Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 383 The power of shattering the void

Livy plundered the supernatural qualities of the Holy Spirit.

Accidentally awakened the extraordinary characteristics of the High Fire Lord.

Get the primary flame rules.

Just like the instant death effect attached to the Judgment Blade.

It is a kind of rule force.

The gods control the laws and use the laws to delineate the rules of heaven and earth.

Mastering the power of rules is the first step to mastering the power of laws.

It is also the path to becoming a god.

But for the current Levi, it is too early to talk about becoming a god.

They are just elementary rules and are far from reaching the level of "god".

After obtaining the primary flame rules, Levi's flame temperature broke the upper limit and could be increased almost infinitely.

The out-of-reach "purple fire" seems to have become within reach.

In the past, Levi wanted to increase the flame temperature and obtain a more powerful flame.

You can only continue to accumulate strength, compress energy, and increase the flame temperature through side means.

After mastering the primary flame rules, Levi does not need such complicated steps. He can directly control the increase in flame temperature.

There is almost no limit, as long as he can withstand the huge power.

The extraordinary characteristics of the High Flame Lord have brought a qualitative improvement to Levi's strength.

Levi raised his head and glanced around.

Eyes like fire.

The sight can directly ignite objects.

This is the power of the Primary Fire Rules.

It has transcended common sense in the world and is difficult to understand and explain.

With Levi's current knowledge of magic, he cannot understand the abilities he possesses.

It takes at least fifth level, or even sixth level magic knowledge to involve the level of rules.

After all, the legendary mage has just mastered the power of rules.

Levi took out the Judgment Blade.

After obtaining the primary flame rules, he can feel the existence of the other rules.

The rules between heaven and earth are too huge and complicated for Li Wei to understand.

Although the rules on Judgment Blade are very powerful, they are single and clear, making them easier to understand.

Levi's eyes moved slightly.

In terms of rules alone, the instant death rules attached to the Judgment Blade are much stronger than the primary flame rules.

He estimates it is an intermediate or advanced instant death rule.

The Judgment Blade is a pseudo-legendary piece of equipment made using Death Fang.

The death fangs can cause damage to legendary powerful men.

The accompanying rules are at least advanced rules.

Putting away the Judgment Blade, Levi stretched out his hand, and a fireball appeared in his palm.

He didn't cast a spell, just a thought, and the fire elements in the air formed a fireball according to his thoughts.

Use the power of primary flame rules to increase the temperature of the fireball.

The temperature of the fireball rose rapidly, exceeding tens of thousands of degrees in the blink of an eye.

Levi felt that the mana in his body was draining quickly.

After a while, the temperature of the fireball reached one million degrees.

Levi also felt a little struggling.

He narrows the temperature rise range.

The fireball as big as a fist became as big as a mung bean.

The fireball's light had turned pure white.

Dazzling white.

After the fireball shrank in size, Levi felt that the pressure was much reduced.

Further increases the temperature of the fireball.

The temperature of the mung bean-sized fireball increased to tens of millions of degrees, and Levi's mana was almost exhausted.

The surrounding space began to become slightly distorted.

The energy gathered here is beyond normal.

Enough to affect the space.

Levi's eyes condensed, and he transformed into the Fire Lord, and the flame domain spread out.

The concentration of fire elements in the fire elemental plane far exceeds that in the main material world.

Here, the power of the flame domain is further enhanced.

Levi stared intently at the mung bean-sized light in front of him.

Now it is completely impossible to tell that the thing in front of me is a fireball.

He absorbed the fire elements within a hundred meters radius to restore his mana.

Regardless of everything, use all your strength to increase the temperature of the fireball.

He wanted to see the limits.

Ten million degrees... twenty million degrees... thirty million degrees... ninety million degrees... one hundred million degrees...

The moment the temperature reaches 100 million degrees.

The fireball disappeared.

Levi showed a look of astonishment.

He quietly stared at the position where the fireball disappeared, showing a thoughtful look.

How is this going?

Why is the fireball missing?

The ultra-high temperature of 100 million degrees is a concept fed back to Levi by the primary flame rules.

After thinking for a long time, Levi had two guesses.

First, the upper limit of the flame temperature of the primary flame rule is 100 million degrees.

If it exceeds 100 million degrees, it exceeds the limit that can be controlled by the primary flame rules.

It's directly beyond dimension.

Therefore, in Li Wei's eyes, after exceeding 100 million degrees, the fireball disappeared directly.

Second, the space in the fire elemental plane can only withstand a high temperature of 100 million degrees.

Over 100 million degrees, space was burned through.

The fireball disappeared.

The former involves more profound rules, and the latter involves mysterious space.

Levi had no way to confirm his suspicion.

After all, no one would be as bored as him, spending so much effort to infinitely increase the temperature of a fireball.


Levi took a long breath and relaxed his nervous mind.

No matter what, it at least proves that the primary flame rules are indeed powerful.

A hundred million degree flame.

Levi couldn't think of anything he could use to block it.

However, under normal conditions, it is impossible for Levi to create a fireball of 100 million degrees.

In the plane of fire element, with abundant fire element as a backing support, Levi could barely do it.

According to the concentration of magic elements in the main material plane, Levi created an ultra-high temperature fireball of at least 20 to 30 million degrees.

Although it cannot reach 100 million degrees, it can be said that nothing can stop it.

The purpose of coming to the fire elemental plane has been achieved, and there are additional gains.

Levi was very happy.

Raise your hands to burn away the traces left by the reincarnation ceremony of the Holy Spirit.

Prepare to leave the elemental plane of fire.

"Shadow Attendant."

Levi called the Shadow Attendant to return.

Shadow Attendant abandoned the body of the monster he occupied and quickly returned to Levi.

Warcraft regained control of his body and immediately turned around and ran away, not even daring to look at Levi.

Levi walked towards the direction of the plane teleportation array in his memory.

"gone back."

Hoo ho ho!

In the sky, a huge object flew past.

Garuda, whose figure covered the sky, stayed for a moment where Levi burned through the space.

Wandering around looking for something.

When he didn't find it, he immediately turned around and left.

"Strange, what happened to that power fluctuation just now?"

Garuda felt an extremely powerful yet extremely weak wave of power flash past.

It follows the direction of the power wave transmission.

But no source was found.

In Garuda's view, a creature that can create that level of power fluctuation is at least a strong person on the same level as it.

A legendary powerhouse suddenly appeared on the fire elemental plane.

Not a trivial matter.

It's a pity that no trace of the legendary powerhouse was found along the way.

Levi came to the Fire Forest and found the teleportation array he had used.

"It's not bad, I hope it can still be used."

Levi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the teleportation array in the fire forest was not destroyed.

He activates the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was operating normally, and Levi smiled.

"gone back."

He looked up and saw a huge firebird flying in the sky.

Garuda glanced down.

Levi disappeared into the teleportation array.

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