Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 227 Heading to the Elemental Tower Ring of Pride!

October 7th.

The fourth floor of the Mage Tower.

There were only two people, Levi and Torresta.

Torresta is still a phantom.

Levi looked at him and asked: "Teacher, which identity do I use to go to the Elemental Tower?"

Torresta said: "Just use your current identity."

"As long as the top management of the Mage Association knows about Kai's identity."

Levi nodded, indicating that he understood.

Torresta said with a rare smile: "A second-level peak mage is not considered a weakling in the Elemental Tower."

"You have to change your character after you go there. The competition in the Elemental Tower is fierce."

"If you keep hiding your strength, you will lose some of the benefits you deserve. You can show some strength appropriately."

Levi nodded, "Yes, I understand."

He is better at playing the role of a normal second-level fire mage.

Torresta took out a badge with the Cross of Light engraved on it.

"Take this Holy Emblem of Light and go to the Temple of Light. This will at least guarantee that you will see the Archbishop. Whether he is willing to help you depends on your own ability."

"If there is anything that cannot be resolved, you can contact me at any time."

"Although I have been away from the Elemental Tower for some time, there are still many acquaintances there."

Levi's heart moved slightly, thinking of Lilia.

"Teacher, do you know Harros?"

Torresta said: "Don't worry, although he has a weird personality, he is a good person."

Levi nodded.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go in."

Levi walked towards the teleportation array.

Torresta stretched out his hand to activate the long-distance space teleportation array and sent Levi to the distant elemental tower.

"Be careful, the first long-distance space teleportation will be a little uncomfortable."



The mage tower shook, and in an instant, the light of the entire mage tower dimmed.

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads.

Martin and Comas stood outside, looking at the shaking mage tower with envy.

"He's going."

"Yeah, Maple Leaf City can't keep such a genius."

The energy of the mage tower is concentrated into the long-distance space teleportation array.

Silver light flashed, opening a space crack.

A suction force instantly sucked Levi in.

Levi seemed to have fallen headlong into the deep sea, surrounded by darkness and darkness, with occasional flashes of light.

The terrifying space pressure squeezed his body.

A thin layer of fragile silver light outside his body protected him from being crushed.

Levi couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

He was afraid that the silver light would break and he would be crushed by the power of space.

I don't know how much time passed before a white dot appeared in front of Levi's eyes.

The white spots expanded rapidly, covering the field of vision in the blink of an eye.


Levi landed on the teleportation square.

He shook a few times, felt dizzy, and his stomach was churning.

Fortunately, Torresta reminded him not to eat breakfast in the morning.

Now he can't even vomit even if he wants to.


There was the sound of vomiting nearby.

A young man in gorgeous noble robes knelt on the ground and vomited wildly.

Levi closed his eyes, stood firm, and took a deep breath.

After a dozen times, the dizziness disappeared and everything returned to normal.

He just opened his eyes and looked at the scene around him.

What comes into view is a huge teleportation square.

From time to time, the silver light flashes, and someone appears or disappears in the square.

After someone landed, they walked outside as if nothing had happened.

Some people just lay on the ground, vomiting until they were half dead.

Levi looked up and saw a huge floating island floating in mid-air, with a tall tower standing in the center of the floating island.

"Is this the Elemental Tower?"

"Brother, is this your first time here too?"

After vomiting, the noble young man wiped his mouth and threw the silk scarf on the ground.

His face was still a little pale.

Levi nodded, "Well, how to get up there?"

As an ordinary second-level mage, he should not be able to fly spells.

Levi didn't think everyone relied on flying spells to fly up.

After a cursory glance, most of the people around were first- and second-level mages.

Mastering the flying spell is highly unlikely.

The young man smiled and said, "Someone should come to pick us up."

"My name is Carl, what's your name?"

Levi glanced at his outstretched right hand and did not hold it.

He said, "Levi."

Levi walked out of the teleportation square.

Seeing that he didn't shake hands with him, Karl was stunned for a moment.

After reacting, he quickly walked outside.

There was a cleaning magic circle on the teleportation square, and everyone's vomit was quickly swept away.

Levi doesn't have to worry about stepping on dirty things.

Outside the teleportation square, a group of people gathered together to chat, with a few people standing in the distance and looking out of place.

Levi glanced at it and found that the people gathered together were all nobles.

Those people are ordinary people.

"Stop, don't you see that these are all nobles? Go away, don't be blind."

Levi was stopped by someone, and the other person's attitude was quite arrogant.

He heard Guze tell him that although the land of Middle-earth is extremely prosperous, the hierarchy is also extremely strict.

Nobles and ordinary people are not the same class at all.

Levi's feeling is not obvious yet in Maple Leaf City.

I've just arrived at the Elemental Tower and haven't entered yet.

Levi felt it.

The nobles of Middle-earth really don't take ordinary people seriously at all.

In their opinion, even Levi is a genius mage who can enter the Elemental Tower like them.

Their status is also lower than theirs.

Levi was too lazy to argue with these people, so he turned and walked aside.

Several people standing nearby saw Levi approaching and wanted to say something.

He glanced at the nobleman not far away and kept silent.

Speaking ill of nobles at this time is definitely not good.

Hoo ho ho!

There was a sound of wind overhead.

Levi looked up and saw a flying boat landing.

He looked surprised and saw the magic flying boat for the first time.

"Everyone going to the Elemental Tower should get on the flying boat."

The nobles boarded the flying boat one after another, and in a blink of an eye, the flying boat was filled with people.

Several people walked towards the flying boat, wanting to get on.

A noble on the flying boat said: "We can't squeeze anymore, let them wait for the next flying boat."

"What level? You still want to take a flying boat with us!"

Hearing this, several people subconsciously stopped.

Levi frowned.

The person controlling the flying boat was not surprised and said to the few people who had not yet boarded the flying boat: "We can't sit down anymore. You wait for the next boat."

After saying that, he controlled the flying boat to fly towards the floating island.

After the flying boat was far away, someone couldn't help but say: "You can fit in a seat if you squeeze a little bit, but you have to make me wait for the next boat. Damn it!"

"These nobles are going too far!"

"The next flying boat will have to wait until the afternoon. Alas! Another day wasted."

Levi looked up at the floating island and felt that the days ahead did not seem to be wonderful.

Such are the class stereotypes among professionals.

It’s hard to imagine how big the gap is between ordinary people and nobles in Middle-earth.

Is it too late to run now?

Levi thought about this.

[Curse of the Evil God (God Level)] Seven Rings - The Ring of Arrogance, don’t be arrogant and rely on others.

Levi froze, the curse changed.

what happened?

He almost laughed out loud, what kind of curse?

The arrogant one is obviously a noble and has nothing to do with him.

He is more arrogant than the nobles!

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