Behind me is the earth

Chapter 377 375 Outbreak

"The video is here!"

With a ding, Feiniao Zhi put down the New Southern M57 in his hand, picked up a mobile phone-sized terminal from his pocket, and opened the video just sent: "The video just sent from the front line, this is what we have to deal with. Something?"


"禄い(terrible) flax falls~"

"Sukeya (save me)!"

There was a weird cry in the video, as well as someone shouting in extreme panic. The panic seemed to come out of the handheld terminal, and it made people's skin crawl.

What kind of terrifying thing must this be to roar such a terrifying voice that seems to vomit out the soul!

"It's really like the zombies in Resident Evil games and movies. It's so scary!"

Asuka was talking scary words, but there was an expression of excitement on his face, as if he was thinking of the time when he played Resident Evil games before, and he tightened the pistol in his hand.

He said, taking off the battle recorder on his helmet and playing with it.

"Don't even think about spreading the news. Before going on the mission, the big shots told me not to leak any information about the mission. The bosses have blocked the local network and sent people from the Investigation Department to silence the witnesses!

If you still want to stay in the police station and wear this uniform instead of changing into prison uniform and going to prison, it is best to put your recorder back intact. "

Yamamoto Kedda, who was also looking at the terminal, raised his head and warned Asuka.

"Yes! Senior!"

Hearing this, Asukazhi quickly put the recorder back on his helmet with Smiley Face, and then said to Yamamoto Kageda with an imaginative smile: "Senior, why did the Resident Evil suddenly appear in Hudao County?" Where are the zombies? Could it be that the Umbrella Company really exists and the biochemical weapons were leaked?"

"I read······"

Another team member was about to speak when a "swish" sound suddenly came from the car radio.

Yamamoto Kageda raised his hand to signal for silence, and the car immediately became silent, leaving only the noise of the wind, the tires rubbing against the ground, and the sound of the car radio.

"Many zombie bite incidents occurred in Hakushimahara Town. Many fishermen returning from hunting whales on the Diaoyu Islands were bitten at the port, and their bodies turned into zombies very quickly. These zombies are extremely aggressive. It is extremely contagious and extremely dangerous.

Your mission, the first mission is to kill Haramachi zombies; the secondary mission is to rescue local citizens.

Be sure not to let the zombies spread!

Gentlemen, please take care of this mission!

Please be sure to pay attention to your safety! "

Listening to the voice of police officer Masanomura Koji coming from the car radio, Yamamoto Kageta had a strange feeling in his heart. Monsters in games and movies suddenly appeared in reality. It was like the real world was connected. It's like being in another dimension, giving people an absurd sense of overlapping worlds.

"Do you think it could be the reason for the discharge of nuclear sewage from the Radial Island?"

Kato Kuaishou, who was always taciturn in the team, suddenly said.

Kato Kuaishou's words seemed to suddenly open up the Rendu and Dumai of everyone in the car, and they all looked at him with looks of approval in their eyes.

"Is it caused by radiation?"

"Definitely! It was said some time ago that the whales in the ocean on the east coast have mutated!"

"Ever since I saw the mutated whale, I feel sick when I think about fish. Now I don't even dare to eat tuna sashimi, which is my favorite!"

Asuka wailed.

"Why does Spoke Island discharge these things so that my fishing company can't sell much of its fish?"

"Why can't it be discharged secretly? If it is discharged secretly, foreigners can't find it, right? As long as foreigners can't find it, it won't affect our country's fishery!"

"Yes, why should we announce it to the whole world? We have also apologized to the whole world, but why can't they still accept our seafood!"

"Okay, don't continue this topic any more!"

Yamamoto Kageda clapped his hands and said: "We are about to arrive at Haramachi. Please recharge your batteries. These things are not what we people should consider."

As soon as he spoke, the car became quiet again.

Only the siren of the lead car "Ula Ula" was left, echoing quickly on the coastal road in the red glow of the evening.

Not long after, Yamamoto Kageda clearly felt that the vehicle began to slow down.

