Just passing through this area, a little mermaid exclaimed in surprise: "Candy, look, that small island!"

Candy looked up and saw a strange island standing above the sea.

The island has three straight peaks, the middle peak is high, and the two sides are low. The three peaks are connected into one, like a "mountain" character.

"found it!"

Candy beamed!

Chapter 0066 Underwater Magic Cannon! The battle between the sea dragon and the sea snake!

A day later, Ryan received a report from the mermaid sent back by Candy.

"Found it so quickly?"

Ren's spirit lifted.

"Yes, Wang, this is the shape of the mountain that Candy drew, see if it looks like it."

The mermaid took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ren respectfully.

Ren took it over and saw that it was indeed an authentic "mountain"-shaped island, exactly the same as the one on the map.

The mermaid who left the map is quite clearly drawn!

"This is it!"

Ryan showed joy.

Find a place and a small island is easy to handle.

Next, just follow the island to find it.

However, Ryan is ready to go out on his own.

I don't know if the fountain of the ocean is fixed or movable. After finding it, it is best to bring it back to Mermaid Island.

The little mermaids can't bring it back.

Now that the White Shark King was wiped out by Rennes, all the pirates were frightened, and there was no pirate activity in this area.

Some other merchant ships probably didn't dare to run around. Although Renn had never attacked a merchant ship before, the ghost ship wiped out thousands of pirates of the White Shark King, and even the sea water was dyed red. It is estimated that the merchant ship would be scared Enough to choke, will not run around at all.

As for the other ships, they definitely didn't dare to go deep into the ocean for a while.

Even if any ship comes over, the whale ship that extends the patrol range to about 50 kilometers around the Ocean Tree can show up immediately, and the opponent will probably be scared away by then.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about Ocean Tree and Mermaid Island.

Even in case of an enemy attack, Rennes' continuously upgraded defense facilities during this period of time are not good-looking.

"Mia, Lansha, the family is entrusted to you two."

Ren said to Mia and Lan Sha.

"With me here, don't worry, Wang!"

Mia said.

"God, all sea elves are warriors, don't worry."

Lan Sha also said.

After explaining a few words to the two of them, Ren set off with five whale ships and 50 mermaids above Tier 3.

After merging with the 50 mermaids sent out earlier, Rennes will have 100 mermaids above Tier 3. The combat power is already quite strong, so there is no need to bring too many.

However, considering the danger in the depths of the ocean, Ren spent 1 million gold coins to upgrade all the magic cannons on the five whale ships.

200,000 gold coins per liter.

After the upgrade, the range and power of these five magic cannons have been improved to a certain extent.

But the biggest change is not here.

The biggest change is that these five magic cannons can be used underwater.

The magic cannons of the Xiting Kingdom are all used on the water, and they can also be fired underwater, but the magic cannonballs will explode soon due to the pressure of the sea water.

But after the upgrade of the system, the underwater range of the magic cannonball is quite far, reaching about half of the range above the water, almost an effective range of three kilometers.

As for the power, it is similar to the water.

It is enough to freeze the range of hundreds of meters around into a piece of solid ice, and it also has a good impact.

Ren ordered the upgrade when he set off.

"The upgrade was successful, and the upgrade time is 12 hours."

The sound of the system sounds.

12 hours is just right, because there is still a lot of time on the road.

More than ten hours later, five whale ships came to a place more than a thousand kilometers away from Mermaid Island.

To the east of here is the "deep ocean" in the eyes of the mermaids.

"Wang, just keep going in that direction. We found a lot of detours when we went, but now we can go straight and faster."

The Little Mermaid sent back by Candy said.

As for Candy herself, she and the other two little mermaids are guarding around the island.

After receiving the news from the mermaid horn, several other mermaids are also rushing to the vicinity of this small island.

"Well, Eve, let's go in that direction."

Ren said to Eve.

Eve nodded and blew the conch shell.

The whale ship that Rennes was on took the lead to swim towards the small island.

The other four whale ships followed behind.

Ren still chose to hurry on the sea surface to avoid conflicts with some deep-sea creatures.

He didn't come here to fight.

Getting the Ocean Fountain back smoothly is the most important thing.

Going all the way like this, after more than an hour, Ren received a system notification.

