The old man was in trouble, but the truth was revealed.


When faced with an emergency, Tian Jin did not seem too flustered. He quickly calmed down, glanced at Xu Ziling's right hand on his shoulder, and glanced at the reporters around him who were in a trance and obviously abnormal. He knew that he must have offended a great god this time.

After a long silence, Tian Jin's white eyes looked at Xu Ziling and said:

"Sorry... Ma'am, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't hide anyone in my office because there is no need. Moreover, I must remind you that you are in Mu Country now, and you are attacking a member of the Mu Federation. Have you thought about the consequences of doing so?"

"Well, I have thought about it, but that is not something you need to worry about, Mr. Tian."

Xu Ziling nodded with a smile, his right hand still on Tian Jin's shoulder On the top, he gently twisted the particularly slender silver-white "hair" and said,

"As for those messes in your family...Haha, I really think I know this better than you, my dear old friend. Now I know every handle of yours, what handle are you going to use to clamp me in turn? Haha~ If you can do it, just do it. I am really looking forward to what new tricks you can come up with for me, you know?"


Tian Jin was silent again, and his sandy white pupils looked at Xu Ziling uncertainly.

And Xu Ziling's mouth corners slightly raised, he knew that he had made the right bet.

Before crossing over, he knew that his boss had a little secretary in the office, and it was illegal, but at that time Xu Ziling also had a handle in the hands of the boss, so it could only be regarded as a check and balance, and he could not directly report him.

When seeing Tianjin, this similar flower, Xu Ziling thought, would this guy also have a little wife in the office? After the previous multiple attempts and the final knock on the door, plus Tianjin's crucial silence, Xu Ziling knew that he had won from now on. At the same time, he sighed in his heart that this guy was worthy of being the dog boss's similar flower, and the XP was exactly the same.

Oh... By the way, the "hair" that Xu Ziling just quickly stretched out his hand to grab was actually just nonsense. There was actually nothing in his right hand now. He just wanted to trick Tianjin's reaction and emotional expression, which was a case of pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

And looking at Tianjin's current reaction, Xu Ziling really did pull the rabbit out of a hat.

Of course, this was only because Xu Ziling had an absolute information gap, while Tianjin knew nothing about him, and it was a coincidence miracle created by psychological warfare and human suspicion. If there was no absolute certainty, who would be willing to use such a high-risk method of pulling a rabbit out of a hat?

Looking at the silent Tianjin, Xu Ziling smiled slightly and suddenly said:

"Mr. Tian, ​​your next sentence is... 'If you are upright, you will be upright. I don't understand what you are talking about.'"

"If you are upright, you will be upright...?!"

Hearing Xu Ziling's accurate prediction, Tianjin could no longer sit still. Fear, viciousness and suspicion kept flowing in his sandy white pupils, and finally turned into a strong suspicion.

After a long time, he spoke again:

"...How do you know?"

"From my expression? Mr. Tian, ​​do I look like a blind person?"

Xu Ziling waved his hand and smiled,

"Your expression has almost exposed your inner thoughts. With a certain psychological substitution, it is not difficult to guess your inner thoughts at this moment."

"...That's not what I'm talking about."

Tian Jin's face was gloomy, and he waved his hand,

"I'm talking about...about do you know? I don't believe that you can associate so much with just a strand of hair."

Hearing this, Xu Ziling laughed immediately, and felt relieved.

Then, he took his right hand away from Tianjin's shoulder, and as if he was afraid that Tianjin couldn't see clearly, he deliberately put it in front of Tianjin to show it.

And Tianjin also clearly saw that there was nothing in Xu Ziling's right hand.

Then, Xu Ziling's joking voice sounded:

"Of course I can't make so many associations based on just a 'non-existent hair'... but who told you to tell me the answer? My... old, friend."


Hearing this, Tianjin's eyes changed drastically, and he subconsciously said,


...You cheated me?"

"If you are willing to believe it."

Xu Ziling responded with an elusive smile.


