Behind me is the earth

Chapter 376 374 Resident Evil

"The relationship between meteorites falling from the sky and the recovery of spiritual energy has not yet been clarified. However, there should be some connection between the appearance of living corpses and meteorites falling from the sky."

After Han Ling'er left, Ren Pingsheng took out a notebook in the Jingxin Studio. When the tip of the pen crossed the paper, it made a "rustling" sound.

He picked up the fan and pulled down the orb hanging below.

Ren Shengsheng's purpose for wanting this orb was not to avoid water, but to resist the pressure that would be everywhere within a kilometer after returning to Earth. As long as it is feasible, there will be a lot less worries in bringing people back to Earth in the future.

He grabbed the water beads and went out.

"Are the living corpses ready?"

After going out, Ren Pingsheng asked.

"Okay, we're all locked up in the military base outside the city."

Xiaowan replied.

"Send someone... No, you should go and get it back in person, and ask Xingchi to come over too."

Ren Pingsheng ordered with some worry.


Xiaowan agreed and went out.

When Xiaowan arrived at the Third Army Base, Qin Sheng happened to be free and came over to keep him company.

"Steward Qin."

Xiao Wan was called many things outside, some called her Chief Qin, some called her Director Qin, and Qin Sheng, the old people who had followed Ren Pingsheng since early in the morning, used to call her Butler Qin.

Qin Sheng personally took Xiaowan to a free field. There were more than a dozen cages welded out of steel, with hundreds of living corpses inside. Seeing so much fresh human flesh and blood, they stretched out their arms crazily, opened their mouths and swallowed, making bursts of "whining" sounds.

"It's hard to find these things now. They were caught in Huanhua County."

Qin Sheng said.

"What's the situation in Huanhua County now?"

Xiaowan asked.

Qin Sheng said with a smile: "Those Northern Anhui thieves were scared by us. After we sent out troops, the Northern Anhui thieves in Huanhua County withdrew. We captured Huanhua County without spending a single soldier." .

Now we are waiting for Director Liu Shu to select civilian officials to take over the city and manage the internal affairs. "

The officers of the Beiwan Group were quite familiar with Wuzhou's strength, and they did not want to collide with Wuzhou's army.

"Recently, a wasp king appeared in Beiwan. He has hundreds of little demons under his control. A small number of these little demons are wasps that have become spirits. They can fly in the air and shoot poisonous needles. If they are shot, they will be die.

The Beiwan Group is having a headache over this wasp king. "

Xiaowan smiled.

Qin Sheng clapped his hands: "It seems that these warlords in various places also have to deal with these monsters that have become spirits.

They don't have the means like we in Wuzhou. They only rely on those warriors and strangers, and I'm afraid they will be exhausted. "

While they were talking, Xiaowan picked up a brown gourd.

This gourd was given to Ren as a gift from a merchant gang trustee from Chujiang when he was in Dongyang County.

The space inside this gourd is not small, it is the size of a basketball court, and it can survive a small number of living creatures in a short period of time. Although it is not useful for transporting people, it is still a very precious treasure.

Xiaowan shook the gourd and opened the mouth of the gourd. The mouth of the bottle faced the ten iron cages. Suddenly, a huge suction force was generated from the gourd. The ten iron cages with hundreds of living corpses suddenly rose up from the ground, and the surroundings simultaneously A violent air flow is generated, which is sucked into the gourd together with the air. Before the air inside is consumed by the living creatures, the living creatures will not be suffocated to death.

"This gourd is good."

Qin Sheng's eyes lit up.

"This treasure is really good. It is said to be made from one of the seven gourds growing on a spiritual gourd vine. Because it can gather spiritual energy, it does not consume much energy. Warriors with stronger spiritual power can also use it. use.

It is a pity that living animals cannot be transported in large quantities, otherwise it will definitely play a big role in the army. "

Xiaowan said something, and then said: "Okay, Commander Qin, I have to go back to meet the prince and resume my life, so I won't stay here any longer.

Stay. "

After bidding farewell to Qin Sheng, Xiaowan returned to the palace by car.

When she came back, Xingchi had also arrived and was waiting in the side hall of Yuanhe Hall.


Xiaowan walked into the palace and saw the young master reviewing official documents.

