WOT, Warfare of Transcendents is a PC competitive game launched by RTT Company in 2009. It was acquired by TT Technology last year, and now it is in Cao Shen's pocket.

Nowadays, the most popular games in global e-sports are WOT, DOTA2 and CS. The most mainstream of them is WOT, because when the game was first released, RTT Company promoted professional leagues around the world, and it is also the best e-sports competition. .

However, in China, due to some policy reasons, TT Technology, as the owner of WOT, did not promote e-sports very much. As a result, there was not even a professional WOT competition in China.

Liang Jindong hurriedly said: "Mr. Cao, please give me WOT authorization. The price is negotiable, haha."

Cao Shen nodded: "We are all brothers. I will license it to you for free in the first year. We will discuss the future price after you are ready.

If you want to play with this for a while and find it boring, I will authorize it for you for several years at a time. Wouldn’t it be a loss for you? "

"Thank you in advance! Mr. Cao is so generous!" Liang Jingdong stood up, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

However, later when the e-sports industry was booming, Liang Jingdong regretted it. If he had known, he would have signed a decades-long license! In this hot trend, the price of IP licensing is getting higher year by year!

Careless! Careless!

But this was really not a matter of Cao Shen cheating him. Cao Shen really thought at the beginning that he should do it first, and don't invest too much at once and feel resentful if he couldn't do it in the future.

Mr. Cao's free gift made the people around him warm-eyed again.

When will it be our turn? Mr. Cao, please take care of me!

“There are three parts in the middle of e-sports. In addition to the event organizers just mentioned, there are also clubs and content producers.

Events are the core part of e-sports. All drama, viewing, confrontation, and fairness are all presented in the process of e-sports events. Whether the event is well run directly determines the number of viewers and reputation. "

Cao Shen looked at Liang Jingdong: "So Mr. Liang, your task is very difficult."

Liang Jingdong immediately answered: "Promise to complete the mission!"

Cao Shen glanced at Xu Mingzhe again and then glanced at the second generations and said:

"The participating players are the core content of the event. To make the event enjoyable, there must be high-level players and high-level clubs.

Domestic e-sports clubs are obviously underdeveloped now.

In order for a club to develop, it must first make money so that enough people can get involved and work together to promote the development of the industry. "

Everyone leaned forward, especially Xu Mingzhe:

"Mr. Cao, how can this club make money?"

Cao Shen took a look at the food on the table. Actually, I haven't eaten enough yet.

Alas, this kind of business banquet is like this, you can see it but not eat it!

Clearing his throat, Cao Shen said:

“In fact, in my opinion, there is no essential difference in the earning power of e-sports clubs and traditional football and basketball clubs.

There is greater demand for offline viewing of traditional sports events, and large venues are basically concentrated in first- and second-tier cities.

Of course, there are a lot of TV viewers, but the atmosphere and interaction are far inferior to those in person.

As for e-sports, the viewing channel must be mainly online.

Moreover, online barrages and anchors interact with the audience in real time. The level of interaction cannot be matched by TV channels. This can make up for the inability to watch the game live to a certain extent.

Therefore, e-sports events can achieve better regionalization and be more evenly distributed geographically.

That said, we have the opportunity to reach a wider audience than just football and basketball. "

Cao Shen is very sure of this, because in the original world of the 2018 Western Conference Finals Warriors VS Rockets, the number of unique users watching was 56 million.

In the same year, LOL IG won the finals and had more than 99.6 million unique users. In terms of the number of viewers, e-sports is no less than basketball.

Xu Mingzhe's eyes lit up and he said: "It covers more people, which is very attractive to sponsors! That means there is still a lot of room to make money through sponsors in the future."

"Well, yes." Cao Shen nodded:

"What's more, the age range of traditional football and basketball audiences is concentrated between 25 and 40 years old, while the age range of e-sports is concentrated between 16 and 30 years old. This is obviously a younger group."

Liang Jindong slapped the table:

“This is the wave behind pushing the wave ahead!

For brand sponsors, their sponsorship is nothing more than increasing brand exposure, which is an important means for them to market their products.

As for our e-sports, their audience is younger and there is more consumption potential.

What businesses want to focus on is young people, and building Amway brand from an early age is the right way to go!

Just like that one, barley! It is to catch young people, the first smart phone and the first smart TV for young people! This brand became popular instantly! "

Cen Feng looked at Liang Jindong and said happily: "Well, e-sports users are between 16 and 30 years old, and you are not among them."

Liang Jindong adjusted his collar and looked at Cen Feng: "E-sports makes me young. I will download WOT when I go back today and play for three days and three nights! Wait, it sounds like you are in this queue!"

Cen Feng pursed his lips: "I'm as fast as I am!"

"Tch~" A group of young people who were still in the queue booed the two elderly people.

Cao Shen smiled and continued:

“As a professional sport, e-sports will actually have the same long-lasting, deep and powerful fan economic effects as traditional sports.

For clubs, in addition to game bonuses, sponsors, and event broadcasting shares, as long as the players operate well, they themselves have IP value.

Like other celebrities, with enough fans, they can not only endorse but also receive rewards from fans through live streaming websites.

Nowadays, live broadcasts of shows are entirely supported by the tipping economy. Fans of e-sports players not only have an advantage in numbers, but they are also more sticky, and the ceiling of tipping income will be higher.

It is even possible for players to serve as influential KOLs and carry out e-commerce sales and co-branded customized derivatives. "

The eyes of the second generation were all bright when they heard this. It would be great to be an e-sports club!

Building an NBA or Premier League club is very attractive, but my father may not be willing to pay so much money.

But Mr. Cao said that in the future, the audience of e-sports may exceed that of the NBA. Wouldn’t it be better to establish an e-sports club than an NBA club?

You see, when we engage in domestic e-sports, we are not only strengthening national sports and responding to the country’s call.

Moreover, this thing has just begun. In the future, when it comes to articles on e-sports, I will be mentioned in the historical development. What a great thing!

Also, according to Mr. Cao, this thing can really make money!

You can play, you are good, and you can make money! This is what we should do!

Do it now while it doesn’t cost much! Do it quickly! Let’s do it while there aren’t many people around!

Cao Shen did not lie about the fact that the value of clubs will increase. In 2020, the average valuation of the top clubs in the LPL had reached 1.25 billion.

The North American giants CloudMid and Team Liquid occupy the top three in value rankings with valuations of US$310 million, US$250 million and US$200 million respectively.

Although this valuation is nothing to these rich second-generation fathers, for the second generation, it is a good thing to gain both fame and fortune.

Cao Shen added another fire:

"WPW, the overseas WOT professional league, has been running for several years, and the results have always been very good. This year, Shenshen Technology plans to do it in China. Brother Liang, if you are interested, WPW can authorize you to do the domestic competition this year. "

"Okay!" Liang Jingdong stood up suddenly and slapped his chest:

"Shen! Don't worry, my first-year brother will definitely pay attention and will never lose your place!"

Since I wrote this book, my work and rest routine has fallen apart, and it took me a lot of time to adjust to it in the past two days. From now on, if it doesn’t break, I’ll post it in the morning, and if it does, I’ll post it in the early morning.

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