Behind me is the earth

Chapter 523 521 Wedding

As Prime Minister Li's family gathered troops to rebel, Yuanzhou and Suizhou joined forces, and with the help of Zidian Feng, the strongest member of the Fangyuan Sect, they were in the limelight for a while.

The Zhao family in Kaizhou and the Lu family in Yingzhou raised the banner of diligent kings and eliminating traitors and sycophants, and started killing people in various places. In Suizhou and Yuanzhou, wars were everywhere, turning into crazy meat grinders everywhere.

The people of the world are trapped, constantly wandering between killing and being killed. The ground is thousands of miles long, the blood is flowing, and the bones are piled high.

Instead, the Wu family in Luzhou took advantage of this rare opportunity and also raised the flag. Under the banner of King Qin, they went south to Kaizhou to win a bridgehead to escape the customs, and had a ticket to escape the customs and compete for the world.

There is no strategic depth in the small world, and there is no room for maneuver for you to chase me and escape. This war, promoted by the Fangyuan Sect, has turned the entire world into a large meat grinder, with tens of thousands of people fighting every day. The people of Jiji fought and died on the battlefield.

They neither know why they are fighting nor for whom they are fighting. They only know that if they don’t kill, they will be killed.

At this time, Ren Pingsheng had left the small world with Ruan Tang and Xiaowan and returned to his loyal capital of Qi.

Ren has never understood the rules of that world in his life, and at this time, he will not interfere with its thousands of years of tradition.

"In the small world, I feel like a fish entering a fish tank from the sea, as if I am being watched by people outside the bathtub at any time."

Ren Pingsheng returned to Yuanhe Hall and talked to Ruan Tang while holding a document stamped with the seal of the Ministry of National Defense and signed by Liu Qiang.

It was because of this document that he came out of the small world.

"Xuan Liuqiang will come over early tomorrow morning."

Ren Pingsheng read the document completely, put it on the table, and said to Wangshu.


Wang Shu wrote it down in his notebook and planned to go to Zhongshu Pavilion later to find someone to inform Liu Qiang.

Although it was getting late, the lights in Yuanhe Hall were brightly lit.

After a while, Wu Xiaotian, the third son of the Wu family, was brought in. At this time, Wu Xiaotian's face was still a little confused. When he saw Ren Pingsheng, his expression became more energetic, and his knees went weak and he knelt on the ground.

"Get up."

As the person above spoke, his body was lifted up by a strong force.

"Do you already know about this place?"

The emperor's warm voice came. When Wu Xiaotian thought about what he had learned today, as well as the magnificent and majestic buildings in this world, he was still in a trance, feeling like a dream but not a dream.

"Reporting back to Your Highness, I already have some understanding."

He couldn't help but raise his head and steal a glance at Ren Pingsheng. When he thought that this was a king with more than 60 million people, he felt as if he was paying homage to a god.

Sixty million, for him, is already a number that is unimaginable even if his brain is stretched to its limit!

Yesterday, it should be said to be this morning in this world, because the time in the two worlds is not synchronized.

He was nominally invited by Mr. Ren, but in reality he was coerced into taking a mysterious magical flying boat to the edge of the fog. And in the fog, a steel suspension bridge was built at some point!

At that time, his heart couldn't help but jump with excitement.

Finally, when he walked out of the suspension bridge and reached a valley, he couldn't help but choke and cry - getting out of the small world was the lifelong wish of every wise man from generation to generation.

Now that he has really come out, you can imagine the excitement in his heart.

And when he walked into the small room and walked out of the stairs, and realized that his world was just a small world in a black leather box, his world view collapsed! I was in a trance until I was taken away. I spent a day getting to know the basic situation of the world.

The vast land, the trillions of people, and even the leader of the sect, was actually the king of a great country here!

One stimulus after another constantly shattered and reshaped his inherent consciousness, making his day seem like a lifetime.

"This world is far from as simple as a small world in a box. However, there are still many secrets in the small world. I prefer you to be the emperor of that small world. What do you think?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

If it were before, Wu Xiaotian would have agreed with great excitement.

But now, he felt uninterested.

Compared with the real world, the small world locked in the box is like a space in a well, and the people in it are just toads sitting in the well watching the sky. Having seen the vast world, he was unwilling to be a toad again.

However, after all, this was the arrangement of the great king. Of course, there was no reason for him to refuse, so he still agreed.

