Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 176 Fools are blessed

Levi learned from Gu Ze that Maple Leaf City has become increasingly chaotic recently.

That also gave up the idea of ​​leaving the Mage Tower.

He walked around the mage tower, taking a walk to relax.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure.

"Lilith, what are you doing here?"

The figure trembled and froze in place.

He slowly turned around, lowered his head, and said with a sad look on his face: "Sorry, sorry, I really didn't mean to break in. I was here as soon as I woke up."

"I didn't steal this dress either."

When Li Wei saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.


After hearing this, Lilia looked up at Levi and found that he was an acquaintance.

"Ah ah, why is it you?"

Levi raised his eyebrows, looked around, and dragged her to a corner.

"What's going on with you?" Levi asked, staring into Lilia's eyes.

Lilia's eyes widened, and the two of them stared at each other.

No one would blink first.

Levi had no choice but to move his eyes away and blinked his dry eyes hard several times.

"Speak and answer my questions."

He looked at Lilia again.

Lilia lowered her head, played with her fingers and said, "I don't know either. I woke up right here."

Levi frowned and asked, "Don't you have any memory?"

Lilia shook her head and said: "I don't know, I just felt like I slept, and this sleep seemed to be very long."

Levi understood.

Lilith really went back.

Lilia's personality is back.

There is no exchange of memories between the two personalities.

Levi said: "Okay, you remember your new identity now. Your name is Lilith, and you are a mage in the Mage Tower."

The situation in Maple Leaf City is currently in intense turmoil.

Levi didn't want Lilia to cause trouble and asked her to stay in the mage tower.

Otherwise, if Lilia exposes his killing of the rock monster, who knows how much trouble it will cause.

The magic core of the rock monster has been dealt with, and the matter has come to an end.

However, Allen is always thinking about his identity as a mysterious fire mage.

At this time, a mysterious fire mage with strength reaching level 3 or even higher suddenly appeared.

There is no guarantee that someone will not misunderstand what is going on.

He also didn't want to reveal his strength in public.

Lilia waved her hands quickly and said, "No, no, I'm not a mage. It's too dangerous for me to leave here."

"I heard that mages like to capture people for research and turn them into various animals. I don't want to become a guinea pig..."

When Li Wei heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Where did you hear that?"

Lilia said: "This is how the adults warned the children in the homeless streets."


Children don't believe the things that people use to scare children.

You actually believe it?

Levi was really speechless.

He could see that Lilia had the heart of a child and was as timid as a mouse.

Li Wei thought of this and said, "In this case, I will give you a commission."

After hearing this, Lilia quickly looked up at Levi, with a look of expectation in her eyes.

She didn't remember much about other things, but she remembered the boss's generous spending very clearly.

That was the first gold coin in her life!

Unfortunately, it fell off.

Levi said: "Now you start pretending to be Lilith, collect five contributions from the mage tower every month, and then give the contribution to me, and I will give you five gold coins as a commission reward."

"Five gold coins a month?" Lilia's eyes widened in disbelief.

Levi nodded, "Yeah, yes, do you want to do it?"

Lilith lowered her head and moved her fingers uneasily.

Levi was afraid that her fingers would get knotted.

He said: "Don't worry, I will help you hide your identity."

"In addition, if you accept the commission, you can eat for free in the Mage Tower cafeteria every day."

"Really?" Lilia raised her head and stared at Levi.

"Really." Levi twitched the corner of his mouth.

"What's this? Are you thinking about food?"

Levi complained in his heart.

Lilia hesitated again and again, and plucked up the courage to say, "Okay."

In order to stabilize Lilia, Levi said: "Take out the magic badge."

"Magic badge?"

Levi took out his magic badge and showed it to her.

Lilia rummaged around her body and found a similar magic badge in her pocket.

She looked puzzled.

"Why do I have this on me?"

"See, it says Lilith on it. This is your identity tag. As long as you hold this, no one will doubt you." Levi said.

Lilia nodded stupidly.

Compared with the aloof Lilith, it is easier to deal with the big fool Lilia.

Levi smiled inwardly.

He picked up the magic badge and took a look, showing surprise.

"Why so many contributions?"

Lilith's magic badge contributes up to 120 points.

I don't know what she did.

It’s not a waste to save so much contribution.

Levi's heart moved slightly.

It just so happened that he was short of money recently, and he didn't even have the money to buy potions.

Looking at Lilia who looked silly and cute, Levi couldn't bear to defraud people of their money.

On the other hand, he was also afraid that Lilith would settle the score with him when she came back.

Levi took the magic badge and said to Lilia: "Did you see the numbers on it?"

Lilia nodded repeatedly, "I saw it."

Levi said: "This is your money, one contribution is equal to one gold coin."

Lilia looked shocked.

"This... so much money?"

She picked up the magic badge, shook it, and put it to her ear to listen.

Showing a bitter face.

"But there's no money in it."

Levi: "..."

"This is not a wallet."

"You can exchange the numbers above for gold coins with me, do you understand?"

Levi told her.

Lilia nodded in understanding.

She didn't understand why Levi wanted to exchange gold coins for numbers.

Lilia hesitated for a moment, handed the magic badge to Levi, and said, "Then I'll exchange it for a gold coin."

Levi nodded and scratched away some of his contribution on the magic badge.

He took out a gold coin from his pocket and handed it to Lilia.

Lilia looked happy when she saw that numbers could really be exchanged for money.

Extremely happy.

Almost jumped up on the spot

Levi said: "See, as long as you stay here honestly, you can get five gold coins every month."

Lilia nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice.


She collected the precious gold coins.


Lilia looked up at Levi and asked, "Where do you think you can eat for free?"

Levi twitched the corners of his mouth and returned the magic badge to her.

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

It's strange to say that they are obviously the same person.

Levi prefers to get along with Lilia, and he feels more intimate with her.

Lilith always gave him a feeling of rejection.

This may be because fools are blessed.

Looking at Lilia, he suddenly remembered something.

Levi asked: "By the way, do you know Leian?"

Lilia stopped and looked confused, "Who is it?"

"A big bald head."

"Oh oh oh, I know him. I used to help him deliver things."

"He gave me a silver coin every time."

Lilia was quite impressed with her employer.

After all, those are the parents who feed and clothe themselves.

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