Before the Male God Blackened

Chapter 135: The reborn villain (2)

Looking back, looking up at Wei Nianchen's away back, Warmth could not help but recall the life of the other party in the plot.

To be honest, Wei Nianchen's status as an "illegitimate child" is indeed a bit wronged.

But compared to the truth, his mother did indeed become his father Wei Sheng's "little san", although this "little san" was a bit wrong, she didn't know it.

Everything can be traced back to 16 years ago. At that time, Wei Sheng and Wei Yuankai’s mother, Gu Ying, were both rich and powerful families for centuries. In addition, the business relationship between the two families was intertwined. The elders all know each other. Since childhood, the two of them are childhood sweethearts, and they are in good shape. In the end, getting married and having children can be said to be a matter of course. As for how much affection there is, it is not something that outsiders can understand.

It's a pity that these two people had just been married for a year, and Gu Ying had just become pregnant, and something went wrong with Wei Sheng.

He was kidnapped when he was on a business trip in another province. The kidnappers demanded a full 50 million. Wei Jia obediently did not call the police and gave the money, but in the end he still did not wait for Wei Sheng to return. The kidnappers were missing. Wei Sheng didn't see anyone alive or a corpse, and there has been no news ever since.

God knows, when Gu Ying got the news, she almost cried and gave birth without threat. In the end, she gritted her teeth because of the baby in her stomach.

After another five years of searching, there was still no news from Wei Sheng. The talents of the Wei family gradually died, and the search intensity gradually weakened, and they were even preparing to re-select a Wei family’s. Be a family member.

After all, at that time, Wei Sheng’s father, Mr. Wei, was too old to support the huge Wei clan. Wei Yuankai was too young to know all the words. Gu Ying was an outsider and elected a new head. People can be said to be an urgent matter.

And because the family members were about to change hands, Gu Ying and Wei Yuankai suffered a lot of grievances at the time. It was basically commonplace to be ridiculed, excluded, and underestimated.

This also made Wei Yuankai's disposition, which was still young at that time, unable to get the most correct guidance, and became an angry, extreme, and sensitive appearance.

At such a critical juncture, Wei Sheng, who had been missing for five years, appeared again, and along with him were Wei Nianchen, who was also five years old at the time, and his mother, Song Wan.

A woman who is as gentle and gentle as the spring water in the south of the Yangtze River.

For Gu Ying and Wei Yuankai at the time, the reappearance of Wei Sheng can be said to relieve their temporary difficulties, but it brought them another embarrassment.

Although the resurrection of the husband/father from the death is a good thing, the entrance of the illegitimate child and the illegitimate child directly plunged them into a whirlpool of rumors, especially since the age of the illegitimate child and the legitimate child is still relatively old, even more so. People are embarrassed.

But God knows that Song Wan and Wei Sheng also had marriage certificates and wedding receptions.

It's just that at that time Wei Sheng was not called Wei Sheng, he had a very down-to-earth name-Song Daqiang.

Yes, after Wei Sheng was kidnapped, he knew that his life could not be counted on the conscience of the frenzied kidnappers. He could only try to save himself, and the result of his efforts was that he successfully escaped from the heavens. At the same time He also lost all his memories, and was ignorantly picked up by his beloved mountain girl Song Wan.

The two of them are handsome and handsome, and the other is beautiful. It is really simple to have feelings. In addition, Song Wan's only relative at the time, her grandma left before her death, made Wei Sheng still in his memory. In the case of not fully recovered, he went to Song Wan's household registration, married her, and soon had the crystallization of their love-Song Nianchen.

Because the signal in the mountains is not good, the TV can only receive a few channels, so the Song family of three did not know that the Wei family outside had already made trouble to find Wei Sheng for five years. Instead, they lived in the mountains and lived a peaceful and beautiful happiness. Days until--

Wei Sheng's memory is restored.

He didn't even give his wife and children an explanation, so he took the two of them to the Wei's house far away in Beijing, where they faced the embarrassing scene of being born to a mistress and an illegitimate child.

Song Wan felt the contempt and ridicule of Wei's family within two days of staying, but these were not the ones that hit her the most. It was Song Daqiang who hit her the most, and it was also the arrival of Wei Sheng's wife and son. .

