The two sides of the two sides have been separated.

"Then, the current situation is obvious."

Tian Jin's eyes passed over Mobius behind Xu Ziling and fell on Xu Ziling again. His sandy white pupils showed a smile, but with his short black hair, it really didn't make people feel the word "gentle".

"Miss, you are eager for me to give you an explanation, to explain what we, the councillors, did in the 'two hours' from the captain submitting the report to the task approval, right?"

"No, I have no interest in what you did in those two hours."

The most basic seduction-based rhetoric, Xu Ziling naturally could not fall into the other party's trap and return the initiative he had finally won to the other party, he directly interrupted,

"The victim can only see the 'facts' you did... and the fact is that you delayed the time for two standard system hours, causing countless Changkong City residents who should have been saved to close their eyes forever. The person you need to explain to is not me, but the millions of innocent residents of Changkong City who are now sleeping under the ruins of Changkong!"

Xu Ziling deliberately emphasized the three words "millions" in order to accelerate the brewing of public opinion and make this Tianjin councillor, who represents the fire-chasing moth, fall into the quagmire. And the facts proved that he was not lying. After all, ordinary people's resistance to Honkai radiation is infinitely close to zero, and they will die if they are touched.

Changkong City was eroded by the Herrscher-level Honkai energy. It was good that more than two digits of people survived. These were very few lucky ones, and the vast majority of them had already turned into dead soldiers or Honkai beasts at the moment of the Honkai outbreak.

As expected, as soon as Xu Ziling released this news, the reporters who could not bear the doubts in their hearts and wanted to come forward to interview suddenly exploded, and one by one, they all lost their voices-

"Millions?!... Millions of ordinary people died? As far as I know, although Changkong City is a first-tier city, it is located in an island area, and the stable population is only over two million. The death of millions of people does not mean... Changkong City... is completely destroyed?"

"Are all the people in a first-tier city... killed?"

"This is different... This is different from what Mu announced. Didn't they say that only a few hundred people died? Why is there such a big gap between the information we received and the actual number of deaths?!"

"Mr. Tian, ​​as a member of the Mu Federation, what explanation do you need to give for the casualties in Changkong City announced by Mu and the casualties actually reported by the victim?"

Faced with the reporters' repeated inquiries, Tian Jin, who failed to gain the upper hand again, frowned slightly, glanced at Xu Ziling without leaving a trace, and smiled indifferently.

Then, Tian Jin raised his hands and slowly pressed them down, making a "quiet" gesture, and said loudly:

"Reporter friends, please be patient. The rescue plan for Changkong City was also an emergency operation launched in the early morning of the previous night. We acted hastily and decisively, and it is normal to have omissions. After all, everything we do is to save more people, and all other minor things can be put aside.

As for the number of casualties we announced to the public... If I remember correctly, the display documents edited by the member of the News Department have always been "estimated casualties". Estimates ≠ reality, I think this should be the most normal thing.

As for why the estimated casualties can be so different from the "facts" told by this friend... Haha, before answering this question, please allow me to ask all the reporter friends, please ask, what is it? When... a 'joke' that was made with ulterior motives or even carefully designed... can be called a fact?

Come, let's open our eyes and take a good look. Although this friend keeps saying that she and Dr. Mebius are refugees who escaped from Changkong City. But... their clothes and cuffs are neater than anyone else present. What does this mean? It's self-evident, right? What do you think, my dear journalist friends?

Look at their calm expressions and neat clothes at this moment, and think about the exhausted and dirty rescuers in Changkong City who are trying to save even one more refugee? What a sharp contrast? What a sharp irony?

They said that millions of residents in Changkong City died? Then please ask! Friends! We! After the disaster

We rushed to Changkong City to rescue the first time! How much effort did we put in to implement the rescue, and how many soldiers died? Is it worth their nonsense? !

But what about some people? It’s okay if they don’t know how to be grateful. The Mu Federation doesn’t care about the sharp eyes of others, but these people actually want to use this sad event that is enough to make everyone mourn to fabricate news and try to deceive the eyes of the majority of people! This is something I absolutely cannot tolerate as a sitting member of the Mu Federation.

Of course, I know that what I am saying now may cause dissatisfaction to some people, and it is more likely to be cut off by those with ulterior motives and made into explosive news. But... I have to say it, why?

Because this is the fact! We can’t let those with ulterior motives use our sympathy to achieve their ulterior motives!

Mu’s actions are fair, the eyes of the masses are sharp, and time will prove the truth of every word I said today! It will also prove who... is the snake that intends to inject poison into civilization..."

After saying that, Tianjin deliberately glanced at Xu Ziling and Mobius behind him.

Avoiding the sharp edge, attacking the weak link, winning the sympathy of public opinion while provoking, and making an impassioned speech in front of the masses, these are all simple, but extremely useful rhetoric methods.

And Mobius frowned. Among all the incumbent members of the Fire Moth, the one who made her feel most disgusted was Tianjin, not only because of his identity as the Minister of Finance who could directly strangle her neck, but also because of his almost pervasive rhetoric and fraudulent means.

