Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 228 Passive Curse

Levi was even more arrogant.

He relies on his own strength and doesn't bother to compare with it.

He relied on being well-informed and despised the backward feudal system.

"Ring of Pride: No competition for being first."

Information about the Ring of Pride came to Levi's mind.

The flow of information brought about by these evil gods' curses.

As the name suggests, restricted by the Ring of Pride, Levi cannot attack others first and can only passively counterattack.

"This curse is really..."

The power of a curse lingered around Levi.

This force limits his power.

The restriction is only lifted when he is attacked.

Arrogant people are always arrogant and arrogant, and they disdain sneak attacks.

Levi thought the curse would cause serious harm to him.

I didn't expect the curse's effect to be so abnormal.

The deeper the curse of the Ring of Pride, the greater the restrictions.

Now, Levi can still use his magic power to cast spells.

It's just that you can't actively attack people.

Under a deep curse, Levi is likely to lose his power and be directly restricted to become an ordinary person.

"It is imminent to lift the curse!"

He looked around and saw that the few people who had not been able to board the spaceship were looking for a place to sit down, preparing to wait until the afternoon.

Levi has no time to waste here.

First enter the Tower of Elements, then go to the Temple of Light to find someone to help lift the curse.

Torresta said it.

After arriving at the Tower of Elements, the first thing to do is to report. Only after becoming a student of the Tower of Elements can you move freely in Middle-earth.

Only then did I have the opportunity to go to the Temple of Light.

Levi casts the object control technique.

No spells are used on others, and object control is not restricted by the Ring of Pride.

The Ring of Pride's judgment is based on the willingness to attack.

Levi would not be restricted if he did not have the will to attack.

As long as you have the slightest intention to attack, even if you just want to deliberately hurt others with the aftermath, you will not be able to use your power.

Two green phoenix wings appeared behind Levi, leading him to fly towards the floating island.

Several people on the ground looked at him, all showing surprise.

"The Wings of the Wind Elf are so rich!"

"A flying magic scroll probably costs two to three hundred gold coins. It would be too wasteful to wait for the flying boat in the afternoon."

No one thought Levi knew how to use the Sylph Wings.

Levi looks too young and doesn't look like a third-level mage at all.

What's more, if he were a third-level mage, he wouldn't have to come here to wait for the flying boat.

Fly directly from the teleportation circle to the floating island.

Levi flew towards the floating island.

The thing behind him is naturally not the third-level wind spell Wind Elf Wings.

This is the third level of object control.

Before coming to the Element Tower, Levi had deduced the second-level perfect object control technique to the third level.

The controllability of the third-level object control technique is further enhanced.

Gradually evolve towards the direction of telekinesis.

This allows Levi to do more with object control.

One of them is body shaping.

Before this, he could only directly use mana to wrap objects and move them.

Or turn the mana into the shape of a palm and restore it to the mage's hand holding an object.

Now, Levi can use his object control technique to shape his magic into various shapes.

For example, wings shaped like the wings of a sylph.

The mana that incorporates wind elements into the shape of wings looks just like real wind elf wings.

This is very useful for masking possession spells.

Before, Weeks was coveting Levi's object control skills, which led to so many things that happened later.

Levi didn't want to make the same mistake again.

When a second-level mage learns third-level wind spells, people will be surprised and attracted attention.

But it's better than casting an unprecedented flying spell.

Levi flew to the floating island.

The people on the flying boat were disembarking.

When they saw Li Wei flying up, they all looked surprised.

"Third-level mage?"

"No, he is a second-level mage. He uses a magic scroll."

"What a waste!"

Levi landed, and the wings behind him disappeared.

He was wearing the second-level mage robe prepared for him by Torresta.

There are two stars embroidered on the chest of the mage's robe.

This is also the basis for some people to judge that Li Wei is a second-level mage.

"Freshmen are here to report."

There is a small stall not far away with the words "Freshman Reporting Office."

Everyone walked towards that side one after another.

Levi followed.

Carl deliberately fell behind the crowd and went to the back.

"Sorry, I couldn't help you just now."

He pointed out that the nobles were unwilling to let Li Wei and others board the flying boat.

Levi said: "It's nothing, we're not familiar with each other either."

He didn't think about anyone who would help him for no reason.

Karl came over to chat, just because he saw that he had a little bit of money making ability.

Seeing Levi's cold attitude, Karl did not continue to be hot-tempered.

Levi walked to the registration desk.

He saw the sign on the stall saying "Reporting Fee: One Hundred Gold Coins."

Pay one hundred gold coins.

Fortunately, he brought money. Otherwise, if he came empty-handed, wouldn't even reporting be a problem?

"Do you want some tips for the entrance exam? Twenty gold coins each."

"The test scores are related to the class you can be placed in. If you are placed in the bottom class, your future will be worrying."

"With my exam strategy, I can at least ensure that you get good grades above average."

Levi glanced at the pamphlet in his hand.

"Thank you, no need."

Seeing this, the man shook his head and put away the pamphlet.

Levi followed everyone towards the examination venue.

The classes in the Tower of Elements are divided into levels according to the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

The resources available to students in each class are also different.

Red level is the lowest class and purple level is the highest.

According to legend, this is the class level divided according to the level of the original mage.

The original mages were divided into levels according to the seven colors of the rainbow.

Levels one to seven correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow.

Levi arrived at the entrance exam area.

The exam is arranged in a secret place.

Divided into two levels.

The first level is a test of magic theory, fifty points.

The second level is the actual mage battle, fifty points.

A total of one hundred points.

Levi showed his magic badge, and the mage guarding the entrance to the secret realm took a look and said, "Go in."

Enter the secret realm of exams.

Levi couldn't help but sigh at the richness of the Elemental Tower.

He even directly created a secret realm to specifically test the students.

After entering the secret realm, Levi saw that everyone was wrapped in a ball of light and could not see clearly the figures inside.

A question appeared in front of Levi's eyes.

after an hour.

The ball of light shattered, and Levi's exam ended.

Score: 10 points.

This is still a problem of spell deduction that Levi is good at.

Otherwise, it’s just zero eggs.

Levi had never heard of the magic theories and magic terms in many of the topics.

He is a purely practical person and knows nothing about theory.

He is good at fighting, so let him study magic, but he doesn't understand anything.

"It's hard to stand up, it's a bad start."

Li Wei walked towards the depths of the secret realm.

The surrounding scene changed and he appeared on a ring.

The arena is 100 meters in diameter and circular.

The figure of a second-level green steel wolf monster emerged.

"Defeat the Qingganglang and complete the practical exam."

Levi couldn't see.

In the audience seats around the ring.

The Elemental Tower instructors were all surprised when they looked at Li Wei's theoretical results.

"Such a poor theoretical score? How did he reach the second level of cultivation?"

"It's too irresponsible for the Mage Association to select talents, and send people like this who are completely dependent on resources."

"The information says he is only sixteen years old, huh! A sixteen-year-old second-level mage has this much ability? The Mage Association is so bad, even his age is fake."

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