It was also at this time that she learned that her husband, who had been in love with her for five years, had already had a wife and children. In fact, before marrying him, Song Wan hadn’t considered this possibility, but because of Wei Sheng’s age In addition, the other party has been making all kinds of guarantees with her. Even if he loses his memory, he can guess that he must be unmarried. After all, he really has a beloved wife. He will definitely not forget her, even if it is. Amnesia.

"...Just like I am to you, even if I hit my head and amnesia again now, I will definitely not forget you."

This was what Wei Sheng said to her himself at the time.

But God knows that hormones are on the top, and men can really say anything sweet. If you believe it, you lose.

Song Wanxin is now facing such an embarrassing scene.

The wife of her husband who had been married for five years asked her to recognize the facts. If she hadn't had an accident in Wei Sheng before, she would never have stepped into the door of Wei's house, let alone gave birth to Song Nianchen. If she is willing to accept, she can give her a sum of money, so that she will not spend the rest of her life, and the child's Wei family can't spend much money, but her Wei family can't tolerate it, please ask her to get acquainted.

At that time, Song Wan felt as uncomfortable as if she had been stripped naked. She picked up Song Nianchen and was about to go home without even thinking about it.

She has hands and feet to raise the child, so she doesn’t have to worry about the Wei family. What's more, the child still bears her surname, and is registered with her Song family. Wei Sheng’s affairs have nothing to do with her in the future. Her husband’s surname is Song Ming Daqiang instead of Now the head of the Wei family, Wei Sheng, whom she can't climb at all, would she be more familiar with.

Although the news came more urgently, when Song Wan, who seemed soft and weak, was stronger and more decisive than anyone else's temper, she didn't want things that didn't belong to her. She just stayed reluctantly, and it would only embarrass all three of them, and even It affects the growth of the two children. Didn't you see the look in the eyes of the little boy who was not more than a few months older than Nianchen, as if he wanted to eat them!

She herself didn't want to stay, and she couldn't keep Xiao Nianchen in such a place to face such a brother and mother.

Seeing this, Gu Ying was relieved immediately. Song Wan was better than she thought. She guarded her home, and Song Wan was ready to start a new life no matter how sad she was in her heart.

Originally, everything in this disorder has come to a fairly satisfactory end, but who would have thought it was so anxious to come by accident.

Song Wan led Xiao Nianchen in a car accident on the way back to the village. The woman died on the spot. Xiao Nianchen was hugged tightly by her mother and was intact, but she was also hit hard by witnessing her mother's death. After being taken back to Wei's house, he couldn't speak for three years, and he was even extremely frightened. He was suddenly awakened when he slept at night, and then he stared at the dark ceiling night after night in a daze.

But because Wei Sheng was busy competing with his cousins ​​for the Wei family, and Gu Ying completely ignored this "illegitimate son", it would be good if Wei Yuankai didn't find a chance to tease him, where he would be enlightened.

Three years later, Xiao Nianchen, who had changed his surname Wei, turned into a cringe, timid and unable to make it to the table.

The richest men are the most selfish and indifferent. If you say that Song Wan’s death will make Wei Sheng uncomfortable at the beginning, but as time fades, his impression of the other party will gradually become thinner, and the impression of Wei Nianchen will also change. His liveliness and cleverness when he was a child turned into the timid, fearful and small-hearted now, and then his attitude slowly changed from initial attention to ignorance, or even carelessness.

Wei Sheng's ignorance, Gu Ying's eyes closed, Wei Yuankai's perseverance directly led to Wei Nianchen's difficult situation in Wei's house.

Food and housing are basically the worst. He is raised by the Wei family like a dog, and the process of raising is limited to starving.

But Wei Nianchen at the time didn't know that it was not the most difficult situation. Everyone ignored you and isolated you. At least you still have expectations for the future every day. When he is lonely, he can still think about his mother. Make a few strokes, and even secretly feed the pure white kitten he likes outside.

When everyone started paying attention to him, then the real **** was completely opened to him.

And the key to open **** is--

Song warm.

After the other party persistently confessed, the two began to associate in private with everyone behind their backs. Even though they did not hold their hands even once during the interaction, he still felt very sweet. He didn’t know whether the feeling he had for the other party at the time was considered to be a liking. He only knew that there was at least one person in the world who cared about him, cared about him, and he was no longer alone. It's uncomfortable. He likes that someone can accompany him. Even if he just talks with him, it's good. He hasn't spoken to anyone for a long, long time, and no one has listened to him seriously for a long, long time.

