The two of them were so busy that they had to eat.


Ling hugged her bulging head and curled up on the chair in the restaurant, completely silent.

It was not until the AI ​​waiter in the restaurant started serving the dishes and Xu Ziling pushed a plate of octopus balls to her that she was willing to speak again under the temptation of delicious food.

"So... you want to know about that 'Wendy'?"

Ling was wiping her eyes with a tissue while stuffing all kinds of delicious food into her mouth. After hearing Xu Ziling's question, she said casually,

"That guy... Well, as a campus insider, I know something about her '14-year-old high school prodigy'... But because she only spread it among her classmates after she reported the high school, she and I were not in the same middle school, so I don't know much."

"It's okay."

Wearing disposable gloves, Xu Ziling asked Ling while peeling the spicy crayfish for his own doctor,

"I actually came here because the name sounds like someone I know. An old friend... That's why I want to know her. If she's not, it doesn't matter. As long as I know more about her and eliminate more possible candidates, I will find her one day. "

"Is that so..."

Ling nodded, but her big mouth attribute came up again.

"I really didn't expect that this golden sister is not only outstanding in appearance... but also very lucky! It's okay to have such a beautiful green sister to accompany her, and it's okay to know my sister... I didn't expect that there is an old friend far away... Tsk tsk, Xiaoling, I am moved by hearing this... Oh!"

Ling, who spoke without restraint, was once again severely punished by her own elder sister.


Ling subconsciously covered her forehead in pain, but this time her reaction was obviously not as big as the previous two times.

Looking at the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs brought to the table by the AI ​​waiter, Ling put the pain behind her and quickly picked up the chopsticks and pulled the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs in front of her. While eating, she said, "I will tell you about the prodigy Wendy who will be enrolled in the No. 1 High School in M ​​City, Mu Continent from what I know... Originally, I had nothing to do with that... oh yes, with that Wendy. Her hometown is in the American continent, and I recently transferred from the Far East Province of Shenzhou to Mu Continent under the arrangement of my eldest sister. If That's all. I don't know her, and she doesn't know me. We don't bother each other, and that's fine.

But who knows... Big sister, have you watched the news? Some time ago, the disaster called collapse... oh yes, collapse, the collapse destroyed the American Button City. It is said that many people died, including Wendy's family. Wendy is the only survivor in her family.

According to gossip, although Wendy was born and lived in the American Button City, her father was a real Shenzhou person. So after the American Button City disaster broke out, government officials on the American continent were unwilling to take over these refugees. Shenzhou became her only place to go, and her grandmother in Shenzhou helped her. "

Ling, who had just finished a whole plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, was wiped by her elder sister with a tissue while holding her breasts that had not yet developed. She said very depressedly,

"The collapse of the American Button City happened more than two months ago. Wendy was rescued from America. Logically, shouldn't she be hit hard? ... But who would have thought that she was not only not depressed, but a week ago, she applied for the No. 1 High School in M ​​City, Mu Continent - the school that this lady wanted to go to!

What's the key? The key is that she is only fourteen years old!

Fourteen years old... I'm still in junior high school! She's already applied for the No. 1 high school in M ​​City? ? And her admission score is 50 points higher than mine!

She was assigned to the same class as me! She directly overshadowed me from being the top of the class!!

Damn it... As the saying goes, what can be tolerated is what cannot be tolerated! Wait and see! Big sister, and big sisters, I've always been the pride of the big sisters, how could I be outshined by a 14-year-old little sister who came from nowhere? ! I will definitely outshine her again!! Hum~! "

Looking at Ling's motivated look, Ying's

Finally, a look of relief appeared on her face.

But before she could say anything, Ling added:

"Then I will pinch her smooth chin and press her arm against the wall. Finally, I will tell her in a bossy tone... ahem, woman, there is only one reason why you lost to me, that is, your appearance successfully seduced me... oops!!"

Once again, before Ling finished her words, the chair she was sitting on was kicked over by Ying next to her, and Ling herself fell directly to the ground.

Then, Ying also stood up with a "smile", looked at Ling who fell on the ground with a "kind" face, and said word by word:

" just said...when you pass the exam, what are you going to do to that girl named Wendy? Hmm?...I didn't hear it clearly just now, can you say it again?"

"I!...Hey! Big sister, spare me!"

Ling realized that she had accidentally let the cat out of the bag just now, looking at her big sister who was full of black air, she knelt down and begged for mercy,

"I!...Big sister, I was wrong! This...Actually, I can't blame myself for having such an idea. The key is...the key is that girl named Wendy, her photo on the enrollment form is really beautiful!

Big sister, do you know? I'm not the only one who wants to date that girl named Wendy! In my class gossip group, anyone who has seen Wendy's photo will basically have such an idea!"


Hearing this, Xu Ziling, who was picking up food for his own doctor, also became excited.