After being manipulated by Tianjin's reverse operation, Xu Ziling's painstaking battle just now was Although the advantage of the bureau has not collapsed, it is still on their side. Most of the reporters here are in a gambling mentality. If the "millions of sacrificed people" that Xu Ziling just said is true, then they can write an epic explosive news that is rare in a century.

But it is obvious that most reporters are not people who like to gamble. Compared with Mobius and Xu Ziling, they are obviously more willing to believe the words of Tianjin, the incumbent member of the Mu Federation.

If Mobius can be equal to Tianjin's status, there is still room for maneuver. Unfortunately, Mobius's personality to the outside world is an extremely sinister and evil doctor of biology. Before, she didn't care what outsiders said, but she didn't expect that today Tian himself and Xu Ziling would actually fall because of such a difference in status.

Tianjin, the ruling member of the Mu Federation and the chairman of the Shenzhou Tianshi Group, although there is nothing particularly bright and upright, it is indeed enough to crush Mobius, the evil doctor who is full of "darkness" in the face of public opinion.

What should I do? Should I go back in disgrace today? Wouldn't that be equivalent to admitting the stigma of "spreading rumors"? Admitting that I lost to the member of the council who chased the fire moth this time?

The former is easy to say, after all, Mobius's reputation in the outside world is already bad enough, and it doesn't matter if it's just one line. No matter how many times 0 is multiplied, it is still 0.

But the latter... Mobius has no doubt that he dared to be in this group of chasing fire moths today. If she admits defeat in front of the Fire Moth Councillors, they will dare to push her to the ground tomorrow and suck her blood the day after tomorrow. So is it impossible to admit defeat? No matter what kind of admittance, it is impossible.

If the people present were all Fire Moth Councillors, she would not mind pointing at Tianjin's nose and scolding him, and then using various amplification reagents as benefits to coerce and lure him.

But... now there is only Tianjin, the Minister of Finance who is not afraid of her status, and there are reporters all around. How can she operate?

She can't operate at all!

Mobius was a little overwhelmed. Facts have proved that she should rot in the research institute. It is really not suitable for her to go out and face these media opinions.

"Click. "

At this time, Mebius felt a slender finger patting her shoulder. She subconsciously turned her head and found that the beautiful woman with blonde hair was standing behind her with a smile.

His deep and unfathomable green eyes never looked at Mebius from beginning to end, but Mebius inexplicably felt a sense of victory. It's like teaming up to fight a boss, and then finding out that your teammates are the real big boss!

The key is that after the boss's identity was exposed, he didn't rebel, and turned around to go with you to kill the monsters. This sense of security and victory is truly unparalleled.

"Little white mouse, you..."

"It's okay, let me deal with this person, Doctor."

After Xu Ziling calmed his own doctor's mood, his eyes met

Even when he glanced at the "Tianjin", it was not a good habit to be distracted in the intrigues of the workplace. However, now that Tianjin was in a stage of self-expansion with a sure victory, it was harmless for Xu Ziling to be distracted a little.

Tianjin, who was once again surrounded by reporters, also cast a look at Xu Ziling. There was no ridicule or sneer in that look, but only a meaningful smile. Xu Ziling also knew that Tianjin was trying to recruit him.

...Don't ask Xu Ziling why he could know Tianjin's inner thoughts with just a slightly revealed look, because before he traveled through time, his dog boss used that kind of look to dig him over to be a company animal.

Before I traveled through time, I was young and ignorant, and I believed your lies. After I traveled through time, I, Xu Ziling, could still believe your lies. I ** changed my name to Xu Zi0 on the spot!

Of course, these are all things on his mind. On the surface, Xu Ziling noticed a certain feature of Tianjin, chuckled, and then said,

"Mr. Tian... your behavior really hurts me... But fortunately, I like to keep a hand when doing things, otherwise, the doctor and I might really leave today with injustice."

Xu Ziling's voice was not loud, but it was just enough to cover the noisy reporters. Coupled with Xu Ziling's stunning appearance, he was like a heroine on the stage when he spoke, and instantly quieted down the hungry wolves in the audience.


And Tianjin's eyebrows also raised. He didn't believe that someone as smart and cunning as Xu Ziling would not see his intention to recruit just now. Even two seconds ago, he was still thinking about how to find a way out for this friend and Dr. Mobius behind him, so that he could really make this friend.

But now it seems... it seems that Tianjin is sentimental.

And Xu Ziling reached out to his collar button.

Tianjin's previously calm expression suddenly changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand to cover his eyes and said:

"Miss, please respect yourself... Bodyguards, it seems that they are tired, send them back to rest first."

However, how could Xu Ziling do as he wished? Ever since Tianjin made a fuss about Xu Ziling and Mobius's clothes, it was equivalent to building a coffin for himself. This may contain deliberate temptation and provocation, but Xu Ziling had no reason to use the handle that was handed to him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Tianjin, your remarks... make me sad!"

After dodging the blockade from the bodyguards in an instant, Xu Ziling grabbed the white coat he was wearing and threw it out like a cloak. His expression was no longer calm, but became extremely sad, as if he was really a suffering person who had experienced the end of the world!

Control your expression and gain sympathy. Public opinion likes to see a reversal the most. Grasping this point can bring hope of a comeback at certain necessary moments.

