Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 181 Citywide Manhunt

Levi sat in Guze's room.

He gave Levi a cup of tea.

Levi took a sip, looked at Guze and asked, "Teacher, what did you say you remembered?"

Guze looked at the night sky outside the window and said slowly: "I remembered what happened that night."

"I thought I saw the snow bear that attacked my parents being killed by a mage."

"His back looks a lot like yours."

Levi's hand holding the cup froze.

He thought quickly.

After a moment, I seemed to understand something.

Levi once visited Gu Ze's dream and helped him kill a nightmare that had been parasitic in the dream for more than ten years.

I have seen Gu Ze’s nightmare.

In the dream, he broke the ending of Guze's tragedy.

This adds nothing to reality.

The past will not be changed.

However, now Furusawa seems to regard what he saw in the dream as a memory of the past.

This may be related to the erosion of black air.

Levi put down the cup and said, "It was just a dream."

Guze nodded and said, "Yes, that's really just a dream."

"How I wish this was true."

He sighed.

Seeing Guze, he was a little disheartened.

Levi said: "Sister You is still alive, teacher, you can't give up yet."

Gu Ze looked up at him and suddenly laughed.

"Oh, you have to tell me then!"

"I won't give up. One day I will find him."

Guze stood up, walked to the window, and said, "I have decided that when Bass's caravan comes to Maple Leaf City, I will follow him back to his hometown."

"I'm going to find my sister."

Bass is the merchant who once rescued Guze.

Levi walked to him and looked at the night sky outside the window, with stars twinkling in the sky.

"Then I wish you a happy journey, teacher."

"Remember to tell me when you leave."

Guze nodded and said, "Yes."

"Today, Maple Leaf City is in troubled times, with all kinds of troubles happening one after another."

"Just like tonight, some black cultists dared to openly attack the Mage Tower."

"If you have the chance, you'd better leave here for a while and come back after everything settles down."

Guze also felt the crisis.

What he encountered tonight made him feel a sense of powerlessness.

was drawn into the vortex of this fight.

Even as a first-level official mage, it is difficult to survive alone in the muddy water.

Guze wanted to leave.

Levi nodded and said, "I understand."

The next morning, everyone in the Mage Tower was called to the third floor for a psychic test.

Check to see if you are affected by the evil rituals of the Black Cult.

Many affected people were identified.

Eleven people were slightly affected, Furusawa among them.

Five people have been greatly affected and have developed mental abnormalities and need to receive spiritual treatment.

One person's mind was twisted and he became a follower of the evil god.

When everyone found him, he had already drawn an evil ritual circle in his room to offer sacrifices to the evil god.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise I don’t know what disaster it would have caused.

Martin looked at the crowd and said: "This time the Black Cultists openly provoked the Mage Tower, and we must give a strong counterattack!"

"Otherwise, they will think that we are soft persimmons who can be manipulated by others!"

"In the next few days, the Professionals Association and the City Lord's Palace will fully cooperate with the Mage Tower to search for the black cultists in the city."

"Everyone suspends the work at hand and goes all out to hunt down the black cultists. They must pay a heavy price!"

Levi stood in the crowd and looked at Martin who was speaking above.

He whispered to Guze next to him: "Teacher, why do you think the Black Cultists attacked the Mage Tower?"

"What's their purpose?"

Gu Ze said: "I heard that the City Lord's Mansion handed over part of the array layout for the God Sacrifice Ceremony to the Mage Tower. They probably wanted to corrupt the array mages in the Mage Tower and use them to secretly change the God Sacrifice Ceremony into an evil sacrificial ceremony. "

"This is too much fanfare. They can completely corrupt the array mage secretly. There is no need to launch such a large-scale attack on the mage tower."

Levi felt a little unreasonable.

Guze shook his head and said, "No one knows what the Black Cultists think."

"Their brains are not normal to begin with."

At the end of the meeting, Martin assigned tasks to everyone.

This time, the Mage Tower is very determined to eliminate the black cultists.

Almost all mages were sent out to search for the Black Cultists.

The Mage Tower provides excellent rewards to encourage everyone.

Dealing with an ordinary black cultist rewards 3-5 contributions.

Killing an elite black cultist will reward you with 10-30 contributions.

Finding the whereabouts of the black cultists in Maple Leaf City will give you a contribution ranging from 1-10.

Find the leader of the Black Cult and be rewarded with 30 contributions.

Kill the leader of the Black Cult and be rewarded with 100 contribution.

This time, the Mage Tower showed unprecedented determination to everyone in Maple Leaf City.

It is also a way to warn others.

If you choose to use the Mage Tower as your enemy, you will have to pay the highest price.

Li Wei was assigned to the south of the city to search for the whereabouts of the black cultists.

The clue given to him by the Mage Tower was that there was a gang of black cultists hidden in the south of the city, which often used money to lure ordinary people into joining the gang.

Levi's mission is to find this black cult gang.

It's best to follow the clues and dig out the leader of the black cult behind them.

"Master Mage, they are here."

"This group of people actually found someone to buy live livestock and never brought them out after bringing them in. I seriously suspect that they are performing evil rituals."

The rich rewards of the Mage Tower are not only for mages, but also for the general public and professionals in Maple Leaf City.

I saw reports of black cultists, which confirmed that the information was reliable.

At least you can get 1 gold coin.

In an instant, the Mage Tower received a large number of reports from suspected black cultists.

Levi nodded and said, "You go farther away, I'll go in and take a look."

"Then Master Mage, be careful, I'm leaving first."

"I'll wait for you over there."

The man hurriedly ran away.

Hiding in an alley not far away and peeking.

He also expected Li Wei to take him back to receive his reward.

Levi released his mental power and walked through the door to see the scene inside.

The yard is extremely clean, there is nothing.

Cleanliness is the biggest problem.

According to the clues provided by the man, several live animals went in every day but did not come out.

Then there must be at least the figure of an animal in the yard.

"Shadow Attendant, go in and take a look."

Shadow Attendant emerged from the shadow at Levi's feet and slipped in through the crack in the door.

Levi used the illusion technique to create eyes and ears on the Shadow Warrior.

He could see and hear everything Shadow Attendant saw and heard.

Crossing the courtyard, Shadow Attendant got into the room.

There was no one in the room.

"Go to the room on the far right."

Levi saw the footprints on the ground all heading to the right.

Shadow Attendant got in, but there was still no one.

But I found a hole hidden under the bed.

Shadow Attendant was about to get in.

There was a sound coming from inside.

"It's become more and more strict recently. Just give me a little more time and I'll find a way to help you get it."

"There is no time. It must be done within today, otherwise..."

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