After the two of them were together, they were still very busy.


MEI quietly took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to reimburse Kevin and Su for the three buckets of instant noodles. He looked at the two of them with doubts in his eyes, but more of a complex look.

“That… ahem, MEI, listen to me first…”

Kevin’s IQ is low, but his EQ is not low. After being looked at by MEI, the experience accumulated in three years of high school immediately let him know that MEI was asking him why.

However, before he could start explaining his and Su's experiences in the past few days, MEI waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, Kevin... No matter how it went, you are back with me now. Why you chased Assistant Professor Xu's car really made me curious and even puzzled... But, after all, I promised Mr. Bai Wu in advance to help him attend the meeting with Professor Mobius today. Wait a minute, when I'm done with things here, I'll talk about you... I'll also tell you about my experiences in the past few days."

"Ah... this... is that so."

Hearing this, Kevin immediately wilted again.

Kevin actually understood the reason why you can't talk about private matters in public occasions, and MEI's current behavior is indeed normal. It's just that when he thought about his bizarre experiences in the past few days, he couldn't tell his favorite person at the first time. This feeling really made him feel very painful.

Su patted Kevin's shoulder, didn't say much, just stood silently beside Kevin.

Then, MEI's eyes swept through the people in the conference hall, and finally fell on Xu Ziling, who was watching the show with his arms folded. After frowning slightly, he said:

"Assistant Xu, the news I got here is... you are here to attend today's negotiation meeting on behalf of Dr. Mobius, and I am here to attend today's negotiation meeting on behalf of the parliamentary representative... If there are no other questions, we should be able to start now."

Xu Ziling shrugged, stretched out a finger to MEI, closed his left eye, and smiled and said:

"MEI classmate, to be honest, I am really surprised that you are here , I never expected that the students who used to listen to the lecture would now stand on the opposite side of Dr. Mobius... Your courage is admirable, but compared with Dr. Mobius, you are eighteen years old, and you have too little qualifications and experience. "

"... Yes, I don't think I can beat Senior Mobius in negotiations now. But Mr. Bai Wu said... The focus is not on the result of this meeting, but on the meeting itself. They need to create a worthy investment for me... Hmm."

MEI was halfway through her words before she reacted. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at Xu Ziling in surprise.

And Xu Ziling chuckled. MEI is indeed the leading genius of this civilized era, but her age is there, and her father and Kevin protect her meticulously. The eighteen-year-old genius girl is as pure as a white lotus, and she can't stand the temptation of the giant snake that has been lurking in the dark for several years.

Just like now...Xu Ziling doesn't need to say anything more, MEI has already told him everything he should and shouldn't say.

Using seemingly irrelevant words to hint at the other party's next move, while guessing the other party's range of activities and thinking inertia, and gradually getting the other party's intelligence, this is also a particularly important part of workplace communication.

"Assistant Professor Xu, you..."

"Haha~ After all, let's put things in perspective. I can't relax the doctor's instructions to me just because you were once my student, right?"

Xu Ziling smiled slightly, picked up the ID card on his chest and gestured to MEI, saying,

"Okay, okay... MEI, since both MEI and 'Professor Mobius' have entered the negotiation, can we start the negotiation now?"

"... Just be happy."

MEI also knew that her experience in rhetoric was infinitely lower than that of Xu Ziling on the opposite side. After sighing helplessly, she said,

"Since the assistant professor has already asked, then okay - the accusation and negotiation about "Mobius's embezzlement and bribery" and "Mobius's hit-and-run and illegal research" will begin now."


Without thinking, Xu Ziling knew that the things MEI said were definitely told by the group of fire-chasing moths behind her, Old Biden. Right from the start, she put such a big shit pot on "Mebius".

Only those old men could do such a thing.

Faced with this kind of big hat that is 99% slanderous, if it were the real Mebius, he would probably be so angry that his teeth would itch, or at least glare at him coldly.

But unfortunately, the person who came to the meeting today was Xu Ziling, who was wearing his own doctoral vest.

