Behind me is the earth

Chapter 514 512 The world outside the fog


Ren Pingsheng looked at the leopard spirit who was at a loss in the Ledaozhai hall, holding a bag of xiaolongbao in his hand.

"Come in with me."

After Ren Pingsheng made a breakthrough, he tried it out in the black box on a whim. The leopard spirit was already in front of him, so he took it as a follower.

"Huh? Me?"

Leopard Spirit was a little reluctant.

If this challenge is successful, will it be considered my own or the king’s?

Should the reward be given to yourself or to the king?

His hesitant expression made the clerk stare anxiously!

What a fool!

Your Majesty, why don’t you call me?

Although Abao is unwilling, he knows the king after all.

Ren Pingsheng not only has deep prestige in the hearts of the people, but is also very famous in these monster dramas that have entered human society.

Abao also knew that the king was the biggest one in the country, so even though he didn't want to, he still stood by Ren Pingsheng's side.

The king jumped into the black leather box with a slight leap, and Abao quickly followed.

There is also a staff member in the box room.

After leaving the room, there were some warriors and strangers in the valley who specialized in maintaining order.

Although he had heard the legend about the box and was fully mentally prepared, Ah Bao was still shocked when he came here for the first time. He couldn't figure out how the mountains and rivers could be packed into such a small place. in the suitcase.

It followed Ren Pingsheng step by step, looking at these human practitioners who usually ignored him, groveling at this time, and even when looking at it, its eyes and expressions became very soft, which made It more intuitively feels the status of the king.

When we reached the edge of the fog, in front of the rope, a woman wearing a denim jacket was sitting on the bench next to her, thinking hard.

When she heard the noise, she raised her head, showing a rather pleasant face, and looked at one person and one leopard.

"Eh? Have we met somewhere?"

The woman couldn't help but say when she saw Ren Pingsheng was stunned.

"Presumptuous, why are you talking to the king!"

The stranger who followed behind saw this and hurriedly showed his face and said.


The woman suddenly knew where the familiarity came from.

The statue in the train station square is him!

"Your Majesty, this slave has just become a spirit. I don't know, Your Majesty..."

The woman was a little frightened.

"It doesn't matter."

Ren Pingsheng smiled gently, while his hand had already grasped the edge of the rope.

The rope is only as thick as a finger, but very strong. It is like a safety lasso when climbing. One end is tied around the waist, and the other end is tied to the roller on the edge of the fog. In this way, after entering the fog, the roller will move forward when walking forward. Keep turning to pay off the line.

When you feel lost in the fog, you can follow the force of the roller to pull back and slowly retract the line and walk back.

"May I have your name?"

Ren Pingsheng asked the cat demon who had completely transformed into a human form.

"Three flowers."

The woman said timidly, not daring to look at Ren Pingsheng's face.

"Let's go in together."

Ren Pingsheng saw that the cat demon was stronger than the leopard demon, so he also took him as a follower.

If you can enter the world behind the fog, you can explore it a little.

After he finished speaking, he put the rope around his waist and walked into the fog. At the same time, he condensed his mind into a rope and probed into the fog.

The fog suppresses spiritual power very strongly, and can detect the telepathy of most of the country. After entering the fog, he immediately feels a dizzy feeling, which makes his consciousness have an uncomfortable feeling of the world being turned upside down.

However, what is surprising is that with his fifth awakening, his mind power is strong enough to allow him to scan the surroundings like a radar.

As soon as Abao and the two entered the fog, they could no longer see Ren Pingsheng in front of them.

They held the rope tightly in their hands for fear of getting lost in the fog.

Ah Bao entered the mist for the first time, but after just a few steps, his head started to feel dizzy, as if he had otolithiasis, and he couldn't stand firmly. Fortunately, Sanhua was following him closely. When she saw the rope in her hand shaking, she immediately guessed what was going on. She moved forward and grabbed A Bao's waistband.

She suppressed the discomfort: "No matter what, hold on to the rope, otherwise you will lose your way here and you may be trapped in here!"

Sanhua didn't get a response from Ah Bao, and she didn't know if her voice reached Ah Bao's ears.

