Behind me is the earth

Chapter 21 021. Four maids

I wonder if the descendants of the assistant minister were too short of money. After receiving the notice from Yazi, they rushed from Qingshui County to Qingcheng Town early the next morning.

After handing over the money with one hand and the house deed with the other, the transfer of the house was completed smoothly.

The house has been officially named Ren, and all that remains is for Fang Yazi to go to the county office to complete the registration and tax procedures, and then send it over.

After completing the transfer of the house, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

Ren Pingsheng loaded the Colt 1911 with bullets, including a total of 8 rounds in the chamber, put it in the holster, and hung it on his side. After wearing a black mink outside, he could no longer tell. .

"Xiao Wan, call Dachui and Liu Shu, and let's go out and pick some maids."

Ren Pingsheng came to the yard and shouted towards the west wing.

Xiaowan opened the door and came out.

She was wearing a light yellow coat and a red horse-faced skirt. Although she was not tall, her gradually plump body gave her a somewhat heroic air.

"Master, I asked that tooth in the morning. There are two main ways for us to buy maids and servants.

One is to buy them at the market in the town. Most of these are local to Qingshui County. Many of them come from surrounding villages, or those who can't afford to eat voluntarily sell themselves, or they are sold to the market by their parents. , it requires more money, but the advantage is that you have learned to serve others, and you know the basics, and your body is relatively healthy.

The other one is the refugees outside the city. Most of them fled from Beiwan. Most of them basically don’t need to spend any money. They only need to be given food. However, most of them are rough and have no idea whether they are healthy or not. Know what the original foundation is. "

Xiaowan told Ren Pingsheng the news she learned.

"Let's go to the market first. If you just choose a few maids, it won't cost a lot of money. If you know the basics, you can feel more confident when using them."

Ren Pingsheng said.

Xiao Wan has already made arrangements, and they all have tasks today. Liu Qiang is responsible for taking Lao Liu and Er Niu to purchase some charcoal and find carpenters to make furniture. Sun Qiaomei is responsible for going to the market to buy vegetables and seasonings, while Ren Pingsheng takes Xiao Wan. Wan went to the market to buy people with Dachui and Liu Shu.

Ping'an Fang is not small, with four streets and eight lanes, more than 300 households, and more than a thousand people.

Qingcheng Town has nine squares, more than 2,000 households, and nearly 10,000 people.

This population base is not much smaller than Qingshui County, which is the county seat.

Therefore, the area occupied by Qingcheng Town is not small.

Ping'an Square is in the West District, while Renshi is in the North District.

"That's the Lan's Martial Arts School over there. Not far over there, almost to the North District, is the Qingcheng Escort Agency."

Liu Qiang was quite familiar with Qingcheng Town and introduced it to Ren Pingsheng.

Ren Pingsheng looked curiously at the Lan's Martial Arts Hall, where the door was closed and only the side door had people coming in and out.

The martial arts hall covers a large area, and from time to time there can be heard from inside the sound of swords, guns and swords practicing martial arts, as well as the sounds of shouting and fighting.

Very impressive!

Many of the people coming in and out of the door were wearing black kung fu training uniforms. They all looked energetic and capable. Many had thick arms, with fists as big as alms bowls. The calluses on their hands looked hard and thick. Ren Pingsheng He felt that if he was punched by this, he would probably fall to the ground immediately and let the other person beg him not to die.

At this time, Ren Pingsheng didn't think about going in to learn martial arts, but he thought about recruiting a few people from there to serve as nurses, which would give him a safer feeling.

As soon as I walked to the North District, I smelled a scent!

It turned out to be a fried tofu restaurant.

Throw the frozen bean paste into the hot oil pan, bring it to a boil, take it out with a slotted spoon, poke a small hole in it with chopsticks, submerge it in the secret soup, take it out, and apply the secret sauce and seasonings Powder, the aroma suddenly spreads out, making you mouth-watering!

It was almost lunch time, so Ren Pingsheng asked Xiaowan and the others to sit down at a table and ordered four portions of fried tofu.

I also ordered some side dishes and meat pancakes from the store next to me.

In total, 4 people spent 32 cents.

“This fried tofu tastes good!”

Fragrant, spicy, and coupled with the refreshing taste of pickled hot and sour cabbage at the bottom of the plate, eating it together will make you feel full and happy.

If this secret recipe of fried tofu and pickled hot and sour cabbage comes over and opens a chain of snack bars when returning to Earth, I'm afraid I can make a lot of money!

Ren Pingsheng thought silently.

In several neighborhoods in the North District, the public security is obviously much worse than in Xicheng. Gangs can be seen everywhere here, and fight scenes abound.

There was feces and urine stains all over the streets and corners, and it was a smoky mess.

There are also many kilns with half-open doors. Compared with Goulan in the southern part of the West District, both the environment and the quality of the kilns are not even the slightest bit worse.

When we arrived at the human market, it was particularly lively.

There are hawkers, and there are those who sell themselves.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the people who were sitting under the sun, with numb expressions on their faces. They were just picking and choosing like commodities.

"Open your mouth, open it wider!"

An old man wearing a thick coat and a goatee looked at the woman's open mouth as he pinched her to see if she had any cavities, and then patted her butt to see if she was getting pregnant.

In a place like this, looking at people like animals, Ren felt that the sacred human rights preached by the past world and that he believed in were trampled on and rubbed hard on the dirty ground.

Ren Pingsheng was shocked, but didn't think much about it.

A society has its current stage of development and its performance under the influence of the external environment.

Regardless of whether everything in front of me is right or wrong, I can't change it now, and I am about to become a vested interest in it——

As a dominant person, enjoy the service of others.

Ren Pingsheng temporarily put aside the three views he had cultivated for more than 20 years, and began to select maids with Xiaowan.

Although he bought a big house, he did not have the background of a big family.

There are no children who have been trained for generations and are easy to use and loyal. But when it comes to choosing maids, people who live together and take care of their own lives, food and clothing, must be careful at the source.

You must be in good health, have good conduct, and be smart.

Ren Pingsheng is not a doctor, and in this world, it is impossible to send someone for a set of physical examinations.

We can only look at people who speak well, look good, have no skin problems, and look good, just like everyone else.

In terms of character, it is difficult to see it in a short period of time, but Ren has many years of experience in the workplace and has a set of standards for judging people.

Through a few questions and a few quick questions and answers, you can usually get a rough idea of ​​a person's character and abilities.

After walking around and asking around, towards evening, Ren Pingsheng finally selected four maids.

The eldest, 17, and the youngest, 14, are both from Qingshui County. They are clean and healthy.

A total of 8 taels of silver were spent and the deed was collected. They became members of the Ren Mansion.

The rice lady spent half the money. It turned out that her husband's family ran a restaurant. Later, her husband's family was killed by someone seeking revenge. After that, the family fell into decline, and now it has reached the point of betraying itself.

Buy one get one free, and a 9-year-old son also joined the Ren family.

If you have children, you will have worries, so you can feel more at ease when using it.

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