The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


Kevin was instantly upset.

And the person who was also no longer calm was MEI who was still sitting in her seat.

In fact, MEI was already upset when Mebius said the first sentence.

After all, in her cognition, the doctor who was at the forefront of biology in the current era should have lived in Mu Continent, which was at the forefront of world science and technology, for a long time. No matter how she thought about it, she should not come to such a small city as Changkong City.

So when she let Kevin go out to meet the two peerless beauties, one in gold and one in green, MEI actually wanted to see if the lady with long green hair was the identity she had guessed in her heart.

And now... her appearance, her hair color... and the tone of indifference when she spoke, it almost made it clear that she was the Mobius who could single-handedly conquer the world of biology in this era!

Thinking of this, MEI hurriedly stood up from her seat, hurriedly ran to the top professor whom she had only seen on the news, patted Kevin on the shoulder, and said:

"Kevin, apologize to the teacher!"


Hearing MEI's words, Kevin was even more confused. After opening his mouth, he pointed at Mobius beside him in disbelief, and pointed at himself, saying,

"MEI... you... you mean... she, she, she... she is the one who is going to give us a lecture at our school Old biology professor? No... Look at her, does she have anything to do with the word 'old'? Huh? ? "

"No time now, I'll explain this to you later..."

Feeling that Mobius's gaze had shifted from Kevin to himself, MEI seemed to be under a lot of pressure. After patting Kevin again, he urged,

"Anyway, Kevin, you should apologize to the teacher now!"

"Ah... OK... OK..."

Kevin, who was naturally nemesis by the teacher, was shocked when he heard MEI say that Mobius was their teacher. He was depressed, facing Mebius with his head down, and said,

"Um... I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't know you were a teacher just now, I thought... Alas, I'm not very good at talking, and it's easy to make you angry if I talk too much... Anyway, I did something wrong today, I apologize to you, teacher, please don't take it to heart."

"Apologize? I don't need your apology, hehe..."

After Mebius glanced at MEI, he turned his gaze back to Kevin who was nodding and bowing to him, and said disdainfully Said,

"Being angry with you will only waste my precious time. I don't want to continue to be entangled with you at this time. You don't deserve it. Now I just need you to apologize to my little white mouse now, and then do as I said just now, get out of my classroom, and do what I say as soon as possible if you can understand human words. I don't want to waste any more words with you."


Kevin's expression froze immediately. It would be fine if he apologized to one person, but now he has to apologize to the second person, and they are all girls who were regarded as "targets" by him in the past! When has he, the great prince of Qianyu Academy, ever suffered such grievances?

MEI was afraid that Kevin would do something impulsive, so she patted Kevin on the shoulder and said,

"Don't be impulsive, Kevin, do as the teacher says."


It seems that the great prince of Qianyu Academy has to suffer this grievance today.

"I'm sorry!"

Kevin bowed fiercely to Xu Ziling behind Mebius, and left the classroom in disgrace.

Because of the fight between Xu Ziling and Kevin just now, it had actually caused quite a stir in the environment classroom. Seeing Kevin, the eldest prince of Qianyu Academy, actually bowed his head to apologize and fled, a certain Su Daxian sighed helplessly, and the other students were like vegetables being splashed with a spoonful of hot oil, and they instantly boiled.

"Oh my god! What's the situation with that green-haired lady and the blonde lady? Even Kevin got caught!"

"I don't know... But to be honest, those two ladies are really as beautiful as national goddesses! Damn, I'm going to ask for WeChat after class. Is there anyone who is going to go with me?"

"Me, me, me! Me!"

"... Handsome."

Listening to the commotion in the classroom, Mebius frowned slightly, then looked at the trembling MEI beside him, and said casually:


Since you can recognize my identity but don't reveal it, it means that you are at least smarter than the others here, and you should have some influence on your classmates, right? Now I give you ten seconds, find a way to make your classmates quiet down. "


MEI nodded. As the top student in Qianyu College, she still has some influence on her classmates. After hearing what Mobius said, she turned around and looked at the students in the circular classroom and said:

"Everyone! Be quiet for a while! This is the professor who will give us a lecture. Show your academic style and be quiet first!"

In front of these high school students of Qianyu College, MEI's words are indeed much better than Mobius's... Of course, they all know that MEI's family is backed by a father who has a listed company worth tens of billions. The main thing is that most of them don't know Mobius's true identity.

Look, after MEI shouted a few words loudly, the lecture hall really became quiet quickly. MEI coughed twice, cleared her throat, and added:

"Classmates! This is the professor who was invited to give a lecture to senior high school graduates today... Uh..."