They grabbed the rope and followed for who knows how long. Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew, which shocked Sanhua's spirit.

Then, as the mist rolled, he took the next step along the rope, and the whole world became clear.

Landscapes, forests, grasses, flowers, birds, fish and insects all come into view.

When the ears hear it, it becomes sound; when the eyes encounter it, it becomes color.


Sanhua asked in surprise.

Abao scratched his head: "It must have come out."

The two looked at the noose tied to a tree.

Amidst the sound of "haloxylon", the king's figure fell from the tree crown.

"Behind the fog, there is indeed a world hidden."

Ren Pingsheng's spirit was also quite uplifting.

The direction of the mountains and rivers here, the types of plants and the valleys in the boxes are similar, and the water in the mountains also flows into the mist. It seems that it is also integrated with the valley on the opposite side of the mist.

"You two, feel it carefully. What's different here?"

Ren Pingsheng asked the two feline goblins.

"Reporting to your Majesty, I feel that the air here is very refreshing, more refreshing than the valley just now. It should be that the spiritual energy here is more abundant."

Sanhua took a deep breath and said.

The shock in her heart could not be greater. The world in this box was so vast. The mountains and valleys were not small, but there was a vast world behind the fog!

"Me too."

Abao agreed very much with what Sanhua said.

"Come with me to explore the environment."

Ren Pingsheng was the first to walk out.

The vines, flowers and plants in the mountain forest gradually receded to both sides, leaving a path for him.

Ren has been walking on this trail all his life and walking forward.

Sanhua quickly followed.

Unlike wild monsters like Ah Bao, she has been hanging around among humans since she was a child. Before she became a spirit, she was a raccoon slave raised by a wealthy family. Later, when the wealthy family wanted to escape the war and the whole family left, she became an unwanted one. stray cat.

Catching mice and eating some swill. Later, the king occupied Wuzhou, and the living conditions of the people improved. She was also able to eat some oil and water from the leftovers, and her life became much better.

It wasn't until later that I somehow opened my mind and followed my instinct to absorb the moonlight, slowly cultivating myself to perfection, and leading the life I have today.

Therefore, she has long been familiar with human society, fully understands the weight of the word "King", and cherishes this chance encounter with the King.

"The world in the box is not large, only the size of a round island."

As he walked, Ren Pingsheng's telepathy had encompassed the entire world.

There are many people in this world, but his brain is not a computer and cannot quickly count people in such a large range. He can only roughly estimate that the world's population is about half a million.

"This land is not round?"

Ren Pingsheng felt strange about the existence of this continent.

The continent under his feet turned out to be an approximately square continent. In the west were green mountains, shrouded in the mist behind him. To the east is an endless abyss, where the sea water flows down, falling like a waterfall, but it is bottomless and terrifying.

Even the power of Ren Sheng's thoughts cannot be explored to the bottom, and it seems to be swallowed up and blocked by the darkness of the endless abyss.

The south side seems to be an endless ocean.

But under Ren Pingsheng's observation, this place is more like a spatial restriction. Seagulls were flying in the air, and someone on a fishing boat on the sea was casting a net to catch fish, but from his perspective, neither the seagull nor the fishing boat was moving at all.

This place is more like the "So Close to the End" spell cast by the Space Stranger, which compresses the space in the south of the continent, and the space is within the space. No matter how far you go, you can't get out of this continent.

If the south is gentle and harmless, then the north seems violent and scary!

The space here has been twisted and broken. Cracked spaces mixed with space debris can be seen everywhere. The space storm inside can even be seen with the naked eye through the broken space!

If anyone dares to break in here, they will definitely be crushed by the twisted space here!

"What kind of world is this?"

Ren Pingsheng marveled at the world inside this box.

It doesn’t even feel like a complete world!

His consciousness randomly fell into a large city located in the middle of the continent.

"Tai Xue."

It falls into a large building complex, with the words Taixue hanging on the door plaque of the building complex.

Ren Pingshe can understand it, and it is not much different from the words in the outside world.

"Learning has its own sequence, choose the good ones and learn them, observe the weak ones and discard them..."

A group of students wearing wide robes and wide sleeves were reciting the text in the classroom, shaking their heads.

