Such excellent equipment, even when the mermaid kingdom existed, only a small number of mermaids would have it.

And the material is not Mithril, but they refined some rare seabed ores and made them with magic.

After seeing these little mermaid people, Princess Nancy became more curious about Mermaid Island.

Seeing Princess Nancy's scrutinizing gaze, the little mermaids in the water all returned curious and friendly gazes.

Princess Nancy also returned a friendly smile.

There are not many mermaids, and they are quite united. Even if two mermaids who don't know each other meet in the ocean, they can chat for most of the day.

The Cetus continued westward.

Finally, the Cetacean ship crossed the line 30 kilometers away from the Ocean Tree.

"Princess, look!"

Next to Princess Nancy, a mermaid didn't know what she saw, and said in a voice full of shock.

Princess Nancy looked in the direction she pointed.


Immediately, Princess Nancy's mouth opened wide, and she let out an exclamation.

She subconsciously covered her mouth with her hands, but she couldn't hide the shock in her beautiful eyes.

Because, in her field of vision, an extremely huge towering tree appeared!

That tree was so big that it towered into the sky, and even at a distance of more than 20 kilometers, it could be seen clearly.

The crown of the tree is like a canopy, covering the sky and covering the earth, which looks extraordinarily amazing.

And the trunk is also full of flowers, it looks like a tree of flowers!

Such a tree, rising from the ocean, looks... really amazing!

As a result, Princess Nancy and the dozen or so mermaids around her were completely stunned!

"His Royal Highness, this... is this the legendary Ocean Tree?"

After several minutes, Princess Nancy came back to her senses and asked Ren on the side.

Ren said: "Yes, this is the tree of the ocean."

Princess Nancy took a deep breath: "The ocean tree has been extinct for many years. Legend has it that the ocean tree is a gift from the sea god. Without the sea god's blessing, the ocean tree would not survive at all. Unexpectedly, there is still a tree here." one!"

Renn did not expect such a legend to exist.

Next to it, Eve said: "This tree was planted by His Royal Highness Ren. His Royal Highness is not only our king, but also the 'god' of the sea elves."

Hearing Eve's words, Princess Nancy's beautiful eyes suddenly showed a lot of shock!

Ever since she met Ren, the things that shocked her have happened one after another.

Originally, she thought that the previous incident was enough to surprise her.

But immediately, the latter incident broke through her imagination again, and she fell into a deep shock.

Under the successive shocks, Princess Nancy felt that her nerves were a little numb.

The whale ship quickly sailed under the ocean tree, and the sea elf blue yarn had already flown down from the sky.

There are many sea elves following behind Lan Sha.

I haven't seen Ren for several days, and Lan Sha misses Ren very much.

She flew down and whispered to Ren what had happened in the past few days.

In fact, it's not a big deal.

Dozens of sea elves have been born in the past few days, and Lan Sha has also become a fourth-order sea elf. In addition, she has made a breakthrough in space magic, and can already perform space flickering at a certain distance.

The number of Tier 3 sea elves has also increased. In addition, the Ocean Tree has grown several meters taller these days.

On the side, Princess Nancy looked at the sea elves curiously.

Whether it is the tree of the ocean or the sea elf, this is the first time Princess Nancy has seen it.

The strength of these sea elves also surprised her a little.

Lan Sha, who looks like a girl, is actually a fourth-order sea elf.

And those sea elves in the sky are also quite powerful, and there are quite a lot of them.

She couldn't help being a little curious, how did Ren cultivate these sea elves and mermaids, and why did these young sea elves and mermaids have such powerful strength!

In this doubt, soon, the Mermaid Island arrived.

Princess Nancy and the other mermaids cheered up and looked at the huge mermaid island.

Looking at Mermaid Island from the outside, you can't see much.

A ring of low hills obscured the view.

However, Princess Nancy also saw a lot of things.

"The range of the reef is so far away that it can block ships coming from the sea and some large marine organisms. The rocks are very well enclosed, which is good for defense. I don't know what happens in other directions."

Princess Nancy thought.

In her opinion, Mermaid Island is quite advantageous in terms of defense.

For Princess Nancy, who has undergone major changes, defense is also something she values ​​very much.

The defense of the Mermaid King City was too weak at the beginning. Because it was on the bottom of the sea, the enemy could attack from any direction. Although the Mermaid Kingdom was also quite strong, it fell quite quickly in the face of the attack of the ocean clan.