Now, with the help of the Zhongshuge Secretariat, the official documents are classified, explained, and red-circled, and the important ones are grouped together and placed on the left hand side of Ren Pingsheng's koan, while the remaining blessings, greetings, and miscellaneous information are placed on the koan. on the right hand side.

In this way, Ren Pingsheng's efficiency and speed in reviewing official documents were much faster, saving at least four-fifths of the time.

"It will be handed over to Liu Shu, the Secretary of Civil Affairs, to be hosted by Wu Qiong, the Secretary of Road Administration, and Liu Wen, the Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, for circulation assistance."

After reviewing the last official document, Ren Pingsheng selected a dozen more official documents from the basket on the right and read them over to prevent possible omissions, hidden secrets and other problems in Zhongshuge.

After reading it, Ren Pingsheng concluded his work for the day.

"Today's review took an hour and a half, and there have been a lot of official documents in recent days. Several counties in Guyi County have suffered from water shortages and droughts this year, and the corn harvest has failed. In recent days, there have been continuous heavy rains, which have destroyed many houses. Now Guyi County The county magistrate wrote a letter requesting the central government to support some money to build houses for the people."

When Ren Pingsheng saw Xiaowan coming back, he picked out one and handed it to Xiaowan.

Xiaowan is in charge of the Finance and Taxation Department, which can be regarded as a combination of finance and taxation. Financial allocation work is also within the scope of the Finance and Taxation Department.

Xiaowan opened it and took a look, then put the official document away. How to do the work? The Finance and Taxation Department has its own set of regulations. It will be left to the deputy director in charge. Xiaowan wears many hats. The Finance and Taxation Department only focuses on the main tasks, and most of the other tasks are Leave it to the deputy to do it.

"Master, these are the living corpses here."

She handed the brown gourd to the young master.

Ren Pingsheng reached out to take the gourd and said: "In the next few days, I will look for another director of the Secretariat.

That Liu Chunsheng, I plan to send him to Huanhua County to be the prefect. "

Xiaowan nodded and reminded: "I remember Liu Chunsheng is from the Beiwan Group?"

Ren Pingsheng smiled and said: "Although Liu Chunsheng was born as a prisoner of war, after abandoning the dark side and turning to the light, his ideological transformation was very thorough, and his personal ability was very strong. There is no problem in becoming the prefect of Huanhua County.

The secretariat has a high position and a low position, but there must be a place for promotion to make the secretariat mobile so that they have the motivation to work and reduce the corruption problems caused by the solidification of official positions.

Let's go to the side hall. Xingchi must have been waiting there for a long time. "

Ren Pingsheng stood up, threw the gourd in his hand, penetrated it with his mind, and took a look at the living corpse inside.

When they arrived at the side hall, the police chief was squatting on the table chatting with Xingchi.

As soon as he saw Ren Pingsheng walking in, Xingchi stood up like a spring and saluted him nervously: "Xingchi meets the prince!"

He is currently in the Alien Division, working for the Night Cat Organization, and has the rank of lieutenant. He is considered to have a military position, so there is no problem in meeting him.

However, Xingchi was still very nervous at this time. After all, he was just a child student who failed in many exams. He only met the highest officials once, from a distance, during the college exam. It was just academic affairs, but now that he was standing in front of such a distinguished person as Wang Ye, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Fortunately, he doesn't control his expression, his expression is natural.

The corners of her lips were slightly raised, her cheeks were rosy and shiny, and her peach blossom eyes were seductive. Just standing there, she looked seductive and mean.

Even Ren Shengsheng felt a little excited when he looked at it.

"Get ready. Follow me to a place for a few days. When I need you, I can call you out and plant the seeds to control the minds of several people."

Ren Pingsheng explained.

"I see."

Xingchi nodded quickly to show that he understood.

Ren Pingsheng walked to a door in the side hall and pushed it open. A very large space appeared behind the door.

As Ren Pingsheng continued to invest in demon pills, the transfer space was now the size of a dozen standard football fields, equivalent to an area of ​​more than 7 hectares or more than 100 acres.

And the expansion of space is not just an expansion of area, the height is also expanding in the same proportion!

At a height of more than 200 meters, it is spectacular when you look up.

In this way, if the space is left like this, the utilization rate of the space will not keep up.

