Behind me is the earth

Chapter 513 511 Enter the black leather box again

The moonlight floats and the bamboo shadows dance.

"The prince has been in seclusion for a long time this time."

Qingyin was chatting with Wangshu in the bamboo forest outside.

"Yes, there is already a backlog of official documents in Yuanhe Hall."

Wangshu lay on the bamboo chair and looked at the small building and said.

Siqi was eating an orange, which was sour and sweet to her taste: "The prince is too busy now. He has to deal with so many official documents every day. It's really exciting!"

"The prince will form a cabinet this year. There will be a Zhongshu Pavilion inside and a cabinet outside. The workload will be reduced a lot."

Wangshu said, taking a look at Ruhua.

Ruhua was nearby, reading a book by the oil lamp on the table.

Feeling that Wang Shu was looking at her, she raised her head and participated in the discussion: "Recently, the palace is going to send out a group of older maids. How much money should be given to them?"

"According to the housekeeper's arrangement, those who return to their hometown will be given 500,000 yuan, and those who stay in Qidu will be given a 120-square-meter house."

Wangshu said.

"Then you must choose a house. Housing prices in Qidu have risen a lot recently, and they are still rising."

Qingyin said: "I heard that it costs more than 5,000 per square meter now!"

Siqi said: "It should not continue to rise without limit. I heard that Qixing Group has built several large communities near the train station and built special public rental housing. This should play a role in stabilizing housing prices."

Wang Shu heard this and shook his head: "Houses in Qidu are determined by the relationship between supply and demand. In the past two years, many people have come from all directions, including family members of officials, employees of state-owned enterprises, noble and wealthy people from the north, rich people from various provinces, and A large number of businessmen and workers have gathered from all directions... With so many people pouring into Qidu, the supply of houses cannot keep up for the time being, and it is difficult for prices to come down.

Moreover, housing prices in Qidu are not rising the fastest. In Qingcheng and Yunmeng County, housing prices are rising the fastest! "

Wang Shu often works as a secretary with Ren Pingsheng, and often communicates with people in the secretariat. He knows a lot more than the three sisters.

"Living in a big city is not easy."

The sisters sighed one after another.


Siqi suddenly patted the back of his hand: "How come it's not April yet and there are mosquitoes already?"

A gust of wind blows, rustling the bamboo forest, blowing away the mosquitoes around. The moon shines in the sky, and the bamboo shadows sway, which is a bit scary.


Siqi said to Wangshu.

The wind just now was caused by her waving her sleeves.

"Sister is always so polite."

Wangshu said.

While they were talking, they suddenly saw light coming on from the third floor of Yaoyue Building. The light was golden and warm, like the morning sun.

"Is the prince out of seclusion?"

A figure stepped on the white clouds and landed at the foot of Yao Yue's building.

Xiaowan looked up.

The next moment, Mistress Ruan Tang also flew over with a "X", and there was a burst of static electricity in the air, and everyone's hair floated up.

The door to the third floor opened, and Ren Pingsheng walked to the railing outside with a smile, and floated down from the third floor with a slight jump.

The girls knew from the look on his expression that he must have made a breakthrough!

"Super powers, martial arts, both breakthroughs."

Ren boasted about the woman he had guarded all his life.

“My husband is so awesome!”

Ruan Tang immediately said with admiration.

She was also truly happy for Ren Pingsheng.

"Master, congratulations!"

Xiaowan sent her blessings.

"Honey, are you tired? Are you hungry? There are always meals being prepared in the dining room."

Ruan Tang asked concernedly.

"Let's eat first."

Ren Pingsheng was really hungry.

After eating red fruits for more than two days, I want something salty in my mouth.

When he was about to walk out of the bamboo forest, Ren Pingsheng picked off a bamboo leaf and threw it into the rockery not far away.

"Boom!" An explosion suddenly startled everyone.

A corner of the stone mountain shattered into pieces, and countless pieces of rubble flew over ten meters away like flowers.

This power made Ren Pingsheng's eyes light up.

A bamboo leaf can carry very little energy, but the power it explodes is no less than an ordinary offensive grenade.

This shows that in terms of martial arts alone, he is already a human-shaped self-propelled bomb. When fighting in the future, "boom" explosions will continue. If he goes to the crew to act, the crew will not need to plant explosive points in advance.

