Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 284 Army of the Undead

The dark clouds in the sky are particularly deep.

Dark clouds seemed to be falling to the earth, and the air was filled with the smell of rot and withering.

Li Wei stood on the edge of the floating city and looked at the distant land.

A white line appeared on the ground.

The white line keeps moving towards the Elemental Tower, smearing the ground white wherever it passes.

It was a sea of ​​millions of skeletons.

The army of the undead is coming.

Buzz! Boom!

The floating city shook, and pieces of rock peeled off and fell to the ground, revealing the original foundation of the floating city below.

Patterns of magic circles appeared on the ground.

The huge floating city showed its ferocious fangs and turned into a war fortress.

Magic cannons popped out from the holes below the floating city, aiming at the approaching undead army in the distance.

Levi felt a little nervous.

Everyone was nervous, with solemn and serious faces.

The Elemental Tower has gathered all the magicians who can fight to welcome the coming undead army.

Before the Skeleton Sea arrived, there was a sound in the sky.

Quack quack!

A harsh noise came.

Countless gray-white skeleton birds rushed out of the dark clouds and swooped down towards the floating city.

"Tower Master, would you like to deploy the defensive barrier?"

"The threat of the skeleton bird is not high, so it will not be opened for the time being. The barrier consumes too much energy and will affect the entire floating city after it is opened."


The order was passed to the front line, and the Elemental Tower asked everyone to do their best to kill the falling skeleton birds.

Most skeleton birds are at level one or two, and those above level three are rare.

Except for mages.

There are many small mage towers in the floating city for defense.

The top of the mage tower shoots out a large number of magic beams to destroy the falling skeleton birds in the sky.


Dozens of magic beams formed a net to kill most of the skeleton birds.

Massive wreckage of destruction fell from the sky.

Bones rained from the sky above the floating city.

The civilians have been hiding in the houses, and the ones operating outside are all mages.

Don't worry about the rain of bones hurting people.

After the battle, cleaning up the wreckage is a very troublesome thing.

Everyone raised their staffs and cast spells to kill the skeleton birds missed by the mage tower's defense line.

Levi threw a few small fireballs casually, blowing up several nearby skeleton birds.

Use the golden bone ring secretly to control the skeleton bird to actively hit the magic beam in the sky, causing the moth to fly into the flame.

There were no skeleton birds nearby, so Levi had free time to observe the undead army further away.

Valen came over with Qrow and Diana.

He put on the mage's robe, and the magic badge on his chest was engraved with five stars.

Valen is a fifth-level mage.

There is also a badge next to the magic badge.

The professional badge of the magic puppet master, six stripes.

A sixth-level magic puppet master.

This is also the first time Levi knows about Valen's strength.

Warren said: "Levi, let Diana follow you, she will protect your safety."

Levi nodded, "Well, thank you, Teacher Warren."

Valen said: "The tower master asked us great mages to go to the other side. There may be more important things arranged for us to do. I can't take care of you. Please pay attention to your own safety."

"Okay, Teacher Warren, don't worry about my safety, I will take care of myself." Levi said.

Warren turned and left, leaving Diana with Levi.

Levi turned his head and looked into the distance.

The undead army entered the floating city's magic cannon attack range.

The magic cannon has begun to charge.

Suddenly, Levi saw a wave rising in the ocean of skeletons.

Countless skeletons were lifted up like sea water, and the waves became higher and higher.

A mysterious force wants to slap countless skeletons on the floating city.

The radiant magic cannon at the bottom of the floating city was fired.

Dozens of white beams cut through the dim land, like dozens of extremely sharp knives cutting through the waves of the ocean of skeletons.

In an instant, the waves composed of countless skeletons were cut into pieces.

Countless skeletons fell from a height of tens of meters and were smashed into pieces.

Bang bang bang!

The radiant magic ray fell into the sea of ​​skeletons, causing a violent explosion.

Hoo ho ho!

The white-gold flames from the explosion spread across the sea of ​​skeletons.

Skeletons become fuel for radiant fire.

Countless skeletons were burned to ashes in the white-gold flames.

Suddenly, the glorious flame that should have been burning until all the skeleton monsters were extinguished was instantly extinguished.

Like a fire that has lost its air and the source of its power.

The radiant magic cannon continuously shoots white magic rays.

Burning and extinguishing are repeated over and over again.

The two forces are colliding, colliding, and confronting each other.

Just when Levi felt that the skeleton monster could not threaten the floating city in the sky.

He saw a large number of skeleton monsters gathering together to form dozens of giant skeleton giants that were hundreds of meters tall.

The Skeleton Giant is composed of countless weak zero-level and first-level skeleton monsters.

He strode towards the floating city.

The Skeleton Giant can capture the floating city as long as he raises his arm.

Countless skeletons are climbing up the body of the skeleton giant.

The skeleton giant is the siege ladder of the skeleton army, a living siege ladder.

Whoosh! Bang bang bang!

Under the bombardment of radiant magic cannons and ordinary magic cannons, less than one-fifth of the dozens of skeleton giants could reach the floating city.

The skeleton giant stretched out his hand to grab the edge of the floating city, and his body quickly transformed into a bone bridge connecting the ground.

Countless skeleton monsters rushed towards the floating city along the bridge.

"Destroy the bone bridge!"

The Elemental Tower gave the order.

No order was needed, and everyone could see the importance of destroying the bone bridge.

But ordinary mages cannot cause destructive damage to the bone bridge at all.

Even if a fourth-level spell hits the bone bridge, it cannot destroy the bone bridge.

After the bone bridge is damaged, it repairs quickly.

As long as the skeleton monsters that make up the bone bridge die, the bone bridge will continue to be repaired.

Unless there is a force that can directly destroy the entire bone bridge.

Hoo ho ho!

There was a noise in the sky.

Levi looked up.

Meteorites fell from the sky one after another, piercing through the thick dark clouds and hitting the bone bridge.

Boom! Boom!

Under the bombardment of meteorite magic, two bone bridges collapsed.

More bone bridges were severely damaged but not completely broken.

Damaged areas are also being repaired quickly.

The bone bridge is too close to the floating city, and the magic cannon can no longer hit the bone bridge.

It can only be destroyed by the power of the mage.

Meteorite spell can be said to be the most powerful fifth level spell.

Even such a powerful spell can only destroy the bone bridge when it hits a vulnerable part of the bone bridge.

Spells below level four can hardly pose an effective threat to the bone bridge.

What is strange is that the Elemental Tower knows that spells below level 4 cannot destroy the bone bridge.

But the Archmage was not seen taking action to destroy the bone bridge.

It seems that the wave of meteorite magic is the last resort.

On another battlefield, the Archmage faced a large number of undead monsters of level four or above.

The number of undead monsters is more than ten times the number of Archmages in the Elemental Tower.

Both sides coincidentally opened up a new battlefield.

Levi looked at the bone bridge not far away and tried to use the golden bone ring to control the disintegration of the skeletons forming the bone bridge.

The skeleton did not respond to Levi's orders.

There are higher-level orders controlling the skeleton monsters.

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