It is indeed quite powerful!

Moreover, that sea monster might not be the strongest sea monster in the sea monster group.

In addition, Princess Nancy and the others have been searching for decades and have not even found the exact location.

So Ren temporarily gave up his plan to save those mermaids to prosper Mermaid Island.

Decades have passed, if he is not dead, he should be alive forever, and there is no rush for this moment.

With the growth rate of the mermaids in Rennes Ranch, after a while, they will start batching to the fourth level, and the top ones will break through to the fifth level.

After the strength becomes stronger, it will not be possible to consider these things.

Ren asked again: "The sea monster still needs ore?"

Princess Nancy said: "There are rumors that the group of sea monsters is not for mining, but to release something from the bottom of the sea. The reason why they keep changing their positions is because those sea monsters don't know the exact location."

"Princess Nancy, what is the sea monster trying to release from the bottom of the sea?"

Eve asked curiously.

Princess Nancy shook her head and said, "I don't know exactly what it is. Speaking of it, we are still a bit useless. We have been searching for decades, but we haven't even found the exact location. They were forced to hide in Tibet."

"You guys are amazing, you have persisted for so long."

Eve comforted.

Princess Nancy sighed again.

After talking with Princess Nancy, finally, the voice of the system sounded again:

"The transfer is complete. The Ocean Spring has been placed in the system warehouse. The host can find a place to settle after returning to Mermaid Island."

Ren glanced at the square, and there was a big hole there, and there was a big pile of things in his system warehouse.

nailed it!

"Let's go, return!"

Ren said to Eve.

Eve nodded and blew the mermaid horn.

The five whale ships began to rise continuously.

Soon, the five whale ships all rose to the surface of the sea.

Ren quickly determined the direction.

The five Cetus ships began to swim towards the Mermaid Island.

This trip, which lasted for more than three days to find the Ocean Spring, also came to an end.

However, compared to when they came, there were more than a dozen more mermaids on the Whale Seaship.

For Mermaid Island, whose number has not changed for a long time, it is a cause for celebration.

As long as he arrives at Mermaid Island, Ren is confident that Princess Nancy will definitely be tempted.

How many more mermaids can there be?

After repairing the Ocean Fountain, the number of mermaids will continue to increase.

As for the mermaids in the Mermaid Kingdom who were taken away to mine and might still be alive, they could only find them slowly.

People have been looking for it for decades without any news, and Ren didn't hold much hope. It is a surprise to find it, but if he can't find it, the fountain of the ocean can also continuously give birth to mermaids.

Chapter 0073 The fast-growing sea dragon! This is simply heaven!

In the blue ocean, five whale ships braved the wind and waves, heading towards Mermaid Island.

The whale ship is still moving forward on the sea.

As they advance, they spew beautiful water from time to time, reflecting the blue sea and sky, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

On the Whale, Princess Nancy stood in the corridor, silently watching the scenery outside.

For decades, they have been looking for the traces of their companions in the ocean, and they seldom go to the sea for activities, even if they go to the sea, they are rarely in the mood to appreciate the scenery on the sea.

But today, her heart was inexplicably relaxed a lot.

"That's right here, Eve, let them wait on the sea."

At this time, Ren's magnetic voice sounded to Princess Nancy from behind.

"Are you there yet?"

Princess Nancy couldn't help thinking.

The whale ship dives quickly.

Princess Nancy looked around curiously.

She thought Mermaid Island was under the sea.

Mermaids can naturally live underwater for a long time, but mermaids also like to go to the surface of the sea to get some fresh air from time to time, especially the young mermaids.

Soon, the Cetacean ship dived to a depth of several kilometers.

"This is a trench!"

Princess Nancy realized something.

At the same time, she was a little puzzled.

Could it be that Mermaid Island is in the trench?

Although mermaids can live underwater for a long time, deep trenches are not a wise choice for mermaids.

There are often some ferocious sea creatures in the trench, and there is less food for the mermaid, and it is not beautiful enough.

Few mermaids are willing to live in the deep trenches.

However, despite these doubts, she did not ask Ren, but observed silently.

When you get to the place, you will know it naturally.