Once there is a fight, the scene will definitely be quite explosive.

It can be seen that the "explosion" attribute is powerful enough among the infuriating attributes that are good at fighting!

The disadvantage is that the zhenqi with the attribute of explosion should belong to the fire or thunder type among the zhenqi attributes. In terms of health preservation, injury recovery, recovery, etc., it is not as good as Kuishui, Yimu and other attributes.

Ren Pingsheng picked up another brick and threw it into the pool of Fuyun Water Pavilion outside the bamboo forest.


The moment the brick exploded, Ren Pingsheng felt the power of the explosion, and his telekinesis instantly enveloped the expanding fire.

He suppressed the power of the explosion and restrained it within a small area.

"Husband, what is your infuriating attribute?"

Ruan Tang asked when he saw this.


Ren Pingsheng said: "Everything it touches can become the carrier of my true energy and cause an explosion.

That brick just now, if I hadn't suppressed its explosion, could have blown up the entire Fuyun Water Pavilion! "

Ren Pingsheng, who had just made a breakthrough, was very excited, but over the years, his temper had calmed down, and he no longer had the desire to share with Liu Qiang, Liu Liu and the others when he was in Qingcheng.

At the dinner table, Ren Shengsheng, who was hungry, was eating dry rice, a dish of venison, and a dish of mushrooms, one fragrant and the other fresh, and he was very satisfied.

"Is there anything important happening in the past two days?"

After eating and drinking enough, Ren Pingsheng asked Xiaowan.

When he was away, it was Xiaowan who checked the official documents as usual.

"Nothing is particularly important. Even last month, there was a severe plague in Yunxiang Province in the north, which was infectious to humans and animals. It is said that a whole county has fallen, and there is no solution yet. Daru Manzi Just let the people from the Snake Temple carry out a massacre there, killing everyone regardless of race or race.

It is said that hundreds of thousands of people have been massacred! "

Xiaowan told Ren Pingsheng a big news coming from the north.

"The still a zoonotic plague."

Although the plague did not occur in Qi State, he could not help but frown: "How long did it take for the disease to occur?"

"From the information sent back by the night owl people, it seems that the plague is spread through the air and may also be spread by the wind. It will take about two hours to get sick. Once it gets sick, it will quickly become dehydrated and eventually turn into a mummy."

Xiaowan said carefully.


Ren Pingsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

On Earth, plagues tend to follow the pattern of the more lethal they are, the shorter the onset time, which results in highly lethal plagues not spreading widely.

This Yunxiang Province is located in the northernmost part of the old land of Jujing Kingdom. It is two to three thousand kilometers away from Yuntai County in the northernmost part of Qi Kingdom. Even a bird cannot fly here in two or three hours, and it will not spread to Coming from the State of Qi, there is no need to take too many precautions within the State of Qi.

"Pay close attention to it, and if there are any changes, report it in time."

Ren Pingsheng gave instructions.


Xiaowan nodded.

Ren Pingsheng did not sleep with Ruan Tang and Xiaowan, but returned to his Qixing Hall.

Lying on the bed, he released his mind power.

It was already dark, the street lights had been turned off, and there were only a few people on the noisy streets during the day.

But in some buildings and in some production units, the lights are still bright.

Compared with when Qifeng County was first established as the capital, Qidu has now expanded four to five times more. The train station that used to be in the suburbs has now become the edge of Qidu city. It won't take long for this area to be "swallowed" by the city and become part of the city's interior.

The power of telepathy is rapidly expanding, and Wubei, Hehe Province, and Wanzhou Province are also covered by telepathy.

Then, Jian'an Province, Yuzhou Province, Pingshan Province, these more peripheral provinces were also covered by telepathy, but this did not reach the limit of telepathy.

Continuing, the telekinesis power reached Bowan Province across the strait from Jian'an Province in the east, Xinpan Province in the north, Guangnan Province in the southwest, Chujiang Province and Zhaozhou Province in the west, and finally felt that the power was not enough.

Most of Qi's country is already within the realm of his telekinesis.

"Your Majesty's attitude is clear. Basic agricultural facilities must be in place. This ditch brought to our county can solve the problem of watering hundreds of thousands of acres of cultivated land!"

"Can the construction of the main road to the industrial zone be faster? The article written by the king himself, the work must be done in a practical way. We want to push the industrial zone out, and we can't do any more gimmicks!"

