The first time, the second time.

Qianyu College, Class 1, Grade 3.

"MEI...Are you really not going to go together after school tonight? This time I really want to regret what happened last time."

In the classroom, the white-haired boy pushed the purple-haired girl in front of him and said,

"Didn't you also say you would give me another chance... Just this time, I'll show you my sincerity!"

MEI, who was sitting in front of the white-haired boy, felt someone pushing her from behind, her body trembled slightly, and then she made a silent gesture to the back without looking back, meaning that she was still in class and could talk after class.

Seeing MEI's statement, Kevin sighed helplessly, but since things had come to this, he had no choice but to wait until the get out of class was over before asking MEI's opinion.

At this time, the person who was teaching in the classroom was a bald middle-aged man who taught mathematics. He was a very professional teacher. He was looking at PPT and ignored the students' questions. He was also in a hurry to get off work.

However, such a teacher actually suits Kevin's appetite more, because such a teacher who is anxious to get off work will generally not delay the class, let alone care about the students. As long as you don't seriously disrupt the classroom discipline, you won't care if you sleep in class. The high school teacher has become a university professor.

Turning his head to look at Su at the next table, Kevin found that the other party was also listening to the math teacher's "waibibabu" and fell into deep thought. At least he was not the only one who didn't understand this class.

Once he had a companion, Kevin had a legitimate reason to sleep in class. His position was a little awkward, in the third row, behind MEI. If someone was patrolling outside the classroom, he would be easily discovered.

So he needed a lookout.

Thinking of this, Kevin tore off a little from his notebook, crumpled it into a ball, threw it to Su, who sat next to him, and made a lookout gesture that only the two brothers could understand.

Su, who was hit by the small paper ball, looked at Kevin, shook his head helplessly, and said nothing.

Kevin knew that the other party agreed to help him lookout.

Nice! Another fish!

Thinking of this, Kevin propped his head on the desk with one hand. From the outside, he looked like he was lost in thought, but from the inside, he had already fallen asleep.


Time also came to the evening.

"Kevin? Kevin! At your can you sleep? At your can you sleep? Huh? You, how can you sleep?"


Hearing this strange voice, Kevin woke up from his sleep in a daze. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was his good brother Su, and then MEI who was packing up and preparing to leave at the front table.

"Hey! MEI, wait for me!"

Kevin didn't care about anything else. He quickly tidied up his appearance, then pulled his good brother Su over and said,

"MEI, where are you going? Didn't you agree to give me a chance to make it up to you this Friday?"


MEI paused, then turned around and looked at Kevin, pushed his round-frame glasses, and said,

"I promised to give you a chance to make it up, but I never said that the day for you to make it up is today. I have more important things to do today, Kevin, go back to the playground to play basketball, and we'll talk about your business later."

"Hey, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Kevin, who couldn't figure it out, was a little confused.


Su, who was dragged here by him, sighed helplessly, then pulled Kevin's sleeve and said,

"This matter... I'm afraid you are the only one who doesn't know it, Kevin. A well-known biology professor will arrive at our school tonight to give a lecture, and MEI has already signed up. After signing up, MEI actually wanted to tell you about this matter, but unfortunately you went to play basketball in the club and missed this time."


Kevin retreated tactically, then looked at the expressionless MEI, then looked at his good brother with a helpless expression, and quickly hugged Su's arm and said,

"Brother! My good brother! Tell me, is it too late to sign up now? I want to go to class with MEI!"

"You...ah...forget it."

Su sighed helplessly, looked around, and after confirming that the teacher in the classroom had left long ago, he took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket and handed it to Kevin, saying,

"Here you go

, you wait and fill in the form in a place where no one is around. The software has been adjusted for you. Just enter your name below. "

"Oh my god! ... So Su, you also brought your phone!"

"... Please don't use 'also', thank you."

"Oh, okay."

Looking at the two brothers who dared to do what they did, MEI tilted her head slightly, smiled helplessly, and then realized her emotions, turned around and walked away slowly.


That night, in the lecture hall opened by Mebius at Qianyu College, in the circular classroom.

