded slightly.

"Do any of you recognize these markings on this map?"

Ryan said.

Mia shook her head.

Serena and the other two mermaids also shook their heads.

Well, none of them went to the depths of the ocean.

Not to mention other young mermaids.

However, Ryan also discovered that many of the signs on the map are actually very distinctive.

For example, a small island seems to be composed of three straight mountains, forming a "mountain" shape.

Such an island, if encountered, can still be recognized.

There is also a small island whose logo looks like a wolf's head sticking out of the sea.

The features are quite distinct.

Moreover, the distance and orientation of some small islands marked on this map are clearly described.

This means that as long as you find one of the small islands, you can follow the vines and find out the other small islands.

If you search step by step in this way, you will be able to find the Ocean Spring in the very center.

The mermaid who left this map is very considerate for future generations.

Ren thought for a while, took out a pen, and drew all the signs of some small islands on the map.

And I drew more than ten copies at one time.

Then Ren handed the paper he drew to Mia, saying: "Mia, send 20 third-order mermaids and 5 fourth-order mermaids in a group of 5 people, each with a fourth-order and 4 third-order mermaids, and head to the ocean Search for these small islands in the depths, and once you find one, come back and report immediately."

Now there are several fourth-tier mermaids on Mermaid Island, and nearly a hundred third-tier mermaids. Their strength is already quite strong.

Although the depths of the ocean are dangerous, given the strength of the five-member mermaid team deployed by Rennes, it is not particularly dangerous.

Even if they encounter some extremely ferocious and powerful marine creatures, they can avoid them far away based on their early perception of danger.

Their trip was just to find some small islands.

Ren's request to them is that if they can fight, they will not fight. Preserving themselves is the first priority.

The mermaids are quite smart, and they believe in Ren's words, and Ren is quite at ease with them.

"Yes, king!"

Mia went down with the paper Ryan gave her.

Not long after, 25 powerful mermaids were divided into 5 groups. After bringing enough food, they set off towards the east of Mermaid Island.

Wren remains on Mermaid Island.

With the increase in the number of sea elves, the strength of the mermaids is getting stronger and stronger, and Ren's daily gold coin output has reached nearly 180,000.

Gold coins are still pretty quick to use, though.

There are many places to spend money.

Creating equipment for the newly born sea elves is a huge expense.

However, it is also a necessary expense.

Moreover, every time a piece of equipment is created, the main task can be triggered and a lot of experience can be obtained.

It is precisely because of these experiences that Ren's own strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

[Host: Ren (Marine Rancher)

Owned pastures: Mermaid Island, Whale Ranch, Ocean Tree

Occupation: Tier 5 Magician (20318/50000), Tier 3 Sea Warrior (2105/5000)


Life: mermaid, whale, sea elf

Items: 1.32 million gold coins, 15 whale ships]

Ren opened his panel and took a look.

Recently, Rennes is focusing on strengthening his second career.

That is, the sea warriors.

Ren's magician profession has a lot of magic, and these magics are not limited to one department. He can fireball, freeze, water shield and other diametrically opposite magics.

In other words, Ren can be regarded as a "full-line magician" that is quite rare on the mainland.

Not only are magicians of the whole series rare, but they often don't do much, and they are regarded as the most useless magicians.

But it is not a problem for Rennes, because as long as he has experience, he can continue to upgrade.

Things like "magic talent" don't have the slightest effect on Ren, and Ren doesn't even bother to test his magic talent.

Anyway, he doesn't need to practice by himself.

After the magician profession has been promoted to level 5, the experience required to advance to level 6 is still more than 30,000, which cannot be gathered in a short time.

So Ren raised his sea warrior profession to the third level, and planned to spend more than 2,000 experience to upgrade to the fourth level, and even further upgrade to the fifth level, and then upgrade the level of the magician.

Ren discovered that the occupation of the sea warriors focused on strengthening the body.

For example, at the third level now, he has developed a lot of muscles, and his bones have also become much stronger, his strength is several times greater than before.

In addition, Ryan found that his skin had hardened a lot, and it was difficult to cut it with a not very sharp knife.

Even if cut open, the wound also has a good healing ability.

If this continues, Ren feels that his skin will become invulnerable sooner or later.

In short, Ren, who has two professions, can be a ruthless magician one moment, and he can raise his fist to fight you recklessly at the next moment!

In addition, under water, Ren's speed is already comparable to that of a mermaid, and Ren has even acquired a "underwater sprint" skill, which allows Ren to shoot like a cannonball underwater go out.

The speed has also reached more than one third of the speed of sound.

If the profession of Ren Sea Clan fighter reaches the fourth level, the speed will probably be even faster.

In short, this second job made Rennes feel pretty good.

Ryan even liked the profession a little bit.

After making some plans for his career, Ren continued to live a leisurely life in Mermaid Island, while constantly spending gold coins to strengthen the strength of Mermaid Island and Ocean Tree.

And the mermaid sent by Rennes arrived at a place more than a thousand kilometers away from Mermaid Island after more than ten hours.

"Let's part here."

A mermaid said.

"Well, sisters, be careful, remember my king's order, safety first!"

Another mermaid road.

As a result, the five groups separated and searched in different directions.

Searching in this way may seem a bit like finding a needle in a haystack, but don't forget that mermaids are basically able to communicate with fish.

Well, just for communication, there are also mermaids who can drive some small schools of fish, but to drive whales on a large scale like Eve still needs some special talents.

This can save mermaids a lot of trouble.

In this way, they divided into five directions and searched in the sea.

After several days of searching like this, a mermaid team has traveled thousands of kilometers deep into the ocean.

"Candy, that strange fish just now is really big, but I feel that if we cooperate, we should be able to kill it, so we don't have to hide like this."

On a coral island, five mermaids are hiding in it, and it is one of the mermaids who speaks.

The team led by this mermaid is Leah's good friend, the mermaid girl Candy.

Candy is not only brave, but also quite diligent, and her talent is quite good, so, at a young age, she is actually one of the first mermaids to enter the fourth rank.

"Wang said that if you can avoid fighting, try not to fight to avoid complications."

Candy said solemnly.

"You're right Candy, we know too little about the depths of the ocean, we never dared to go to the depths of the ocean in the past, by the way, Candy, do you think there really was a mermaid kingdom in the past? "

The mermaid who spoke before said again.

Candy nodded and said: "The king said it exists, so it must exist, but it has already been destroyed. It is fine if it is not destroyed. We can persuade all the mermaids to join the king's command."

"Yes, then the king will have more warriors."

The previous mermaid said again.

Candy looked out and said, "It's gone far, let's go."

Under the leadership of Candy, the five little mermaids swam out of the coral island and continued towards the east.

In this area, the sea water is already quite deep, and the mermaids did not go deep into the sea water, but swam on the sea surface, which also saved them from many unnecessary troubles.

After all, some behemoths basically hunt in the middle layer of sea water.

In this way, they found another half a day later, and encountered an area full of whirlpools.

"Be careful, there is a vortex!"

These vortexes are not a big problem for them, as long as they are careful.


Quickly passed through this area.

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