"Hey, congratulations to the host for clearing the copy of the welcome party and getting a reward: integrated circuit technology.

"Hey, congratulations to the host for completing the side mission and getting the reward: wafer manufacturing process."

After singing "Li Bai", Li Bai didn't even bow for the curtain call, and turned around and got into the backstage.

He needs to take a good look at the mission reward he just got.

It's just that Li Bai left so suddenly and decisively; once again, he pushed the host to the forefront.

Especially the hostess, who was about to cry again.

What should I do? The audience is so excited, what if they get violent and beat people up?

The audience below, after calling Li Bai's name several times to no avail, got up and left the stage one after another.

This civilized response really relieved the officials who maintained order.

Just now they thought they would fight today.

In the background, Li Bai sat alone in the corner.

His mind at the moment is all on the two manufacturing techniques.

As the most high-end technology in the new era, whether it is wafer technology or integrated circuit technology, the industrial foundation required is naturally not what Longguo's current industrial level can achieve

But it can't stand the thoughtfulness of the system, and many advanced mechanical design drawings have appeared in Li Bai's storage space.

As big as machine tools, as small as domestic components.

It can be said that with these things, the cutting-edge industrial level of Longguo can not only catch up with the world's powerful, but even be 10 years ahead.

After all, these machines were only manufactured around 2013.

But here comes the problem, Li Bai really has no money.

There is no limit to the amount of dollars that can be spent on the system space, any more would be "black money" of unknown origin.

Except for the fork, I'm afraid I have to sing "Tears Behind the Bar".

And 2 billion US dollars is not enough to support a complete industrial system anyway.

In Li Bai's view, if he wants to quickly build a production line of these sophisticated instruments in his mind, he needs to invest at least 50 billion U.S. dollars.

To be honest, Li Bai really didn’t dare to play this kind of money-burning game without the official participation of Dragon Kingdom, and couldn’t afford it.

But if they just go to Longguo officials to discuss cooperation in such a foolish way, there is a high probability that they will be suspected of having ulterior motives, and even Li Bai's grandfather may not be able to keep Li Bai.

After all, what is the concept of CNC machine tools?

That was a technology that was barely usable in the 1990s, and now Longguo's CNC machine tools are still in the groping stage.

Even the most technologically powerful Nazi country is not mature in the field of CNC machine tools.

And what the system rewards is the most advanced and perfect CNC machine design drawing in 2013.

Li Bai was really afraid that he would be sliced ​​and studied by the authorities.

To create an anti-virus software that is 10 years ahead of the Internet, everyone can understand it as a genius, but when you are eighteen years old, you can create a complete industrial system that is more than 10 years ahead of this era, that is not something a genius can do.

It may even be suspected of being an alien.

In this day and age, UFOs are really popular.

Travelers: Are people treated as aliens?

Then these complete sets of industrial technologies can only be sold.

Li Bai subconsciously thought of a person.

He is the same generation as his old man, and the relationship is still very stiff.

Of course, most of the people in their era had different ideas. The old man advocated the development of the entertainment industry, while Mr. Zheng hoped to develop high-tech technology regardless of cost.

Maybe Mr. Zheng was more far-sighted, but at that time, Longguo's foreign exchange reserves were only about one billion US dollars, so use it to develop.

This year's two chip manufacturing was promoted by the old man.

Back home, my father and mother were still talking excitedly about the welcome party just now, especially the last dance program, which was simply shocking.

What's more, my son choreographed the choreography, and my daughter-in-law acted as the main c. The old couple were so happy.

Only Li Bai shut himself into the room without a word.

Although it has been decided to sell those mechanical production items to Longguo officials, the information still needs to be sorted out.

In fact, Li Bai also thought about giving it to Longguo directly without taking any money, but the free things are likely not to be taken seriously, and even considered a liar.

Moreover, the design drawing of the F35 fighter jet last time had already made Li Zhenguo doubt Li Bai's identity. If he did it again, it would definitely be exposed.

Li Bai sorted out 20% of these mechanical production design drawings and design concepts, and (bhdc) sent it to Mr. Zheng with an ID from Polar Bear Country.

And attach a sentence in Russian: "Want a full version of the design? Make a price."

Unlike his old man, Mr. Zheng still maintains his love for technology after retirement. To be honest, this old man is quite cute. He even praised TT anti-virus software a few months ago.

Said that his grandfather is not as courageous as his daughter.

Well, let’s not talk about the matter between the old man, Li Bai is just waiting for the official reply.

three days later

Long National Academy of Sciences

Elder Zheng looked at Longguo's technology masters and finally asked: "Is the information on the data highly credible?"

"It's very high, and far exceeds the current industrial level, especially the CNC machine tool, which is simply too exquisite. Mr. Zheng, who researched it? Hurry up and get into our Academy of Sciences."

An academician blushed with excitement.

They studied these incomplete data for several days before they came to this conclusion.

As long as it can be put into production, the industrial level of Dragon Country will surpass the western developed countries in one fell swoop.

"I don't know either, I just know that person wants money."

The old man added in a dull voice: "And I have investigated, that person should be in the polar bear country."

"Then what should we do? If we really want to buy these technologies, it will definitely be an astronomical figure."

A group of academicians have already started discussing it.

Of course, Mr. Zheng also understood the value of these things: "I'll go to the higher-ups to ask for money, and if I don't give it, I'll bump myself into death in front of them."

"Old Zheng, please don't be impulsive."

Three days later, Li Bai finally received a reply from Mr. Zheng.

"I want something, 2 billion U.S. dollars, tell me your bank card number."

Um, really stingy.

But he didn't dare to agree, because 2 billion is too little, if you agree so hastily, I'm afraid the Dragon Kingdom officials will suspect your intentions.

Li Bai slandered secretly, and then said directly: "5 billion, otherwise I will sell it to other countries."

The price has gone up, well done!

Elder Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The price increase was entirely within Mr. Zheng's expectations. If the other party agrees straight away, then there is a problem.

And for the complete design drawing and design concept, Longguo has prepared a total of 20 billion US dollars.

It's a big deal now.

"No problem." Mr. Zheng agreed very simply, and all the big shots around him also looked eager.

These days they have been meeting continuously to confirm the reliability of that document.

Although no reason has been researched, everyone agrees that this is an opportunity for Dragon Country's industrial level to take off, and even if you are deceived, you still have to give it a try.

"He issued a bank card, transfer the money quickly, and monitor the whereabouts of the money."

Although Mr. Zheng and the others were fully prepared, the moment the money arrived, Li Bai was scattered all over the world. Among tens of thousands of accounts, it took dozens of turnovers before the money appeared in an account in Java.

"I'm sorry Mr. Zheng, but I didn't track him down. That person is too cunning."

"Forget it, as long as there is a complete design drawing."

In the imperial capital, Li Bai wiped the sweat from his head: "It's really hard for me, supporting the development of the country's industrial system, but also sneaking around and racking my brains, alas!".

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