After the dinner, Xu Ziling and Mebius said goodbye to Ying and Ling.

Before leaving, Xu Ziling heard a voice of kneeling down and begging for mercy from behind him, as well as a series of "amiable" laughter.

I hope the person is okay.

Xu Ziling thought so in his heart, turned around and left, as if he had made up his mind.

Leaving behind the voices of "Big sister, spare my life! Big sister, I will never dare to do it again wuwuwuwu ... Looking at Mobius walking in front of the street in Mucheng, Xu Ziling thought about it. After all, he was the one who asked the doctor to go out for dinner for two tonight... but he met Ling and Ying again, although it was because of the Herrscher. But no matter what, he broke his promise tonight.

Let's go over and apologize.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling in the late night street of Mucheng lifted his golden hair and quickly followed Mobius in front of him.

"Doctor, about what happened tonight, I..."

"Hmm? Little white mouse, you're here just in time, come and take a look at this."

Mobius, who had been looking down at his phone, saw Xu Ziling approaching and spoke up,

"I just contacted Klein and asked her to check the information of the Wendy you mentioned. Here, the results are out, take a look."


Hearing this, Xu Ziling paused. He originally thought that his own doctor would be a little upset because he broke his promise... Now it seems that he was judging the giant snake by his own mean mind.

Mobius also noticed this, and she immediately rolled her eyes at Xu Ziling and said:

"Let's talk about business when it's time to talk about business. The Herrscher is about to explode, and all other personal matters should be put aside... Little white mouse, do you think I'm the kind of hypocritical little princess who will make trouble?"

"Uh... ahem, of course not!"

"Then why do you ask this? I'll punish you to do experiments with me all night tomorrow night."


There is no need to think too much about details when communicating with your own doctor. Mobius is not the kind of person who will find fault with words. He was like that before, purely because of the full of emotions in his heart. Now she has figured it out, and her inner emotions have been channeled, so naturally there is no need to pay special attention to those things that she doesn't care about.

After accepting the "punishment" from her own doctor, Xu Ziling also took the other party's mobile phone and watched the information about "Wendy" that Mobius Toklein had inquired about.

This is incredible. Once you see it, you will be shocked.

[I love to work overtime: Doctor... This is the information you asked me to look up. ]

[I love to work overtime: Wendy, female, Chinese American, yellow and white mixed, was born in Button City, America, and studied at Button City Blue Ribbon High School. Her father is a Chinese entrepreneur, and her mother is a famous physics professor in America. ]

[I love to work overtime: In addition, Wendy has shown an extraordinary learning ability at a young age. With the support of her father and the encouragement of her mother, Wendy, who is only fourteen years old, has mastered the knowledge reserves of three years of high school. And with her excellent grades and extraordinary interpersonal relationships, she was exceptionally admitted to Button University in Button City, America, becoming the only genius girl in the existing record who was admitted to Button University at the age of 14. ]

[I love to work overtime: In addition... Because of Wendy's own outstanding appearance, in recent years, there are hundreds of copper smelters who have been thrown into the prison of Button City in America for pursuing Wendy. ]

After reading the information Klein had compiled, Xu Ziling felt that his heart had completely died.

Genius girl? Outstanding appearance?

Countless suitors? Powerful parents? Family that understands and cares for her?

It sounds really good, and it can even be said that her life is perfect... But the problem is that the American Button City has collapsed!

And according to Ling's gossip, Wendy is the only survivor in her family!

Integrate the above entries, and finally add the entry attributes of "family broken up" and "life takes a sharp turn for the worse"... Oh my! What kind of protagonist template is this! ? ?

While Xu Ziling was surprised, Klein had already sent another message:

[I love to work overtime: Um... Sorry, Doctor, I just forgot to integrate the latest information, please wait...]

[I love to work overtime: Due to the disaster brought about by the collapse, the American Button City collapsed completely. Congress was busy fighting for presidential power and had no intention of governing the collapse of the Button City.