Ling said that the girl named Wendy is very pretty? Has she become so beautiful that everyone who has seen her is obsessed with her?

What a coincidence!

According to the law of the Honkai God, the Honkai wife's choice of mate... no, it is the standard of the Herrscher, and it depends on the appearance!

Xu Ziling himself is a law of reason, not to mention that the appearance of the destined beauty will definitely be popular on the entire Internet as long as he debuts. This is what Alicia promised him before.

The subsequent Herrscher of the Void, Ying Yan said that although his appearance is not as outstanding as Xu Ziling, it is more that he himself does not want a too dazzling appearance, so he did not pay attention to dressing himself up. After being chosen by the Honkai body to become the Herrscher of the Void, entering the second stage and changing into the Herrscher's classic skin, his appearance is also top-notch.

There is also the Herrscher of Thunder. Although he is middle-aged and not as handsome as he was in the past, he is still extremely handsome as long as he dresses up seriously. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him and his wife to give birth to MEI, the ceiling of appearance that can fascinate Kevin.

From this, we can see that although the Honkai God of the previous civilization is different from the Honkai Will in the later games, the attribute of beauty control is definitely inherited.

Now Ling actually said that the girl named Wendy is very beautiful...hiss~!


"Wait, Ying!"

Seeing Ying here has picked up a chicken feather blanket that she didn't know where she got from to give Ling a complete childhood, Xu Ziling hurriedly called her.

"Wuwu!... Help, help! Big sister is possessed by a demon!!"

Ling fell on her buttocks and didn't care about the pain in her buttocks. She quickly escaped from under the hollow dining table to the side of Xu Ziling opposite the dining table, and hugged Xu Ziling's thigh, exclaiming,

"Golden big sister, hurry... hurry! Save! Save! Save!"

"Hehehe... Ling, you'd better explain it to me clearly..."

However, Ling's escape took only a blink of an eye... or even less than a blink of an eye. Time just passed quietly for a "moment". Sakura, who was originally sitting opposite Mobius, instantly came behind Xu Ziling and stared at the "good sister" who was holding Xu Ziling's thigh for support.

"Ahem... Ying, calm down first. There's something I want to confirm with Ling first... It's serious."

Xu Ziling quickly stepped out to smooth things over, then looked at Ling who was hugging his thigh and said,

"Everyone stop for a moment... You should get up first, Xiaoling. There's something I want to check with you."

"What... what is it?"

Ling, who was hugging Xu Ziling's thigh, saw Ying behind Xu Ziling, whose body was constantly emitting black air, and shuddered subconsciously, and hid behind Xu Ziling, saying,

"That... Big sister, calm down first... This golden big sister has a question for me..."


After taking a deep breath, Ying nodded slightly to Xu Ziling, and then returned to her seat, but her eyes were still staring at Ling.

God knows! The silly sister who was raised with great difficulty... actually had such an unreasonable idea about a 14-year-old girl! After hearing this news, Ying felt her head buzzing, and she was in a state of panic.

She didn't want to slap him, but relied on her willpower to control her emotions, which was enough to prove her strong willpower.

Mebius took out his phone and took a photo, and seemed to be sending a message to someone, his attention was not here at all.

Xu Ziling, looking at Ying and Ling, originally wanted to tell them the fact that Honkai God was a face control... But he suddenly thought that Ying would be the future Fire Chaser Thirteen Heroes, so it would be no problem for her to know the information about Honkai God.

The problem is Ling... She is just a sixteen-year-old girl, she is still too young, and more importantly, she can't control her mouth... If she knew the fact that Honkai has a god, who knows how big a mess it would cause...

So, after thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling said:

"Ling... Listen to me, I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you forever... When you go home, your sister will definitely beat you as promised... But don't panic, you still have a way to prove your innocence."

When Ling heard that she would be beaten after returning home, she was so anxious that tears were about to burst out, and she stammered:

"Then... What should I do? Golden big sister... Save me. ! Xiaoling is still young... she doesn't want to die yet... "


Looking at Ling who was speaking without restraint, Xu Ziling was also slightly embarrassed. After forcing himself to suppress the slightly strange look of Ying next to him, he said,

"Listen to me, Ling... your only way now is to call out the classmate of "Wendy" and let your sister see... to see if she is really as amazing as you said. And I really need to use her appearance to identify whether she is the old friend I am looking for..."

According to the law of isotopes in different worlds unique to Honkai, if the Herrscher of the Wind in the previous civilization is Wendy, then her appearance should not be too different from that of Wendy in later generations.

As one of the thousands of captains who once brought the three divinely equipped families back to the Novice Village to find Wendy for "fun", Xu Ziling naturally remembered the face of Wendy in his heart. With just one look, he could guess the general situation.

"Hmm... Is this... like this..."

