Behind me is the earth

Chapter 22 022. Land annexation

With the addition of 6 new people, the huge Ren Mansion finally no longer looked so empty.

"Master, it's time to eat."

In the main dining room, in front of the newly purchased dining table, Ren Pingsheng looked at the food served by the maid.

"Has it been delivered to the front yard?"

Ren Pingsheng stood at the door while the maid Siqi poured warm water into the copper basin and waited with a clean towel.

After he washed his hands and put them there, Siqi quickly wiped Ren Pingsheng clean with a towel.

"Sister Qingyin has sent it over."

The maid Ruhua said.

The names of the four maids were given by Xiaowan.

They are called Qingyin, Siqi, Wangshu and Ruhua respectively.

"Master, I was just watching Qijin and Qiaomei cooking in the kitchen. All the meals tonight are made by Qijin, except for this chicken with saliva -"

Xiao Wan came in with a plate at this time: "Master, please try it quickly. This chicken with saliva is my new one. Let's see if it tastes good."

Seeing that it was Xiaowan who was watching in the kitchen, Ren Pingsheng felt relieved, as the poison-testing mice he had prepared earlier were no longer needed.

After dinner, both Ren Pingsheng and Liu Qiang and the others in the front yard were quite satisfied with the food prepared by the new cook.

In terms of taste, it is no worse than the restaurants in the city.

After dinner, Wang Shu and Ru Hua cleaned up the food. If there was any unfinished food, they would take it to the penthouse and eat together.

"It's half past seven."

Xiaowan glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

It's getting dark, and Qingcheng Town has become quiet.

There was only the clock's second hand ticking in the room.

She picked up the thermos and walked into Ren's bedroom on the west side.

In the bedroom, in addition to the large bed, there is a desk, a computer chair, a five-story bookshelf, and a safe in the corner.

Although four new maids have arrived, no one is allowed to enter the young master's bedroom except Xiaowan.

After entering the bedroom, he saw the young master working in front of the computer screen.

Xiaowan gently took out the lilies from the glass jar, put them into a thermos cup, and then brewed them with hot water from the thermos bottle.


Ren Pingsheng saw Xiaowan gently placing the cup on the table and said: "The outdoor power supply is almost out of power. Take the battery board and put it in the yard to charge tomorrow."


Xiaowan nodded.

"Unfortunately, there is not enough heat from the sun in winter, so charging is very slow."

After Ren Pingsheng complained, he continued to type on the computer.

Only those who have permanent property can have perseverance. Since we have brought the brothers from Liujiacun out, we naturally need property to stabilize people's hearts.

Besides, only by having property can we have money, people and power.

If you have money, money is a floating wealth that attracts people to covet and manipulate you.

There are people whose hearts are unstable, unsystematic, and difficult to mobilize.

Only with industry can we create a system, expand our influence, and breed power, so that people can listen to what I say and use it for my benefit.

Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in this world and enjoy life better.

When he planned to come to Qingcheng Town, Ren Pingsheng had a plan in mind. After refining the plan, a short-term development outline was quickly formed.

Xiaowan sat next to him and read quietly. When he saw that Ren Pingsheng had finished drinking the water in his cup, he refilled it.

Ren Pingsheng felt that even his mother, Xiaowan, could not take care of others.


The printer on the table spit out two pieces of paper. Ren Pingsheng took it into his hand, looked at it again and felt there was nothing wrong with it, so he put the paper on the table.

He glanced at the book Xiaowan was reading - "The Development and Change of Dynasties from an Economic Perspective".

"This book involves a lot of economic knowledge, which may seem obscure to you."

Ren Pingsheng leaned back, and the leg rest on the computer chair automatically rose to lift his calf.

He was holding a thermos cup in both hands and drinking lily flower tea - during his last physical examination, uric acid was relatively high. The doctor advised him to eat less meat, not drink alcohol, and make lily flower tea.

“The book says that in the past dynasties, few reforms were successful from within. Most of them were broken from the outside, thus changing dynasties.

Why is this? "

When Xiaowan saw that the young master had completed his work, he asked for advice.

“Because those who control the means of production have no motivation for reform, and even their existence is exacerbating class differentiation. They don’t want the people to get rich, because when the people get rich, there will be fewer dominated people.

It will be difficult for them to obtain land, population and support from others at less cost. "

Ren Pingsheng said.

Chatting at night has become a regular repertoire between him and Xiaowan.

Xiaowan can learn knowledge, and he can also reorganize the knowledge in his mind while teaching Xiaowan, which can play a role in filling in the gaps. It is also convenient in the face of the impact of the new world, new situations, and new changes. Find solutions faster.

Xiaowan held the book and asked, "Are we considered rulers now?"

"It doesn't count."

Ren Pingsheng shook his head and said: "We don't have the means of production in our hands, so we are considered petty bourgeoisie at best."

“However, what we have to do for a long time to come is to set up businesses, build workshops, annex land, build farms, and buy people.

If you want to survive well in troubled times, you must first have money and food, secondly you must have land, and thirdly and most importantly, you must have people. "

Xiaowan asked: "But I read in the book that land annexation is a stubborn disease that leads to the decline of the dynasty."

Ren Pingsheng nodded: "Yes, you see that the Jing Dynasty has been more than two hundred years old, and it has been hard to get back. Land annexation has played a big role in reaching this point. More and more farmers have lost their land, and the land is in the hands of big landlords." There is more and more land, and there are often thousands of land.

Years of disaster are the time when big landowners show off their skills, using clever means of plunder to turn land-owning peasants into their tenants.

The landowners and gentry in turn placed their land on the intellectuals with a good reputation, and a large amount of population and tax revenue disappeared from the imperial household registration and account books.

There were natural and man-made disasters, raging floods, and exorbitant expropriations. Below, the landlords and gentry skillfully seized peasants' land. A large number of landless peasants became rioters, mobs, and refugees. The continuous military disasters in Beiwan had a lot to do with this.

This goes back to the original problem. Those who have permanent property can have perseverance. The more landless peasants there are, the more difficult it is to solve the corruption situation. The relationship between the landlords and the gentry and the court is too deep. The inherent class attributes make it possible for the dynasty to revolutionize from within. It's very small. Even if someone is willing to take the risk, the possibility of success is very small.

Unless the spring thunder sweeps away and rebuilds the world, it is difficult to improve the current situation.

Although we don’t know how many more years the Jing Dynasty will have in the country’s destiny, the war in Northern Anhui continues, and Yuntai County is adjacent to Beiwan. If a war disaster comes, we must make plans in advance and be prepared. "

Xiao Wan couldn't understand, so she felt that the young master was really knowledgeable and talented. The young master's eyes were full of wisdom.

"Master, how should we prepare?"

Ren Pingsheng patted Xiaowan on the head: "The development of things is not static. We must look at problems with a historical, dialectical and objective attitude.

Without investigation, you have no right to speak. If you make plans out of thin air based only on fragments of words and previous historical data, you will fall into empiricism and bookishness.

Read books to clarify your ambitions, but you also need to think more, think more, read more, combine it with reality, and sum up experience in practice.

This question must wait until we conduct in-depth research and understanding before we can get a correct answer that can stand the test. "


Xiaowan closed the book and yawned.

For her, the chat tonight was filled with a lot of new words, which made her a little confused.

"It's getting late, go to bed. When I have time, I will compile a book list for you. If you read more, you will understand."

Ren Pingsheng said.


Xiaowan nodded, put on her coat and went to the west wing.

"Qingyin, don't forget to add firewood at night, don't let the fireplace go out."

When returning to the west wing, Xiaowan gave instructions to Qingyin who was on duty tonight.

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