"After the small world stabilizes, your performance will be evaluated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs during your three years in it. As long as you pass the evaluation, you can pass on to the throne and be transferred to the outside world to serve as a local official."

Ren Pingsheng still gave him a hope: "From now on, all warriors who practice in the small world to the Yin Yuan realm will be transported to the main world.

Focus on cultivating other outstanding talents. After the Political Research Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs formulates the management regulations for the small world, they will be issued to you. "

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!"

Wu Xiaotian said thanks.

Wu Xiaotian, who left the small world, even felt a sense of fear in his heart about the world in the box, and felt extremely depressed when he thought about it.

However, there was also his family there, and it was impossible to leave alone like this.

After Wu Xiaotian retired, someone naturally escorted him back to the small world.

"Tomorrow afternoon, we will go back to Earth."

Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang said.

Hearing this, Ruan Tang couldn't help but clenched the corners of his clothes with his hands, and his face turned red.

She took Xiaowan's hand next to her and said, "Can you go too and be my bridesmaid?"


Xiaowan nodded and looked at Ren Pingsheng again, with desire in her eyes.

After getting along for a long time, she and Ruan Tang have already accepted each other.

But she also longs for such a marriage.

"When the Qi Kingdom is unified, the young master will give you a title."

Ren Pingsheng reached out and touched Xiaowan's hair.

Compared with the little Doudin back then, she has grown into a tall and graceful girl. However, she has a small frame and a petite figure. With a height of more than 1.6 meters, she can be regarded as a small potato at most. Every time Ren Pingsheng hugs her, When weighing it in my arms, it looked as if it was nothing.


Xiaowan fell into Ren Pingsheng's arms.

After hearing the young master's assurance, she felt the urge to cry for some reason.

Because of her background, she never dared to hope for fame, but now she can be regarded as a successful person.

Early the next morning, Liu Qiang was summoned from the side hall of Yuanhe Hall.

"See you, Your Majesty!"

Liu Qiang bowed.

"Get up and come and sit."

Ren Pingsheng asked Liu Qiang to sit on the sofa next to him and asked, "A breakthrough?"

Hearing this, Liu Qiang smiled and said: "I was about to report the good news to the king. Thanks to the king, the fighting on the front line has not been fierce during this period. I took advantage of the ample time and finally broke through to the Yin Yuan realm a few days ago and developed my internal strength."

"Okay, everything else belongs to others, only the power belongs to you. In today's world, only by having enough power in your hands can you feel more at ease."

Ren Pingsheng was also happy for Liu Qiang.

"That's what the king said."

Liu Qiang responded.

After a few words of greeting, the topic came to the main topic. Ren Pingsheng pushed the official document placed on the small table next to Liu Qiang: "I have seen the results of the front line. In your opinion, we have entered the stage of strategic counterattack? "


Liu Qiang nodded and said: "My judgment is as follows:

"First, our Qi army has completed its reorganization, with 620,000 regular soldiers, including 570,000 in the army and 30,000 in the navy. The air force has also completed its establishment, including a total of 20,000 ground staff.

The number of militiamen reached 8.8 million, of which 800,000 were recruited for combat. Our overall strength has surpassed that of the Daru people.

Second, our productivity today has made great progress compared with last year. A large number of people have turned into industrial people, and the materials produced in factories can also support us in launching a counter-offensive war.

Third, our talent pool is also more abundant. With several universities such as Yuntai University, Yuntai Military Academy, Wuzhou University, Dongyang University, and newly built universities after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the number of graduates is steadily increasing every year. . Later talent support can also support local governance.

These are our basic conditions, but the most important thing now is the chaos in Daru, which is a good window period for us to enter a counterattack..."

"You mean the plague in Yunxiang Province."

Ren Pingsheng said.

"Your Highness is right."

Liu Qiang nodded: "This plague in Yunxiang Province has a tendency to expand. It is no longer limited to one county. Even if the Daru people killed hundreds of thousands of people, they could not stop this trend. Instead, they spread in the far north. It’s getting worse!

Yunxiang Province is one of the birthplaces of the Lurte and Jin people, and its importance to them is self-evident.

Our spies even discovered that the Daru people mobilized about 50,000 elites from the front line and rushed to Yunxiang Province to participate in the battle to eradicate the plague.

We just took advantage of this to launch a major counterattack on the front line! "

"This plague seems to be extraordinary."

Ren Pingsheng said.

