Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 180 Dream Weaver’s Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Levi looked up and stared at the huge one-eye in mid-air.


Dreams give birth to autonomous consciousness.

The dream consciousness is observing Levi.

What Levi did inadvertently helped to perfect the newly born autonomous consciousness of dreams.

After absorbing the scattered consciousness of the black-robed man, the dream consciousness gradually became complete.

Levi felt extremely troubled.

To deal with the man in black robe, as long as he destroys his body, he can temporarily lose control of the dream.

He can take the opportunity to seize control of the dream and cause the dream bubble to self-destruct.

But dream bubbles give birth to autonomous consciousness.

Levi couldn't grab control.

You must use your own power to destroy the entire dream bubble.

Only then can the source of black energy be destroyed.

With Li Wei's current strength, he simply cannot do this.

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Levi's only way to destroy the dream bubble is to use the power of the dream bubble to self-destruct.

This trick cannot be used now.

There was nothing he could do.

"Are we just going to have to watch their minds being eroded by evil cultists?"

Li Wei was unwilling to accept it.

A name suddenly appeared in his mind.


"If you are really a sleepwalker, why haven't you taken action yet?"

Levi was confused.

If Torresta was also a sleepwalker, with his strength he would definitely be able to detect the shocking changes taking place in the Mage Tower.

He is able to create transfiguration.

Bring dream creations to reality.

His power in the dream realm cannot be underestimated.

It is more than enough to deal with a black cultist who is not much stronger than Levi.

But, why haven’t Torresta taken action yet?

"If there is no other way, this is the only way to do it."

Levi had one last solution in mind.

If you can't beat him, you can only hide.

Take Gu Ze, Lotta and the others to hide in the dream bubble of the Youshen Club.

Considering that Guze and Lotta are not sleepwalkers.

He rashly took them out of the dream bubble and headed to the Wandering Gods Club.

It might cause them to be completely lost in the dream and unable to return to reality.

Eventually, he becomes a lost soul.

Before reaching the last step, Levi didn't want to use this method.

There was no way he could return to reality now.

Otherwise, the better way is to wake up everyone who is sleeping.

But these methods are all bad strategies.

The best option is to clear away all the black energy in the dream and solve the source of the black energy.

Levi almost did it.

The one-eyed man in mid-air seemed to have observed enough.

The dream consciousness began to attack Levi.

Li Wei was facing a formidable enemy.

Suddenly, the eyes of the dream consciousness in mid-air trembled violently and turned in one direction.

Levi looked along the direction of his eyes.

A little white light appeared in the dark dream.

Immediately afterwards, white light penetrated the entire dream, flooding Levi's consciousness.

In an instant, Levi lost consciousness.

My mind went blank.

When he came back to his senses, everything around him had changed.

The twisted black dream disappeared.

He stood in the square in front of the mage tower, and everything returned to normal.

The dream is falling apart.

The mage tower shattered and dissipated little by little.

The black energy that pollutes the soul disappears.

"What just happened?"

Levi was filled with doubts.

All he remembered was seeing a white light.

Then, it's all over.

Leaving the collapsing dream bubble, Levi found himself back on the long river of dreams.

He looked down.

The dreamy river beneath my feet seemed to be polluted, taking on the form of black turbid water.

However, under the influence of a mysterious force.

The black murky water is shrinking and eventually disappearing.

The river water in the dreamland returned to normal.

The dream bubble has also returned to normal.

The sound of treading water came.

Levi turned to look.

A figure came into view.

He looked surprised.

Li Wei's mind moved, and he cast a transformation technique, and a black iron mask covered his face.

Hide identity.

After Levi discovered Tanya, Tanya discovered Levi.

Tanya looked at him in surprise, "Is that you?"

Levi asked in confusion: "What?"

Tanya said: "Youshen will ask us to look for abnormal fluctuations in dreams. They say there is something wrong with some dreams."

"Did you do it?" Tanya asked.

Levi shook his head and said, "No, I'm late."

He pointed at the black air that was almost completely gone.

"This is the source of the anomaly."

Tanya glanced at it with a solemn expression.

"Black Cultist?"

"It seems that there are black cultists holding an evil god sacrificial ceremony in Maple Leaf City." Tanya thought in her mind.

Seeing her reaction, Levi knew that Tanya should have a better understanding of this matter.

He asked: "How do these polluted dreams recover on their own?"

Tanya shook her head and said, "No, it was the Dream Weaver from the Youshen Society who took action."

"Dream Weaver?"

Levi heard the name of Dream Weaver again.

Dream Weaver can actually rewrite dreams directly.

This ability is simply incredible.

Dream consciousness has completely controlled the power of dreams.

It should have been invincible in the dream bubble it was in.

However, he encountered the dimensionality reduction attack from the Dream Weaver.

It's like the player is already invincible in the game, but encounters the GM and switches back with one click.

Not an opponent on the same level at all.

The crisis in the Mage Tower has come to an end.

Tanya took out a soul crystal, collected a wisp of black energy, and prepared to take it back to hand in the mission.

"If nothing happens, I'm leaving."


The two of them didn't have much interaction, and they didn't talk about much.

Tanya returns to the Youshen Club with the mission items.

Levi waited for her to leave and return to the safe house.

This time, he used the Great Sleepwalking Technique.

Successfully escape from the dream world and return to reality.

As soon as Levi opened his eyes, he heard the sound of fighting coming from outside.

He quickly walked to the window.

Several men in black robes are being besieged and hunted by magic puppets.

There were already many corpses of men in black robes lying around.

Even without Dream Weaver taking action, the magic puppets in the Mage Tower can kill all the Black Cultists.

It’s unclear whether everyone can be rescued.

At least, for now, the impact of this crisis on the Mage Tower is not as great as Levi imagined.


The magic badge vibrates.

The voice of the magic butler came from inside.

"The Mage Tower was attacked by black cultists, and some mages were affected. In order to ensure the safety of the Mage Tower, all mages are requested to gather on the third floor of the Mage Tower at eight o'clock tomorrow morning for a spiritual test."

"The Mage Tower will help the affected people return to normal, so please don't worry."

Li Wei watched the men in black robes escape.

The magic puppet is cleaning the battlefield, and it will hit anyone who is not dead yet.

No mercy is required for the Black Cult.

There is no need to arrest.

Immediate beheading!

Ordinary black cultists can't find any useful information.

They are just ordinary people who have been brainwashed and given evil supernatural powers.

Not even an extraordinary professional.

Levi went out to find Guze.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Teacher Guze, are you okay?"

Levi asked, knocking on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and Guze walked out with a haggard look on his face.

He looked at Levi with a strange expression.

"I seem to have remembered something."

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