Princess Nancy felt that even if the sea monster group that destroyed the mermaid kingdom came with a large number of giant shrimp soldiers, they might not be able to defeat it.

Princess Nancy was originally worried that there would be a loophole in the seabed's defenses, but when she learned from Eve that the Mermaid Island was actually a floating island, she was shocked again!

"Such a big island is actually a floating island!"

Princess Nancy was shocked!

The dozen or so mermaids behind her also showed a "see you soon" expression!

"Such a big island, how could it be a floating island!"

There are mermaids who simply can't believe it.

Mermaid Island is too big.

The weight of such a large island is astonishing!

You know, the island in the ocean, the part exposed to the sea is only a small part.

The part of an island exposed to the sea only accounts for one-thousandth, or even less than one-ten-thousandth of the whole!

Especially islands in the deep sea.

The entire island frame is several thousand meters high, which is equivalent to a thousand-meter-high mountain on land. What is exposed on the water is only a small part of the mountain!

For an island as big as Mermaid Island, the island frame must be quite amazing.

In the eyes of the dozen or so mermaids brought by Princess Nancy, no matter how you look at it, Mermaid Island doesn't look like a floating island!

If such an island can float, it can only be a masterpiece of "God"!

After seeing that the mermaids around Princess Nancy didn't quite believe it, Eve specially took Princess Nancy to the gate of Mermaid Island through the space cabin, preparing to show them.


Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids were shocked by the space cabin again!

There are two doors in the space hut.

Enter a door, exit a door, and these two doors are facing each other.

If you turn off the teleportation function of the space hut, then open the two doors at the same time, and you can directly see the situation on the opposite side.

However, above the door from the space hut, you can choose your destination.

After choosing, open that door and it will lead directly to the destination.

That is to say, after choosing the destination, if you open the two doors of the space hut, you can look out from one door and see the scene several kilometers or more than ten kilometers away.

As long as you change the destination, you can change the door leading to the place.

It's just like any door!

"Is this a space door?"

A mermaid looked extremely curious like a country peasant woman who had just entered the city.

"Yes, this is a space hut. Mermaid Island is not only a floating island, but also a magical island. There are many magical buildings and items here."

Eve introduced lightly.

Magic Island!

Princess Nancy and the dozen or so mermaids were shocked again!

Such a mermaid island is not only beautiful, but also quite safe. It can be said to be indestructible. The most important thing is that it is still a floating island, even if it is a floating island, it is still a magic island~~

After being shocked layer by layer, whether it is Princess Nancy or a dozen mermaids, they all feel...

I used to be so ignorant!

The Mermaid Kingdom was actually quite powerful at that time, possessing many magical items.

But compared with Mermaid Island, it is completely insignificant!

The only thing that can give Princess Nancy a little sense of balance with a dozen mermaids is that the current high-end combat power of Mermaid Island is not as good as that of the Mermaid Kingdom at that time.

There are six levels of mermaids in the Mermaid Kingdom.

But the current Mermaid Island has not.

But Princess Nancy also felt that the powerhouse of the sixth level could not decide everything in a war, and some powerful weapons could completely make up for the gap.

Like magic cannons, one or two may not be as strong as a sixth-order powerhouse, but what about dozens of them?

The key is that as long as this thing has enough magic stones, it can attack continuously.

That's why, Princess Nancy feels that the current Mermaid Island has surpassed the Mermaid Kingdom at that time in terms of combat power!

After Eve took them to the bottom of Mermaid Island and saw the bottom of Mermaid Island, Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids no longer had any doubts about Floating Island.

They were extremely curious about what made such a large island float.

But Eve didn't know, and didn't tell them, only saying that it was Ren's masterpiece.

This made Ren's image more mysterious and taller in the eyes of Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids!

A mermaid even wondered if Ren was the incarnation of Sea God!

Therefore, during the second half of the visit, whether it was Princess Nancy or the dozen or so mermaids, they stopped asking about other things and kept asking about Ryan.

They knew Wren was a prince.

I also know that Ren has a good personality, especially for mermaids, but when dealing with enemies, he is merciless.

I also know that Ren led the mermaids to win several battles, and even wiped out a powerful pirate king.

When Eve talked about Ryan, she had a sweet smile on her face.

This made Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids feel Eve's love for Ryan.

And they soon discovered that Ryan was also the object of admiration for other mermaids on the island!


Ren, the charm exuding from his body made Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids feel a little dazed!

After knowing enough about Mermaid Island, and then looking at the scenery of Mermaid Island, it will be refreshing and fascinating!

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, there must be enough force to protect it.

And Mermaid Island already has such a powerful force!

Therefore, the current Mermaid Island, in the heart of Princess Nancy, is really as good and beautiful as heaven!

In her heart, a strong desire to join Mermaid Island and live here forever has arisen.

