Everyone came to the Space Tower in advance.

The exchange competition will start in two days.

In these two days, everyone had time to get familiar with the Space Tower.

Play and learn in the space tower.

Compared to the Elemental Tower, the Space Tower has much fewer people.

Unlike the Elemental Tower, there is an outer floating city where hundreds of thousands of ordinary people live.

The total number of people in the Space Tower is only over 10,000.

There is only one mage tower.

On the surface it looks much smaller than the Elemental Tower, but the internal space is much larger than the Elemental Tower.

Small but complete.

There are all kinds of shops, plazas and secret areas inside the space tower.

Levi and Eris were walking down the street inside the Space Tower.

From the outside, the Space Tower looks like a nine-story tower.

There are secrets hidden inside.

Each floor of the tower is an independent space.

Before entering, Levi didn't expect that there was actually a town inside.

It can be seen that the Space Tower Master's space attainments are indeed very high.

Levi asked: "Can we go to the library of the Space Tower to learn spells?"

Eris said: "You can read books in the library if you want, but don't even think about learning spells."

"Although it is said to be an exchange between top mage towers, it is definitely impossible to give out key things to you for free."

Levi said: "Then there is no way to learn something from the Space Tower?"

Eris said: "That's not the case. There are rewards in this area in the exchange competition, such as giving you the opportunity to learn any spell within a certain range. Whether you can learn it is another matter."

He turned to look at Levi and said: "As an elemental mage, I don't have any foundation. If I want to learn space magic, it may be difficult to learn it."

"Any spell must be learned from low to high. It's useless if you learn zero-level or first-level space spells."

Li Wei heard that the exchange competition reward had the opportunity to learn spells.

He had an idea in his mind.

However, he didn't want to reveal too much in the exchange match.

Levi asked: "Is there no other way?"

Eris said: "Also, the easiest way is to buy it with money."

Levi shook his head. When he came, he didn't prepare much money.

There are a few valuable things in hand.

The sixth-level magic core of the poisonous scorpion beast lord, ground ooze, poisonous ambergris, dragon blood tree leaves...

These are all good things.

Li Wei also has some magic cores of fourth- and fifth-level monsters in his pocket, and he should be able to exchange them for several thousand gold coins after disposing of them.

If you scrape it together, it should be no problem to come up with 10,000 gold coins.

Eris said: "I'm going to the library of the Space Tower to have a look, will you go?"

Levi said quickly: "I'll go too."

He saw that Eris was particularly familiar with the Space Tower and asked curiously: "Have you been here before?"

Eris smiled and said, "I have been an exchange student in the Space Tower before. I have been here for about half a year, so I am quite familiar with it."


When the two heard this, they turned their heads and looked to the right.

A woman wearing silver mage robe stared at Eris and shouted.

Eris was also a little surprised and responded with a smile, "Milan, long time no see."

Milan walked over, and Levi saw the magic badge on her chest with a three-wheeled crescent moon.

It means that Milan is a third-level space mage.

Milan felt Levi's gaze and turned to look at him.

Seeing this, Eris introduced: "Milan, let me introduce you. This is Levi, who is also a student in the purple class of the Element Tower."

Levi and Milan looked at each other, smiled and said, "Hello, nice to meet you."

Milan was surprised: "Master Li Wei is also a student in the purple class, so Master Li Wei must be very strong!"

Li Wei said modestly: "No, no, my strength is very average. I just became a purple-level student."

Eris smiled and said: "Milan, don't listen to his modesty, his strength is not weak."

After speaking, he looked at Milan and said, "Have you not broken through the fourth level yet?"

Milan shook his head and said: "I feel like there was an opportunity for a breakthrough recently, but it's a pity that I didn't seize it."

Eris said: "Don't worry, your space tower has no graduation deadline anyway."

The number of mages in the space tower is small, and it is difficult to learn space spells.

Therefore, the Space Tower basically has no restrictions on students.

You can stay in the space tower as long as you want.

Anyway, there isn't much here, it's just a lot of space and there's no shortage of a place to live.

The three of them walked towards the library together.

Milan and Eris chatted about past and recent experiences.

Levi listened quietly and occasionally looked around.

Milan and Eris met when he was an exchange student.

At that time, Eris was already a third-level mage, and Milan was only a second-level advanced space mage.

A few years later, Erisdu has become a fifth-level mage, and Milan is still worried about breaking through to the archmage.

The main reason is that the difficulty of practicing space spells is too high.

But the space mage is also very powerful.

Usually higher than mages of the same level.

Whether it is attack power, defense or escape ability, space mage is considered top among all mages.

When he was approaching the door of the library, Milan suddenly looked anxious.

"Oops, oops, I almost forgot that I came out to buy materials for my mentor. Eris will talk about it when we have time next time. I have to go and deliver materials to my mentor. Goodbye."

After saying that, Milan directly cast the space spell and disappeared on the spot.

Eris shook his head helplessly, feeling that Milan was still the same as before, nothing had changed after so many years.

He glanced ahead and said, "Let's go, the library is ahead."

"If you want to buy spells, just ask the librarian."

"Well, I understand." Levi said.

The two of them walked towards the library.

After showing the magic badge, he successfully entered the library.

"Welcome Mage Eris from the Tower of Elements."

"Welcome Master Levi from the Elemental Tower."

When the two entered the door, there was a sound prompt.

Levi was not surprised by this.

The Library of Santa Vilia in the Tower of Elements has a similar function.

Eris walked directly into the library. He seemed to have come specifically to find some information.

Before leaving, he told Levi where the librarian was.

Following the direction Eris pointed, Levi found a small door in a corner.

Looking at the door embedded in the wall, he wondered if it was a decoration?

After hesitating for a moment, he knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Hello, is anyone here?" Levi asked.

The door opened silently.

Levi looked around and saw a large room inside.

This is another independent space.

"Wait a moment, I'll be right out."

Levi walked into the room and heard a sound coming from the bedroom next door.

He stayed quietly in the living room.

Glancing around, I saw that things in the living room were a bit messy, which showed that the owner of the room didn't like to take care of the room.

"I'm fine, what are you doing here?"

A muscular old man with a white beard came out.

The collar was not fastened, revealing the strong chest muscles underneath.

It really makes people wonder whether his profession is a warrior or a mage?

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