Tian Jin was silent for a long time. When he spoke again, his expression was no longer as firm as before. Instead, he looked away and said lightly,

"The news about her cannot be leaked...Just tell me, what do you want?"

Xu Ziling immediately showed a satisfied smile, as if he had met an old friend.

Then, he gently stretched out his hand and made a pistol gesture against Tian Jin's forehead, and slowly said:

"Don't worry...old friend, I won't lie to you."



"Amazing! It's really amazing!"

Fang Mobius, who took the return bus back to M City with Xu Ziling, looked at the balance of his mobile phone account and said in surprise,

"Little white mouse, what did you say to that old fox? He actually asked him to approve 1 billion yuan of funds for us at one time! Even through his personal enterprise payment instead of the official funding approval of the Fire Moth. You know, the gap between the public and private is not a little bit! "


After Xu Ziling glanced out the window, he pretended to be mysterious and half-lying on the backrest of the unmanned car, smiling and saying,

"In fact, the intrigues between people are just three words, information gap. I took advantage of this and stepped on the tail of Mr. Tian, ​​magnified his misunderstanding and added 99% threats and 1% inducement. It's that simple."

"Information gap? Little white mouse, how can you, a primitive man who jumped out of a stone, have any information gap?"

Mobius looked at Xu Ziling with suspicion.

Xu Ziling coughed twice and said:

"With more experience, you can judge people accurately. Can't the doctor tell who is a genius and who is a fool at a glance? I have a similar idea... But compared to this, I thought you would ask about the group of reporters who suddenly stopped moving. "

"What is there to ask? The application of Honkai energy."

Mobius waved his hand and said,

"After my research on Honkai, I found that all the unscientific and unreasonable things in the world can be explained by Honkai energy. Since you can control Honkai energy, it should not be a rare thing to make those reporters temporarily lose their memory."


After thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling nodded in agreement and said,

"Doctor, you are right, Honkai is indeed omnipotent."

After thinking for a while, Mobius turned off the mobile phone showing a balance of 1 billion and put it back in his pocket, then suddenly moved towards Xu Ziling and took his hands.

"? "

Looking at Mobius who suddenly came towards him and grabbed his hands with a malicious smile, Xu Ziling slowly typed a question mark, swallowed his saliva and asked subconsciously,

"Doctor... what are you doing...?"

"Little white mouse~..."

Mobius smiled and looked at Xu Ziling. She was almost half-pressed on Xu Ziling. Her narrow and long blue rainbow eyes narrowed slightly, like a venomous snake looking at its prey... and Mobius's sudden behavior also made Xu Ziling's breathing suddenly pause.

Xu Ziling thought for a moment and decisively lowered his body. Although he still didn't know what was going on, this benefit was delivered to his door, so why not?

Although saying that he was the one below made Xu Ziling feel ashamed of his male I don't know the identity of the woman, but if the doctor wants it, why can't I be the one below? !

Doctor! Come on! I'm ready! Please reward me!

After Xu Ziling lowered his body, Mobius in the back seat of the car almost pressed directly on Xu Ziling's body. Her blue eyes were full of smiles, and she stretched out her slender fingers and gently pinched Xu Ziling's delicate and delicate cheeks.

Then, she smiled and said:

"Little white mouse... Why didn't I find that you have such a talent in speech before? How many surprises do you have that I don't know? Forget it... Even if you are only proficient in speech, it will make me feel much more relaxed.

Little white mouse, to be honest with you, I just have a great idea. What do you think? Why don't I give you my ID card directly in the future? When the Fire Moths have a meeting in the future, you will be "Dr. Mobius", and I will stay in the institute and do experiments with peace of mind. How about it? "

As he spoke, Mobius, who was pressing on Xu Ziling's body, stretched out his left hand and fumbled in his white coat for a while, and took out an ID card, and easily put it on Xu who was not resisting.

Ziling's neck.

"Well... very good."

After Mobius nodded with satisfaction, he got off Xu Ziling and sat back in his seat, smiling and waving at Xu Ziling,

"Then, I'll leave the meetings with those old guys to you, too? Xiaobai... well~ I should call you Dr. Mobius now."

