Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 300 Reappearance of the famous scene

Levi was still confused and didn't understand what the fire element lord meant.

Many thoughts have popped up in Steele's mind.

He understood what the fire bird Garuda said and what the fire element lord Ragnar said.

Li Wei doesn't know elemental language, so he doesn't know what the fire bird Garuda said just now.

So, I'm still confused now.

The importance of knowledge.

It can save lives at critical moments.

Steele was told by the fire element lord Ragna, and subconsciously wanted to get rid of Levi.

In this way, the fire element lord Ragnar has to be his choice.

At least it's guaranteed to survive.

Levi's strength is terrifying.

If he wants to win, he can only attack by sneak attack.

However, when he was about to take action, he hesitated.

Not that he hesitated to kill Levi.

But he was confused about the words of the fire element lord Ragnar.

Is this guy sowing discord?

But this was a conspiracy. Even though Steele knew that the other party was sowing discord, he wanted to see the two of them turn against each other and fight each other.

There was nothing he could do.

Ragnar, the fire elemental lord, is too strong.

Even if the two of them work together, they can't deal with it.

Although I don’t know what the fire element lord Ragna is talking about.

However, Levi was alert immediately.

Always pay attention to what Steele is doing behind his back.

Levi looked at the tall fire element lord and assessed the chances of escape in his mind.

Steele took action.

He sneak attacked Levi.

In order to successfully sneak attack, he directly used magic scrolls and instant spells.

Not giving Levi time to react.


The flames instantly engulfed Levi and the stone platform.

Ragnar, the fire element lord, looked at this scene indifferently.

As a fire element lord, he is not as innocent as most humans think.

On the contrary, he has lived for thousands of years and has seen countless human ugliness.

What gives humans confidence that a powerful creature that has lived for thousands of years has lower intelligence than humans?

Ragnar was disgusted by humanity's inexplicable sense of intellectual superiority.

It was just a small amount of fun for him to sow discord with a casual comment and watch the two of them kill each other.

Leisurely entertainment.

Ragnar sneered in his heart when he saw Stiyl attacking Levi secretly.

What stupid humans!

Do whatever it takes to survive.

What an ugly race.

I really don’t understand why the gods would take a fancy to such a race.

After a moment, the fire light dissipated, and Ragnar's eyes froze slightly, staying where he was.

After the fire light dissipated, the two people on the stone platform had disappeared.

After a while, Ragna reacted and roared to the sky.

I found myself being tricked by humans!

The two humans didn't kill each other at all. Instead, they acted in front of him, playing tricks on the clever fire elemental lord.


Ragnar, the fire elemental lord, breaks out of the crater.

He saw two figures on the horizon in the distance quickly disappearing.

Ragnar, the fire element lord, flew up in anger and chased after the two of them.

He wanted to capture both of them and torture them severely.

The play between the two made Ragnar feel like his intelligence was being stepped on and trampled on.

He was already proud of his own intelligence.

Now, someone stepped on me where I was most proud.

Ragnar, the fire elemental lord, became furious.

Hoo ho ho!

The roar of the fire element lord came from behind.

Levi glanced back and sped up.

What Steele used just now was a blindfold.

The real function of that magic scroll is not to attack at all.

But teleport.

Levi cooperated with him and created a fire that drowned the two of them.

The two then took the opportunity to teleport away from the volcano.

Unfortunately, the transmission distance is not very far, only a few hundred meters.

As soon as they left the volcano, the two used flying spells to escape.

Levi used fire escape.

Two burning demon wings sprouted from Stiyl's back, and their speed could actually keep up with Levi's normal flying speed.

He saw the fire elemental lord approaching from behind.

Steele shouted: "Split up and run!"


Levi shouted back.

The two separated and flew in both directions.

Seeing this, the fire element lord Ragnar waved his hands, and two lava fireballs flew out, chasing Levi.

And he chased after Steele because he felt teased by Steele.

He wanted to capture Steele and torture him severely.

As for Li Wei, if you can't catch him, just kill him.

Stiyl saw the fire element lord Ragnar chasing him with a bitter look on his face.

I cursed in my heart: His grandma’s! Why not go after Levi?

Ragnar, the fire elemental lord, is seen getting closer.

Steele reluctantly tore open a teleportation scroll again.

A burst of silver light flashed and disappeared.

Ragna, the fire element lord, looked around and then chased in one direction.

Steele put some distance away, but not far enough.

Still discovered by the fire element lord Ragna.

Levi looked back and saw two large lava fireballs flying towards him.

He quickly fired fireballs, trying to explode two large lava fireballs.

Unexpectedly, when the fireball approached, it was directly engulfed and could not function.

This is an attack from the sixth-level elemental lord.

It's hard to resolve.

Li Wei saw this and accelerated directly.

"Fire Escape!"

Full body elementalization.

Flames erupted from behind.

Instant acceleration.

It turned into a beam of fire and flew into the distance.

The lava fireball chased Li Weifei. After a few seconds, it lost its target and fell to the ground.

When it fell on the ground, two huge craters were exploded, and no bones of the affected monsters were left.

"Get rid of it, phew~"

Levi looked back and saw that after throwing away the lava fireball, he quickly slowed down.

Suddenly, he felt a warmth coming from the top of his head.

Looking up, a cloud of fire slowly fell from above.

A huge head lowered from the fire cloud, and its huge burning pupils looked at Levi.

Levi's eyes froze and his whole body was shocked.

Fire Bird Garuda!

Damn it, how did you catch up with this thing?

Garuda, the fire bird, saw something approaching quickly from behind.

It was faster than it was, so I stopped to check it out out of curiosity.

It turns out to be an elemental human being.

"Interesting human being."

Li Wei just wanted to run away.

An invisible force came from all around and fixed his body.

The fire bird Garuda grabbed Li Wei and flew towards the depths of the fire element secret realm.

Levi felt bad.

Looking back, it felt like this was the second time I was caught by a bird and flew away.

Oh, it wasn't a bird last time, it was a chiropterus.

Neither feels good.

Levi wondered if he had a conflict with the sky?

Why do I get snatched away by birds every time I fly at full speed?

They are all the kind who can't resist.

The fire bird Garuda took Li Wei to fly quickly through the fire elemental plane, and Li Wei discovered that this plane was not without plants.

He saw a burning forest, the leaves of which were flames.

Flying across a burning river, the fire bird Garuda leads Levi into a burning earth.

The temperature here is incredibly high.

Levi was so roasted that he felt dizzy.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the fire bird Garuda to put it down in a rock nest.

Levi regained his strength, and the invisible armor emerged to block the heat.

He didn't get scorched.

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