What's more regrettable is that although MEI did take off the hat as requested by the parliamentarians. But looking at her expression, Xu Ziling knew that MEI, who was too young, didn't know how to use her bargaining chips flexibly.

Although the White Mist parliamentarian of the Fire Moth did have ulterior motives, no matter what, the goal of Xu Ziling's trip this time was successfully completed the moment he faced MEI.


"Um...ah...ah...choo! "

Mebius, who was directing Alicia and Klein to move his precious research equipment to the drone, suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose and shook his head in distress.

Alicia, who had already loaded the experimental freezer containing the core of the Herrscher of the Void, heard the noise here, and walked over with a smile and teased:

"Oh♪~Dr. Mobius, remember to put on more clothes when it's cold?"

Hearing Alicia's words, Mobius frowned even deeper, looked up at the bright sunshine in June on Mu Continent, waved to the other party impatiently, and said,

"Alicia, after moving the things, I will look at your navigation... How could I catch a cold in this weather, so it must be the old guys of the Fire Moth who are cursing me, hehe..."


Hearing this, Alicia raised her eyebrows, and then half-jokingly said,

"Really? ...But I remember that our Dr. Mobius said that those things are feudal superstitions and are the most untrustworthy, right? "

"Stop talking nonsense..."

Mobius curled his lips and said,

"Of course I don't believe in feudal superstitions, but I believe in my little white mouse...Since the old guys of the Fire Moth are trying to make me sneeze by cursing me, it means that everything is going well with the little white mouse. Otherwise, those arrogant old guys wouldn't curse people. "


Alicia stretched out her finger and tapped her lips. After thinking for a while, she smiled and said,

"If Dr. Mobius really cares about Xiao Ziling's current situation, why doesn't he call him? "

As soon as Alicia finished speaking, a particularly magical mobile phone ringtone sounded -

"Outside the car window~this night~is full of light and colors..."

After hearing this particularly charming mobile phone ringtone, Mobius's face darkened, stared at Alicia, and questioned:

"Alicia, you stole my phone again? ? "

"Oh~beautiful girl's business, can that be called stealing? It's just that seeing that Dr. Mobius has always used the original ringtone, I changed Dr. Mobius to a cuter music♪~"

"Not you..."

"Hey~! ...Little Grayshu just called me, I'll go and pick her up, okay? Doctor, answer the phone first, bye~"


Looking at Alicia running back to the villa room quickly, Mobius clenched his fists angrily, but soon she loosened them and looked at the phone interface. The phone call with the note "My cute little white mouse" came in. The corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she muttered to herself,

"The caller is only the little white mouse, not the whole group of messages bombarded by the congressmen... It seems that things have been done. The next step is to return to the core research institute with dignity and use the 1 billion funds legitimately... Hehe~, Alicia, even if I'm in a good mood this time, I don't care about you changing my phone..."

Thinking of this, Mobius answered the phone.

"Hello? Doctor... Where are you now?"

Naturally, Xu Ziling's calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Just put the Herrscher core on the drone car and prepare to go out. "

Mebius told the truth, then looked at Klein who was still moving things, and added,

"But except for the Herrscher Core, the other things are actually dispensable. After all, I have a ready-made one in the research institute in the capital of Mu Country... Why, little white mouse, you are asking these now. Is the negotiation completed?"


During the phone call, Xu Ziling looked at MEI who had already sighed and retreated, and the complaint he had uploaded, which accused the Fire Moth Councillor of fabricating facts and infringing on other people's property, and nodded,

"It's over. The negotiations went better than expected... But Doctor, I must remind you

Yes, according to the intelligence I got from this negotiation meeting, the congressmen who accused you have other intentions. They care not about the result of this meeting, but the people who attended this meeting. "


Mobius raised his eyebrows, and then asked quickly,

"Little white mouse, have they attacked you?"

"No. We are still maintaining superficial peace."

Xu Ziling shook his head, and then added,

"Doctor, the 'person' I'm talking about is not me, but the 'expert' sent by those congressmen to negotiate with me."

"Tsk... If you don't dare to go up, you send others to act as the death squad... Hehe, this operation is really exciting."

