Before the Male God Blackened

Chapter 134: The reborn villain (1)

Since waking up, Wei Nianchen has been silently staring at the face in the mirror.

The thick bangs cover the brows, as long as one lowers the head, even half of the face can be covered tightly. The huge black-rimmed glasses, even though they are not short-sighted, are still worn every day, just because they can give him a sufficient sense of security, and there is no need to look at people directly. The thin chin, pale cheeks, and bloodless lips are just like the ghost walking in the daytime, gloomy, weak, cringe, humble but... immature.

I don't know how long he stared, the young man in the mirror grinned suddenly, showing a silent and ironic smile.

He, Wei Nianchen, was born again.

Looking back on his entire life, he didn't feel that he had any regrets to the point that he needed to do it all over again.

He had already fulfilled the pair of dog men and women, letting them tortured each other in poverty and poverty, and lived a lifetime of resentment against each other. It is said that until the moment he died, the two of them were still fighting for complaining about each other's past mistakes. One entered the hospital and the other entered the police station, where there was still half the sweetness of the original.

The Wei family also came into the hands of him, an "outsider", and he played almost the same way. What a century-old family, he didn't think so, and it couldn't stand him playing for two years, it was already ruined. Those people who had their nostrils up to the sky and taught him how to behave time and time again, not all of them licked like pugs, but it’s a pity that no matter how hard they licked, they would never return to the beginning. The brilliance.

And the so-called "classmates" who bullied him are all depressed. They just don't know if he will get any reuse after he dies. Well, after all, everyone is 35 or 6 years old, maybe It's just that point of accomplishment to death.

So, he really has no regrets, except for the fact that he is a short-lived ghost.

But for him, being alive is really a boring and extremely boring thing. So short-lived may be a great shortcoming for others, but for him, it is a kind of relief and fulfillment.

So, why does God want to regenerate people like him?

Or reborn at the vibrant age of sixteen, the age when all the most tragic things have not happened, and the age when the woman has not appeared in his life...

Thinking of this, Wei Nianchen licked the corners of his slightly dry lips.

He remembered that as if it was today, that person would stop himself after school and confess to him with a shy face.

Such a girl, which boy is willing to refuse?

The school flower of Qianyu High School, the pearl of class s, the little princess of the Song family, beautiful, bright, and sunny. It seems that all beautiful words can be piled on her.

Such a person has come to confess to him, to such a "illegitimate son" of the Wei family, a gloomy, inferior, timid, and inexistent person.

Even if he refused because of his disbelief and inferiority complex, he still came to him every day and confessed firmly again and again.

Until he nodded with excitement in his heart, he finally stepped into the abyss of ridicule, bullying, and pain.

Speaking of it, why was he so naive at that time, how could he fail to see the faint ridicule hidden in her eyes, and the indifferent attitude time and time again.

The most important thing is that she has always met with him in private, and the two of them have never been in the same frame in front of outsiders. Even if they met on the road, the other party always looked straight, why did he think that the other party was shy and didn't dare to talk to him in the public. You have to know that the other person faces his half-brother, and when facing the man she really loves, he can't wait to stick to him every day, and his eyes are even more inseparable!

Not to mention that the other party is still willing to compromise with his own sewer creatures because of a bet with him, and talk about love, it is not because of what love can be!

Sewer creature, this is the description that woman said to him herself.

What was her expression at the time?

Contempt, disgusting, disgusting, and even a little bit of nausea.

It's really embarrassing for her!

Thinking of this, Wei Nianchen chuckled again, then pushed the faucet in front of him, filled a washbasin with water, and buried his entire face in it.

Half an hour later, wearing a Qianyu high school uniform with crows painted on his back, carrying a torn schoolbag on his back, and a pair of detached sneakers on his feet, Wei Nianchen walked out of his own sundry room. The usual dim room came downstairs.

Because it took half an hour in the evening to go downstairs than he usually did, as soon as he got off the stairs, Wei Nianchen saw the happy family of three sitting at the dining table and having breakfast.

Women have exquisite makeup, luxurious and graceful, men with serious expressions and polite manners, and young people are more energetic and heroic.

From a distance, they seem to be a perfect oil painting.

And when he arrived suddenly, it was a stain that was accidentally contaminated by someone. When they didn't see him coming, they immediately stopped the meal and looked at him at the same time.

The man is okay, his expression hasn't changed much, but the women and teenagers disappeared from their smiles in an instant, and their faces showed a strong disgust and rejection without any concealment.

"Why haven't you left?"

The first to take the trouble was the boy who wore the same uniform as him in Qianyu High School, except that there were not so many random graffiti on the boy’s white shirt. The left side was embroidered with a golden s, indicating that he was the only one from Qianyu High School. The noble class s class.

Wei Nianchen looked at the young man standing by the dining table, and saw that his brows and eyes were full of hostility, and his eyes looked more like looking at a pile of **** on the side of the road.

However, he also understands why the other party would issue such cross-examinations. According to his previous habit, he had already squeezed on the bus to the school at this time of the day. Only then can they deceive themselves to believe that his so-called "illegitimate child" does not exist in their lives.

