This upgrade is mainly to upgrade several aspects.

The area of ​​Mermaid Island has not increased further.

What has been added is firmness.

The stones below Mermaid Island became stronger, and there were more magic lines on them.

In addition, there are more magic lines on the ring-shaped short mountain, and the level of those magic lines is also higher.

The magic patterns drawn by different magicians have very different functions and effects.

After this upgrade, the magic lines on Mermaid Island are equivalent to being drawn by the magister.

Once the enemy invades aggressively, after all the magic lines are lit up, the defensive barrier formed can protect the entire Mermaid Island.

Of course, once the defensive barrier is opened, the amount of magic stones consumed is quite astonishing, but Ren has already spent millions of gold coins and stored a large amount of magic stones in the magic tower for consumption.

In addition, after this upgrade, the speed at which Mermaid Island floats in the sea has also changed from 10 kilometers per hour to 20 kilometers per hour, doubling the speed.

This is a regular amount, and if you are willing to consume more magic stones, you can make it faster.

Besides that, there is one more biggest change!

After this upgrade, Mermaid Island can dive underwater as a whole, just like the floating arrow tower.

Of course, before diving into the water, a special barrier must be opened, otherwise the seawater will flood in and destroy the plants and beaches of Mermaid Island.

In short, after this upgrade, Mermaid Island will be improved in all aspects.

Of course, the upgrade fee is not cheap. The last upgrade was 2 million gold coins, and this time it has doubled to 8 million gold coins.

Ren also gained 5,000 experience at one time through the main mission!

And through the recent period of construction, his sea warrior career has officially entered the fifth level!

The occupation of the sea fighters mainly strengthens Rennes physically.

The physical defense of the sea warriors is quite good, but the skin of the serious sea warriors is the same as that of some sea monsters, uneven, very thick, and very ugly.

Ren's skin won't.

His skin was human skin.

The enhancement of this profession is to strengthen the good aspects to Rennes, but Rennes will still maintain human characteristics.

The fifth-level sea warrior profession makes Ren's energy extraordinarily abundant.

Now he can jump more than ten meters high in one jump.

If you sprint to the sky from the water, you can directly rush to the sky tens of meters high!

This profession also gave Renn several underwater skills.

One is underwater breathing. Ren can breathe underwater for a long time, and can easily absorb the oxygen he needs from the ocean.

The second is sprinting in the water. The speed of the fifth-order sea warriors sprinting in the water has exceeded the speed of sound, which is quite a terrifying speed!

Of course, there is no such fast speed on land.

For creatures in the ocean, water is not resistance, but power!

The third is quite strong water control ability.

In short, this profession is quite powerful.

Ren is going to push the second career to the sixth level in one go!

Although it cost 8 million gold coins to upgrade Mermaid Island, Ren still has more than 60 million gold coins in his hands.

Ren has a feeling that there are too many gold coins and he doesn't know how to spend them.

Ren still started with defensive buildings first, and fully upgraded the defensive buildings on Mermaid Island.

The number of crossbow arrow towers has also increased again, from the original 500 meters to 200 meters, and the density has greatly increased.

The number of magic cannons has also been increased.

The same is true on the Ocean Tree.

And the magic cannon was upgraded again by Rennes.

A magic cannon without an upgrade cost 50,000 gold coins, 200,000 gold coins for the first level, and 500,000 gold coins for the second level. After the second level, the range of the magic cannon reached 10 kilometers.

It is still not as far as the crossbow, but it is far beyond the magic cannon of the Xiting Kingdom.

Even if the Xiting Kingdom has more powerful magic cannons, most of them are not as good as the mermaid's magic cannons.

This wave of enhanced defense cost more gold coins, more than 20 million gold coins.

So many gold coins have been spent, whether it is the Mermaid Island or the Ocean Tree, there will be no need to build defensive buildings for a long time!

After the defensive building was completed, Ren spent another 5 million gold coins to upgrade the Ocean Fountain.

In this way, the speed at which Mermaids are bred by the Ocean Fountain will double from 40 per 10 days to 80 per 10 days.

There are still a lot of gold coins in Ryan's hands.

Therefore, Renn upgraded the equipment of mermaids, sea elves, and banshees again.

The mermaid is still equipped with Mithril equipment, but the structure of the magic pattern on these Mithril equipment is more complicated, and the coverage is better. Whether it is defense or portability, it is much better than before.

The Sea Elf's equipment is still Wind Pattern Gold.

The equipment of the banshees has changed a bit. They still wear leather armor, but the leather of the leather armor has changed.

The skin of the leather armor has become a dragon-like skin similar to dragon skin, which itself has quite good magic defense.

even for some low

Valence is immune to magic.

After constructing complex and delicate magic patterns on them, the defensive power of those leather armors is surprisingly good!

In other words, this wave of equipment upgrades is mainly to improve the magic pattern.

The magic pattern is the second core of all equipment.

The reason why it is the second core, not the first core, is because, no matter what equipment, the material will always be the first core!

The material is not good. On the one hand, too many high-level magic patterns cannot be engraved on it. On the other hand, the main defense of the magic patterns is magic attacks, and the attack defense against entities is average. The material is poor. No matter how advanced the magic pattern is, it's useless.