"I don't know what's going on inside."

Princess Nancy thought again.

Soon, she will know.

The whale ships drove to the outside of the short mountain one by one along a special channel.

Now the mermaids get on and off the whale ship,

It's no longer necessary for Ren to hug each other, because there is a big pool on the short hill, and they can just jump off the whale ship into the pool.

The mermaids jumped off the whale ship one after another, which was quite a pleasing scene.

"Come on, Princess Nancy, I'll take you down."

Eve said.


Princess Nancy nodded and jumped down following Eve.

After jumping into the pool, Princess Nancy couldn't wait to swim to the edge of the pool.

This pool is nearly 20 meters high from the inland sea of ​​Mermaid Island, and you can clearly see the situation below.

Then, Princess Nancy saw a piece of blue water.

The long white sand beach spreads along the sea, and the edge of the beach is covered with flowers, and Princess Nancy even smelled the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

Among the blue sea water, there are beautiful small islands dotted all over it.

On the small island, there are green trees and red flowers, and from time to time you can see some mermaid cottages surrounded by flowers.

And under the clear water, you can also see rows of beautiful red coral trees growing on the seabed and fish schools wandering in them.

"It's so beautiful!"

Princess Nancy is delighted to see it!

She grew up so big, she had never seen such a beautiful mermaid island.

Even the Mermaid King City under the sea, in the view of Princess Nancy, is completely incomparable with this Mermaid Island.

Beside Princess Nancy, a dozen other mermaids also exclaimed as they watched.

"His Royal Highness, may I look around?"

Princess Nancy looked at Ren who was aside.

Ren nodded: "Of course."

"I'll show you around, Princess Nancy!"

Eve said.

"Then I'll trouble you, Eve!"

Princess Nancy said.

Eve took Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids to swim down from the pool on the dwarf hill and entered Mermaid Island.

Princess Nancy kept asking that, like a curious baby.

And Ren returned to his residence.

It's still comfortable to stay on Mermaid Island.

He decided to take a good rest.

Ren lay on a deck chair on the beach, blowing the sea water comfortably and basking in the sun.

"His Royal Highness, welcome home~"

Mermaid girl Leah is here.

Ren didn't let Leah follow because she was comprehending a magic recently.

Ren saw that Leah had also been promoted to the fourth rank.

This shows that her magic comprehension was successful.

Leah swam to the back of Ren's recliner and gently pressed his head for Ren.

Girls nowadays spend a lot of time playing the role of Ryan's little maid~

After lying comfortably in this way for a while, Ren fell asleep without knowing it.

When Ren fell asleep, Eve had brought Princess Nancy over.

"Your Highness Ren, your mermaid island is simply a paradise, the best place I have ever seen!"

Princess Nancy couldn't help but said after seeing Rennes.

Chapter 0074 Multiple shocks! join in! jewelry!

While Ren was sleeping, Eve took Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids to visit Mermaid Island!

The shock that Princess Nancy received was not ordinary!

This kind of shock is not only because of the beauty and prosperity of Mermaid Island.

No matter how beautiful and prosperous it is, although it makes people fascinated, in the eyes of Princess Nancy, who has undergone drastic changes, she is just a flower in the water and a moon in the mist, and she can't hold it at all.

Princess Nancy's shock was partly due to the strength of the mermaids.

Along the way, none of the mermaids she saw was below the second rank!

Hundreds of mermaids, none below the second order!

Even more astonishing is the number of mermaids of the third order.

According to Princess Nancy's observations and statistics, there are more than one hundred mermaids in Mermaid Island's third rank!

The point is, these mermaids are still so young!

Such a mermaid island has completely overturned her imagination.

In the original Mermaid Kingdom, although there were many third-tier mermaids, those mermaids were already quite old, and there were thousands of mermaids in the Mermaid Kingdom, while the Mermaid Island only had a few hundred mermaids!

Among the hundreds of mermaids, all of them were of the second rank, the third rank accounted for more than a quarter, and the fourth rank also reached double digits!

Such a mermaid island is simply too powerful.

In addition to the strength of the mermaid, there is also the strong defense of the mermaid island, which also shocked Princess Nancy.

There are more than one hundred water arrow towers with a range of fifteen kilometers, dozens of magic cannons, and perfect closed loops of low mountains and surrounding reefs.

Such a mermaid island is impeccable in defense!

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