The old man was very happy, but the old man was very happy.

…Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

“Miss MEI, we have learned what happened and also seen your talent. I believe you already know what to do next without me saying anything.”

In the central conference hall of the highest city government of Mu State.

On the high platform, the only two figures were looking at MEI below the stage. One of them was a peaceful man with a mustache. After taking off his hat to greet MEI below the stage, he spoke earnestly,

"The destruction of Changkong City deserves the mourning of the entire civilized society. As the daughter of ME Society, the news that the ME Society headquarters located in Changkong City was destroyed along with Changkong City is undoubtedly a huge blow to you... But you don't need to worry about it, Miss MEI, your father has already found me."

In response, MEI nodded and didn't say much.

The gentleman with a peaceful face continued to speak:

"After learning about what happened, I and Europe behind me feel sad for your energy. The prosperity of Changkong City should not stop here, and a girl like you should not live in sorrow all day long... For this reason, I will only represent myself and Europe behind me to provide international assistance to Changkong City, while extending a helping hand to you and your father's ME Society. I hope you can get rid of the current predicament as soon as possible and continue to carry forward your academic heart..."

"Well, Mr. Mist, I understand."

MEI nodded, her expression was normal, and there was no sign of grief at all.

Or, she has long been accustomed to controlling her emotions.

The peaceful gentleman was particularly satisfied with this. After a happy but polite smile, he said:

"Haha, don't be so reserved. Miss MEI, you can call me 'Mr. Bai Wu' or 'Senior Wu' in your hometown dialect."

Then, without waiting for MEI to speak, the holographic image of a white man with a face full of flesh hanging opposite "Bai Wu" spoke first:

"Tsk tsk tsk... Bai, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you are a bit weird, right? Just because the kid from ME Club asked you for help, you want to open a backdoor to his daughter? Have you thought about the feelings of the other survivors in Changkong City? What if they gather together to denounce the public opinion later? What about you?"

"... Then I will take in every poor person who died in Changkong City."

Mr. Bai Wu frowned slightly, and then he in the holographic image vigorously pounded the gentleman's cane in his hand, and said in a gentle tone,

"Yan, your thoughts are too cold. Human beings are a whole, not a group of certain people. When disaster strikes, we should help each other. This is what human beings are like... To be honest, long before receiving Miss MEI, my country announced on the Internet that we are willing to accept everyone who died in Changkong City. Because my country and I are of one mind. Because my country and I set an example.

Human beings... should not be as cold-blooded as you say. . "

"Okay, okay, okay, okay... After all, who doesn't know that our Mr. Bai is a world-famous saint."

The top leader of America, code-named "Smoker", lit a cigarette for himself, and then looked at Bai Wu opposite him and said with a smile,

"... Hey! But, Bai. It was agreed in advance that you were the one who promised to help them. I only promised to support Changkong City, but I didn't say that I would take in this group of refugees. If the refugees want to come to America for refuge... It's not impossible. But they have to pay."

After saying this, the Smoker thought for a moment, looked at Bai Wu and laughed:

"What if they don't have money? ... It's simple! Isn't there still Is the White Mother willing to help them? "

"None of your business! Let those poor people who have already suffered so much migrate to your 'free' land, you and I both know what it means."

After responding to the words of the Smoker in a tough manner, Bai Wu looked down at the watch on his wrist and said,

"My people and I have made a unanimous decision, and you don't need to intervene... Well, time is running out. Smoker, you go offline, I will have a few words with MEI."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Well, it seems that my presence here will only disturb the performance of your White Mother."

As he said this, the Smoker glanced at the meeting, which was obviously composed of five people, but three of them were absent.

venue, thoughtfully said,

"The Internet in Africa is always bad, and the guy from Suzhou did drink too much last night, but... Tianjin from Shenzhou refused the invitation to the meeting? Tsk tsk, could it be that guy knew from the beginning that this meeting would not be good for him... Haha~! It seems that I have to learn a few more tricks from that kid in the future..."