When the whale ship dived to a depth of about seven or eight kilometers underwater, a twenty or thirty meter long marine creature rushed over.


The marine life in the trench is often fierce. Princess Nancy thought that the other party was coming to attack, so she couldn't help it.

At this time, she saw the appearance of the sea creature clearly.

That sea actually a sea dragon!

Although only a young dragon,

Near the young dragon, there might be an adult sea dragon.

The adult Hailong's strength is terrifying. Princess Nancy was about to express her worries when she saw Ren coming to the front of the whale ship and stretching out her hand.

Immediately afterwards, Princess Nancy saw that the young dragon of the sea dragon happily swam over, then lowered its head, and rubbed it affectionately on Ren's hand!

This scene made Princess Nancy's small mouth open involuntarily!

In front of the whale ship, Ren stroked the head of the little sea dragon, and looked at its information panel again.

【Little Sea Dragon

Strength: Tier 2

Skills: Water Control, Hardened Skin, Underwater Rush

Growth value: 51/200]

Ren didn't expect that in just four days, Xiao Hailong was already at the second level.

In four days, Xiao Hailong actually gained 51 growth points.

This speed of gaining growth value is quite astonishing!

You know, the guaranteed growth value provided by the ocean ranch is only 1 point a day.

"Is there any effect brought by the dragon fruit and the hunting lodge?"

Ryan thought.

After being accelerated by Renn with gold coins, the sea dragon fruit has matured quickly. After the little sea dragon eats it, the blood will be strengthened a lot. In addition, the hunting lodge can allow the little sea dragon to obtain higher growth value in hunting.

In any case, it is a good thing that Xiao Hailong grows up fast.

Ren touched its small head for a while and said, "Go!"

Little Hailong left reluctantly.

Ren let the whale ship continue to dive, and then he built some shelter cabins for the little sea dragon in other areas of the trench.

This trench is not small.

The trench is over a thousand kilometers long and tens of kilometers wide. What Ren is in now is only a section of the trench.

In such a large trench, there are many ferocious marine life.

With Little Hailong's cleverness, there is no need to worry too much, but the shelter is still necessary.

In addition, Ren spent tens of thousands of gold coins to upgrade the sea dragon hunting lodge, and planted more sea dragon grass at the bottom of the trench.

After doing all this, Renn let the whale ship float to the surface and continued to move towards Mermaid Island.

"It turns out that this sea dragon was raised by him!"

Princess Nancy was even more surprised.

In her heart, Ren has become a mysterious figure.

Ren's body is full of fog, which makes Ren appear extremely mysterious.

And this kind of mystery made Princess Nancy full of curiosity, and she still couldn't help wondering what kind of person he was~

As a result, Princess Nancy was thinking about Ren all along the way!

After passing the trench where the little sea dragon was, the whale ship continued westward.

To the west of that trench, it belongs to the shallow sea area.

Of course, it is only the shallow sea area in the eyes of marine life.

After all, like the Ocean Tree, the water depth exceeds 2,000 meters. In the eyes of human beings, it is already an authentic deep sea.

Along the way, the number of small islands has increased, and you can see one or two small islands every hour or so.

Traveling westward in this way, they finally approached the range of Mermaid Island.


On the Whale Ship, every mermaid looked relaxed.

Counting the return time, this trip to the Mermaid King City lasted more than four days!

The mermaids are getting a little homesick!

"It should be here soon!"

Seeing the expressions of the mermaids, Princess Nancy couldn't help thinking.

At this time, she saw several whale ships swimming over in front of her. On these whale ships, there were still many mermaids waving there.

And in the sea water, mermaids are constantly showing up.

"The king is back~"

The little mermaid kept swimming over, and when they saw Ren on the whale ship, they all showed bright smiles.

"His prestige among the mermaids is high."

Seeing the bright smiles on the faces of these little beauties, Princess Nancy couldn't help thinking.

Princess Nancy looked at the little mermaids again.

These little mermaids looked quite young to her.

They were all mermaids in their twenties, even teens.

But these little mermaids are all wearing beautiful mithril armor, holding sharp mermaid spears, and even wearing beautiful mithril helmets on their heads.

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