Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 285: Destroy the bone bridge with one blow!

Hoo ho ho!

Boom boom boom boom!

The magic light on the battlefield is colorful and chaotic.

The top of the small mage tower on the edge of the city continuously releases magic beams to kill the incoming skeleton monsters.

The number of skeleton monsters is increasing, and everyone retreats again and again.

The long sword transformed from Diana's right arm chopped several skeleton monsters close to Levi.

Levi took a look and didn't pay too much attention.

Even if those skeleton monsters were close to him, they would not pose a threat to him.

Holding the gold bone ring is like holding a gold medal to avoid death.

Although you cannot control the skeleton monster to disintegrate the bone bridge, you can control the skeleton monster not to attack yourself.

The few skeleton monsters passing by just now were not directed at Levi, they were just passing by.

When Diana saw the skeleton monster coming too close, she felt threatened and took the initiative to kill it.

What's more, even without the gold bone ring, there would be no Diana.

The invisible armor on his body cannot be broken by ordinary skeleton monsters.

The gold content of resisting a meteorite spell is not simple.

Levi wants to destroy the Bone Bridge.

to relieve the pressure on the defense line.

The means at his disposal, it is estimated that only the super charged blue fireball can hope to destroy the bone bridge.

However, this is not consistent with his identity.

The super blue fireball technique is his trump card, but it's not good to use it in public.

Levi thought of another spell.

An immature spell - radiance!

Levi took out the bottle of radiant sample that Fernides gave him.

Using this as a casting material, he has a chance to cast an enhanced version of the radiance spell.

The spell model for Radiance is not yet complete.

The current difficulty of casting spells has reached an astonishing fifth level.

Coincidentally, the extraordinary characteristic of advanced mana control gives Levi the fifth-level spell-casting ability.

For a third-level spell with a fifth-level casting difficulty, the effort and gain are completely unreasonable.

But looking at it in front of me, it is the most suitable spell.

The Radiant Technique will definitely cut through the bone bridge.

Levi summoned Shadow Attendant and said to Shadow Attendant and Diana: "Protect them well and prevent any undead from approaching me and disturbing me from casting spells."

While casting spells with all his strength, he could not control the golden bone ring.

The undead attacks indiscriminately, and he will also become a target.

At this time, the protection of Diana and Shadow Attendant is needed.

Diana and Shadow Attendant nodded.

"Okay, Lord Levi."

"Okay, Master."

Diana glanced at Shadow Attendant.

Shadow Attendant was indifferent.

Under the escort of the two people, Li Wei took out the radiant sample and began to cast the spell.

After the glorious aura appeared, the surrounding undead began to riot.

Some of the undead stayed away from Levi.

Some of the undead are intensifying their attacks, trying to nip the budding danger.

Click, click, click!

Diana has been implanted with the fighting mind of a weapons master, and her hands, feet, knees and elbows are all the most deadly weapons in battle.

The skeleton monster just got close and was torn into pieces by her before it could attack.

Compared to Diana's elegant and precise fighting posture.

Shadow Warrior's fighting style seems much rougher.

From the beginning to the end, he uses the Shadow Claw to tear apart the skeleton monster's body and explode the soul flame.

Shadow Warrior's third level awakening ability is Shadow Escape and has no attack ability.

Levi was quite busy during this period and was unable to help the Shadow Warrior rise to the fourth level.

It is still the peak of the third level.

However, the third-level peak Shadow Claw is enough to deal with the generally first- and second-level skeleton monsters.

There is no single enemy.

Ten minutes passed.

The corpses of the skeleton monsters piled up into a hill next to Levi, and his radiance technique was finally completed.


The empty bottle fell to the ground and rolled around a few times. The mouth of the bottle was aligned with the hollow eye socket of a skull.

A ball of unstable white-gold light condensed between Levi's hands.

"Step aside!"

he shouted.

Shadow Attendant and Diana retreated subconsciously.

Levi pushed his hands, and light burst out from between his palms, turning into an extremely sharp white-gold beam sword that cut through the sea of ​​undead.

While the radiant spell is still going on.

Levi quickly controlled the platinum beam to cut through the bone bridge.

Puff puff puff puff!

The radiance technique swept across, and wherever it passed, all the skeleton monsters were broken into two pieces and fell to the ground.

The fracture burned with white-gold flames, and the soul fire in the eye sockets quickly extinguished.


The brilliance technique cut through the bone bridge, causing a violent explosion.

Cutting the bone bridge was far more difficult than Levi imagined.

If the bone bridge were composed of pure skeleton monsters, everything in the radiant spell would be broken.

However, there is a strange power inside the bone bridge.

That force brought countless skeletons together to form a bone bridge.

After the brilliance technique cut open the skeleton, it collided with the force and exploded.

Levi felt that the radiance technique in his palm was weakening rapidly, and he poured all the mana in his body into it at all costs.

It's come to this, don't give up.

With the infusion of a large amount of mana, the power of the radiance technique skyrocketed, and the beam instantly doubled in thickness.


Boom! Boom! Boom!


The beam cut through the bone bridge and swept through the bodies of hundreds of nearby skeleton monsters.

The beam in Levi's hand went out, and his magic power was gone.


The great bone bridge is crumbling.

The fracture was burning with white-gold flames.

The power of brilliance prevents bone bridge repair.

When everyone saw this and saw the opportunity, they tried their best to throw various powerful spells on the bone bridge.

Dozens of third-level spells fell on the broken bone bridge.

Be the last straw for Bone Bridge.

The bone bridge, which had lost the ability to repair, completely collapsed.

They scattered into countless skeleton monsters and fell hundreds of meters into the sky.

"Success! We successfully destroyed a bone bridge!"

"Incredible, amazing!"

"What was that white beam of light just now?"

Everyone asked questions, wanting to know the source of the white beam.

But no one knows.

When Levi used the radiance technique, he was already overwhelmed by the skeleton monster.

The height of the surrounding corpses overshadowed his figure.

Even if someone saw the beam emitting from his position, no one could be seen.

Everyone cleared away the remaining undead nearby and looked for the source of the white beam.

Levi has already gone away.

His mana was almost exhausted and it was too dangerous to remain on the front lines.

Levi retreated to the rear to recover his mana.

There are also many mages in the safe area, drinking mana recovery potions and meditating to restore mana.

Levi is inconspicuous here.

"One bone bridge was destroyed, and there are three left. I wonder if the Elemental Tower can solve it?"

Levi thought of the Brilliant Magic Cannon.

The radiant technique he exerted with great effort was almost as powerful as the radiant magic cannon.

If you can carry a radiant magic cannon over here, you should be able to easily destroy the remaining three bone bridges.

But now the radiant magic cannons are installed on the turret.

It's not easy to remove either.

Levi's expression moved slightly, and he remembered something.

There seems to be a radiant magic cannon that is not installed on the turret.

The first-generation machine in the Hall of Truth is still in the research room.

Li Wei thought of this, got up and walked towards the Palace of Truth.

Halfway there, he saw a familiar figure.

"Savinia, what is she doing here?"

Levi saw Savinia turn and disappear into an alley.

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