Kevin sat next to MEI in a dignified manner. At this time, the professor who said he was going to give a lecture had not arrived yet, so Kevin casually chatted with MEI.

"Hey! MEI, the professor hasn't arrived yet, don't study hard, how about we talk about something else?"

MEI, who was flipping through her notebook, glanced at Kevin and said with some so-called:

"What do you want to talk about? If you say those meaningless love words again, I will reconsider the rationality of acquiescing to you as my deskmate, classmate Kevin. "


His little thoughts were seen through, Kevin scratched his head awkwardly, but he is Kai Qianyu College's eldest prince, aristocratic handsome man, the king of love words, Wen, how could he be stumped by such a small difficulty?

Quickly adjusting his mood, Kevin clapped his hands and said with a smile,

"MEI, have you seen the news list posted on the campus wall? I also heard that there is a heavy news on it...'The most gorgeous performance at dusk is about to begin! ', which means that recently a great magician from 'Dusk Street' will come to Changkong City to perform magic. Do you have time? Do you want to go with me? "

"It depends. "

MEI did not refuse directly, but did not agree directly. His attitude towards Kevin was still indifferent... At least it looked like that,

"If I had nothing else to do at the time, I could consider it. But if I was in class at that time, please allow me to refuse. After all, I am not interested in "magic" anyway, Kevin."

"Hey! So you mean that as long as you have time, you will go?"

Kevin's comprehension ability has always been outrageous. He scratched his head and clapped his hands, and then said excitedly,

"Okay, MEI, I will remember your words. When the time comes, you will wait for that great magician to perform in Changkong City. I will definitely make you miss your class... No, I will definitely make you have free time!"

"You... Haha."

Listening to Kevin's slip of the tongue, MEI felt angry and funny. Just as she was about to say something, her eyes suddenly changed, and she immediately changed her words,

"Okay, Kevin, another classmate is coming. You should calm down and get ready. The professor must be coming soon. "

Kevin's ears suddenly buzzed, and he actually heard MEI's words as "the biology professor has arrived", so he immediately became alert and quickly cast his eyes on the podium in the circular classroom, wanting to see which biology professor could make MEI care so much.

Originally, he thought that the professor who could convince the Qianyu College officials to suddenly open a lecture hall for students must be a respected old man, and his age must be fifty or above, even if he is not in his seventies or eighties.

Until...the two peerless beauties, one gold and one green, walked into the classroom...


Xu Ziling and Mobius walked into the classroom.

After a week of glances, Mobius's eyes were directly locked on the girl who was sitting alone in the corner of the classroom with the same emerald green hair as himself.

Presumably, that person was the one recommended to him by Blanca, "Klein".

Seeing Klein, therefore The expression on her face was still a little confused. It was obvious that she was deceived and walked into the lecture hall that Mebius would give tonight. However, this was the effect that Mebius wanted. People who were too smart were not suitable to be assistants.

As for this first meeting now... well, Mebius was quite satisfied with this Klein.

He was very quiet, and his personality seemed to be very weak, which was suitable for him to attack. And although Klein's eyes were confused, her hands never stopped moving. Before "the professor" arrived at the lecture hall, Klein had been looking through her own biology notes, which showed that she was at least not stupid.

And she didn't glance around, and didn't sit with others. While she was withdrawn, she knew what she should look at and what she shouldn't look at. She had a clear goal in her mind for her actions.

It was really a pity that Blanca could find such a person, this person called 'Klein

Yin’s little guy seems to be the best choice for an assistant.

Xu Ziling paid more attention to the purple, white and gray trio in the classroom, and his eyes gradually became surprised.

Unexpectedly, a small circular classroom actually contained the future leader of the Fire Moth, the strongest warrior of the Fire Moth, Su Daxianer; and Mobius on his side, the creator of the future Fire Moth fusion warrior and her good assistant Klein...

This small classroom is really full of hidden dragons and phoenixes!

At this time, Xu Ziling noticed that Kevin in the classroom whispered something to MEI next to him, and then quickly gave a secret signal to Su behind him, and then Kevin stood up and stretched out his right hand.

Xu Ziling's face changed immediately.

Because based on his years of experience as a social animal, Kevin's posture and actions clearly indicate that he is preparing to say...