Mei paused at this point. She didn't know whether it was good or bad to directly reveal Mebius's identity at this moment, so she had to look at Mebius for help.

"Professor Snake."

Before Mebius spoke, Xu Ziling rushed to speak, then pointed at himself with a smile and said,

"As for me, I am Professor Snake's assistant, you can call me Mr. Xu."


Mebius smacked his lips, looked at MEI casually, and said,

"Listen to him. "

Mr. Xu...?

Hearing Xu Ziling's self-introduction, MEI looked at Xu Ziling, the "national goddess" whose appearance was as good as her, the "Queen of Thunder and Lightning" in Qianyu College, and even better, and she actually called herself "Mr.". A question mark that could give ten stones immediately rose above MEI's head.

However, doubts are doubts, and we should not neglect the things that should not be neglected. Seeing that Mebius also agreed with Xu Ziling's statement, he bit the bullet and said to the students in the circular classroom:

"This is Professor Snake and her assistant Mr. Xu who are coming to our school tonight to give a biology lecture. Everyone! I know you may be surprised by their age, but human science is like this. Often the result you can't accept the most is the correct result.

And now, Professor Snake and her assistant Mr. Xu have come to the classroom, and the students should also show the demeanor of Qianyu students and don't neglect Professor Snake, okay? "

In order to make the whole circular classroom understand, MEI shouted loudly. In addition, she usually did not pay much attention to physical exercise. After shouting a few words, she was already a little out of breath.



Mei seemed to see a camera in a corner of the classroom taking pictures of herself who was now tired and out of breath, but when she focused her attention, the camera seemed to disappear again.

Is it an illusion?

MEI did not think too much. After listening to the words of her, the "first in the grade", the classmates in the classroom quieted down and turned to look at Mebius and said:

"Mebius... uh, Professor Snake, you can start the lecture."

Hearing this, Mebius was not in a hurry. After staring at MEI for a while, he smacked his lips and said:

"Tsk, what a pity..."

"? "

Hearing this, MEI became even more confused, and looked at Mebius in confusion, asking,

"Professor, why do you say 'what a pity'?"

"What a pity for you?"

Mebius waved his hand indifferently, saying,

"What a pity that although you are smart, you are destined to be incompatible with me...Okay, go back to your seat, little girl, you also said that I will start the lecture, and this is my podium."



After MEI returned to his seat, Mebius picked up the oak ruler on the podium and knocked on the table, saying,

"The little girl has already said what I should say, so I will start the lecture next...There is no loudspeaker, and my voice is like this. Those who are willing to listen will consciously come to the front seat; those who don't want to listen will leave my class directly, and I won't stop them. "

After Mobius finished speaking, many students in the circular classroom looked at each other and consciously took their notebooks to sit in the front seats. Klein, who was originally sitting alone in the corner of the class, also thought for a moment, picked up his notebook and study books and sat in the front seat.

"Very good."


Looking at Klein, who was always alone in the classroom and didn't sit at the same table with anyone, he nodded with satisfaction, threw a USB flash drive to Xu Ziling, and said,

"Little white mouse, insert the USB flash drive, and then start the lecture."

Xu Ziling inserted the USB flash drive as required, and a PPT with a few big words on the large Xiwo whiteboard in the circular classroom suddenly jumped out-

[Modern Biology: Evolution of Biology and Human Ethics]

Then, Mobius took out a pair of round-frame glasses from his arms and put them on. He actually talked about his knowledge and achievements in biology like a university professor...

But it seems a bit beyond the scope, because Mobius is not talking about high school biology or university biology, but about her own understanding, views and attainments of "biology" as a top biologist at the forefront of the world's biology. What she is talking about at this moment is not the knowledge called "biology", but the knowledge called "Mobius".

Under the completely out-of-scope teaching method of Mebius, the students in the circular classroom who were originally full of enthusiasm lowered their heads in shame like wilted cucumbers, because they found that they understood every word Mebius said, but when they put them together, they were confused.

But it doesn't matter. In fact, Mebius didn't think that most people in this class could understand what she said from the beginning, and she didn't care, as long as the "Klein" recommended by Blanca could understand it. After all, from a certain perspective, she prepared this class for Klein alone, and the others were just incidental.

According to Blanca... the academic major that "Klein" is preparing for in the future is biology. If she is really as good as Blanca said, then she should be able to understand her course.

