Because the next show is the last show, the two hosts had various awkward chats on the stage.

In fact, the real intention is to ease the atmosphere of the scene.

Although the dance of "Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands" was not seen by many people except the freshmen who rehearsed together.

But the principal himself made the host delay for five minutes, which made the two hosts very desperate.

There is no other way, then we can only bite the bullet and have an awkward chat.

But what was even more embarrassing was that the audience didn't care what the two hosts were talking about.

Everyone's thoughts are still on the sketch just now.

"What's the name of the female section chief just now? She's so pretty."

"Is the screenwriter Li Bai again?"

"I heard clearly this time, the screenwriter is indeed Li Bai, this kid is really awesome."

"Who says no? I have his ability to make up stories, and I want to go to art school."

"Don't make trouble, he's the top scorer in the college entrance examination, to be honest, this kind of genius may only come out in hundreds of years.

"Do you think this is the end? I've inquired, and the finale show was written and directed by Li Bai."

"No way? Is there going to be two skits in the finale? That would make the whole party seem frivolous."

"What do you know? Since it's the finale show, it must be different from the previous skits."

"Actually, I think the drama "Thunderstorm" excerpted by the previous teachers is good, and it can be the finale.

"That's a tragedy, and it doesn't fit the mood of the show's finale."

"Stop arguing, these two hosts are really funny, and they don't know how to chat awkwardly."

Finally, the two hosts survived five minutes of death time.

For a while, all the lights on the stage were dimmed.

The audience subconsciously stopped chatting and focused their eyes on the center of the stage.

Then a long dragon floated out from the backstage, shadowy and shining with golden light.

With the help of the unknown golden light, the audience can vaguely see the outline of human beings.

The music sounded, but the lights on the stage were still not turned on.

However, black cloaks were thrown on the stage one by one.

The faint golden light before suddenly bloomed.

It was a beautiful girl, and the clothes on her body and the gold powder on her body had a fluorescent effect.

This is a bold adaptation of Li Bai.

He spent tens of thousands of dollars to get the costumes for "Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands".

Especially those golden fluorescent powders, in order not to harm the performers' skin, Li Bai deliberately found a cosmetics research institute to analyze the ingredients.

For a moment, everyone was attracted by the beautiful figure on the stage.

Then a pair of arms stretched out like a peacock spreading its tail.

Especially the audience facing the stage exclaimed even more.


Unparalleled shock!

At this moment, any skits, dramas, songs and dances were all left behind by the audience.

Their eyes are only on the uniform performance on the stage.

"Avalokitesvara? It's so beautiful."

Under the shining of fluorescent powder, Lu Yao is so beautiful.

Holy, atmospheric, colorful.

The pairs of arms behind them are even more uniform like machines.

The actors backstage had already removed their makeup and gathered in the stands.

Originally, they were secretly delighted with their wonderful performance before, but at this moment, they clearly felt the gap.

This dance is simply a blow to my own program.

Even the bosses of those media groups who were used to seeing the peerless dance moves were stunned at this moment.

Elegant, wonderful, like a dream.

The accompaniment music is melodious, exuding bursts of Zen.

Although the dancing posture is only moving the arms, everyone is staring at the stage in a daze.

Only Li Bai looked depressed.

All the dungeon monsters on the scene are already empty of blood, but if you look carefully, there is only a trace of blood, and they will not lose blood!

Li Bai even unlocked blood locks for these dungeon monsters with suspicion system.

Isn't "Avalokitesvara" not shocking enough?

Just look at the sluggish audience in the auditorium.

Even those big shots couldn't take their eyes off at this moment.

Damn the system, I'm going to complain!

Li Bai almost scolded his mother, could it be that this task and the dungeon are really impossible to complete?

So what about my semiconductor industry?

Without a mature process rewarded by the system, Longguo wants to develop it on its own. Even if it has a new type of lithography technology, it will take at least 8 years to catch up with those semiconductor giants.

But at that time, it was the era of ultraviolet laser lithography machines.

It is estimated that it will take many years to do research and development.

Li Bai really can't afford to wait.

The 6-minute "Avalokitesvara" was finally over. After a moment of silence, the audience stood up one by one, cheering and applauding far beyond all previous applause.

"Thanks to our freshman students for bringing us a real visual feast, and of course to Li Bai, the choreographer of this dance."

The hostess slowly walked onto the stage with a microphone in hand.

I don't know who suddenly shouted: "Let Li Bai come out, we have to see this genius with our own eyes."

For a moment the audience started chanting Li Bai's name.

Even Li Bai himself was intimidated.

It's a problem if you can't go up.

But if you don't go up and someone discovers your identity, you're afraid you'll be beaten to death, right?

What dungeons, what branches, all were left behind by Li Bai.

Or his own life is more precious.

Just when Li Bai was about to sneak out, the cell phone rang, and it was the principal himself calling.

To accept or not to accept?

'. "Hello? I'm at the scene, what? Let me be on stage? I'm just a behind-the-scenes staff, you say the crowd is angry? Principal, your words are not right? Well, I'll go up to appease the audience.

No way, who asked President Wang to say something, do you want me to kneel down and beg you?

How can this not give face?

Sneaky walks from backstage to center stage.

Seeing Li Bai, the flustered hostess seemed to see a savior and almost cried.

Li Bai took the microphone: "Well, um... I am Li Bai, it's useless if you ask me to come up, I'm just an ordinary behind-the-scenes worker, or I'll help you call some outstanding troupe artists Seniors and sisters?"

"You can also put on a show."

"Yeah, let's sing a song, your song "Lancheng Lancheng" is pretty good."

Li Bai was a little embarrassed, he really didn't prepare a show, but in the current situation, if he didn't (Nuo Hao Zhao) do something, he really couldn't get off the stage.

No way, he could only borrow an electric guitar from the backstage.

"Since you guys like calling my name so much, let's sing "Li Bai"."

A melodious sound flows from the strings.

"Most people want me to learn to see with a worldly perspective. I have studied the worldly perspective seriously. If I can do it all over again, I will choose Li Bai, so that my creation can reach such a high level and be so popular. Many people adore... make"

Li Bai stood on the stage and looked around. Golden numbers finally floated above the heads of those dungeon monsters who seemed to have opened the cheats they had learned.

"Hey, congratulations to the host for killing the golden boss Li Qiang, triggering a fatal blow, gaining 20,000 experience points and 2,000 cash..."


The system prompt sounded for no money, almost interrupting Li Bai's performance.

"Hey, congratulations on raising the host level to level 7."

Nearly 40,000 viewers, this is a direct upgrade?

There are nearly 100 million Dragon Kingdom coins?

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