In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since Levi got the tears of the goddess.

After all, what happened in Storm City was not covered up and spread widely.

But none of this has anything to do with Levi.

Except for the dead high priest Olgat, no one knew that the goddess was crying on his hands.

The Light Cult searched everywhere for traces of the fallen four-winged angel, but found no clues.

Without asking the gods, they had no idea who the four-winged angels had chosen as their descending carrier.

This is the secret of the Holy Spirit.

The only thing that the Light Cult can be sure of is that the person who can become the carrier of the arrival of the four-winged angel will definitely not be weak.

They can only look for the recently fallen and missing powerful men in the Temple of Light.

Olgat naturally became one of the targets.

As the Archbishop of Storm City, Lancelot was the person in charge of searching for Olgat's traces.

He had doubted Levi, but never thought that Levi could kill Olgat.

No matter what, Levi is only a fourth-level archmage, how can he be Olgat's opponent.

Don't tell me about killing Olgat.

Lancelot suspected that the legendary lich was responsible.

But the problem is that when Olgat was chasing the person who took away the tears of the goddess, the legendary lich was fighting him.

It was impossible to be distracted from dealing with Olgat.

When the correct answer was ruled out from the beginning, even if Lancelot found the place where Olgat fell, it would be difficult to associate him with Levi in ​​a short time.

Leave Levi with a stable life.

In the past half month, Li Wei has been practicing in the territory of Mingtian.

In his spare time, he studied space spells and space magic arrays.

If he wants to open the secret realm of Zhuilongpo, he must master this knowledge.

It's a pity that although there is relevant magic knowledge in the Elemental Tower.

But they are all too shallow and cannot help Li Wei's current situation.

"It would be great if I could go to the Space Tower to study."

Levi is whimsical.

One day, Levi finished his daily practice and was on his way back to his room.

Met someone I knew.

"Levi." Eris greeted.

When Levi heard this, he turned around and saw Eris.

"Eris, long time no see."

Eris smiled and asked, "How was the mission in the Poisonous Dragon Cave last time?"

"I see you have completed your mission. Did you encounter any danger during the mission?"

Levi said: "It was pretty smooth, with no near misses."

"That's good. According to the rules, you shouldn't be given a task as difficult as Poison Dragon Cave." Eris said.

Levi smiled and said, "Then I have to thank you."

Eris shook his head and said, "No need to thank you, as long as you're fine."

"Oh, by the way, there will be an exchange competition in a while. Do you want to participate?" Eris said.

Levi was a little surprised and asked: "Exchange competition?"

Eris said: "The exchange competition between top mage towers is held every year. This year's venue is the Space Tower. If you want to participate, you must register early and go to the Space Tower together."

Levi was a little surprised, he didn't expect his dream to come true.

The pillow was delivered to my door when I was really dozing off.

Although you may not be able to learn the spells you want if you go to the Space Tower, but at least you have greater hope than staying in the Element Tower.

Levi nodded and said, "I'm going, how do I sign up?"

Eris said: "You can just go to the elders of the Wanshiwuwu to sign up later."

Levi scratched his head and said, "Strange, why haven't I heard of this?"

Eris glanced at him and said, "How long has it been since you been to the House of All Things?"

Li Wei hesitated slightly, "Well, I just went there once when I received the reward last time."

"Then you will know that there is a ghost." Eris rolled her eyes.

Li Wei was ashamed and a little embarrassed.

The Everything Room is not only a place for receiving tasks, but also a place for information circulation.

If there is any movement in the Elemental Tower, the news will basically appear in the Master Room immediately.

It's just that Li Wei rarely pays attention to external affairs.

That’s why it’s not clear.

Levi said goodbye to Eris and hurried to the Master House to find the elders to sign up.

"Hello, elder, I want to sign up for the exchange competition." Levi said.

"Oh, show me your magic badge." The elder said.

Levi handed the magic badge to the elder.

After checking some information, the elder looked up at Levi and said, "You have just been promoted to the fourth level not long ago. If you participate in the exchange competition with this ability, you will basically be eliminated in the first round."

"Most of the mages in the exchange competition are senior fourth-level mages, and there are also fifth-level mages. There have also been sixth-level mages participating in the competition. Are you sure you want to participate?" the elder asked.

Levi nodded and said, "Yes, I want to participate."

The elder nodded and returned the magic badge to Levi.

"Okay, I'll help you sign up. It's not a bad idea to go and gain knowledge," the elder said.

After the registration ended, when Levi left the Wanshiwuwu, he glanced at the information about the exchange competition on the wall.

Only then did he discover that the candidates for the exchange competition did not sign up casually.

Students in purple level classes can register at will.

Students in other magic classes need to pass strict assessments before they can qualify for registration.

Just the registration qualification does not necessarily mean you will have the opportunity to participate.

The exchange competition is divided into two levels, the young mage exchange competition and the archmage exchange competition.

Li Wei is a fourth-level mage, so he naturally participates in the Archmage Exchange Competition.

No choice.

The requirements for the Young Mage Exchange Competition are level 3 and below mages.

Three days later, Levi followed everyone to the Space Tower.

Through the teleportation array within the Elemental Tower.

Go to the space tower on the other side of the world.

Endless sea.

There are strong winds of level 18 blowing on the sea surface all year round.

Storms and tsunamis never stop.

The Space Tower stands on the endless sea, but the space ocean where the Space Tower is located is calm and waveless.

There was a storm outside, thunder and lightning, and a tsunami.

Completely two separate worlds.

Levi appeared in the teleportation square of the Space Tower.

As soon as he landed, he stood firm.

There were several people staggering around, and someone not far away was bent over and vomiting.

Blessed by the extraordinary characteristics of the High Flame Lord, even in a normal human state, Levi's physique is far superior to that of an ordinary mage.

In addition, he has also ridden on ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays many times.

I have already adapted to this.

Levi raised his head and looked around. The sky above his head was bright.

In the distance, there are dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and constant wind and rain.

It was too far to see clearly. Levi could only see that the ocean under the space tower was black.

If the water is black, then there will be abyss.

This means that the depth of the ocean below the space tower is incredibly deep.

Before coming, Levi also learned about the Space Tower.

Know that the restricted area suppressed by the Space Tower is called Haiyuan.

Legend has it that it is the forbidden land that remained after the destruction of the Mermaid Empire thousands of years ago.

There are evil Nagas.

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