The smoker muttered to himself, and the projected body gradually dissipated. Before leaving, he glanced at MEI. The look in his eyes was seven parts smile and three parts teasing, as if he was waiting for the show to start.

MEI still didn't show much emotion about this.

Before coming, she knew that the five highest representatives of Mu Country, except for the one from Shenzhou who could not take over the staff due to family disputes, the other four were the highest leaders of the countries in their regions.

Among these five people, the one from Shenzhou had clearly rejected ME's request for help. Now the ME headquarters building was destroyed along with Changkong City, and countless funds that could have been circulated were also destroyed.

MEI's father, as the chairman of ME, was already in debt after the collapse of the headquarters building. Now he can barely keep the company running, but in the long run, what awaits him and ME will definitely be imprisonment and disintegration.

MEI doesn't mind being alone, but she doesn't want to see her father thrown into prison for the reason of foreign debt, so she agreed to her father's request and sought help from Mr. Bai Wu, the supreme leader of the European Alliance and one of the five permanent members of the Mu Kingdom.

Because in today's society, everyone knows that Europeans are overly compassionate, and their supreme leader Bai Wu is also a well-known saint. Shenzhou's Tianshi Group has clearly refused to help ME, so the only one who is most likely to help ME is Mr. Bai Wu, who leads the European Union.

And Mr. Bai Wu does sympathize with MEI's experience and appreciates MEI's talent in academics.

"Time is running out, Miss MEI, let me make it short..."

The gentleman-like Mr. Bai Wu looked at the time again and said to MEI,

"My country and I are willing to help you and your father... But it is not appropriate to help without reason. So, at Yan's suggestion, we designed this negotiation for you, and the person you need to negotiate with is Dr. Mebius..."

After that, without waiting for MEI to speak, Mr. Bai Wu added:

"Of course, I know that it is indeed a bit too difficult for you to have Dr. Mebius as your current negotiation opponent. ...But this plan was proposed by Yan, and Yan is the nominal leader of the five of us. Even I have to take his decisions sometimes...

However, Miss MEI, you don't have to worry too much. Because my countrymen and I have unanimously decided that no matter the outcome of this negotiation, whether you win or lose, we are willing to accept you... The people of Europe will always be your strongest backing. "

Let MEI, a high school student, negotiate with Mobius...

This sounds a bit funny, but when I heard that it was the decision made by the amazing Yan in America, this matter seemed to make a lot more sense instantly.

Well... maybe he didn't think he could beat Mebius in the negotiation from the beginning, and just wanted to take the opportunity to disgust Mr. Bai Wu who supported him...


MEI took a deep breath, then looked up at Mr. Bai Wu, bowed sincerely, and said,

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, I thank you for your help on behalf of my father... But you haven't said what I need to pay, or maybe I am not well-educated and can't see Mr. Wu's true intention, please tell me clearly."

"Alas... I really can't do anything with you young people... Well, since this is your request. Then please let me put aside the gentleman's etiquette for the time being and tell you clearly."

Mr. Bai Wu smiled slightly After shaking his head, he said,

"MEI, by now, you should have understood that your academic talent far exceeds anyone in our era... My people and I support you, but our ability is limited, and we can only choose the best ones to support first... Your father has made the right choice, and we will not let you down.

But at the same time, please don't let us down... Don't worry, we don't ask for much, we just need. When you become successful in the future, you can remember that when you and your father were in the most difficult time, the people who helped you were Europe, not Shenzhou... That's enough."


Hearing this, MEI was silent for a moment, and then

Then he said,

"Suppose... one day in the future, there is an unavoidable conflict between Europe and Shenzhou. Do I need to identify myself as 'Europe' first?"

"You can choose to help... or you can choose not to help. Of course, it depends on you."

