Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 379 The authenticity of memory

After Levi returned to the Elemental Tower, he first met with Valen.

He was very curious about Valen and Torresta's relationship.

If Torresta is the legendary lich, then are what Valen said true or false?

Or perhaps, the legendary lich has been using the identity of Torres Tower to hide between the top mage towers.

It's not even just Torresta.

If the transfiguration comes from the legendary lich, it can create as many false identities as it wants.

The legendary lich has existed for hundreds of years, and no one knows how many people have been disguised as his phantom during these hundreds of years.

Last time, when Levi came, Warren was out and not at the manor.

This time Levi came and finally met Warren.

"Teacher Valen, how much do you know about my teacher Torresta?"

Levi said to Warren while eating.

Warren stopped his knife and fork and began to think.

"Why do you ask this question?"

Warren asked curiously.

Levi said: "Because I suddenly discovered that the teacher is very mysterious."

He took out the holy symbol and placed it in front of Valen.

Levi said: "This is what the teacher gave me. Has he ever been familiar with the Temple of Light?"

Valen was very surprised and surprised when he saw the Holy Emblem.

He picked it up and looked at it to make sure it was genuine.

"Is this the Holy Emblem of Light? This is my first time seeing it too."

Varun said.

Levi nodded, "Yeah."

Valen was also a little surprised and said: "When did Torresta get it? I don't know why?"

He had heard about the value of the Holy Emblem of Light.

Know that this thing is not available to ordinary people.

Rumor has it that the most recent Holy Emblem of Light was awarded to a legendary warrior by the Temple of Light fifty years ago.

Why did Torresta get a Holy Emblem of Light without saying a word?

Or was it picked up from somewhere else?

Valen returned the Holy Emblem of Light to Levi and said, "Your teacher and I haven't seen each other for more than ten years. I don't know what he has done in these years."

"Maybe that's what he got over the years," Wallen speculated.

What he pointed out was that the source was not the Temple of Light.

If the Temple of Light issues the Holy Emblem of Light, it will definitely hold a grand ceremony to inform the world.

However, over the years, no new holders of the Holy Emblem of Light have appeared.

Therefore, this Holy Emblem of Light may come from someone who was previously issued by the Temple of Light.

Li Wei put away the Holy Emblem of Light and said, "I want to know more about the teacher. Can you tell me what happened when you met the teacher?"

Warren smiled and said: "Of course, if you are willing to listen, I will be willing to speak."

"I haven't told anyone about these things yet. Speaking of which, there was a legendary story when your teacher and I met..."

"A long time ago, I was still a weak mage..."

Levi and Warren chatted for a long time.

Valen told Levi many interesting things he had experienced with Torresta in the past.

In Valen's narration, Levi gradually understood Torresta.

According to Valen's story, Torresta seems to have been a young man with very clear goals from beginning to end.

There was once a king whose daughter wanted to marry Torresta, but he also refused.

At the time, Valen and Torresta were relatively unknown.

A princess willing to marry Torresta is undoubtedly a piece of cake in the sky.

The king also said that as long as Torresta is willing to marry the princess, he will fully support his cultivation and let him become a protector of the country when he becomes stronger.

Unfortunately, Torresta refused.

From that moment on, Valen realized that Torresta was an ambitious young man who had a very clear goal and was moving forward unswervingly for it.

In Valen's opinion, Torresta's goal should be to explore the truth of magic.

Become the most powerful mage.

He has indeed been doing this, growing up from an ordinary mage to entering the Phantom Tower and becoming a top mage student.

Represent Phantom Tower to communicate with other top mage towers in various places.

Learn more about magic.

Until something happened in the Elemental Tower.

Torresta's cheating life changed.

Unusually, he exited the Phantom Tower directly after returning to the Phantom Tower.

Go far to the north and build a mage tower.

More than ten years later, Valen was also invited to create a magic butler for his mage tower to manage the mage tower.

He once asked Torresta what happened in the Elemental Tower.

But there is no answer.

Torresta seemed to have given up on his dream and settled in one place.

But Valen always felt that Torresta was still walking alone on his own road.

He feels Torresta has not given up on his dream.

It's just that he doesn't quite understand Torresta's dream.

Don't understand what he wants to do?

It was already midnight when Levi left the manor.

Varun is drunk.

The first time he got drunk in front of Levi.

Talking about past events, he couldn't help but drink some wine because he was moved by the scene.

Some words can only be said after drinking.

I usually don’t want to say it.

As Levi walked on the street, the cold wind blew by, and he suddenly felt refreshed, making his whole body sober.

He also drank some wine with Varun.

As the cold wind blew, the drunkenness diminished.

His mind became active again.

"Now it seems that what Valen and Torresta experienced are probably true, and are not memories implanted in him by the legendary lich."

“It’s easy to determine whether these things are true or false if you investigate them.”

"For example, the princess of a certain country..."

Levi initially suspected whether Warren's memory had been affected.

For Dream Weaver, modifying other people's memories is not too difficult.

Now it seems that Valen's memories are most likely true.

So, that is to say, the legendary lich has been operating outside under the identity of Torresta.

Li Wei felt that as long as he dug further, he would definitely find more suspicious figures in history.

The legendary lich may have far more than one vest.

"Now it seems that the legendary lich is not Torresta, but Torresta is the legendary lich."

Levi still doesn't know who the legendary lich is.

He thought of something.

Back then, when the undead army attacked the floating city.

Levi had heard some rumors about the legendary lich.

The legendary lich may have been a legendary mage in the Elemental Tower hundreds of years ago.

The mage also met with the fire element elder from the fire element plane.

His eyes moved slightly and he looked up at the highest point of the Elemental Tower.

There must be someone in the Elemental Tower who knows the legendary lich.

Li Wei felt something vaguely in his heart.

Currently, the number of high-level officials of the Elemental Tower that Levi has come into contact with can be counted on one hand.

The great elder counts as one.

The chief and deputy masters of the Hall of Truth once said a few words.

I saw a certain deputy tower master of the Elemental Tower in my dream.

Just watching from a distance, he was invited by the other party to join the dream of the Elemental Tower.

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