Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 298 Square Star Lock Magic Barrier

Steele sincerely admitted defeat.

It was not easy for Levi to continue taking action.

Mainly because Steele was willing to compensate Levi.

Levi said: "I want you to create a magic barrier that blocks the breath of the fire spirit."

Steele looked at him in surprise, "You should have told me this earlier! Why are you fighting with me? I'll just give it to you!"

Levi: "..."

"The problem is, I wanted to speak, but you didn't give me a chance."

"Besides, if I don't fight with you, will you be willing to hand it over?" Levi asked.

Steele thought about it and thought so.

If Levi makes this request before the fight.

He was sure that no bird would peck him.

Just tell Levi to get lost.

Now Levi made this request.

Instead, he felt that Levi's requirements were low.

People are just stupid.

Gulu gulu!

The large pit created by the cyan flame dragon was gradually backfilled, and a large number of bubbles emerged from the molten magma.

Many fire element elves were attracted by the movement here.

Seeing this, Steele quickly said: "Let's go to the magic barrier first and talk about anything later, otherwise we will be in danger of being discovered by the fire elemental elves."

Levi nodded.

Steele opened the magic barrier and the two of them walked into it.

After the magic barrier was closed, all auras were isolated and the two figures were hidden.

You can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see Levi from the outside.

Levi and Steele saw that after the magic barrier was closed, a large number of fire elemental elves appeared nearby not long after.

Fire elemental elves are not the ones Stiyl is afraid of.

Stiyl can easily burst into fourth level power.

Ordinary fire element elves cannot pose a threat to him.

The reason why Steel is so afraid of fire elemental elves.

It's because of the fire element lord that may exist deep in the volcano.

After waiting for a while, the fire elemental elves gradually dispersed.

Steele breathed a sigh of relief and started talking to Levi.

Levi asked curiously: "What kind of magic barrier is this?"

Steele said: "The four-way star lock magic barrier can shield the breath and fluctuations of the fire spirit, and has both concealment and defense capabilities."

He took out a ball covered with magic circles and handed it to Levi.

"Take it, this is the only one I have left. Fill it with the magic stone and you can reuse it."

Levi took the barrier stone.

Most enchantment spells are compound spells, composed of multiple spells combined.

It usually requires multiple people to work together to complete the spell.

It is too difficult for one person to use.

Hence the advent of the barrier stone.

The enchantment master and the formation master work together to seal the magic enchantment in the enchantment stone.

You only need to activate the enchantment stone to open the magic enchantment.

The only disadvantage is that the magic enchantment within the enchantment stone is usually limited by materials, and the scope of the enchantment is relatively small.

Functions are also limited and cannot be changed or adjusted.

It's enough most of the time.

After Li Wei got the four-square star lock enchantment stone, he looked at the spirit gathering ceremony array arranged in the center of the stone platform.

He took one look and felt that Steele's method of arranging the spirit gathering ceremony was quite rough.

Many areas can be improved.

"what are you doing?"

Steele asked quickly when he saw Li Wei using the spirit gathering ceremony he had arranged.

Although he had previously said that he was willing to hand over the Spirit Gathering Crystal to Levi.

But at this moment, he still didn't want to give it.

The main reason is that giving Li Wei a square star lock barrier stone is enough.

If you give him another Spirit-Gathering Crystal, he will lose a lot of money.

Steele quickly said: "This spirit gathering ritual circle is carefully arranged by me. Don't let me destroy it."

Levi moved the items in the ceremony casually.

Steele found that the effect of gathering spirits was greatly enhanced.

Instantly, he felt extremely embarrassed.

I can't wait to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

What the hell? Why is this guy so powerful?

A few random moves would be more effective than a carefully arranged ceremony?

When Steele was secretly ashamed, he felt like he was being hit.

He was defeated again and again, and even the ritual formation was crushed.

Steele didn't even know what he was so proud of as a purple-level student.

Are all the students in today's red-level class so scary?

I haven’t gone outside for so long. Has the weather changed outside?

Steele was deeply suspicious.

He watched eagerly as Li Wei modified the spirit gathering ritual circle.

Steele also hopes that these spirit-gathering crystals can break through the fourth level.

Li Wei corrected all the flaws in the spirit gathering ceremony circle.

The speed of gathering spirits is instantly accelerated by 40 to 50%.

He looked at Steele and said: "The fire spirits here are very abundant and can support at least three to four spirit gathering ritual circles."

"Do you have any problem with me setting up another spiritual gathering ritual circle?"

Steele quickly shook his head and said, "No objection."

He doesn’t dare to have any objections now!

I can't beat you again and again, and I can't argue you again and again.

What else can be done?

Seeing that Li Wei seemed to be no longer staring at his soul-gathering crystal.

Steele secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Wei arranged the spirit gathering ceremony array on the edge of the stone platform, closer to the center of the lava lake.

He pointed the direction of the spirit-gathering ritual circle to extract the spirit of fire at the center of the lava lake.

To this end, he also specially modified the style of the ritual circle.

This was something unimaginable for Steele.

He would only arrange the ceremony according to the magic circle on the spirit gathering ceremony scroll.

I never thought I could change the style.

After Levi finished the arrangement, he looked at Steele and said, "You said before that you would give me the spirit-gathering crystal..."

Steele was shocked, and he quickly said: "Well, I will give you a four-square star lock barrier stone."

Levi asked: "How many pure crystals do you have?"

Steele quickly said: "I prepared ten yuan, mainly because I was afraid that the ritual would fail and the pure crystal would be destroyed. I didn't expect that it was successful in the first time."

Levi's eyes lit up and he said, "If you don't want to give me the spirit-gathering crystal, just give me a few pure crystals."

Steele breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

He nodded and said, "No problem."

Pure crystal is nothing.

A mere five hundred gold coins.

Steele took out two pure crystals and handed them to Levi.

After Li Wei accepted it, he was still not satisfied.

He said: "The spirit gathering ceremony circle you arranged is too bad. There are so many flaws that you can't stand it. According to your previous arrangement, problems will occur in at most an hour."

Steele was stunned, "Is it really that bad?"

"Look at the difference between now and before." Levi said, pointing to the spirit gathering ceremony array.

Steele felt a little guilty and embarrassed.

Levi said: "After I modify it for you, this spirit gathering ceremony can be maintained until it is filled with spirit gathering crystals."

Steele was shocked and suddenly felt awesome.

He never thought about filling the Soul Gathering Crystal.

His idea is that a little bit is a little bit.

If you accumulate a few more spirit-gathering crystals, you can always get enough fire spirits.

Seeing his expression change, Levi smiled inwardly.

"Let's do this. I'll help you arrange the spirit gathering ceremony. Once arranged, you give me a piece of pure crystal."

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