He looked outside through the car window. The sunlight seemed dim, but the scenery outside could still be seen clearly. The convoy had turned off the coastal road and entered a small road, with a small town in the distance.

The Haramachi side is composed of a fishing port, a port fishing town, and a fishery park.

Because Haramachi has some famous whale-catching fleets, there is a large population living here, with more than 9,000 people.

At this time, a cute female voice was heard from the loudspeaker on the Haramachi street, echoing in the air: "The Ministry of Health and Welfare has discovered that a new mutated virus is spreading in Haramachi. Please everyone please stay at home. Our special personnel The virus is being eliminated.

Before tomorrow morning, staff will be entering homes to conduct testing. "

The voice was short and repeated, echoing in the streets of Haramachi.

The convoy quickly went downhill and soon entered the streets of the town. As it shuttled through the streets, the convoy's sirens confirmed what was said on the loudspeaker. Yamamoto Kageda lowered his car window and looked out at the streets and alleys. Occasionally, the sound of curses coming from the houses reached his ears. As a native of the country with many fishes, he was already accustomed to such curses.

Suddenly, a flash of blood on the street attracted his attention.

A pool of red blood dyed the clean asphalt road dark red. There are also some little things like lipstick scattered on it. The others have been cleaned up, but such blood stains prove that there was definitely a lot of blood loss at that time. According to Yamamoto Kageda's experience, the woman who was attacked will most likely be dead.

"Aren't the zombies over there at the port? Have they spread to the town?"

Feiniaozhi also saw blood stains in the alley.

"Just received the temporary arrangement, Team 1 immediately stopped the car and followed the team leader's arrangements to clean up the zombies on the streets of the town! And cooperated with the investigation department.

The remaining nine groups continued to the port area. "

The voice of police officer Nomura Koji came from the car radio.

Three police cars immediately left the convoy and stopped on the side of the road. The heavily armed police officers filed down, waiting for instructions from the team leader.

Yamamoto Kedda's group is composed of 5 groups, and they have to go to the more dangerous port area.

This made him very upset as to why there was group 1 left in the town instead of group 5. But Feiniao was very excited as a child, and kept looking around the streets of the town, looking for zombies, as if he was going to show off his skills.

The vehicle turned a corner on the mountain road and headed towards the port area.

The port area is very large. Because the wharf carries the function of killing whales, there are many open spaces here. Whenever the whales are towed back, they will be divided and sold here immediately, or they will be divided and stored in cold storage.

Therefore, there are not a few people working here every day.

When they were about to arrive at the port area, the convoy stopped.

Feiniaozhi looked outside and asked, "Are there people from the local police station outside?"

After hearing this, Yamamoto Kageda also poked his head out and saw several police cars lying across the road, blocking people coming in and out. However, the Haramachi Police Department is a grassroots police unit with only a director, a deputy director, and a few police officers. It is obviously difficult to cope with such an emergency.

This is probably the reason why a biological crisis broke out in the small town.


Yamamoto Keita vaguely heard the sound of negotiations coming from the front. The young director, who was probably in his twenties, stamped his feet and saluted. He stood upright with an upright look, and his dark face was full of words. The word "loyalty".

Then, the police car crossing the road immediately moved out of the way and the convoy continued moving forward.

When five groups of vehicles passed by the local police chief, he still stood there maintaining an upright posture and saluting posture, looking meticulous!

When the director noticed that Yamamoto Kageda was looking at him, he immediately showed a "loyal" smile and looked at Yamamoto with his eyes filled with "respect" for his colleagues in the National Police Agency.

This made Yamamoto Kageda stunned for a moment, and then his expression became solemn, and he felt somewhat proud of being a superior department. However, the director of the Haramachi Police Station, it is not surprising that he climbed to the position of director at such a young age. He does have extraordinary abilities. At least he cannot be as "loyal" as the young director.

"My husband is still inside, at the izakaya at the end of Sanchome. Please save him!"

A woman outside put her hands over her mouth and shouted loudly towards the convoy.

Asuka glanced at her. He was still wearing an apron with the words "Ramen Restaurant" written on it.