Mr. Bai Wu patiently explained his doubts and added,

"Europe never forces anyone to do something they don't like. If Miss MEI doesn't like it, then you don't have to stand on our side... But, if Miss MEI doesn't stand on our side, but stands on the side of Shenzhou... then I'm afraid that my people and I will be for MEI. I feel sad about Miss I's actions. "

You won't help either side...

After quickly sorting out Mr. Bai Wu's true intention, MEI nodded and said,

"I understand... Thank you for your care, Senior Wu."

"Well, it's great that you can understand..."

After Mr. Bai Wu nodded, his eyes changed slightly and he said,

"Okay, Miss MEI, get your mood together. The doctor who needs you to negotiate has arrived."


When Xu Ziling, Kevin and Su walked into the conference room, Xu Ziling also noticed the purple-haired beauty standing under the central podium.

Looking at the figure projection that had quietly disappeared, Xu Ziling smiled.

Well, he had made a lot of mental preparations for today's negotiations with the national leader-level opponent, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

As for why MEI appeared here... it was not difficult to guess, but Xu Ziling preferred to hear MEI say this herself, so he just hugged his chest, smiled and stood aside with Su waiting,

As for Kevin?

That guy had already seen that the "expert" turned out to be MEI, and he ran out in a flash,


Kevin shouted in surprise, the joy of meeting an old friend overwhelmed all the thoughts in his mind for a while, he just wanted to run over quickly and hug his sweetheart in his arms to confirm that she was really intact.


MEI on the central podium also showed joy after hearing this familiar voice that had accompanied her for almost three years in high school, but more of it was surprise and confusion.

But before she could start thinking more, the sunny and cheerful white-haired boy had already rushed to her and hugged her in his arms.

"MEI... Great! It's really you! You're okay!"

Kevin is now extremely excited and happy. Since he stayed alone to fight the tank-level Honkai beast to cover MEI a few days ago, he didn't know how many days he hadn't seen MEI. During these days, the doomsday scene of Changkong City has always lingered in his mind.

The surprise made Kevin look empty for several days, but what he was more worried about was that his MEI would also die in that doomsday!

After meeting Su, Kevin was relieved after learning that MEI was safe, but until now, after seeing and feeling the safe and sound MEI with his own eyes, Kevin's heart was completely relieved.

This is a disease, a disease called I feel uncomfortable all over if I can't see MEI for a day. The paramecium in the future also suffered from a similar disease, but Kevin's is obviously more serious.

After Kevin suddenly hugged MEI, her brain went blank for a short time, followed by a warm and happy feeling, but soon, this emotion was replaced by a strong doubt.

She patted Kevin on the back, signaling Kevin to let her go first. Then she glanced at Su and Xu Ziling around her, her eyes becoming more and more confused.

Finally, she focused her eyes on Xu Ziling, who was smiling and even recording with his mobile phone, and asked doubtfully:

"Assistant Xu, I had a good initial impression of you, but... why did you bring Kevin and Su here? As Dr. Mobius' assistant, you came here to inquire about the situation, which is understandable, but Kevin and Su... they should have nothing to do with the debate and meeting we want to have today. I don't know how you found them, and I can't figure out why you brought them here... Can you explain to me why?"

"Why bring them here?"

Xu Ziling laughed when he heard it, then shrugged and said,

"MEI classmate, next time before asking others, it's better to ask yourself first... It's a good habit for good students to ask questions when they have questions, but if you ask questions too many times, others will naturally think that your image is just like that... What do you think? MEI classmate.


Yes, if I hadn't picked them up along the way, they would have been chewing tree bark in the green belt of Mu Continent today. Let me reiterate, it’s not that I want to use them to coerce you. Before today, I didn’t even know that you were the person I needed to negotiate on behalf of the doctor... In fact, I didn’t care about them at all. They took the initiative to pursue me. car. "


After Xu Ziling finished speaking, he did not pause, but took out a small ticket and handed it to MEI, saying:

"I can see that you have a very good relationship with classmates Kevin and Su. This is the money they paid for my meal last night. Please reimburse me."

MEI: "..."

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