Aren't they criticizing the clothes and the face?

Well, let them see what kind of shocking wounds and scars are buried under these neat clothes.

"Everyone... do you understand now?"

After taking off the white coat, Xu Ziling was wearing nothing else but the platinum bishop's uniform, which was riddled with holes after the battle with the Ruler of the Void and could and could only cover the key parts.

Of course, the damaged version here is just for self-entertainment to relieve tension. The reporters only need to see the drastic difference between Xu Ziling's clothes with holes at this moment and the white coat before.

"My dear friends... I am very sad, really sad. I don't understand why even clothes can be used as a tool by some people? If the angle of the parliamentarians is so tricky, then what is the meaning of the name of Mu country's 'World Flag'? What can it protect? What can it guard?

I put on white clothes, firstly because of my and the doctor's identities; secondly, it is because the tragedy in Changkong City is too painful! I don't want to bring this pain to the public and shamelessly let others share it with me, but as people who have lived in Changkong City and as the very few survivors among the millions of innocent souls, the doctor and I are , we have the obligation and have to travel through mountains and rivers to come to Mu Continent to ask for explanations and reasons for the tragedy in Changkong City!

In order not to lose face for the people behind us, is it wrong for us to wear clothes that at least look more decent? In order to rescue everyone as much as possible, is it wrong for us to desperately contact various parties to support Changkong City after we first arrived in Mu Continent yesterday? We are now representing the millions of innocent souls behind us to question the congressman who ignored us. Is it wrong? !

Millions of innocent souls, but only a hundred people sacrificed, the gap between the two is too huge! It's too ironic

Thorn! Friends, is the life of an ordinary person destined to become a number between these high-level officials and congressmen? No! We are people! Not numbers! We should fight for the rights and protection we deserve!

But what about the Tianjin congressman who represents the ‘Mu Federation’? What is the congressman who should lend a helping hand to ordinary people doing? I didn’t see the openness and honesty they publicized to the outside world! All I saw was endless plots and endless kicks!

You keep saying that my words are lies, and there are not so many sacrifices in Changkong City... Then why! You dare not open a global live broadcast? Let the people of the world see the miserable situation of Changkong City now? !

Friends! People! It’s time to open your eyes and take a good look. The tragedy in Changkong City has become a precedent, and the hundreds of thousands of families have turned into millions of innocent souls! And what I see now is the attitude of the ‘parliamentarians’! They deceived us! They harmed us! They blinded the eyes of the people and poisoned their safety!

It’s time to wake up! Friends! Because this is no longer a matter of indifference. If even the ‘flag of the world’ is unwilling to take responsibility for the people in the disaster, if millions of casualties can be fabricated as lies by hundreds of people, then the thing called ‘disaster’ has never left the top of any of our heads! If I turn a blind eye today, who will speak for us tomorrow? ! It’s time to make a clear judgment! Friends from all walks of life! ! "

It was also an impassioned speech, but Xu Ziling was so distressed when he opened his mouth. The sadness and indignation revealed in his expression and eyes did not seem to be disguised at all, although... he did experience the disaster in Changkong City personally.

The difference between his speech and Tianjin's was that he only needed to add some emotion when stating the facts, while Tianjin needed to use countless lies to make up for the previous lies.

What's more... Xu Ziling was born with a face that was easy for people to identify with.

Of course, even if we put this aside, Xu Ziling also found something very remarkable in Tianjin. As long as this guy is indeed a flower similar to his dog boss, then this hair It is enough to make all the other party's plans completely collapse...

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling maintained his grief-stricken expression to incite the media's emotions, while looking at Tianjin without leaving any trace.

At this moment, Tianjin frowned after being surrounded by the media, but it was just frowning without any extra emotions.

It can be seen that as long as he wants, he can argue with Xu Ziling here for a whole day, even if he uses countless lies to make up for his previous lies, this guy's watertightness is definitely enough to deceive most of the reporters and media.

After thinking for a while, Tianjin said:

"First of all, the Mu Federation did not refuse the opening of global live broadcast, and we are already preparing. Secondly, the Changkong City incident has not yet come to an end, and Mu has never been unsure of things, so we can't announce the rumors to the public for the time being, not to mention..."

"What's more, all the words I just said are all jokes, and your real handle is here!... Right? Mr. Tian? "

Tian Jin swore that he really just blinked, and the next moment, Xu Ziling's figure suddenly enlarged in his field of vision. He quickly picked up a silver-white hair from Tianjin's shoulder, looked at Tianjin proudly, and said,

"As expected of you, my dear old dog... No, my dear congressman friend, even here, you are still you, right? I just don't know... How is the delicate flower hidden in your office these days?"

"......? !"

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed across Tianjin's face, and Xu Ziling turned his head and looked at the reporters with a smile, and said:

"'Listen to me'...Reporters, your role is over here, delete the record, and forget everything that happened in the past hour.

Then...Mr. Tian, ​​we can talk about those things about you hiding a beauty in your office...Haha, don't ask me why I can associate a hair with the classics of hiding a beauty in a golden house? That's not good for you...Hehe..."

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