Hearing this, Ling slowly reached out her hand to hold Xu Ziling's waist, climbed up from the ground, then looked at Ying across the table with some fear, then quickly lowered her head, took out her phone to call up photos, and then squatted down without hesitation.

And seeing the face of the woman displayed on Ling's phone...Xu Ziling's eyes suddenly changed.

Black hair...indigo-colored hair tips...stiff and a little arrogant expression, and a curvy figure at such a young doubt! This is Wendy!!

Let me show you my wife

If my wife in Honkai Impact 3rd doesn't do anything weird...this little girl named Wendy, if she is not the Herrscher of Wind, is simply unworthy of her face!

As for why Xu Ziling dared to make such a conclusion?

Just because this is Honkai Impact 3rd!

And the more Xu Ziling looked at it, the more horrified he felt... Because no matter how he looked at it, the Wendy in the photo Ling gave didn't seem to be the delicate girl who was easily pushed down in the three-bike...

On the contrary, she looked a little bit like the Emperor Wen Tian in the two-bike!

As the saying goes, I was timid in the third-bike... I hit hard in the second-bike! After seeing the appearance of this girl named "Wendy"... Xu Ziling felt that he had to investigate and even be wary of her.

If it was a mistake... Then Xu Ziling would apologize in the future and apologize for the surveillance during this period.

But if it wasn't, and a Wen Tiandi really appeared in this world... Then Xu Ziling would have a lot of fun.

After quickly glancing at Ling, who was crouching in fear and didn't dare to look over here, Xu Ziling's mind moved slightly, and the power of the Herrscher of the Void suddenly surged, constructing a communication space between him, Mobius, and Sakura to limit the spread of sound.

"Doctor... Sakura... I'll try to be brief..."

Quickly organizing his words, Xu Ziling told Mobius and Sakura all his worries and speculations, as well as the fact that the Honkai God is actually a face control. They are all trustworthy and trustworthy people, so there is no need to hide at this time, and the most important thing is to exchange information quickly.

After hearing this, Sakura was not surprisingly shocked by the fact that there is a Honkai God, but she is worthy of being an ace killer who has been licking blood on the edge of a knife for many years, and she quickly adjusted her mentality.

No matter whether there is a God in this world... As long as He doesn't threaten her sister, everything will be fine...

On the contrary, once Sakura's sister is injured by the God, no matter how slim the hope is, Sakura will also ask the so-called

God raised the sword of rebellion.

After all... Ling is Ying's only relative...


After listening to Xu Ziling's explanation, Mobius took a napkin and wiped his mouth and said,

"The more beautiful a person is... the more likely he is to become a Herrscher? And this girl named 'Wendy' is very similar to the Herrscher of Wind in your era... So you suspect that she is the potential body of the Herrscher of Wind?"

"Well... that's right. But the aesthetics of the God of Collapse is not something we ordinary people can guess after all, so I just said that there is such a possibility."

Xu Ziling said, and added,

"Doctor, if I remember correctly, the No. 1 High School in M ​​City, Mu Continent is not far from the Institute. If possible... I want to apply to go to their school after Ling starts school, meet Wendy in person, and then experience it personally. To judge whether she is a Wind Law Body...

If she is not, I will apologize to her; but if she is... then we really have to be prepared to face another Lawrence..."

And the reason why Xu Ziling was so cautious... was that he was indeed frightened by Wendy's face. He didn't think that the Wind Law of the previous civilization would be the kind of person who was crushed by a punch from the Titan Mecha...

After excluding the possibility of a person who was just a person, plus the other party's face... then the other party seemed to have only one script left to take...

Xu Ziling had no doubt that the old woman who was wearing the name of the God of Collapse on the surface, but secretly pulled his eyelids to force him to look at the God... in order to target him, the Lawrence of Reason who was not under her control, it was definitely possible that she would create another supermodel Wind Law.

Looking at the indigo-haired girl with extraordinary eyebrows in the photo, Xu Ziling's eyes were a little complicated for a while.

If there was a choice... he didn't want to judge a person by appearance based on a photo...

But there was no other way.

This Wendy's face was too scary.

It happened at this time.

[Ding~! Detected the trigger of a specific mission plot... "Demon God Mission·Pre-condition" triggered! ]

[Demon God Mission·Pre-condition: Explorer of the Collapsed World]

[Introduction: The host seems to have discovered the potential body of the Fourth Herrscher... but the emotions of this body seem to be different from normal. The host can get up now to explore everything about this body and understand her emotions and heart; or do nothing and wait quietly for the birth of the Fourth Herrscher. ]

[Note: The host's choice will directly affect the time of the birth of the Fourth Herrscher; and the time and opportunity of the birth of the Fourth Herrscher will affect the release of subsequent Demon God missions. Please choose carefully. ]

[PS: If the host feels that his current power is too weak... you can come to test the simulated universe. I have been doing the dungeon for a long time, and the first pass rewards are very rich...]

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