The survivors of the disaster. Wendy was abandoned as a survivor, but she was lucky enough to be rescued by the backbone of the Tianshi Group who went to the American continent to liquidate the loss-making assets. ]

[I love overtime: Then... she was sent to the Shenzhou continent, because she said that she still had a surviving grandmother there. ]

[I love overtime: I checked the records. After being rescued back to Shenzhou, Wendy applied for Shenzhou Longcheng University a month ago... but for some reason, this application was cancelled... Then a month ago, she applied for Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School in Mu Continent, and this time the application was successful. ]

[I love overtime: But... she didn't go to college... she went to high school. This... is a bit too unbelievable. In addition, applying for the highest institution of learning in Mu Continent at the age of 14 as a Shenzhou person is not recognized by the laws of Mu Continent... I personally still think there is something hidden in this, but when I wanted to investigate further... Tianshi Group, the largest investor of Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School, sent a warning to my account... Doctor, do you want to continue investigating? ]

[Doctor Harmless: That's enough... You should rest early, Klein, I'll let the little white mouse do the rest. ]

After Mobius got his phone back, he sent a message to Klein, then looked at Xu Ziling and said:

"Little white mouse, if you really think that Wendy is suspicious, my advice to you is to temporarily stop the investigation and wait for two months... It will be around September, when the high school starts in Mu Continent.

Aren't you familiar with the council chairman? Klein has already said that Tianshi Group is the largest investor in Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School. You go and tell the council chairman, and then I will issue you a certificate. When Wendy starts school in September, you can be her teacher. In this way, can't you investigate openly?"

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziling found that this plan was indeed feasible.

Although he suspected that Wendy was the Wind Law Body, anyway, the time was too short, and the Herrscher was born too short.

Now, it is only two months since the death of the Herrscher of Thunder and Vishnu of the Parallel Principle. Even if the Honkai Lady lowers her offline level, she will not abandon the Wind Herrscher in less than half a year after the death of the Herrscher of Thunder.

Especially if she wants to create a supermodel Wind Herrscher, it will take even longer.

So it doesn't matter if he waits for another two months, until the start of the school year in September. He can contact Wendy openly as a teacher, which can also reduce suspicion and reduce risks to the greatest extent.

"This plan is indeed feasible... I will listen to your advice carefully, Doctor."

Xu Ziling nodded slightly, then looked at Mobius and said,

"But... Doctor, if I want to teach there and contact Wendy as a teacher... I may not be able to do experiments with you every day like I do now. Is it okay for you?"

"It's okay."

Mobius said without hesitation, then paused and added,

"Hehe... I'm used to working at twice the speed with you, and I can't stand the research progress at one time... So little white mouse, I want you to start from At the beginning, I agreed with Tianjin to arrange a free teaching position for you in Mucheng No. 1 High School. It is best not to teach more than six classes a week, and the time spent per week should be controlled within eight hours.

With your ability, eight hours a week to get in touch with and understand a person is definitely enough... Besides, you don't teach for only one week. And other than that, you have to come back to me for the rest of the time. Anyway, Mucheng No. 1 High School is not far from the research institute. This is my order, understand?"

"Well... Yes, Doctor."


Late at night.

Since it was already dark, after returning to the research institute, Mebius went to Klein's room and found that Klein had fallen asleep on the desk, so he went to wash up first.

Xu Ziling was in the room, reorganizing the information and gains he had come into contact with tonight.

I met Ying and Ling in Mucheng, and even collected information about Feng Lu's potential body... This was both a surprise and an accident.

After eliminating this accident, Xu Ziling originally planned to go out tonight to raid the restaurants of the Tianshi Group to recover himself.

Now that he has received so much information from Ling, especially about the Herrscher of the Wind... Xu Ziling didn't eat much, but he was no longer hungry.

...Well, in fact, Xu Ziling also admitted that he said that simply because he wanted to invite his own doctor out for dinner, to replenish his body's energy... It was just an excuse.

Xu Ziling discovered a long time ago

, the reason why he thought that the way to become stronger was to eat... was mainly because he was misled in the early stage. He mistakenly thought that he was the Pillar Man, but he never thought that it was just a joke of the God of Collapse. His true identity was an extremely weak Ruler of Reason.

