Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 299 Fire Elemental Lord

Levi looked up at the sky.

The sky outside the crater is still bright, filled with burning fire clouds.

Levi murmured: "It's almost been a day, right?"

Steele sat aside and said: "There is no night in the fire elemental plane. It is like this all year round."

Levi turned to look at him but said nothing.

Both of them were waiting quietly for the Spirit Gathering Crystal to be filled.

Half a day has passed, and the speed at which the spirit gathering ceremony absorbs the fire spirit has begun to slow down.

The surrounding fire spirits have not decreased significantly.

This shows that the Soul Gathering Crystal is almost full.

The harvest time is about to come.

Thanks to Steele's four-sided star lock magic barrier, it can block the breath of the fire spirit.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to stay here safely for half a day.

Steele saw that the light of the Soul Gathering Crystal was restrained and slowly extinguished.

He stood up excitedly, which was a sign that the Soul Gathering Crystal was full.

This was the first time that Steele saw a filled soul-gathering crystal.

"Mine is almost full too."

Levi said.

Steele looked at him in surprise, "How is that possible?"

"I arranged the spirit gathering ceremony earlier than you, why are you so fast?"

He saw that Li Wei's spirit-gathering crystal also showed signs of restrained brilliance.

Very surprised.

Levi smiled and said, "Of course it's because my spirit gathering ceremony is more efficient."

Steele looked at Levi, not knowing what to say.

He simply turned his head and looked at the Soul Gathering Crystal, waiting for the final harvest.

Ten minutes later, the light of the Spirit Gathering Crystal completely subsided.

It is much brighter than the original pure fire element magic crystal.

But it doesn't have that dazzling feeling.

It looks much softer.

Levi's spirit-gathering crystals were also filled one after another.

The two were preparing to take back the spirit-gathering crystal.

There was a vibration in the lava lake, and a large number of bubbles came out.

Levi subconsciously turned his head to look.

Seeing the center of the lava lake rising slowly, large swaths of lava rushed in all directions.

A powerful aura appeared within the range of perception.

Levi was shocked. He realized what it was before he saw it.

There is only one creature in the volcano with such terrifying power.

Fire elemental lord!

"What's going on? Why did you alert the fire element lord?" Levi panicked.

Stiyl also discovered the Fire Elemental Lord.

He quickly checked the Sifang Star Lock Magic Barrier.

He said anxiously: "There is no problem with the barrier, how come it attracts the fire element lord?"

The weakest fire element lord is a sixth-level creature.

It's simply not something that two people can handle.

If the fire element lord intends to attack the two of them, they may not even have a chance to escape.

Steele thinks so.

Levi felt that he still had a glimmer of hope.

While waiting for the Soul Gathering Crystal to absorb the Fire Spirit, he did not sit idle and restored all the layers of the invisible armor that had been broken by Stiyl.

The seventy-two-layer shield can at least block a blow from the fire element lord.

He would have a chance to use fire escape to escape.

Levi is confident that if the fire escape breaks out, the fire element lord will not be able to catch up with him.

After continuous deduction and strengthening, Fire Escape has already reached the third level.

The top speed has reached three times the speed of sound.

Ordinary attacks simply couldn't keep up with Levi's full escape speed.

At three times the speed of sound, Levi only dared to use the fire elemental form to escape.

Otherwise, you may accidentally hit something and turn into a puddle of meat paste.

The two looked at the fire element lord nervously.

After a while, it was discovered that the fire element lord did not appear to be attracted by the spirit-gathering crystal.

After the fire element lord emerged, he looked up at the sky.

A figure emerged from the thick volcanic ash in the sky.

A huge firebird.

Levi looked out from the crater and could only see the body of the firebird.

Not a single gap in the sky could be seen.

This shows how huge the Firebird is.

The fire elemental lord buzzed, and the fire bird made a loud cry.

Levi looked confused.

"Are they communicating?"

Levi asked.

Stiyl glanced at him and said: "This is the language of elements, the language used by elemental elves."

Li Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, explaining why?

If you understand, just translate.

I have to show off that I understand a foreign language.

Steele glanced at Levi proudly.

Elemental language is a rare language. Few people can learn it, and few people have the opportunity to learn it.

It just so happened that Steele had this opportunity and learned it.

Not only that, he also knows many languages.

He knows elemental languages, demonic languages, orc languages, elven languages, and the common language of the continent.

In terms of language talent, he is definitely a genius.

Whether it is elemental language, demonic language, or elven language, they are not simple languages.

Language contains some special power.

The chanting spells of ancient mages utilized the power in Elvish and Elemental Languages.

Modern mages rarely use chanting spells. Spellcasting with spell models is more advanced and convenient than chanting spells.

Spell slot casting is more convenient than spell model casting.

After feeling proud, Steele said: "That fire bird is called Garuda. According to the fire element lord, Garuda seems to be a subordinate of the ruler of the fire element plane.

Garuda came to give the Lord of Fire Element an order to prepare to go to the main plane. The Lord of Fire was going to launch a cross-border war. "

Levi looked surprised.

"Cross-border war, why don't you tell the Elemental Tower about such an urgent matter?"

Steele smiled and said: "What does this mean? Let's wait until the Flame Lord enters the main plane."

"We don't need to worry about this. After all, the main plane is protected by gods. The flame master of the fire elemental plane is a foreign god. The gods of the main plane will not let it in easily."

Li Wei heard this and nodded.

Suddenly, Steele's expression changed.

Levi asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Levi understood why without him needing to answer.

After the fire bird Garuda had a conversation with the fire element lord Ragnar, he turned to look at where they were.

Levi broke into cold sweat instantly.

Firebird Garuda said: "There happen to be two humans here. You can go to the main plane through them. The master will contact you then. See you on the main plane."

After saying this, the fire bird Garuda flew into the sky and disappeared.

The fire elemental lord looked at Levi and Steele.

He casually raised a pillar of lava fire and penetrated the magic barrier.

The two of them were completely exposed to the fire element lord.

A place where the magic barrier is lost.

All kinds of harmful substances and pungent smells in the crater rushed towards the two of them.

Steele's face turned slightly pale.

He understood the words of the fire bird Garuda.

Understand, if the fire element lord needs his help to go to the main plane.

You may not be in danger for the time being.

Maybe in the future.

The fire element lord Ragnar looked at the two of them and said in a loud voice: "You two, I only need one person."

As soon as these words came out, Steele's eyes when he looked at Levi changed instantly.

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