"The magic cannon has been successfully upgraded, the task is completed, the host has gained 250 experience points and 25,000 gold coins."

All magic cannons have been upgraded to underwater magic cannons.

Now, Renn has a lot of confidence.

As long as you are willing to give up the magic stone, the magic cannon is quite powerful, especially after the system is upgraded.

Don't think that the magic cannon of the White Shark King can't beat the whale ship, but don't think about who built the whale ship and how complicated the magic patterns on it are.

Magic texture is a very deep knowledge, the more layers you draw, the better the effect.

Ordinary large-scale armor has only two or three layers of magic patterns, and the more powerful ones have only four or five layers. However, the magic patterns on the whale ship have more than ten layers before upgrading, and it is even more terrible after upgrading, with at least fifteen layers.

What's more, there is more than one magic pattern on the whale ship.

It's normal for the White Shark King's magic cannon to not work.

In fact, it is useless for the White Shark King to compete with Ren, because the White Shark King does not have so many magic stones to keep firing, but Ren has enough magic stones to support the magic pattern to take effect all the time.

After the magic cannon was fully upgraded, Ren also had full confidence, so he made Eve speed up.

The five whale ships quickly moved towards the small island in the shape of a "mountain".

After driving like this for a few hours, Eve's expression changed on the Whale ship where Rennes was located:

"My lord, the ancient whale master sensed that there are large sea creatures fighting below!"

Ren said: "Get out of here faster."

There is no need to get involved in the battle of large sea creatures.

"Yes, king!"

The five cetaceans accelerated further.

The mermaids brought by Ren are all on the Cetacean ship, which can save their energy.

In the cabin of the whale ship, if it is crowded, twenty or thirty mermaids can be squeezed in, and now more than ten mermaids are naturally not a problem.

However, the whale ship had just swam a few hundred meters, and a few kilometers ahead, a huge monster suddenly rushed to the surface of the sea.

This huge monster is a bit scary, much bigger than the ancient whale, and its length is probably nearly a hundred meters.

It also looks very strange.

Just looking at its head...it feels like a dragon to Rennes!

"Is this a dragon?"

Ren was taken aback.

Then Ryan didn't feel like it.

The dragons in oriental mythology are quite different from those before Renn's crossing, and they are not like a kind of dragon that exists on the continent of this world.

The dragons on this world continent are dragons with wings that look like large lizards.

Of course, these dragons are still very fierce, not only can breathe fire or spit ice, but also some dragon language magic.

This thing gives Ren the feeling that it is much more majestic than those dragons on the mainland.

"Wang, this should be Hai Long!"

Eve's voice sounded.

Just as her voice fell, Hai Long let out a cry full of pain.

Immediately afterwards, two slender, snake-like things with spikes on their backs rushed out of the water, their sharp teeth biting directly at Hai Long.

On the body of these two things, something like electric current flashed faintly.

"What is this? A sea snake?"

Ryan had never seen anything like it.

Anyway, he hadn't seen it before he crossed over.

Ren felt that they were sea snakes, but these two sea snakes were a bit long, even longer than sea dragons.

Before crossing, Ren knew that the longest sea snake was more than 300 meters long. These two sea snakes were not more than 300 meters long, but their combat effectiveness was quite strong, and they actually beat Hai Long with scars.

The battle between these two sea snakes and a sea dragon was extremely fierce, but the sea dragon was obviously at a disadvantage. Under the attack of the two sea snakes, the sea dragon was bitten to pieces, and the surrounding sea water was full of blood.

"Wang, that sea dragon should have been injured before."

Eve shared her observations.


The sea dragon let out another cry of pain. Under the attack of the two sea snakes, it was completely incapacitated.

A sea snake rushed up, entangled Hai Long with its slender snake body, and attacked Hai Long with its sharp mouth full of teeth.

Under the attack of the sea snake, Hai Long became dying.


At this time, Hai Long turned his head and yelled in the direction of the five whale ships.

"King, it is asking us for help!"

Eve said.

Before Ren could speak, he saw a flash of lightning on the body of the other of the two sea snakes, and its slender body accelerated instantly, rushing towards the five whale ships.

It's actually ready to attack the whale ship!

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