However, no one in the convoy responded to her.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

Asuka followed the sound and saw a figure falling down on the street not far away.

"Attention! We have entered the danger zone!"

The voice of the commander of the vehicle in front came from the radio.


The leader of Team 5 sitting in the passenger seat picked up the intercom and responded. Then he turned back and said to them sitting in the carriage: "Next, focus on effectively killing zombies and fire freely!

Be careful, shoot the zombie in the head! Only the head is the vital point of zombies, other parts cannot be effectively killed! "


Yamamoto Kageda and others responded.

"Isn't this the zombie from Resident Evil!"

Feiniaozhi gripped the Type 89 rifle tightly, with excitement on his face.

Some are excited and some are scared.

Zombies, among many games and film and television works, are all products of the apocalyptic world, which puts a lot of psychological pressure on people!


An instruction came from the team leader's personal terminal.

Kato Kuaishou was looking through the magnifying glass at the terrace of a two-story building not far away. A young woman was waving towards her excitedly. In the magnifying glass, she could clearly see the youthful atmosphere. The pair The super doubled bear pulsates with her waving arms.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk~"

Kato swallowed quickly.

"Emergency mission. There is an important person at Suzuki Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd. We are responsible for the rescue and then leave by speedboat from the port."

The team leader suddenly said, and after speaking, he shared the task with the 30 members of the 5th team. At the same time, the real-time map popped up from the terminal, and the rescue path was planned.

"Who is this person? Can he directly give the police department a task to save people?"

Asuka asked in surprise.

"Must be a big shot."

Yamamoto Kageda curled his lips and said.

The three police cars of Group 5 also left the main force and headed towards Suzuki Machinery.


As they entered the port area, a large number of zombies appeared in their sight.

"Free fire!"

The team leader aimed at a zombie that was staggering towards the convoy and pulled the trigger.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of the gun was crisp, tongues of fire spit out from the muzzle, and the bullet penetrated the zombie's head. The zombies on the street fell to the ground.

The windows of all three armed police cars were lowered, and the team members aimed at the zombies that appeared in a continuous stream around them. Gunfire continued for a while. These slow-moving, shambling zombies look as slow as an 80-year-old woman. They are like rudimentary moving targets. They are not difficult to kill at all!

"There are steps in front and vehicles cannot pass."

The driver shouted and stopped the car.

"Can we go around?"

The team leader asked with a frown.

The driver looked at the terminal stuck on the arm slot, operated it and said: "I'm afraid not, if we take a detour, the distance will be a bit far.

We have to go around the Haramachi Bridge. "

"Turn off the engine, everyone get out of the car!"

The team leader gave a decisive order to the radio hanging on his shoulder, and the team members in the three cars opened the doors and got out of the car.

The combat effectiveness of zombies is much weaker than that of unarmed ordinary people. In the hands of these thirty fully armed professional special police officers, they are like being squeezed out of clay. Even if the number is ten or twenty times more than them, in this spacious place On the streets, they are no match.

Asukaji said: "These zombies are much worse than the monsters in Resident Evil, and the police in Haramachi can clean them up.

I see that the disaster in Haramachi was not as severe as expected, and most people were still hiding in buildings. "

The most severe zombie crisis in Haramachi is the port area. According to what the police said when handing over the mission, the first place where zombies broke out was in the port area. This should also be the area with the most serious zombie crisis.

But along the way, they saw a large number of people hiding in buildings. After seeing them, they waved to them frantically, hoping to be rescued.

On the contrary, because of the sound, many zombies were attracted to run over and surround the building, causing danger to themselves out of thin air.

"Wow~ This is so exciting~"

When passing by a corner park, Kato Kuaishou suddenly whistled and raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand, but did not fire.

Everyone turned to look, but they saw two zombies, a man and a woman, crawling up from the grass on the roadside. Among them, the female zombie had a good figure and exploded, swinging two footballs towards them.

Just when the men showed their knowing smiles, Yamamoto Kageda suddenly felt something was wrong.

There's something wrong with the speed of these two zombies!

too fast! (End of chapter)

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