He told her about his childhood life in the mountains, that he used the money saved from breakfast to buy cheap brushes and paints, painted a lot of paintings, and said that he missed his mother very much, and even he was there. He told her that a pure white kitten named Pinch was fed in a bush outside the school.

When talking about all this to the other party at the time, Wei Nianchen's mood was beautifully floating in the clouds. He was young and innocent. He only thought that being in love means that he should have no reservations about the other party, but who ever thought he had everything at this time In the end, the sweet sharing became a sword that pierced him.

At a birthday party for the princess, he happily took his paintings to celebrate her birthday, and finally ushered in the ridicule and ridicule of a group of people headed by Wei Yuankai.

"Hahahaha... isn't it? What do you think? Why do you think that warmth will love you? Look at what you like, hahaha, she's fooling you, stupid! But! I'm really happy to see you being played around! Who told you that you are the shameless **** born to your shameless little third mother, but this shameless characteristic is really in the same line as your mother. Like toads and want to eat swan meat, they don’t pee and take pictures of themselves, hahahaha!"

"Don't talk about my mother."

"I just said, your mother is a shameless junior. If there is no signal in the mountain village, or not knowing that the Wei family is looking for someone, that is all an excuse. In essence, she is a shameless third party who intervenes in other people's families. It is still a scheming. The deep third person, she, died so well..."

Yes, in Wei Yuankai’s heart, the reason why his father never came back was because Wei Nianchen’s mother was at work. This also led to him and his mother being mocked by other Wei family members. For five full years, he could only be a human being with his tail tucked in, and finally came back. The existence of Wei Nianchen and his mother made his mother cry for several nights, and finally the relationship with his father faded. Their fault.

God knows that in the eyes of outsiders, Wei Nianchen, who looks like a transparent person, is timid and timid. After listening to Wei Yuankai's words, how could such a great power burst out at that time, and he has barely finished listening to Wei Yuankai. When he said, the whole person was like the violent little leopard, and he broke through the layers of the crowd, slammed onto the opponent's body, overwhelmed him to the ground, and began to beat him frantically in the face. .

Wei Yuankai remembered the fierce face with red eyes and muffled silence until a long time later.

At that time, Wei Nianchen was said to be a group of young men and women who rushed forward and failed to pull him off Wei Yuankai until one of them recklessly picked up a baseball bat on the side and hit him with a stick. The right hand of his fist, he was torn off because of the pain, and what followed was a stormy fist...

This is just the beginning.

Due to Wei Yuankai’s rage, the entire Qianyu High School began to isolate and bully Wei Nianchen. They were at the age of Secondary Two, and they were the most fond of following the trend. It can be said that they were bullying and bullying at that time. Wei Nianchen has become a fashion, a fashion.

It seems that as long as you are a student of Qianyu High School, you are not gregarious if you do not follow Wei Nianchen's foot.

Wei Nianchen didn't even know how he came over during that time. Every day, he had wounds on his body. Under the guidance of Wei Yuankai, those people learned that they could not leave wounds on his face. One by one, they all started in the place hidden by his clothes.

And the right arm was injured again and again, and he could no longer pick up the paintbrush.

Even the little white cat named Pinch, after a certain school day, he saw its body floating in the small fountain...

At that moment, despair completely wrapped up Wei Nianchen like a tarsal maggot.

He seemed to have nowhere to escape, and he didn't even know if there was any hope in his life.

The most terrifying thing in life is not to encounter difficulties, but to have no hope.

He wants to escape.

This was the only thought that Wei Nianchen had left in his mind after seeing the corpse of the little white cat. He didn't even go home to pack his things, didn't bring money, and didn't leave a word with anyone. He It disappeared completely without a trace.

And his disappearance, except for Wei Sheng's question, just like the water droplets splashing into the lake, did not cause a wave of waves.


Twenty years later, his return.

At that time, Wei Nianchen had already suffered from early brain cancer, but he was only thirty-six years old.

But he didn't mean to heal at all. After taking revenge on all the people who wanted to retaliate, he raised a white cat that was similar to what he looked at back then, and waited for death with peace of mind.

The last picture of his life is--

Wei Nianchen, dressed in white, holding a small white cat of the same name as Pinpin in his arms, sitting on a rocking chair, watching the setting sun that is about to fall in the distance, shaking gently until it is silent.

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