This wave of equipment upgrades cost a lot of gold coins.

Now that the number of sea elves has increased, the number of mermaids has also increased. Such a set of equipment needs 20,000 gold coins to build a new set. If you upgrade from the original equipment, you only need 10,000 gold coins.

Even so, Ren still spent more than 10 million gold coins.

Moreover, it took a long time to complete, and it took more than ten days.

Ren spent some more gold coins to upgrade all the buildings on the Mermaid Island and the Ocean Tree, but found that they were almost full, and they had to wait for completion, so they stopped.

He looked at his system panel, and there were still more than 10 million gold coins to spend.

"Finally, there is a feeling that there is too much money to spend."

Ryan felt very happy.

Every time in the past, it was a windfall that could be spent immediately.

Now, I finally spent all the money I could spend, and it hasn't been spent yet!

This feeling is very cool!

Ren even had some expectations that a few nobles would come every day to attack the Banshee Canyon.

This way he can get a few more ransoms.

Seeing that the buildings on Mermaid Island and Ocean Tree are being upgraded, and there is no place to spend money for the time being, Ren invested some money in the Banshee Canyon to upgrade the buildings in the Banshee Canyon.

The population of Banshee Ranch is too small.

The direct output of the ranch is not large.

The current Banshee Ranch is entirely dependent on the output of the Banshee Canyon.

However, the number of banshees is steadily increasing.

Debra sent several banshees to other places to find the banshees and let them join the Banshee Canyon.

After the battle in the Banshee Canyon spread, it was also heard by some banshees in the distance. Some banshee groups began to send people to contact Debra and wanted to join the Banshee Canyon.

There are actually many types of banshees.

There are forest banshees, sea banshees, mountain banshees, snow banshees and more.

Moreover, the reason why banshees can come and go invisible is because they have no entity at the beginning of their birth.

After the first level, they will slowly have a flesh and blood body, but there is still a big difference from human beings. Their bodies are similar to sea elves, and they are similar to elemental bodies.

It's just that banshees like cold and dark energy, while sea elves like sea elements.

This is why sea banshees like to live in the fjords, where they need energy!

In the next few days, Ren became leisurely again.

"Why can't I see Liya, a little girl?"

After relaxing, Ren found that Leah, who had always been his little follower, hadn't seen much recently.

"Wang, Liya is about to reach the fifth level, and she is trying her best to hit the fifth level."

The girl Eve is still often by Ren's side, unless Ren spends the night in the Banshee Canyon, she will return to Mermaid Island with the Whale Ship.

"Leah is almost level five?"

Ren couldn't help being taken aback.

The mermaid girl from back then has grown so fast without knowing it.

The girl Eve nodded and said, "Leah's talent is very good."

Ren stretched out his hand, stroked the girl's hair, and said, "Your talent is also very good."

The girl showed a joyful and shy smile: "Thank you, Wang, for your compliment!"

She gently pressed Ren's shoulders, and said, "Wang, when I reach the sixth level, I can walk with Wang on the shore."

Ren gave a soft "hmm", and he had slowly fallen asleep under the girl's gentle massage.

"Raise the magic sail and go faster, don't you know that there are sea monsters in this black mist?"

In the Banshee Canyon, after a merchant ship sailed into the black mist area, it directly raised its magic sail and quickly passed through the black mist.

Yes, according to the current rumors, after the owner of the ghost ship summoned the sea monsters, he didn't let all these sea monsters leave, but left a few of them in the area filled with black mist.

Once someone makes a hostile move, they will face the attacks of these sea monsters.

Therefore, after almost every merchant ship sails into the black mist area, it will raise its magic sails and quickly rush through this area with a length of more than 20 kilometers.

Although there were rumors of sea monsters, the merchant ships that passed by in the past few days did not receive any attacks, so after the final fear, a large number of merchant ships still flocked to the Banshee Canyon.

And because of the Banshee Canyon battle, the situation of the Banshee Canyon has been known to more people.

At the same time, many people also knew that all the pirates in this sea area were scared away.

In this case, more and more merchant ships go to sea.

even some nobles

Seeing business opportunities, they all chose to buy a few merchant ships to go to sea for trade.

The biggest profit and market for sea trade is still selling things from the northern kingdoms to the southern kingdoms and a large number of island countries, and then selling a large number of rare things produced in the southern kingdoms and island countries to the north several kingdoms.

The populations of the coastal kingdoms are quite large, hovering around 100 million.

Some have exceeded 100 million, and some have not.

But these kingdoms have one thing in common, they are all quite prosperous.

Much more prosperous than many inland kingdoms.

The market for maritime trade is quite large!

There are so many benefits to going by sea.

Even for the smallest merchant ship, the cargo that a ship can transport at one time is enough to load more than a dozen carriages.

Moreover, walking on land is limited by the terrain and roads, and the speed is actually far slower than at sea.

In the past, there was the threat of pirates, coupled with the need to detour, many people had scruples and did not go to sea.

Now that the pirates are gone and the Banshee Canyon has been opened up again, the number of merchant ships going to sea has greatly increased, and many merchant ships have to travel several times a month!

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