"Your Majesty..."

Even though it was already late at night, Ren Pingsheng had already heard several conversations about his title.

"Your Majesty~"

A whispering call drew his attention into an unknown deep mountain.

A rabbit girl who had transformed into a human was lying down in the grass nest and sound asleep. There were no other monsters in the whole mountain, and the ordinary beasts in the mountains were no match for her, so she fell asleep very peacefully, her mouth It opened and closed and made a gentle snoring sound.

The call just now was actually her murmuring in sleep.

Her face was resting on an enlightenment book obtained from the human world, and she seemed to be learning to fall asleep.

The content on the tree contains the glorious deeds of his king.

"No wonder a mountain fairy is calling me too."

Ren Pingsheng took a closer look at her. She had fluffy bunny ears, a baby-fat face, and round buttocks. She looked innocent and cute curled up there.

He had a bit of bad taste for a moment and slapped the rabbit demon on the butt.


With a scream, the sleeping rabbit demon suddenly woke up. A pair of red eyes looked behind him in horror. At the same time, the whole person instantly turned into a white rabbit. He kicked his legs and rushed towards the other side. The rabbit's nest was far away, and he got into it all at once.

"Ha ha ha ha······"

In Qixingtang's bedroom, Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but laugh.

Thinking that this rabbit was reading human enlightenment books and would probably enter society in the future, he gave this rabbit demon a mark.

This rabbit demon became his perspective on the world.

In the future, if he wants to, he can quickly locate a rabbit when his telekinesis is activated, take a look at her life, and understand the life of a real, ordinary rabbit demon in the mountains and forests from her perspective. , life after entering human society, human attitudes towards these monsters, the living conditions of ordinary monsters in human society, etc.

From different perspectives, you will have a more comprehensive understanding of this society.

After teasing the rabbit demon, Ren Pingsheng withdrew his telepathy, lay on the bed and meditated, stabilizing the realm he had just broken through.

The night passed quickly, and the next morning came as promised.

Ren Pingsheng released his telekinesis and looked at the waking city of Qidu.

The Rabbit Noodle House on Qiwang Avenue has opened its door. On the pedestrian path in front of the door, a large number of officials and white-collar workers are walking past in a hurry, heading towards their jobs.

Ledaozhai next to Jingxinzhai welcomed a leopard spirit who came in with a bun in his mouth early in the morning.

"I want to challenge!"

As soon as the leopard spirit entered the door, he roared.

"Okay, fill out the form first."

The staff took out a form from under the counter and put it on the table, allowing Leopard to fill it out carefully.

They are used to seeing strangers, warriors, and monsters here every day. They are just a leopard spirit that has not yet completely transformed. Those who can walk through this door have never eaten people, and they will not be afraid. .

"I can't write."

The leopard spirit scratched his head and said.

The staff member picked up the pen: "I'll fill it in for you, your name?"

"Number One Abao."

Leopard Spirit said.


The staff looked up with question marks on their faces.

"I heard that humans have the surname No. 1, and I thought it matched me very well. I gave it to myself, and when I registered it with the government, that was the name I used."

Abao said, taking out an ID card from his pocket.

Written on it are the four words "No. 1 Abao".

The staff looked at it, said nothing, and wrote his name on the registration form.



"The realm of strength."


The first Ah Bao was talking when he saw the staff suddenly stopped and stood up. He couldn't help scratching his head: "Why don't you write..."


The staff had no time to pay attention to him, so they quickly came out from behind the table and knelt down towards the person who walked in from outside.

"No need to be lavish."

After Ren Pingsheng gave him some help, the clerk couldn't kneel down anymore, so he had to bow to the ground and salute.

Ren Pingsheng walked to the box.

The secret behind the fog of the black leather box has been challenged by countless people, but it has not been solved until now.

"Can I break through this fog with this breakthrough?"

Ren Pingsheng stroked the edge of the box and thought to himself.

"Is there anyone in there?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"When I was changing shifts in the morning, my colleagues told me that there was another cat demon inside. He went in last night and didn't come out today."

The staff said immediately.

"Well, I'll go in and take a look. Don't let anyone in during this period."

Ren Pingsheng ordered.


As a small official, I have never had such close contact with the king and even had a few words with him.

Now, he had received an order personally sent to him by the king, which made him extremely excited at this time. (End of chapter)

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