So eating can indeed help him restore his strength... but it is only to restore strength, not to strengthen it.

Vishnu's infinite growth characteristics can transform the food he eats into his own strength... but after opening his body, Shi Luo directly evolved by swallowing cities and mountains and seas without regard for consequences or costs.

But Xu Ziling certainly can't drink sea water and eat mountains like her... He can only eat normally, and the power that can be converted by eating normally is too little. Wanting to rely on crazy eating to become stronger is a wrong path.

So, if you want to become stronger, strong enough to overthrow the God of Collapse... you still have to look at the system.


[Yes... yes...]

I'm going to test you!

[Hmm... Hmm? ? Really (*゚∀゚*)! ? ? ]

Of course! Didn't you say that the copy of the second world of the simulated universe has been completed a long time ago? I haven't had time to test it before because of various things... But now that I have time, I can't just leave you alone, right?

[Uh-huh... You... You actually still remember... Uh-huh (T ^ T)...]

This... cough cough... I didn't have time before, I always feel that I have a lot of things to do recently... Okay, don't talk so much, let's start the test quickly. This time is still the same as last time, do you need to defeat the second world's final boss and answer questions?

[Hmm... In addition, if you can correct the twisted thoughts of the second world's final boss through actions including but not limited to strength/charm/speech, you can also draw an additional character ability of the final boss. ]

Then let's get started.

[Okay... okay! Please wait...✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。]

[Loading the "Simulated Universe·Second World" copy, please wait...]

[Ding~! The copy is loaded! ]

[Simulated Universe·Second World: The Burning Sun·The Ashes of the Fiery Fire]

[Facing a strong enemy: Molten Knight·Sam/February·? ]


When Xu Ziling opened his eyes again, his consciousness had already come from the room in the research institute to the copy space of the simulated universe.

The first feeling when he came to the simulated space... was hot, very hot.


The flames soared in the wind, and the scorched earth was covered with corpses. On the almost burned land, the unbridled flames licked Xu Ziling's body. The high temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius could cause severe burns to the flesh and blood in an instant?


Xu Ziling noticed this, his eyes changed slightly, and a blue light surged in his chest. He was about to use the power of the Ruler of Reason to create a high-temperature resistant membrane for himself to resist the damage of these flames.

However, before Xu Ziling subconsciously took action, a scarlet light emerged from his right arm.


Like blood dripping on the ground, the swollen eyeballs with hideous muscles connected to the tense flesh and blood nerves twisted into a semicircular thin shield around Xu Ziling's body. The surrounding flames encountered blood, just like encountering a flood and beast, and were suppressed in an instant.

"The autonomous defense function of the [Mimicry] Great Sword..."

Xu Ziling immediately understood the source of these flesh and blood eyes that were protecting him, and then looked thoughtfully at the scarlet giant sword that had appeared in his right hand, and said,

"It seems that every time I enter the simulated universe, I will be refreshed and restored to my prime... and [Mimicry] can also be divided into a part of me from the perspective of authority, so it is also recorded by the simulated universe and simulated?"

[Ding~! The host's guess is correct. ]

At this time, the system popped up again, and it sounded very excited, saying,

[Every time you enter the simulated universe test, you in the simulated universe will automatically return to your peak state, and make a combat balance system for you as a tester and the challenged boss to ensure the fairness of the simulated universe. ]

[Ding~! The second world boss has been deployed! The combat balance system has been adjusted! Please prepare for battle! ]

As soon as the floating text of the system fell, Xu Ziling's eyes instantly locked onto a giant figure that suddenly appeared in the scorched earth of his vision.

On this scorched earth planet, the tall figure that was at least two meters away was not affected by the surrounding flames at all, just like Xu Ziling. Even on this Baidu

Under the high temperature, its body also reflected some metallic luster...


Before Xu Ziling could think about it, the tall figure in his sight instantly spewed out flames from behind, and while rapidly closing the distance between him and Xu Ziling, he raised his huge metal fist and said loudly:

"I will - ignite the sea!!"

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