But ah, the "knowledge" of his last life did not make this family comfortable or even neglected, on the contrary, it made them more and more intensified, pushing him again and again, until they fell into the abyss completely.

So, why should he continue to "complete everything"?

He had avenged all his grudges in his previous life, so he was wiped out. In this life, people will not offend me, and I will not offend others. If people offend me, hehe.

Thinking of this, Wei Nianchen lowered his eyes slightly.

But his silence angered the young man at the dining table more and more, "What about you? Dumb?"

He yelled.

Hearing the boy's unceremonious questioning, he glanced at Wei Nianchen who was standing at the top of the stairs with his head down and silent, thinking about the gentle woman who stayed in the old time forever, Wei Sheng wrinkled in an instant. Lower eyebrows, "Yuankai, how do you talk to your brother?"

"Brother? Whom does he count as my younger brother?" Wei Yuankai roared through gritted teeth.

After roaring, he saw a trace of dissatisfaction in his father's eyes, and then glanced at the young man who stood not far away, like a wooden stake, and put down the knife and fork in his hand with a slap. Picking up the schoolbag he was hanging on the side, he walked out without looking back.

Before leaving, he left a sentence, "I have no appetite, don't eat it!"

"Yuan Kai!"

The man did not speak, but the woman hurriedly yelled. Seeing that she could not return her son, her eyes turned red. She glanced at her husband, then at Wei Nianchen, and put down the cutlery in her hand, "I won’t eat either. Now, go upstairs first."

After speaking, he didn't give anyone a chance to stay, so he walked upstairs quickly.

Wei Sheng looked at the originally harmonious and warm atmosphere, blinked and disappeared without a trace. He also glanced at his gloomy, cringing young son. He couldn't help but feel tired, and he got up and asked someone to prepare for the car. , Going to work.

At this time, the restaurant was completely empty.

Upon seeing this, Wei Nianchen raised his eyebrows and walked over slowly, without any self-blame that disturbed the family of three at Yaxing, and asked someone to serve him breakfast, so he began to eat slowly.

Thinking that he used to be afraid of facing the happy picture of their family of three, coupled with some fear of his brother Wei Yuankai’s cursing, he would leave the house half an hour earlier every day, just to avoid this point in time. ,now……

Why should he avoid?

Although there is no deep hatred, but seeing them unhappy, inexplicably, his mood improved all at once, even facing the risk of being late, his good mood was still not damaged in the slightest until -

The young man stopped his leisurely pace, and the smile on his mouth slowly faded, and even if he opened a mocking arc, the depths of his eyes were filled with ice-like indifference.

He stared intently at the girl who got off a black Maserati not far in front of him.

The thin and tall figure, with a refreshing ponytail, in the morning sun, the cheeks glow as white as milk, but the pupils are as black as the most beautiful black pearl in the deep sea, dazzling and charming, and the lips are pink and soft. Shi Zheng was slightly tilted up, but his earlobes were round and small, and people could not help but give birth to a desire to take a bite.

Her legs are straight and slender. Because of her years of dance practice, her posture is even taller and slender. She wears the white and black uniforms specially tailored by Qianyu High School, which is more youthful and pure than others.

It's a pity, that's just what it looks like!

Song warm...

He knew too well what an ugly heart this woman had under her sweet smile!

He lowered his head and snorted, Wei Nianchen immediately suppressed the eager hostility that had just risen in his heart for an instant, and walked forward without squinting his feet.

In this life, if this woman doesn't come to provoke herself, it's okay, if she comes, huh...

And almost the moment Wei Nianchen passed her, Warmth immediately tilted his head slightly.

Well, the characters in this world are really malicious towards her!

She bends the corner of her mouth.

Wei Nianchen, the ultimate villain of a scumbag essay.

It's a pity that he was too successful and dedicated to his work as a villain, so in the end he let the male and female protagonists be the same. In the end, the so-called sweet ending did not appear. Instead, the male protagonist and the female protagonist were trapped in a cheap and In the dilapidated small rental house, doing hard work that doesn't require any technical content, they resent each other and curse every day.

What kind of dark ending is this?

No, the plane collapsed because of this.

And what she entered this time--

It's this scumbag girl essay,

Born for the male protagonist, die for the male protagonist, be a **** female protagonist who has been abused for a lifetime by the male protagonist.

Thinking of this, Warm forced the blue vein that broke out of his forehead and pressed it back, and his eyes followed Wei Nianchen's back further and further, and suddenly came to Wei Nianchen who was many years later——

The boy at that time had grown into a handsome man with half-length hair, narrow eyes, tall nose, thin lips, and long fingers crossing each other, leaning against the soft cyan sofa, a white The Persian cat with no variegated color nestled on his knees and closed his eyes obediently and took a nap.

It was a long time before I saw him put down his crossed fingers and lightly stamped the back of the white cat on his body, then raised his head, curled his lips in a warm direction, smiled evilly.

The author has something to say: Uh, the things in the plot are not done by the warm little angel~~ It's really difficult this time, hahaha~~~

Also, the illegitimate children here need to be quoted, because they are not really illegitimate children!

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