The accent is a little different from the world outside the box. Some syllables are more difficult to pronounce, and some words are indeed incomprehensible, but when heard together, Ren Sheng can figure out the general meaning.

Looking at the words in their books, I can recognize most of them. Occasionally, some words are different from those in the outside world, and most of them are simplified and traditional.

The civilization of this world is completely different from that of Han Dynasty.


Ren Pingsheng suddenly stopped.


The first Ah Bao, who was holding the bun, scratched his head and asked.

"Go back and guard near the rope."

Ren Pingsheng's consciousness flew rapidly between the human world and the mountains, but he did not notice the existence of monsters in this world. With his non-transformed appearance, it was hard to explain when someone saw him.

"Okay, my lord!"

Abao responded immediately.

Carrying the buns, I ran as fast as scuds through the forest and returned. I glanced at the rope extending into the thick fog, found a tree, climbed up, squatted on the branch, and finally had time. Enjoy your own xiaolongbao.

Since coming to human society, his favorite thing is xiaolongbao. The tender and juicy meat filling, mixed with the fragrance of fermented noodles, the taste that hits your lips and teeth, is simply the most delicious thing in the world!

He couldn't help but shake his head when he thought of his former diet of eating raw meat and drinking blood.

"Your Majesty, there is someone outside."

Sanhua's ears moved and reminded Ren Pingsheng.

Of course Ren Pingsheng knew there were people outside, and he came here for these people.

In this mountain, there appeared a dilapidated temple that had been in disrepair for a long time. In front of the dilapidated temple were parked a carriage and several horses.

The horses were leisurely munching on the fine food fed by the knights.

A young man was lying on a wicker chair in front of the ruined temple, biting a weed and looking at the sky.

The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it’s almost dusk.

The sun is setting in the west, and a crescent moon has risen in the east. The white clouds in the sky here are flowing slowly, and the sunset over there has fallen on the horizon, and only the golden light of the clouds is shining all over the sky.

In this flow of light and shadow, the setting sun quickly set and sank into the heavy fog.

The temperature dropped dramatically.

A flame rose in front of the ruined temple, illuminating the small courtyard in front of the ruined temple.

Ren Pingsheng's eyes were staring at the sky. In the unpolluted sky, the stars were shining brightly.

Just like the starry sky outside, the positions and angles of the stars are exactly the same.

"Still under the same sky?"

Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but think.

"Is this the world in the box? Or is the box just a transmission medium? After passing through the black mist, we have reached another part of the world?"

For a moment, these questions were unclear.

Because around this continent, except for the fog behind him, his telekinesis could not pass through.

"It's getting foggy?"

Sanhua looked at the fog in the forest with confusion.

The mist came so strangely that it covered the entire mountain forest in a short time.

And it’s so rich that you can’t even see your fingers!

"It's not fog, it's someone coming."

Ren Pingsheng looked at the "person" walking out of the forest. This person was more than four meters long. He was crawling on the ground with his hands and feet. He was hairless and had a bare buttocks. He had a slender figure with distinct ribs, arms and thighs. The joints on the body are all clearly defined.

His head was also larger than that of ordinary people, with a wide mouth and broad nose, long hair, and an extremely ugly face. Between his mouth and nose, as he breathed, thick mist drooled down, and after landing, it was like The dry ice rippled around like falling water, keeping the fog in the mountain forest from dissipating.

"What kind of thing is this? It doesn't look like a monster, nor does it look like a stranger. It looks like a human, but it is separated from the body of a normal human, like a strange species."

Ren Pingsheng silently observed this strange species.

There was a violent movement from the ruined temple, and seven or eight people cautiously surrounded the young man who was working in the yard.

"Third Young Master, this fog is unusual."

"It's definitely not normal. How can there be fog at this time of year? Moreover, the fog rises too fast and does not disperse when the wind blows. It must not be a natural formation."

The firelight penetrated the thick fog and illuminated a distance of two or three meters around it, but beyond this distance, nothing could be seen.


There was a sound of horses neighing.

Then, the screams turned into screams, reaching everyone's ears, and the atmosphere in the courtyard became somewhat ominous. (End of chapter)

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