Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 378 Holy Spirit Reincarnation Ceremony

After half a day of non-stop driving in Morpheus.

Levi finally came to the safe zone Savinia said.

"Thousand-year blood pool?"

Levi looked surprised.

Coming down the hillside, Levi saw a blood-red lake on the ground not far away.

It was very similar to the thousand-year blood pool he had seen before.

Savinia nodded and said, "Yes, this is it."

Levi was puzzled.

He asked: "But isn't the Millennium Blood Pool deep in the ancient battlefield? Why does it appear here?"

"Is this already the ancient battlefield?"

Savinia shook her head and said: "No, even if Morpheus rushes with all his strength, it will take at least three days to return to the ancient battlefield."

"This is also a thousand-year blood pool, but it is just a part brought here by the owner."

Levi showed doubts.

"What do you mean? The thousand-year blood pool can still be moved?"

Savinia smiled and explained: "What do you think the Thousand-Year Blood Pool is?"

"This is the ultimate weapon that the master has spent hundreds of years building. It will play an extremely important role in the master's future achievements."

"Master's great deeds? What exactly is he planning to do?" Levi asked.

Levi accurately captured the important information from Savinia's mouth.

Savinia shook her head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, the master has been planning for hundreds of years."

Levi was a little disappointed. Even Savinia didn't know what the legendary lich wanted to do?

He looked at the approaching Thousand-Year Blood Pool and asked: "The Thousand-Year Blood Pool is the ultimate weapon? What is its use?"

Savinia smiled slyly, "I won't tell you."

"You'll find out later."

Li Wei felt helpless.

Arriving at the edge of the thousand-year blood pool, Levi saw the black-haired young man "Hen", the tauren Arnold who was seriously injured and had not recovered, and the illusory ghost Elizabeth.

Plus Savinia and Morpheus.

Levi already knows five of the Twelve Deadpools.

He looked at Savinia and asked: "You said there are twelve Deadpools, so besides the five of you, where are the other seven?"

Savinia said: "They are not here. You might see them if you have the chance."

"Where is your master? I want to see him." Levi said.

After thinking a lot, Levi decided to go see the legendary lich in person and ask him what he wanted to do?

Elizabeth said: "The master hasn't come back yet. He went to intercept the pursuers from Storm City."

Hen looked at Li Wei silently, his eyes unfriendly.

He was almost killed by Levi.

Even if Levi inherits the golden bone ring and gains control of the twelve deadpools.

He was still a little dissatisfied with Levi.

Levi asked: "When can he come back?"

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Seeing this, Li Wei found a flat rock on the edge of the Millennium Blood Pool and sat down, meditating to regain his strength.

Savinia, Arnold, Hen, and Elizabeth all stayed in the thousand-year blood pool, soaking in blood.

The injuries on the tauren Arnold's body recovered quickly under the nourishment of the thousand-year blood pool.

Elizabeth's body also became much more solid.

New flesh and bones gradually grew under Savinia's neck.

As long as Morpheus stays outside the Thousand-Year Blood Pool.

He is a rock monster. Strictly speaking, he is not an undead at all.

Just a follower who follows the legendary lich.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed, and most of Levi's depleted mental energy was restored.

He opened his eyes and looked at several undead souls bathing in the Millennium Blood Pool.

"Isn't your master back yet?"

Levi asked.

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "No."

"When will he come back?" Levi asked.

Savinia walked out of the thousand-year blood pool.

The body has returned to its original state, smooth and delicate.

It just lacks a sense of vitality.

Looks a little pale.

She said carelessly: "Why are you anxious? We are not anxious."

Levi glanced at Savinia's airport, showing no worldly desires at all.

He said: "If he doesn't come back yet, I will go back first."

"Wait a minute, the master has something for you."

Elizabeth said.

She got into the pool of blood and after a moment took out a broken bronze tile.

Li Wei took the bronze tile and asked in confusion: "What is this?"

Elizabeth said: "The master heard that you killed the four-winged angel and obtained the heart of the angel, and asked me to give you this Holy Spirit Reincarnation Ceremony."

"Holy Spirit Reincarnation Ceremony?" Levi showed surprise.

"Reincarnated as an angel?" Levi asked.

Elizabeth shook her head and said: "I don't know, anyway, the master asked me to give it to you."

Li Wei took a look at the things recorded on the bronze tiles, but couldn't understand them for a while, so he had to take them back for study.

He took out a set of clothes and threw them to Savinia, then turned and left.

"Don't wander around."

Savinia looked at Levi, tilting her head with a puzzled look on her face.

She is undead and has no concept of shame.

For her, the skin is not as important as the bones.

However, Savinia still put on the clothes Levi gave her.

Levi headed towards the Elemental Tower.

He took out his magic badge and activated its positioning function.

A cursor appeared on the magic badge and pointed to the right.

That's the direction of the Elemental Tower.

Levi put away his magic badge, used Fire Escape and flew towards the Elemental Tower.

Without the teleportation circle, we would have no choice but to fly back.

When he first arrived at the Elemental Tower, Levi thought about flying directly to Storm City.

But considering it was too dangerous, the idea was abandoned.

Unexpectedly, one day he would have to do this.

However, his current strength is much stronger than before, and his danger level has been greatly reduced.

Along the way, Levi suffered several attacks from flying creatures.

After solving it easily, we never encountered any danger again.

Bon Voyage.

Levi saw a small black dot appearing on the horizon, and with all his strength, he accelerated towards the Elemental Tower.

Wangshan is a dead horse.

Even after seeing the Elemental Tower, Levi flew for more than an hour to reach the Elemental Tower.

Landing on the floating island, he let out a long breath.

Tension relaxes.

"Finally home."

Returning to the Elemental Tower means real safety.

Li Wei walked towards the floating city.

It seems that the news of the chaos that broke out in Storm City has not reached the Elemental Tower yet.

No one in the floating city talked about Storm City.

Otherwise, Levi would hear things about Storm City while walking on the street.

When Storm City was attacked by the undead, the news spread like wildfire and everyone in the Floating City was discussing it.

Having experienced attacks by the undead, the people of the Floating City are very sensitive to this kind of news.

Levi walked to the road and thought in his mind.

Which camp do you belong to now?

Tower of elements? Or undead?

Levi felt that his current situation was very delicate.

Two boats.

If you are not careful, you will end up with a boat capsizing and someone dying.

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