Xu Ziling: . . .

No... Doctor! You've put pressure on me! And you tell me this? !

Is this appropriate? Huh? ? ? ? ?

"I won't do it!"

Xu Ziling sat up with anger, tore off the ID card on his neck, and said angrily,

"Doctor! I need to emphasize that my rhetoric has not yet reached the level of being invincible in the world! You think I am so powerful only because I have a blood bonus when facing certain groups... Besides, don't just push your problems onto me! I can help you but not in this kind of daddy-like way!"

Xu Ziling's direct refusal made him look low in emotional intelligence, but there was no other way. After all, the feeling of being unable to rush after being established was really painful. It was really the best result that Xu Ziling did not get angry and push back.

As Xu Ziling said, he has never been a person who can stay calm and wise all the time, but he has a professional bonus and experience bonus when facing some groups.

Although he looks like him and behaves in a similar way, he is not the scum of the world in the post-collapse era. At least... he has a physiological reaction. Mobius showed him that he had established himself but was not responsible. Can't he have a little temper?

It's better to say that having a temper is a normal reaction!

And Mobius looked at Xu Ziling who was angrily throwing the identity card back to him. After blinking, he felt that he was inexplicably tickled, so he chuckled and said,

"Ah~ Little white mouse, you are still angry."


Xu Ziling was so irritable at the moment that he said angrily,

"You showed me that you established yourself but were not responsible. How can I not be angry? Don't you allow me to have a temper? You...why don't you stop talking and let me go slowly."

"Tsk tsk tsk...Okay, little White rat, don't be angry. Since you have done an extraordinary job and secured 1 billion in funding for the institute, I will not do experiments for the rest of the day. Just as that guy Alicia said she has gone back, let him take you, Klein, and little Grayshu to eat, drink and have fun on Mu Continent... Of course, I will go too, just as a companion for you. "


"What? You don't want to?"

"...Doctor, can't it be just the two of us?"

"...Also OK."



Mu Continent's capital, Mu City.

As the largest private enterprise in Shenzhou, Tianshi Group is involved in many forces and spheres of influence. In addition, with the chairman Tianjin's status as a core member of the "Mu Federation", this group has its own branch even in the capital of Mu Continent.

Mu City, inside the Tianshi Group building.

Seeing their vigorous chairman return to the group, a graceful secretary immediately came forward and said:

"Chairman, ME's Lei has sent you seventeen calls, apparently for the ME headquarters that was destroyed along with Changkong City. He just sent you the eighteenth call. Are you still rejecting this time?"

"No. Get out."

"This... Chairman, he is the president of ME after all. Your tone may make me..."

"No, I'm not asking him to get out, but you. The guy from ME is not named Lei. His real name is Beichen... You can't even control this bit of true or false information. You can get out. Don't let me see you in the company tomorrow."


The graceful secretary was shocked by the fact that she was fired. The vigorous Tianjin ignored her words and walked straight to his "office".

Just like most movie scenes, after entering the elevator, Tian Jin's fingers pressed a string of strange numbers on the elevator buttons, and then, the elevator did not rise but descended, bringing him, the chairman, to his real "office".

After a lot of identity recognition, the elevator stopped, and the "real office" of the chairman of Tianshi Group also came into view.

Well... it may not be appropriate to describe it as an office. When the elevator stopped, this dark room hidden underground is more appropriately described as a "home".

Yes... home.

Unlike the pure white and efficient buildings on Mu Continent, this hidden room is

The underground darkroom, from the layout to the furnishings, is really more like a "home".

From the shoe rack wardrobe at the entrance, to the sofa and TV in the living room, to the smoke and fire in the kitchen.

There is no high-tech like Mu here, only simplicity; there is no indifferent human feelings like Mu here, only the warmth of family.

And there is a sign on the right side of the entrance -

[Office of the Chairman of Tianshi Group]

Then, the last three standardized words "office" were crossed out with crayons, and replaced by a clumsy but cute crayon font, with the word "home" written crookedly.

Read together, it is - [Home of the Chairman of Tianshi Group]

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