Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 7 The Correct Way of Cultivation

Before you know it, October is over.

After Spark Literary Publishing House published the novel "Dragon Knight" in early October, the popularity of "Dragon Knight" continued to rise.

By the end of the month, the novel had been published in four editions. (Xinghuo Literary Society reissued a single copy of the first chapter)

Countless people are eagerly awaiting the follow-up content published by Xinghuo Literary Society.

At the same time, "Wooden", the author of "Dragon Knight", also became the subject of heated discussion in Maple Leaf City.

mixed reviews.

Some people praise it, some people criticize it...

Li Wei shines in the world of novels, but encounters Waterloo in the practice of magic.

[Basic Meditation Method (Mastery)] 424/1000

[Small Fireball Technique (Level 0 Entry)] 53/1000

The practice of small fireball technique is progressing slowly.

In November, the ground outside Maple Leaf City is covered with red maple leaves, dyeing the earth red.

Levi put on a thick piece of clothing and hurried to the Spark Literary Club.

Although there is no snow in Maple Leaf City, the temperature has dropped a lot.

Except for a few extraordinary professionals with amazing physiques, most people were already wearing long sleeves and long trousers.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Spark Literary Club, Jimmy opened the door and shouted quickly: "Mr. Levi, come in quickly, it's too cold outside."

Levi quickly got into the door.

"Why did Mr. Gus call me here?" Levi asked as he walked.

Jimmy said: "The total sales volume of the "Dragon Knight" novel last month has been released. Director Gus called you here to explain to you the royalties."


Levi came to Gus's office. After the two sat down, Jimmy stood next to him serving tea and water.

Gus picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Levi and said, "This is the sales record for last month."

Levi glanced hastily and looked directly at the last line.

"A total of 9,642 copies of the four editions were sold."

Gus said: "A total of four editions of the first four sections of the "Dragon Knight" novel were released in October, each priced at 10 copper coins. The second edition sold the best 3,792 copies. Subsequent sales declined slightly, but The sales volume is stable at more than 2,500 copies. The first edition has a lower sales volume because it published the Spark Anthology, which is normal."

Li Wei heard this and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Gus continued: "According to the contract, Spark Literary Agency will give you half of the net profit after deducting the distribution costs of the "Dragon Knight" novel."

"Depending on the number of releases, the cost of publishing a single novel also changes. The greater the number of releases, the lower the unit price cost."

"The second edition sold nearly 4,000 copies, and the unit price cost per copy was reduced to 2.64 copper coins. The first edition only sold more than 1,000 copies, and the unit price cost per copy was 3.33 copper coins."

"The unit price per copy of the third and fourth editions is 2.98 and 3.06."

"In the future, there may be cases where additional copies of the old version of the novel are printed, so there will be considerable difficulties in calculating the cost in the future."

When Li Wei heard this, he said directly: "Director Gus, just tell me what you want to say."

Gus smiled and said: "After discussions with the top management of Spark Literary Society, we proposed to calculate Mr. Li Wei's royalties at a constant unit price of 3 copper coins per copy. Even if the sales volume declines and the cost increases, we will still calculate it at 3.5 copper coins per copy. payment of remuneration."

Levi thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Seeing that he agreed, Gus said happily: "Mr. Levi, wait a moment."

He walked outside and came back after a while, holding a cloth bag and handing it to Levi.

"The total reward for the novel in October is 33,747 copper coins. There are a total of 3 gold coins and 50 silver coins. Please keep them."

Li Wei weighed the bag and put it away with satisfaction.

Xinghuo Literary Club was really good, and they even offered him some extra money.

After getting the money, Levi said goodbye to Gus.

Gus did not forget his duty as an editor and said quickly: "Mr. Levi, don't forget this month's manuscript."

Levi said with a smile: "I will definitely not forget that I still hope to make money by writing books!"

In October, in addition to meditating to cultivate mana and practicing spells.

He also took the time to write a manuscript of tens of thousands of words and submitted it to Xinghuo Literary Society.

Later, I thought it was too troublesome to submit it once a week, so I simply agreed with Gus to submit it once a month, with at least four chapters each time.

With money, the first thing Levi did was to buy Anshen incense.

The tranquilizing incense I purchased earlier has long been used up.

"Do you have any potions here?"

"Magic potion? Only mages can make that kind of thing. We don't have it here. Besides, except for mages, no one else can use potions. You can go to the mage tower to have a look."

Li Wei spent fifty silver coins to buy five soothing incense sticks.

Five soothing incense sticks are enough for him to use for about ten days.

Returning to the mage tower, after much thought, he found Mr. Gu Ze.

Guze looked at him in surprise, "You want to buy magic potion?"

He said: "It's too early for you to use potions, not to mention that the lowest level potions are worth at least a few gold coins."

Levi explained.

After hearing his explanation, Guze looked surprised.

"Every time you practice spells, you consume mana to build spell models?" Guze asked unexpectedly.

When Li Wei heard this, he was slightly stunned and asked, "Isn't it like this?"

Gu Ze laughed and said: "Of course not. Only when you actually release magic will you use mana to build a spell model. For daily practice, you only need to use mental power to build a spell model in your mind."

After hearing this, Li Wei was dumbfounded.

No one had told him about this before.

Gu Ze shook his head and said: "You are too anxious. The teacher will not teach you how to practice releasing spells until you pass the apprenticeship assessment next year and are promoted to apprentice."

Back in the dormitory, although I didn't buy the magic potion, I knew the correct way to practice the spell.

Levi lit the tranquilizing incense and tried to use his mental power to construct a spell model in his mind.

In less than five minutes, the mental power was enough to construct the small fireball spell model.

It is much easier than controlling mana to build spell models.

Soon, Levi discovered the difference between the two methods.

The advantage of using mental power to construct a spell model is that it is easy and simple, and the practice consumes little.

The disadvantage is that you cannot practice improving your mana control.

Practicing does not consume mana, and naturally it will not increase mana.

On the contrary, practicing magic will lead to excessive consumption of mental power, which will affect the normal meditation and magic power.

Pros and cons.

If you want to learn a spell quickly, you should naturally choose the mental power building method first.

Levi destroyed the spell model in his mind, built it again, destroyed it again, and built it again...

Constantly looking for faster build speeds.

He practiced for more than an hour at a stretch and built fifteen spell models before exhausting his mental energy.

Because of a headache caused by excessive mental energy consumption, Levi pressed his temples hard to try to relieve the pain.

Not only did I have a headache, but I also felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

"The limit is fifteen times. At least part of your mental energy must be left to consume mana. You can practice up to twelve times a day."

Levi took a deep breath and felt the pain subside slightly.

He lay down directly to rest and sleep.

When I wake up, it's the next morning.

After forming a habit, Levi would naturally wake up at six o'clock every day.

Then I meditate and practice for about an hour, eat at seven o'clock, and go to class at eight o'clock.

In the early morning, Levi did not try to practice magic. Magic training was equally important.

He fetched water to wash his face and concentrated, and the water flow formed writing.

[Basic Meditation Method (Mastery)] 432/1000

[Small Fireball Technique (Level 0 Entry)] 68/1000

Seeing the remarkable progress in the small fireball technique, Levi smiled and exhaled a breath of hot breath.

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