Although not all ships follow this route, more and more merchant ships take this route.

Under such circumstances, the gold coin income contributed by Banshee Canyon every day has also greatly increased.

Soon, the daily gold coin income contributed by the Banshee Canyon officially exceeded 200,000.

And it has been stable to more than 200,000, and when there are more, it will be even higher!

On average, the daily output of the Banshee Canyon has almost caught up with the output of the Rain Ranch.

And Ren, got his wish and lived a life of lying down and collecting money.

Now, even if he no longer makes "windfall", his daily income is terribly high.

It can be described as "making money every day".

A few days later, all the buildings upgraded by Rennes were finally completed.

This wave of construction cost Rennes too much gold coins.

Correspondingly, Rennes also gained a lot of experience.

Under the impact of these experiences, Ren's second professional sea warrior has also officially entered the sixth rank!

A sea warrior of the sixth rank is more than twice as powerful as a warrior of the fifth rank!

On the day Renn's second career entered the sixth level, another good news came.

The girl Leah has finally broken through the fifth level!

In addition, there are three mermaids who have also broken through the fifth level!

Because the ocean tree was upgraded to a 4-star ranch first, the sea elves grew faster than the mermaids every day, and their strength also caught up.

Lansha also broke through the fifth step!

Among the other sea elves, fourth-order sea elves were born one after another.

Now both mermaids and sea elves are quite powerful in battle.

Ren just didn't let them make a move.

Like the Battle of the Banshee Canyon, if the sea elves were to take action, even if there were no sea monsters, more than a thousand sea elves would be enough to easily wipe out the coalition forces of the eight nobles.

Their growth rate is astonishingly fast!

At this growth rate, even if certain Ocean Trees are exposed, they still have enough strength to defeat the invading enemy!

"Princess, we searched all the way north for a long time, and encountered a group of sea monsters, but not the one from decades ago. You can search south this time, and you may be able to gain something."

On this day, the mermaid sent by Princess Nancy came back and reported to Princess Nancy.

"But princess, you have to be careful. Some big clans in the deep sea seem to be breaking out in war. Try to avoid them and don't get involved."

Another mermaid road.

"What war?"

Ren next to him spoke.

The mermaid bowed her head respectfully, and said, "My lord, according to the information I got from some swimmers, it is said that it was a civil strife among the Kraken clan, but the fighting was fierce, and a large area of ​​the sea was involved."


Rennes had never heard of this race.

"Yes, lord, the sea monster is also a big clan in the ocean, and it is said that it is one of the eight royal clans in the sea. However, I don't know the specific situation of the civil strife in the sea clan. I am afraid that extra problems will affect our mission, so I don't know much about it. If there are too many, you will leave that prosperous sea.”

Said the mermaid.

Ren nodded slightly: "You are right."

"Thank you, King, for your compliment!"

The mermaid looked very happy.

After the two fifth-level mermaids reported the situation, Princess Nancy set off with a fifth-level mermaid to find those thousands of people.

The first two fifth-order mermaids who went out have returned to Mermaid Island.

The second batch is Princess Nancy herself.

She did it fairly. Even though she used to be a mermaid princess, she was valued by Rennes now, but she didn't take advantage of her privilege.

Moreover, finding the tribe has always been her obsession.

Chapter 0093 Found it! Mermaids in the Trench!

In the sea, two beautiful mermaids are heading towards the deep sea.

These two mermaids are Princess Nancy and another fifth-order mermaid named Martha.

Princess Nancy has made great progress in this period of time.

In addition to the daily guaranteed growth value, she can also obtain a large amount of growth value.

However, from the fifth level to the sixth level, a full 2000 growth points are needed, and she needs to accumulate it for a while.

Princess Nancy simply came out first to look for her people.

There was another reason why she had to personally dispatch this trip.

That is, she has a feeling of "whim" recently.

That kind of feeling is a mermaid's innate intuition. This feeling tells Princess Nancy that it is very likely that she will gain something from this trip.

She hadn't felt this way for decades.

Therefore, Princess Nancy took the initiative to lead the team this time and went to the depths of the ocean to find her people.

After reaching the fifth level, they can travel through the water quite fast.

It is much faster than the whale ship.

In just a few hours, they passed the trench where the little sea dragon was, and then continued heading east.

