Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 6 Practicing the Small Fireball Technique

After receiving fifty silver coins, Li Wei spent them all without hesitation to buy five soothing incense sticks.

Five soothing incense sticks are enough for him to practice 25 times.

Returning to the dormitory of the Master Tower, Levi couldn't wait to light the soothing incense and began to meditate.

Smelling the faint scent of soothing incense, Levi fell into trance in just two or three minutes.

Nearly half a month has passed since he developed his magic power, and his mental power has grown a lot, and each practice time has been extended to fifty minutes.

In less than an hour, the meditation was over.

Levi opened his eyes and saw two lines of writing floating on the ground.

[Basic Meditation Method (Mastery)] 198/1000

[Small Fireball Technique (Level 0 Entry)] 0/1000

Feeling the growing magic power in his body, he couldn't help but be curious and wanted to try practicing magic.

Review the spell model in your mind and use mana to construct the spell model according to the method taught by the teacher.

After the spell model is constructed, the magic elements between heaven and earth will automatically fill the spell model, thereby releasing magic.

Build, fill, fire.

All three steps are indispensable.

The first time he tried to manipulate mana to build a spell model, Levi found it very difficult.

Mana is like a loose mass of quicksand. On the one hand, he has to guide the mana to flow according to a specific trajectory and build a spell model.

On the other hand, the mana must be restrained to prevent it from being scattered and deformed.

He was like a builder trying to build a house out of quicksand, unable to begin.

After trying for a moment, Levi gave up.

Early the next morning, Li Wei, who was full of energy, was about to start meditating.

Thinking of the failure in his attempt to practice the Small Fireball Technique last night, he was unwilling to try again.

The teacher said in class that although mana is the foundation for releasing spells, mental power is also very important.

Even if the mental power is exhausted, magic cannot be released.

Now is when he is at his most energetic.

If you can't do it now, it means that your magic power is indeed very weak and you need to continue to work hard to practice.

As soon as he controlled the mana in his body, Levi felt something different.

Yesterday's mana was like scattered quicksand, not obeying orders.

Today's mana is like sand mixed with water. Although it can only be manipulated very roughly, it can already form a specific structure and build a rough spell model.

It took more than ten minutes to complete the construction of the small fireball spell model.

Levi's mana was also completely exhausted.

The fire element between heaven and earth automatically poured into the spell model, and a little fire gradually lit up.

Just when Levi thought the fire was going to grow stronger and turn into a fireball, there was a bang, the spell model collapsed, and the spell release failed.

The spell model was too crude and could not withstand the rapid influx of fire elements, causing it to collapse.

Although he failed, Levi was very happy.

[Small Fireball Technique (Level 0 Entry)] 1/1000

This is a breakthrough from zero to one!

After failure, reflect and summarize.

"Mana is like uncontrolled quicksand, and mental power is the water in the sand. Water can adhere to the sand, making it easier for the sand to shape. Is this why the mental power is exhausted and the spell cannot be released?"

"Let me think again!"

Levi tapped his forehead and lowered his head to think.

"Spell model, mana, spiritual power?"

"The essence of releasing a spell is no different from building a house. The spell model is the style of the house, the mana is the bricks, and the mental power is the cement."

"Meditating to improve mana means constantly changing the nature of mana, making it easier to build spell models."

"You can only use sand to build toy sandcastles, but you can use bricks and stones to build real houses, that is, powerful magic models."

"Meditation practice is essential!"

"The mental power is strong enough, even if the magic power is weak, a complete spell model can be built."

"Just like cement mixed with sand, you can build a house, but the quality is different."

Levi almost understood the way to go next.

Meditation practice improves mana and turns "sand" into "stones", "bricks", and even "steel bars".

Enhance your mental power and turn the "water" that binds the sand into "glue" and "cement".

Allowing mana to build more powerful and complex spell models.

"Oops! Late again!"

Levi suddenly came to his senses, quickly picked up his textbook and ran towards the classroom.

After being late, Levi returned to his seat after the teacher said a few words. ,

The teacher continues to teach.

"As a mage, the most important thing is to be calm. Only with a stable mind can you build a spell model stably and release magic..."

"In daily practice, you can try to practice magic with Anshenxiang. Anshenxiang has the effect of stabilizing emotions..."

"A true mage should have a strong psychological quality, be able to remain calm in various critical situations, and release spells stably..."

"For a mage, the most important thing is to cast spells stably!"

"A first-level spell that sometimes works and doesn't work can never be compared to a zero-level spell that can be released stably!"

"Stable casting?" Levi thought carefully.

After practicing the small fireball surgery once, Li Wei's biggest feeling was that the spell casting was too slow!

In a real battle, it is impossible to release magic in more than ten minutes.

Not to mention ten minutes, even a few minutes is too much, and the outcome can even be determined within a few seconds.

Stable casting is not 100% casting, but 100% casting within a specified time.

The requirement for trainee mages is to release zero-level spells within ten seconds.

In the next few days, Li Wei meditated and practiced in the morning, practiced spells at night, and then meditated and practiced again after his mana was exhausted.

He found that it would be more effective to meditate and practice after exhausting his mana.

Meditation practice increases the upper limit of mana.

After the mana is exhausted, meditation gives priority to restoring mana.

In the meditative state, the mana recovery speed is very fast, and after the mana reaches the upper limit, it will maintain a short-term rapid recovery trend, so that the mana increase will not slow down because the consumed mana must be restored first, but will become faster.

This is an unexpected surprise.

The only drawback is that training becomes more expensive.

Originally, a piece of soothing incense could be used five times, but now it can only be used four times before it burns out.

[Basic Meditation Method (Mastery)] 218/1000

[Small Fireball Technique (Level 0 Entry)] 2/1000

Looking at the progress of the small fireball technique, Levi was a little troubled.

Every time you practice the small fireball technique, your mana will be exhausted. Even if you meditate in time to restore your mana, you can practice it up to three or four times a day.

This can only be upgraded in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

"It takes one year to learn a zero-level spell?"

Levi scratched his head.

I originally thought that after cultivating magic power, I would be close to becoming a mage.

I didn’t expect that learning spells was the real difficulty.

Levi had an idea and thought of the "magic potion" the teacher once said.

Potions can speed up the recovery of mana.

Increase the number of spell practices and save time.

The only price is money!

In the blink of an eye, four days passed, and the second week of October ushered in.

Xinghuo Literary Publishing House has released new news. Starting today, a single copy of the "Dragon Knight" novel will be released every week.

As soon as the news came out, readers who were already hungry and thirsty started to spend money to buy books.

Once the novel was released, its sales on the first day exceeded the total sales of the Spark anthology last month.

Gus was pleasantly surprised.

When Levi was in class, he saw his classmates circulating the novel "Dragon Knight" privately, and he was extremely looking forward to next month's royalties.

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