As expected, as the class progressed, Klein, who was sitting alone at the edge of the class, gradually showed a little light in his eyes, which were the same as Mebius's blue-iris pupils. The pen in his hand kept recording Mebius's lectures in the notebook, and his expression changed from confusion at the beginning to enlightenment, and then slowly developed into understanding and recognition.

Seeing this scene, Mebius knew that the purpose of her trip had been achieved. According to the experience she learned from a certain "pink devil", as long as a weak girl like Klein felt a sense of identity and belonging to her ideas, then she only needed to go over and point out a few questions after the class, lower her posture slightly, and then "accidentally" say that she was in need of an assistant recently, and finally say at the right time that her true identity was Mebius, who could vibrate the entire world of biology just by stomping his feet. Then, as long as a weak girl like Klein was not stupid, she would definitely follow her.

However, this Klein still has a little flaw. I have been staring at her for so long, but she has no reaction at all. Her anti-reconnaissance awareness is too poor. Before, Mebius had to attend the shareholders' banquet due to lack of funds. She got drunk several times, and it was Blanca who rescued her safely. If it were Klein, who is not at all defensive against other people's eyes, then it would not be a question of whether she could rescue Mebius, but she herself would fall.

But this problem is not something that cannot be made up with time. When Klein follows me, I can let the little white mouse who specializes in physical fitness take her to train her anti-reconnaissance awareness.

Thinking of this, Mebius slowly moved his eyes away from Klein, and quickly glanced at the other people in the circular classroom. He found that most of the students in the classroom were already lying on the table in a daze. Only Klein, MEI, and Su still maintained a sitting posture.

Among them, Su's expression was a little embarrassed. Compared with Klein, who was specialized in his profession, and MEI, a student of the Hexagon, Su was obviously the kind of person who had IQ, but not much. An awkward existence.

And Mobius, who noticed this, simply waved his hand and said:

"Okay, I'll stop what I want to say here. There are still... um, thirty minutes before your evening self-study get out of class ends. Then, little white mouse, you go on. I'll go out for a while and prepare some things."

"Ah? I'll continue?"

Xu Ziling, who was also drowsy at the side, heard Mobius's instructions, pointed at himself with a look of surprise, and said,

"Doctor, the gap between you and me... seems to be not a little bit?"

"Just follow the PPT, who asked you to really go on stage to speak."

Mobius waved his hand, then walked to the front door of the classroom and said,

"Come to me after class."

, I'll go prepare something..."

Prepare what?

Of course, after class, Mebius can be "noticed" by Klein, and then "kidnapped" by Klein.

Realizing this, Xu Ziling's mouth twitched.

But... am I here to give a lecture?

Xu Ziling looked at the podium where only he was left, and the eyes that MEI and Klein cast on him after Mebius left. After thinking for a moment, he walked to the desk, picked up the blackboard eraser and knocked on it. The sound was not loud, but it was just enough to wake up everyone who was drowsy in the classroom.

"Wake up, how can you sleep at your age? Get up and go back to sleep! "

Xu Ziling hugged his chest, because before he crossed over and went to work at the dog company, he was also one of the thousands of students, so he knew what kind of voice could be used to wake up these students who were slacking off in class.

After hearing Xu Ziling's words "get up and go back to sleep", the expressions of these students suddenly became a little embarrassed, and one or two of them laughed, changing the dead classroom atmosphere just now.

"As you can see, the doctor left in advance, and I will take over the class for the next 30 minutes before the end of the get out of class."

Seeing that everyone in the classroom woke up from a coma because of his voice, Xu Ziling nodded with satisfaction, then turned off the PPT on the multimedia, unplugged the USB drive, closed the sliding blackboard, turned around and looked at the students under the podium, and said,

"And my teaching method is slightly different from that of the doctor... I don't like to read the PPT by myself, I like to hoot... no, I like a communicative class. Next, I will tell you what is a real 'biology' in the form of questions. "

Xu Ziling deliberately let slip a few words, successfully attracting the attention of all the students in the classroom. This interesting and bold way of teaching was unheard of by most of them. One by one, they were very excited and ready to speak what this "professor's assistant" was going to say.

Xu Ziling was not surprised by this. After all, the boss before he traveled through time, who would sooner or later be hung on the street lamp, used similar rhetoric to deal with his honest employees, calling it "mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees." Now Xu Ziling learned and used it on this group of students from Qianyu College who had not yet been beaten by society.

"Then, all the students in the class are in place, please listen to the first question!"

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the whole class had been mobilized by himself, Xu Ziling took the chalk on the podium, turned around and wrote a few big words on the blackboard, and said loudly,

"Classmates! "Please", "Listen to me" - Why do birds fly? "

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