"Princess, there are no sea monsters here."

A few hours later, in a new sea area, after communicating with a school of fish, Martha said.

those fish

Naturally, they don't have much wisdom, and they don't belong to the category of wise fish.

However, mermaids can also know some information from these fish.

Princess Nancy and Martha continue south.

The ocean is too big.

The ocean of this world is truly boundless.

Princess Nancy and Martha headed east all the way, searching for a full five days, but still didn't get much.

They did find some traces of sea monsters, but none of them belonged to that group of sea monsters.

Sea monsters are also a larger sea tribe in the ocean, but it doesn't mean that all sea monsters are the same.

Among sea monsters, there are quite a lot of classifications.

Strictly speaking, all intelligent marine life is a sea monster.

In the eyes of human beings, mermaids are also sea monsters, and can also be regarded as sea monsters, a general term for monsters in the sea.

However, in the eyes of marine life, sea monsters refer to a large ocean race.

Some sea monsters live in groups, and some like to act alone. The group of sea monsters that wiped out the Mermaid Kingdom decades ago are precisely the sea monsters that live in groups.

Princess Nancy remembered very clearly that those sea monsters had four legs and could stand upright, and their heads were asymmetrical triangles with three eyes!

Princess Nancy called them the Three-Eyed Kraken!

In the whole group, there are actually only a thousand three-eyed sea monsters.

However, the thousand three-eyed sea monsters are relatively powerful, and in addition, they have too many giant shrimp soldiers.

The mermaids in the Mermaid Kingdom were crushed as soon as they fought.

Although there was no news after five days of searching, Princess Nancy was not discouraged at all.

What is five days.

She's been looking for it for decades.

However, due to her weaker strength in the past, she did not dare to go too deep into the ocean, nor did she dare to go to places that were too deep to avoid being hunted by some powerful marine creatures lurking there. As a result, she has not gained much .

Although she was almost at the fifth level when she joined Mermaid Island, it took her decades to rise up bit by bit, and she was not that powerful before.

And even if it is Tier 4 and Tier 10, the gap with Tier 5 is not small.

So Princess Nancy and Martha continued to search south.

After a few days of searching like this, they were already tens of thousands of miles away from Mermaid Island.

"There are a lot of walruses in this area. These walruses are powerful. They probably won't tolerate sea monsters in this area. Let's change places."

Princess Nancy said.


The two mermaids walked through the sea without disturbing the walruses here, and left the sea area.

Soon, they searched south for another day.

Up to now, they have been looking for nearly ten days!

The sea water in this area is already quite deep, with an average water depth exceeding six or seven kilometers.

In the ocean, it has also become extremely prosperous, with swarms of fish and shrimp.


At this time, Princess Nancy found a team of giant shrimp soldiers.

The two avoided it carefully, not wanting to make trouble out of it.

Giant shrimp soldiers often act in groups. Once giant shrimp soldiers are attacked, they will immediately send out a special wave request for support, and then a steady stream of giant shrimp soldiers will rush over.

Moreover, almost every ocean race can breed giant shrimp soldiers.

Breeding giant shrimp soldiers is quite simple.

The reproductive capacity of giant shrimp is too strong.

However, juvenile giant prawns are a delicacy in the eyes of many fish.

99% of giant prawns never grow up.

They are eaten by some carnivorous fish while they are still in the juvenile stage.

Therefore, to breed giant prawn soldiers, you only need to find some giant prawns and keep other fish from approaching them.

Within a few years, you can have hundreds of thousands of giant shrimp.

If you find more giant prawns, you can definitely cultivate millions or even more giant prawn soldiers!

The ocean is too big and rich, and the total number of life in it is uncountable. It is very easy to feed the giant shrimp soldiers.

However, just after dodging that group of giant shrimp soldiers, another giant shrimp soldier arrived overhead.

"Why are there so many giant shrimp soldiers here?"

Martha wondered.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look."

Princess Nancy decided to dive to the bottom of the sea to have a look.

There are too many giant shrimp soldiers in this area, resulting in a lot less fish.


Two mermaids start to dive.

Along the way, more and more giant shrimp soldiers are encountered.

Princess Nancy cast a spell on herself and Martha to make them look like sea water, otherwise they would have been discovered long ago.

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