As the Northern Plague received Ren Pingsheng's attention, news about the Northern Plague kept coming back through the intelligence network between the Divine Arrow Division and the Night Owl Clan.

Liu Qiang said: "According to the analysis of the news sent back by the Divine Arrow Division, the first characteristic of these plagues is that they are zoonotic; the second characteristic is that once infected, they will quickly dehydrate within two hours and quickly turn into a mummy; the third characteristic is that once infected, they will quickly dehydrate within two hours and quickly turn into a mummy; The three characteristics are that these mummies will come back to life!"

The third characteristic is that after the intelligence personnel ventured into Yunxiang Province, the first-hand news spread back was also the news blocked by the Daru government.

"These resurrected mummies have their previous memories, but they are bloodthirsty. If they cannot absorb blood for a long time, they will die completely."

Liu Qiang talked about the news he learned about the Yunxiang plague.

"Regarding the specific information about the plague, we are still continuing to investigate. We are still far away from this, but we must also formulate plans and be prepared.

In the army, the plague cannot be taken lightly. "

Ren Pingsheng instructed.

"I understand."

Liu Qiang said.

"As for the war, just go ahead and do it. Now it's not just the plague in Yunxiang Province, but also in Xinpan Province, Wonju Province, Jingzhou Province, and even Yanzhou, the anti-Dalu Alliance Army is also constantly active, involving a lot of barbarians energy.

Under the circumstances, we have now entered a new stage of strategic counter-offensive.

Your report is very detailed and I have read it carefully. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can just do whatever you want in the next frontline war.

I think it won't be long before the conditions are ripe and it's time for us to carry out the Northern Expedition. "

Ren Pingsheng said very optimistically.

"I obey the decree!"

Liu Qiang entered the palace this time for the king's endorsement.

Now that the king allows him to do whatever he wants, with the cooperation of all parties, there will be no obstacles.

Ren Pingsheng and Liu Qiang's exchange of strategic directions for the reunification of the North and the South did not end until lunch.

As Liu Qiang achieved his goal and left, Ren never ate in the palace again. After making arrangements, he took Ruan Tang and Xiaowan away and returned to Earth.

Nowadays, both Ruan Tang and Xiaowan have broken the restrictions. At least they have no problem moving in Zhang District under pressure.

Sun Zhenhan and Zhang Xue came out with the Qingcheng Group's motorcade.

Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang met their parents at Railway Station Street.

The two sides have already lost their temper, but this is the first time they meet.

After returning to the villa area of ​​"Ruiyuan Beppu" on the island in the middle of the lake, the property management here had been notified in advance and had already decorated the villa area. There were gilded happy characters posted everywhere. It was very festive!

As the most luxurious villa area in Zi City, the distance between villas here is very large and blocked by woods. The privacy of the owner of each villa is guaranteed.

The lawn of Villa No. 4 has also been decorated.

The host is also a leading actress from the Qingcheng Group Song and Dance Ensemble.

In the past, Ruan Tang's parents only knew that their son-in-law was a businessman.

At this time, Ruan Tang’s parents realized that their son-in-law was still a very successful entrepreneur!

Especially when the two of them stand together, the handsome man and the beautiful woman make everyone say they are a couple of gods and goddesses!

Both parents are extremely happy with their union!

That afternoon, Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang went to the Civil Affairs Hall to obtain evidence. After getting it back, Xiaowan glanced at the red marriage certificate.

That night, everyone rested in the villa.

Early the next morning, people from the group came and once again arranged flowers, fruit baskets, etc., and the simple but solemn wedding began on the grass in the backyard of the villa.

Neither party invited many people, and the wedding was kept simple.

There are no more than thirty people in the seats below.

Ren Pingsheng only invited a few friends and a few real relatives who came with his parents. Among them, Wei Wei and his wife Panpan also came. None of the other people from the group, the leaders and colleagues I knew before, went to invite him.

The previous circle has gradually lost contact due to neglect in the past two years.

And the same goes for Ruan Tang.

Both parents also respect the newlyweds very much and approve of this wedding format.

The faint morning light shines through the treetops in the villa forest onto this piece of grass. The relatives and friends below burst into applause. The property management also sent someone to lead a pair of deer in the villa area to send blessings. The deer sniffed here and there. Sniffing and sniffing enliven the atmosphere at the wedding.

In the cheerful tone of the host, Ruan Tang threw the bouquet in his hand, and was firmly caught by Xiaowan, the bridesmaid. (End of chapter)

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