Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 226 Harvest after more than half a year

Levi returned to the mage tower.

"Teacher, Bishop Dix said that he did not sense the curse of the evil god at all."

"I also performed the ritual to expel the curse, but nothing happened."

He told Torresta what had happened.

See what he has to say.

Torresta said: "It seems that the curse of the evil god on you is not simple. Maybe you need to go to the Temple of Light."

"You will go to the Elemental Tower in a few days. The Elemental Tower is not far from the Temple of Light. You can pay a visit."

Levi nodded, "That's all."

He was a little worried, "What if I can't find the problem in the Temple of Light?"

Torresta said: "Then I'm afraid the real gods will take action."

"Don't worry too much. If the curse can't be found in the Temple of Light, maybe the curse doesn't exist at all."

Levi believes more in panels.

Torresta paused for a moment and said, "There is another possibility."

Levi raised his head, looked at him, and waited for him to speak.

Torresta said: "If you are not cursed, but blessed, the expulsion ritual will not have any effect."

Levi: "..."

He still can't tell the difference between blessing and curse?

Besides, why did the evil god give him a blessing?

Did he take a fancy to him and choose him to be the follower of the evil god?

This is even bigger trouble!

Levi said: "Then don't disturb the teacher, I'll leave first."


Night, in the study.

Levi looked at Shadow Attendant and said: "Look at me, wake me up in one minute, use any means."

"Okay, Master."

There is no way to keep hiding.

The more you avoid, the more you fear.

Levi plans to face his fears.

He used the great sleepwalking technique and came to the safe house in the dream.

He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

At least nothing unusual has happened in the safe house yet.

He looked out the window, and there was still an endless river of dreams outside.

A red giant star is located at the end of the long river of dreams.

It was as if all the dream rivers flowed into the red giant star.

Li Wei looked up and saw one hundred and seven stars of different colors hanging high in the sky.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Suddenly, his eyes froze and he stared at the purple-black star in the sky for a long time.

The purple-black star is the star magic eye that appears on the high slope of Qingfeng.

Under his gaze, the purple-black stars remained unchanged.

"Is that Ubis?"

Levi was not sure either.

It is good news that there is nothing unusual about the dream.


The safe house shook violently, and a feeling of withdrawal came.

Levi returned to the real world.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Shadow Attendant shaking him.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Shadow Attendant stopped.

"Put me down."

Shadow Attendant put the lifted Levi on the ground.

Levi looked at him speechlessly, "If you wake me up, you don't have to lift me up and throw me away!"

The shadow attendant tilted his head, with doubts in his eyes, "Didn't you say that I would call you by any means?"

Levi felt the doubts in Shadow Server's eyes.

He waved and sat down in his chair.

"Okay, go back."

The Shadow Attendant slipped into the shadow and disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom!

Levi tapped his fingers on the table, thinking.

Although there is an evil god's curse on him, it seems to have no effect on him so far.

Maybe in the future.

It's better to get rid of this thing as soon as possible.

Levi plans to only enter the dream world to practice spells in a safe house until the curse of the evil god is resolved.

Standing in the safe house, everything looks normal outside.

It doesn't mean it's really normal.

October 3rd.

Levi was invited by Jimmy to the Spark Literary Club.

"Can't you just bring me the royalties? You still have to ask me to come over."

Jimmy smiled and opened the door and asked Levi to come in.

"Master Li Wei, you will know when you go in."

Levi walked inside.


Fireworks exploded.

The interior of Xinghuo Literary Club was decorated festively.

One banner read "Celebrating the huge sales and huge profits" of the "Dragon Knight" novel.

It's really simple and easy to understand.

Gus took the lead in applauding Levi, and others in the Spark Literary Club also smiled and applauded.

Levi was a little surprised, "Why are you doing such a grand thing?"

Gus smiled and said: "Of course there is great news."

"Jimmy, take Levi in ​​quickly."

"Master Li Wei, follow me."

Several people walked towards the office of the president of Spark Literary Club.

Merson and Monis are waiting here.

The two of them had long heard the commotion outside, and when they saw the door open, they smiled and said, "Congratulations, Master Li Wei."

Li Wei looked at the two of them in surprise, "What's the good thing? Such an effort to mobilize the troops."

Merson and Monis looked at each other and each grabbed a corner of the red cloth on the table.


The red cloth was pulled up, and the table was filled with shining gold coins.

Merson smiled and said: "These are Master Li Wei's royalties."

Levi was a little surprised.

He quickly reacted, "The traveling merchants from the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce are back?"

Monis smiled and said: "Master Li Wei is still smart."

"The manuscript fee for September is 22 gold coins and 53 silver coins, and the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce's share is 586 gold coins, 47 silver coins, and 66 copper coins."

"There are a total of 609 gold coins here!"

Li Wei was very surprised. He didn't expect that the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce would bring so much revenue.

Gus also sighed: "I didn't expect to make so much money."

"According to the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce, revenue may be higher next year. They have already cooperated with local chambers of commerce and literary societies in some towns to stabilize sales channels."

"A few days ago, the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce also discussed with the Quicksand Chamber of Commerce, and the Quicksand Chamber of Commerce agreed to take the novel to Middle-earth for sale."

Levi knew that the Quicksand Chamber of Commerce was the Chamber of Commerce in Bath.

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Cornucopia Merchant Guild had such a big appetite.

Not even the North could satisfy his ambition.

He actually wants to get involved in the world of Middle-earth.

Levi was naturally looking forward to it.

He smiled and said: "Then I can't give up this cash cow."

Merson, Monis, and Gus all laughed out loud when they heard this.


They all knew that Levi was leaving Maple Leaf City.

The reason why Li Wei created such a big fight was because of this mentality.

They are even more unwilling to give up Levi's cash cow.

The popularity of the Dragon Knight novel has led to the development of Spark Literary Society's novels.

There have been many popular novels.

There is still a long way to go before the explosive Dragon Knight, but the future is promising.

Spark Literary Society’s revenue this year has increased tenfold compared to last year.

No one wants to give up such a cash cow.

Merson took the opportunity to invite Levi to lunch.

After everyone gathered for lunch, Levi returned to the mage tower.

He looked at the contribution on the magic badge and found someone to exchange it for money.

Contributions are only useful in the magic tower.

After leaving the Magic Tower and going to the Elemental Tower, gold coins are more practical.

After exchanging all the contributions on hand, the gold coins in Levi's pocket jumped to more than four digits.

Li Wei did a little inventory and found that the total assets reached 1,530 gold coins.

This time I was finally able to get off to a prosperous start.

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