Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 177 Midnight Attack

"Don't run around if you have nothing to do. It's very dangerous in the city now, and this is the safest place."

"Okay, go back as soon as you're done eating."

Levi sent Lilia back.

He also returned to the room.

Add the Rock Breathing Technique to your daily practice.

Levi's proficiency in the conscious liver removal breathing method is not slow.

August 28th.

Late at night, Levi was deducing spells in the dream world.

Suddenly I felt the dream surrounding me change.

He instinctively became wary.

Stop practicing, walk to the door, and open it.

I found a fog shrouded outside the door.

Under normal circumstances, he can see the scene within twenty meters outside the door.

But tonight, something seemed a little unusual.

The gray mist is mixed with black air.

A few wisps of black air floated towards Levi, trying to get into the room.

Resisted by the power of the safe house, the black energy cannot penetrate.

Levi stared at the black air floating in front of his eyes.

"What the hell is this?"

"Why did something like this suddenly appear in the dream?"

"What's going on outside?"

He instinctively felt that black energy was not a good thing.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be like a parasite, wandering around trying to get into his dream bubble.

To be cautious, Levi did not leave the dream bubble.

He chose to exit the dream to avoid being corroded by the black energy.

Late at night, Levi woke up from his sleep.

Opening his eyes, he saw fog shrouded outside the window.

"No? This is still a dream!"

Levi turned to look around and walked to the window.

The fog surged outside the window, and the darkness inside squirmed, seeming to want to get closer.

Levi closed the window.

"I was dragged into the first level of dreamland."

"Who is the enemy? What method is this?"

Levi didn't know anything.

He continued to try to use the Great Sleepwalking Technique to escape from the dream.

But every time I wake up, I still stay in the dream.

The passage back to reality is blocked.


This power to manipulate dreams subconsciously reminded Levi of the ability of the Black Cultists.

Although they do not walk in dreams, they have the ability to control dreams.

Dreamland is a forbidden area for black cultists, and they are particularly good at using forbidden areas to deal with enemies.

Levi suddenly felt chilled all over.

He turned around and saw that a thick black air had penetrated halfway through the wall.

"Damn it, why did you get in?"

Levi subconsciously threw a fireball at him.


The fireball exploded, and the black shadow was like something that did not belong to this dimension and was not affected in any way.

Levi looked intently.

Think for a moment.


Levi self-destructed on the spot, and his consciousness spread to the entire dream.

The dream is him, and he is the dream.

At this moment, Levi had absolute control over the dream.

He saw the black air entering the dream bubble.

The black air is like a parasite, corroding the protective layer of the dream bubble, trying to get in and parasitize the dream bubble, affecting the consciousness of the dream owner.

With a thought in Li Wei's mind, the power of the entire dream strongly repelled the black energy.

After a moment of stalemate, the black energy was squeezed out of the dream bubble.

The corroded protective layer also recovers quickly.

Malice attacks all around.

Levi saw several nightmares flying towards him.

There is no black energy in Nightmare.

With a thought in Li Wei's mind, the dreamland opened, and several nightmares rushed into the dreamland.

The nightmare is planning to wreak havoc on the dream.

Levi's figure slowly condensed.

Shadow Attendant emerged and rushed towards a nightmare.

Shadow Claw!


Tear apart a nightmare in an instant.

A mere first-order nightmare is not worth mentioning at all.

Levi raised his hand to mobilize the power of the dream, and the dream turned into a furnace, trapping the nightmare in it and burning it to ashes.

Killed two first-level nightmares and one second-level nightmare in an instant.

Levi was not very happy.

Shadow Attendant happily swallowed three nightmare cores.

"It seems that it is impossible not to go out and find the source of the black energy."

"You can't continue to be a coward when others hit you at the door."

Through the incarnation of dreams, Levi understands something.

Black energy can only corrode dreams, but cannot affect sleepwalkers.

Knowing this, Levi could go out with confidence.

The Dream Bubble will become safer with him gone.

Dream bubbles will only exist if someone observes them.

Without anyone observing, the dream bubble is nothingness.

Levi is the only observer of his own dream bubble.

Opening the door, Levi walked out of the safe house.

Looking back, the door was still in place.

Turning around and looking forward, the door behind him disappeared.

Levi walks in the fog and explores the changes in dreams.

The fog at this time is still different from the fog in dreams.

The fog of dreams is the true unknown.

Beyond the boundaries of spiritual power, there is boundless darkness and nothingness.

What is not observed is a place that does not exist.

There is quite a sense that the world I have seen is the real world.

The fog now is just a fog that simply confuses sight.

It's like a fog in reality.

There are completely different differences between the two.

"Huh? Here."

Levi saw the black energy and walked forward quickly.

I saw several streaks of black energy eroding a dream bubble.

The dream bubble has been dyed black for a quarter.

"What the hell is this?"

Levi cautiously entered the blackened dream bubble.

I found many strange scenes appearing in my dream.

Something that seemed normal a second ago.

The next second it turned into a pile of grotesque objects that could not be described in words.

The orderly dream is becoming disordered.

A disordered dream is bound to collapse.

However, under the influence of black energy, this disordered dream did not break, but evolved in a more chaotic direction.

If you think of dreams as a reflection of the human soul.

Then, the drastic changes in the dream at this moment mean that the mind of the dream owner is undergoing unprecedented drastic changes.

The mind is becoming twisted.

Levi suddenly realized the effect of black energy.

Black air corrodes the soul and changes people's consciousness.

It's like brainwashing.

Through dreams, one's mind and cognition can be changed unknowingly.

"Oops! If this continues, everyone in the Mage Tower will become cultists of the evil god!"

"Teacher Furuzawa!"

Levi quickly left the dreamland.

Unexpectedly, the changed dream world around him refused to let him leave.

The dream transformed into a monster.

Levi is in the monster's body.

The monster attacks him.

Various twisted limbs whipped towards Levi.

One second it was a tentacle, the next second it turned into a vine whip.

When it fell on Li Wei, it turned into a venomous snake again, opening its bloody mouth and showing its poisonous fangs towards him.

She stabbed her fangs into his body fiercely, intending to poison him to death.


The fangs are broken.

Levi casts the disillusionment spell.

His body expanded rapidly, turning into a giant more than twenty meters tall in the blink of an eye.

The poisonous snake was also broken by his enlarged body.

The true power of Apparition can only be exerted in dreams.

Levi's guess was correct.

Torresta created the illusion according to the rules of dream creation.

Losing the constraints of real rules.

The power of transfiguration in the dream world is increased several times, even dozens of times.

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