Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 182: The Counterattack of Good-for-nothing

After hearing the conversation between the two, Shadow Waiter quickly hid.

The planks at the entrance were opened.

Two people emerged from the cave.

The man was dressed in ordinary clothes and had a reserved look. He looked like an ordinary citizen of Maple Leaf City.

Although the other person was wearing ordinary clothes, the arrogance on his face was clearly visible.

Levi took one look and knew that this person was definitely a member of the nobility.

This look can be seen on the faces of many nobles.

"Why would a nobleman appear in a place like this?"

Levi was confused.

So far, no evidence has been found that the two men were Black cultists.

The man hiding far away felt a little anxious when he saw Levi standing motionless at the door.

He looked around, feeling a little hesitant.

Thinking of the money he was about to get, he couldn't hesitate and walked to Li Wei quickly.

"Master Mage, why don't you go in?"

"There's someone outside!"

The nobles in the room instantly became alert.

"Quick, go out and take a look."


The door opened, ordinary people poked their heads out and took a look, but saw no one.

"Sir, there is no one outside."

"Prepare to move, this place has been exposed." The noble said without hesitation.

" can this be transferred?"

"Don't worry so much. You are responsible for bringing back today's things and leave the rest to me."

"Okay, let's go, don't come back again, see you at the same place."

The noble sent his men away and returned to the room.

I wandered around the entrance of the cave several times before making up my mind.

At this time, Shadow Attendant had already taken advantage of the two people to leave and got into the cave.

Levi saw the scene in the cave through the shadow attendant.

"Oh! I caught a big fish!"

The ground was hollowed out, and countless livestock carcasses lay inside, their blood drained and their bodies dry.

The floors, walls, and ceilings are all covered with strange symbols painted in blood.

Obviously, this is definitely not an ordinary evil god cultist.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to hold such a big ceremony.

The nobleman returned to his cave.

He took something out of his clothes and crushed it.

On the ground, a man who was walking on the road about to buy livestock suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

His vision went dark and he fell to the ground.


People around screamed.

"What's wrong with you? Wake up."

Levi had been following the man, and when he saw him falling to the ground, he quickly got closer to check.

"The Master Mage is here, everyone, get out of the way!"

The man following him shouted loudly.

After everyone heard this, they also retreated and made way.

The man's face showed a proud look.

It feels so good to pull off a tiger's skin.

Levi checked the body and confirmed that the man was dead.

The noble used extraordinary power to kill the man in order to silence him.

But he won't know that there is an eye next to him staring at him.

The noble looked at the ritual circle in front of him.

"What a pity! It almost succeeded."

The noble man took out a knife and cut open his palm.

Blood dripped into the important blood spring of the ritual circle.

Tick ​​tock!

The ritual circle slowly lit up with red light.

The entire cave was illuminated by red light.

A group of black shadows looked particularly dazzling among them.

The aristocratic man stared at the Shadow Attendant with an ugly expression, not expecting that there was something else here.

He took a deep breath and punched his chest hard.


My heart shook violently.

The red light around him was like bees that had found a home, all swarming into his body.

The noble man pulled up the sword from the ground that was used to slaughter livestock.

There was a scarlet light in his eyes.

A sword struck at the Shadow Warrior.

"Go to hell!"


The door was blasted open by Levi's small fireball.

Shadow Attendant grabbed the injured noble man and walked out of the room.

Levi looked at him, a little speechless.

Seeing that the evil ritual array was so big, I thought he was some big shot.

Unexpectedly, he was just an ordinary nobleman who wanted to gain extraordinary power.

However, he will definitely not be able to take off the hat of an evil god cultist.

"Where did you get the blood sacrifice ritual?" Levi asked.

The noble man was dejected. He didn't expect that after gaining power, he couldn't even defeat the mage's servants.

As soon as they met, the sword was broken by Shadow Warrior, and he was also seriously injured.

If it weren't for the strange power within his body, he would be able to survive.

With his current injuries, a normal person would have died.

Shadow Warrior didn't know that the other party was so weak.

Directly use the Shadow Claw.

Cut off the iron sword and almost cut the man into four pieces.

Fortunately, he stopped in time, otherwise Levi would only see a corpse.

The noble said nothing, and Levi asked the shadow attendant to take him to a room.

Shadow Attendant stood guard at the door.

Levi lit a stick of incense and placed it next to the noble man.

After a while, the noble man fell into a deep sleep.

"The Great Sleepwalking Technique."

Entering the dream bubble of an aristocratic man, Levi consciously guided the evolution of his dream.

Help him remember the original situation.

With a little guidance, the man's subconscious began to recall the causes and consequences of the blood sacrifice ceremony.

Once, he was a disliked member of the minor aristocracy.

Unable to become an extraordinary professional, he was bullied by other family members.

Commonly known as waste wood.

Later, he met a man.

The other party claimed to be able to help him obtain extraordinary power.

The ability to kill his men was the first extraordinary power he obtained - heart topping.

Take away someone else's heart and allow them to function normally without the heart.

And he holds other people's hearts and has the ability to kill them at any time.

He used this method to force many people to do things for him.

Gradually, the nobles around him no longer dared to look down on him.

Men also want to gain more power.

So he found the person who gave him extraordinary power.

The other party handed him a blood sacrifice ceremony.

As long as you complete the blood sacrifice, you can get more powerful power.

The man was once hesitant, and he also knew that the blood sacrifice ritual was an evil ritual.

Once used, you will be regarded as a cultist of the evil god.

But out of the desire for power and the desire to change one's own destiny.

He knew it was wrong, but he still chose this path.

There are two to three hundred thousand people in Maple Leaf City, and there are only two to three thousand real extraordinary professionals.

cream of the crop.

Although it is not as good as the probability of picking one out of ten thousand by a mage.

But it can also be seen that it is not so easy to become an extraordinary professional.

There are many descendants of nobles who cannot become extraordinary professionals.

Lena's uncle Monis also became the vice president of the Spark Literary Club because he was unable to become an extraordinary professional.

Otherwise, as a member of the Golden Shield family, who would want to be the vice president of a literary club.

Literary clubs are not very profitable.

Before Li Wei's arrival, the literary club could earn less than twenty gold coins a year.

For the average person, that's a lot.

For a noble, let alone a member of one of the top noble families in Maple Leaf City.

The money is nothing.

Some people choose to accept their fate as ordinary people.

Some people are unwilling to accept their fate and eventually go astray.

Levi exited the dream.

He saw who was giving the man the blood ritual.

Li Wei was also very surprised when he saw the other party's true face.

He knew the man.

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