Even, she is willing to regard Ren as king!

Such a king who can provide such a perfect residence for the mermaids, and can also be supported and admired by the mermaids from the bottom of their hearts, even if it is a human being, is completely acceptable to Princess Nancy!

Even she is like this, let alone other mermaids!

The dozen or so mermaids she brought had the same thoughts!

Such a mermaid island makes them more excited than the mermaid throne under the sea!

The blue sea and the blue sky can also be accompanied by beautiful sea elves, and they also have a king who is so charming that they often can't take their eyes off.

They have a hundred wishes in their hearts!

These mermaids are actually not young, and several of them are over a hundred years old.

But they still look like they are in their twenties, young and beautiful.

Moreover, the mermaid's mentality is quite good, and her mind is not as complicated as that of humans.

Unlike most human women, if they can live a hundred years, they are really old and mature!

So, after hearing Eve's invitation on the road, Princess Nancy discussed with a dozen mermaids individually, and all of them wanted to join Mermaid Island.

However, Princess Nancy still did not forget the thousands of tribesmen who were captured by sea monsters for mining.

This has probably become her obsession!

Eve can understand it.

She brought Princess Nancy to Ren's side.

After Princess Nancy told Rennes her admiration for Mermaid Island, she mentioned that matter to Rennes.

"His Royal Highness Ren, if His Royal Highness is willing to accept, we really want to join and are willing to join Mermaid Island. However, even after joining Mermaid Island, we don't want to give up looking for our clansmen. Of course, this is our own business. We I will not bring trouble to His Royal Highness Ren and these new generation mermaids."

Princess Nancy said.

In her opinion, young mermaids should not be burdened with heavy things.

Because this matter is too difficult.

That sea monster group was so powerful decades ago, maybe it will be even stronger now.

After hearing Princess Nancy's words, Ren showed a smile:

"Princess Nancy, I can help you."

Of course Ren would like to find those thousands of mermaids.

Once found, if all join Mermaid Island, the strength of Mermaid Island will be greatly enhanced.

For Rennes, that is quite a boon!

When Princess Nancy heard what Ryan said, she couldn't help being a little surprised and a little surprised: "His Royal Highness, is what you said true?"

Ren nodded slightly: "The premise is that after they are rescued, they can all join Mermaid Island."

Princess Nancy patted her chest and assured her: "Don't worry, Your Royal Highness, I can assure you that they are not ungrateful people. Besides, the Mermaid Island is so perfect, they will be 100% willing. The Mermaid Kingdom has been destroyed, and they will never again Thinking of the fallen mermaid kingdom."

Having said that, Ren didn't say much, but took out the contract.

Princess Nancy took the pen from Rennes and signed her name seriously.

Beside Princess Nancy, other mermaids also signed the contract one after another.

So far, Princess Nancy and a dozen mermaids have all joined Mermaid Island.

Ren also saw their panel from this. Princess Nancy's strength is quite good.

She is a rare magician among the mermaids. She already possesses level 4 and 10 magic attainments, and she is only one level away from reaching level 5.

Plus, if you give her a spear, she's pretty good at melee.

Of course, it is still incomparable with Rennes' second career, which can grow rapidly.

The strength of the other mermaids is quite good. Of the dozen or so mermaids, half are fourth-tier mermaid warriors, and half are third-tier mermaids.

After joining Mermaid Island, their strength will really usher in a leap forward!

After Princess Nancy joined Mermaid Island, she soon discovered that she could grow rapidly through the Mermaid Magic House.

So Princess Nancy became more diligent than any mermaid.

The same is true of the dozen or so mermaids under her command.

In the past few decades, they have suffered enough from insufficient strength.

Although their strengths are all three or four levels, they still can't walk sideways in the ocean, not to mention that there are not many of them.

Therefore, Princess Nancy and the dozen or so mermaids temporarily gave up looking for their companions and spent all their time practicing.

This allowed their strength to improve rapidly.

The stronger you are, the more things you can do!

Otherwise, they can only find decades of time like they did before,

But nothing was found.

Seeing that Princess Nancy and the others could understand this, instead of going out in a hurry to find their companions, Ren felt relieved.

"Repair the Ocean Fountain first, and then send out to inquire after the fifth-order mermaids are born. I can find news about them!"

Ryan thought.

The fourth-order mermaid was sent to the depths of the ocean alone, and Ren was still not at ease.

However, the fifth-order mermaid is small and fast, and its strength and combat power are also powerful. Ren plans to send a mermaid to the depths of the ocean after the birth of the fifth-order mermaid to see if he can find out some news about the sea monster group. .

Of course, until there is no definite news, Rennes will not put too much energy on this for the time being.

Strengthening strength is the most important thing.

Without strength, even if you find that group of sea monsters, you may not be able to rescue the mermaid.

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