"Hey! Two beautiful ladies, the professor should be here soon. Stop standing there like an idiot. Do you want to sit over here?"

Kevin said, smiling as he pointed to the empty seats in front of himself and MEI, and said,

"We have the top student in our school here! If you don't understand something during class, we can discuss it after class, right? MEI and I never refuse questions from others! Especially... you are two pretty girls."

Pretty girls?

Xu Ziling was stunned, and then he looked behind him.

But there was no one behind him except the front door of the circular classroom.

No, Kevin was not looking at Sheshe, and there was no one behind him either? Where did this girl come from?

Wait, could it be that the person he was looking at was actually...

"Hey! Don't stand there stupidly."

In the moment of brainstorming, our Qianyu Academy's warm-hearted Prince Kevin, after obtaining MEI's consent, came over and patted Xu Ziling on the shoulder, and said with a smile,

"Beauty, come and sit here with us. When the professor comes to give a lecture, feel free to ask me if you don't understand anything! Although... uh, I may not understand it very well, but there are people around me who do! It's enough to satisfy your doubts!"

Xu Ziling: . . .

Hearing Kevin calling "Beauty" and patting his shoulder, Xu Ziling's forehead rose with a big "h" sign.

No, hey! MEI over there, your Kevin is out so wild, don't you care at all? ?

However, when Xu Ziling cast his eyes on the MEI, he found that MEI's attention was not on Kevin, but on himself... To be precise, on Mobius beside him.

MEI stared at Mobius, frowning from time to time, and relaxing her fingers from time to time, as if she was thinking about something, and as if she was denying her own thoughts.

And Mobius also noticed the situation on Xu Ziling's side at this time. After hearing what Kevin said, she smiled slightly and said:

"Don't suppress yourself, little white mouse, do what you want to do, as long as I'm here, no one can touch you."

Little white mouse?

Kevin was stunned, and then looked at Mobius,

What kind of name is this green-haired lady, and who is the little white mouse she calls?

Kevin didn't have time to think about this question.

Because a slender palm had broken through the air, "Snap!" Grabbed his wrist, and then a huge force came, and Kevin, who was stunned, felt that his vision was constantly rising... No! His entire body had been thrown out!


After bursting out a authentic Chinese curse, Kevin suppressed his fear and quickly did a 360-degree backflip in the air. After using the centrifugal force to stabilize the turbulent airflow around him, he landed steadily on the ground.


After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Kevin looked at the owner of the slender hand and said,

"No... Miss, are you a martial artist? Let's not start fighting right away, okay?"

However, it would have been better if Kevin didn't say it. As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Ziling, who heard the name he called him, suddenly turned black, and his legs instantly exerted force. With the momentum of cutting through the air, he rushed up again to punch Kevin.

"Wait! Little white mouse."

However, Mobius stopped Xu Ziling, stared at Kevin, and said,

"This guy can actually withstand your punch and act like nothing happened... Incredible, right? This shows that he is very valuable for research. Little white mouse, don't go for it, I'll help you vent your anger."


Xu Ziling stopped and touched his golden long hair. He was just giving Kevin

Hearing what Mobius said, Xu Ziling nodded and said, "I'll listen to you, Doctor." "It's not...what?" Kevin looked at Mobius who was walking towards him in astonishment, and leaned back tactically, "Miss, are you coming over to spar too? No, I never hit girls, and it's hard to explain if the teacher comes and sees it." "Hehe..." Mobius laughed, and his laughter made people's backs cold. Then, she stretched out her hand to Kevin and said in an extremely dangerous voice, "Classmate... what's your name?" "Huh? Are you asking for my contact information?" Although our Prince Kevin didn't understand what he heard, he immediately adjusted his posture due to his body's subconscious reaction. He stood up straight and smiled at Mebius, "Hey! Classmate, are you new here? I'm the first prince of our school. You can call me Kevin." "Kevin... OK." Mebius smiled, but his face suddenly became cold in the next second. He pointed his finger at the front door of the classroom and said, "Then Kevin, I now ask you to... get out of my classroom for disrupting classroom discipline."

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