After hearing Xu Ziling's report, Mobius smiled disdainfully, and then said,

"Okay, little white mouse, I already know the result of the negotiation. Wait for us there. Klein and I will pick you up now. ”

“Well... Doctor, why don’t you ask who the ‘negotiation expert’ sent by those people is?”

“What does it have to do with me who the expert sent by a group of cowards is? Little white mouse, why do you think I care about that kind of person?”


Hearing this, Xu Ziling rubbed his chin, pondered for a long time, and then spoke,

“Doctor, this time it may really be related to you... Doctor, the ‘expert’ sent by the congressmen to negotiate is our classmate MEI who met once at Qianyu College in Changkong City.”


Hearing this, Mobius became a little more interested. Xu Ziling had already reminded him to this extent. Mobius’ IQ was not low. He quickly connected the dots and asked,

“So... it was the old guys of the Fire Moth who saw MEI’s talent and forced her to negotiate with you who represented ‘Mobius’? MEI, the slightly smarter little girl, will be on the top of the hot search because she dares to face "me", which gives those congressmen a reason to invest in her. Then support a researcher who can compete with me to break the current situation where I am the only one monopolizing the scientific research community...

So, you would say that the focus is not the result of this meeting, but the meeting itself, because those congressmen never thought about winning from the beginning, but just took the opportunity to support an existence that can divide my power and is easy to be controlled by them... Hehe, retreating to advance, this little calculation is quite interesting. "


Mebius is so smart that she guessed the cause and effect of the matter with a few key words, which seems to be different from Xu Ziling who was ready to explain it for her.

After Xu Ziling pondered for a moment, he asked:

"Then, what are you going to do next, Doctor? If you need it, I can help you contact MEI first. If those congressmen want to suppress you through MEI, they should be more or less obstructed. "

"It doesn't matter, just do whatever you want."

Mebius said casually, and then realized that his way of speaking seemed a little wrong, so he added,

"Little white mouse, what I mean is... Although MEI does have some talent, her personality is destined to make her different from me. She can't help me with the problems I encounter in my field, and I still have to continue to think hard on my own... Similarly, I can't help her with the real problems in her field, and she needs to find a way out on her own.

And what I mean by saying this is that the members of the Fire Moth think that supporting MEI can check and balance me, but they don't know that our research fields are not in the same direction at all. It doesn't matter to me whether MEI grows or not. She won't affect me, nor will she help me.

So, little white mouse, if you have nothing to do, you can negotiate with MEI to build a good impression; but not negotiating will not have any impact on us, it all depends on your own mind. "

"Well... OK, Doctor, I understand. "

"Okay, then wait for us over there. Bring the last Gray Xiu with us and we'll be ready to go. There's no need to deliberately slow down to keep people on edge this time. We should be able to reach you before dark, little white mouse, remember to keep in touch at any time."



The capital of Mu.

After Xu Ziling hung up the call, he smiled and looked at Kaisu and the other two who were telling MEI about their experiences over the past few days.

When they had almost finished talking, Xu Ziling smiled and walked forward, stretched out his hands and patted MEI and Kevin on the shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Apart from our different standpoints, the teacher actually likes several of you very much. If you don't mind, let's go out for dinner together later... Don't worry, this time it's the teacher's treat, no

I'll use you to reimburse me."

Kevin seemed a little flattered when he heard this. After all, freeloading is always very exciting.

MEI thought about it. The "Mr. Bai Wu" who helped her and the ME Club behind her only asked her not to help the congressman of Shenzhou, but did not say that she could not get acquainted with Mebius, so she nodded and agreed.

After all, in her opinion, as the assistant of Dr. Mebius, Xu Ziling has a lot of things worth learning. If the other party is still willing to teach her, she will definitely grow up faster.

"Then... what to eat?"

Su consciously opened the topic, making them forget that they were in the highest city government of Mu country. The atmosphere of the conversation was like a gathering of friends.

Xu Ziling smiled again and said lightly:

"Tianshi Self-service... Ramen Restaurant."

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