Ren Pingsheng plans to make some plans for the transit space, and considers subsequent planning to enable sustainable development as the space continues to expand.

At that time, let workers from the Ministry of Industry and Engineering Department enter the site, build the transfer space in layers, make full use of the space, and maximize the utilization rate within the limited capacity.

Xingchi didn't think much about this space. In her cognitive thoughts, she would not be surprised if a noble person like the prince owned such a magical space, even if he owned a whole world.

Just like the black leather box that Lin Luoying always carries in his hand, it is said that there is a large valley inside, and there seems to be a world outside the mist surrounding the valley!

Xingchi walked into the transit space, and the vast space seemed very empty.

There were some things placed inside, many of which she had never seen before. Standing here, she felt a little out of her mind.

Ren Pingsheng also walked into the transit space.

Here, a large amount of food and water are stored, as well as air regeneration systems, water circulation systems, excrement treatment systems, medical equipment, food supply systems, living environment control systems, emergency systems, etc.

Ren Pingsheng almost armed this transit space with the standards of a space station, so that he would have a final safe fortress to escape in extreme situations.

"There are some books here. If you are bored these days, you can read them. There is a excrement disposal system here. If..."

Speaking of this, Ren Pingsheng suddenly remembered that the person in front of him was actually a ghost possessing a silicone doll.

"There is also a training ground here that can train your ability to control supernatural powers."

Ren Pingsheng introduced to him the various functional areas in the transit space.

Xingchi followed Ren Pingsheng in fear and nodded crazily.

When a person's status is high enough, he has natural authority. Individual ordinary human beings will be superstitious about authority and firmly believe in the words of authority, but usually will not take the initiative to doubt the correctness of authority.

In Xingchi's eyes, Ren Pingsheng was the absolute authority.

She will not doubt everything about the prince, she will only correct her attitude and work hard to learn and adapt to the prince's rhythm!

After comforting Xingchi, Ren Pingsheng opened the door, left the transit space, and returned to Earth.

"Welcome home, dear master!"

In the villa, the Tengu spirit detected Ren Pingsheng.

"What day is it today?"

Ren Pingsheng took off his clothes and found a casual suit from the closet.

"Today is Tuesday, October 28th. Do you need to check today's weather, Master?"

The tengu spirit asked.

"No, please tell me the latest news."

Ren Pingsheng changed his clothes, stood in front of the floor-length mirror, and took a look at his handsome appearance.

"The carcass of a giant turtle washed up on the beach of Spoke Island, suspected to be affected by nuclear sewage..."

"When fishermen were hunting whales on the east coast of the fish-rich country, they found many mutations and deformities on the whales."

"...Improving distribution from the source, increasing people's income, and improving the economic cycle. Today, our country's economy is generally improving. Historically, anyone who tries to short our country will never end well! They will eventually suffer from it. Bad consequences!"

"Breaking down trade barriers and the pain points, gambling points, and difficulties in the internal circulation have been initially resolved."

Ren Pingsheng briefly listened to the international and domestic news, and then took out his mobile phone: "Tengu Elf, link to my mobile phone and mark me a high-rated specialty restaurant."

When Ruan Tang came back, he had already linked the artificial intelligence to the Tengu Elf, and it is now much more powerful than before!

“Chen’s Seafood Restaurant·····”


Ren Pingsheng ordered.

Since the launch of the Spoke Island Sea Drainage Project, Ren has not eaten seafood on earth for a long time. Fortunately, Wuzhou in another world is also a coastal province, so he will not lack clean seafood to eat.

After going out for dinner, Ren Pingsheng returned to the villa, and Yang Shen came out of his body to make arrangements.

A few days later.

In the country of many fishes, on the spoke island, on the sea-ring highway.

A formation of black police cars was running at a speed of 150 kilometers.

Yamamoto Keita watched the scenery outside the window passing by quickly, and in his ears was the loud siren of the lead car "Ula Ula". He sometimes hates this sound, because whenever it sounds, it's always when he's on a mission.

Every mission was accompanied by risks. Thinking of the worry in the eyes of his wife and children when he left home, he frowned even more.

He held the Type 89 rifle tightly in his hand and slowly closed his eyes. But the young junior opposite, as a newcomer to the police station, looked excited at this time, loading bullets into the magazine of his new southern M57 pistol. (End of chapter)

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