Behind me is the earth

Chapter 524 522 Qi’s army marches into the small world

The lively wedding ended with the applause of relatives on both sides.

Ruan Tang chatted in the room with her parents, whom she had not seen for a long time. Ren Pingsheng and his parents were also talking on the rooftop outside the third floor.

"Is dad retiring soon?"

Ren Pingsheng said to his mother.

Dad waved his hand: "I retired at the end of last year. Now I am re-employed by the company, so I can still use my remaining energy."

"Your dad doesn't have time to spare. It would be better for him to do some work at work than to let him stay at home."

Mom also said.

After she finished speaking, she persuaded her smoothly: "You and Tangtang, have a baby as soon as possible, while my mother is still strong enough to take care of your baby.

If you ask for it too late, mom won’t be able to carry it for you. "

"Why don't you take the health medicine your son gave you? Now you are in great shape and you feel like you have rejuvenated yourself.

Son, your mother goes out to square dance every night now and has become the leader of the square dance. Please hurry up and give us a big fat baby, so that your mother will not do her job and go out to dance every day. "

Dad also followed suit.

For both of them, once their son gets married, there is hope for their grandchildren.

Especially since her daughter-in-law is the award-winning industrial star Ruan Tang, and her grandson must be both handsome and smart!

Regarding this topic, Ren Pingsheng did not talk about it, made no guarantees, and was not responsible. He just changed the topic and said: "In the past two years, I have also worked hard outside to build a career. When the time is right in the future, I will take you there to take a look. , you can live there if you like it.”

"No, it's good to live in China, and our retirement benefits are good. I'm not used to it when I go out."

The father thought his son was talking about foreign countries.

"we'll talk about it then."

This time, Ren Pingsheng was just laying the groundwork for the two elders. After the world is unified in the future, it won't be too abrupt when he takes them there.

"When you go back tomorrow, take the suitcase I left for you in the house. There are some new health products in it, which are very good for improving the body's vitality.

However, these health care products are all produced by companies and the materials used are very expensive. Do not give them to others casually. "

Ren Pingsheng instructed.

These "health products" are precious medicines that ordinary people can use, and can slowly improve their physical fitness.

At the age of the two elders, they have already missed the age of practicing Taoism and martial arts. If they practice directly, there will be no future. These precious medicines may lay the foundation for their bodies, making it possible to practice in the future.

After chatting sporadically for a while, Ren Pingsheng was kicked out by his second elder on the grounds that "when newly married, he should spend more time with his wife."

Ren Pingsheng did not go to find Ruan Tang, who was still chatting with his parents, but found Xiaowan who was squatting on the lawn by the lake in the backyard.

She was also wearing a festive red bridesmaid dress and holding the bouquet that Ruan Tang threw to her.

"Bouquet" is a prop to convey happiness and marriage. Ruan Tang passed it to her as a blessing to Xiaowan.


Ren Pingsheng found a coin and threw it towards the water from a distance.

One water float, a dozen in a row, ran towards the center of the lake before disappearing. On the originally calm lake, circles of ripples spread out, also scattering the reflection of Xiaowan's frowning face.

"Why are you here?"

Ren Pingsheng put his hand on her head.

"Because there are other people I don't know."

It's not that Xiaowan feels sad because "the young master is getting married and the bride is not me", but she feels lonely on earth without Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang by her side.

It feels like the excitement belongs to others.

"There are computers, game consoles, and toys in your room. You can play when you're bored."

Ren Pingsheng put his hand on her head and watched a whirlpool appear on the water. Like a dragon sucking water, it sucked out the coin that fell into the lake again.


Xiaowan pouted and returned the coin to the young master: "Master, don't treat me like a child, I am your woman too!"


Ren Pingsheng touched her head and said.

She is also twenty-one years old, and she is a female college student who is about to enter society on earth.

"Get up early tomorrow morning and I'll go stay with your sister."

Ren Pingsheng heard that Ruan Tang had come out of his parents' room, so he said something to Xiaowan and went back.

The happy time is always short-lived. The newlyweds were in front of the villa the next day, watching the car take their parents away.

Ren Pingsheng's parents are closer, and the car will take them back directly.

Ruan Tang's parents were transported by motorcade to the airport in Ji City next door.

Ren Pingsheng and Ruan Tang were both successful people, and they had great autonomy in arranging this marriage. Neither their parents raised any objections to this simple wedding, and they also received blessings from close relatives and friends. , both of them felt very satisfied.

Watching several commercial vehicles leave the sight, several people also left the villa area.

Because of the recent wedding, the handsome man and beautiful woman have become somewhat famous in the villa area. In order to prevent not showing up for a long time and attracting the attention of the property management, Ren Pingsheng and the other three returned to their old house in the old city.

"Go back."

Ren Pingsheng opened the door and returned to the palace with his two women.

After returning here, he became the king of Qi again.

Play for several days in a row.

On this day, Ruan Tang took a bamboo raft and went boating on the lake.

The lake is on Yunmen Mountain, the back mountain of Yunmen. There is a natural Tianchi here. When viewed from the top of the mountain, it looks like a green emerald inlaid on the mountainside. It is as beautiful as an eye of the mountain.


Ruan Tang held a handful of purple electric crystals in his hand.

In front of her is the robot Xiao Le sitting cross-legged.

Its shell has been opened, and the tight screws and circuit wires inside are bouncing on their own, breaking away from their original restraints and pushing out a dark box.

Ruan Tang took out a beautiful diamond-shaped crystal-style part from the space ring and put it into Xiao Le's body.

"Master, I feel so weak."

Xiao Le said.

"I removed your main energy source, and you are now using the auxiliary energy source. After I replace it with your main energy source later, you will have endless strength."

Ruan Tang patted Xiao Le's head and comforted it.

Auxiliary energy is for emergency use and naturally does not have much energy.

Soon, after the installation of the rhombus crystal was completed, she selected one of the right size from a large number of purple electric crystals and installed it.

"Zi la~" After the purple electric crystal came into contact with the rhombus crystal, it was sucked in and got stuck in the crystal. At the same time, the control chip next to it was also stuck on the rhombus crystal.

The function of this crystal is to make the energy output of the purple electric crystal more stable.

The chip controls the power output of the purple electric crystal according to Xiaole's energy needs.

"Ah~ I feel full of strength again!"

Feeling that his core motor was exerting surging power with sufficient energy supply, Xiao Le couldn't help but scream.

Ruan Tang added a shell to it, and the diamond-shaped hollow design exposed the diamond-shaped crystal. When the purple electric crystal inside outputs energy, it flashes like breathing, like the light on Ultraman's chest.

"The next step is to upgrade your armor, motors, and spell arrays..."

Ruan Tang put his fingers on his chin, thinking.

"Let's go and try."

Ruan Tang said, pulled Xiao Le and flew up from the bamboo raft, flying towards the forest on the mountainside.

At this time, Ren Pingsheng was in the Yuanhe Hall of the Royal Palace, listening to Zhang Qiushi's report.

Huang Wenguang has gone to Guangnan Province to take up his post, and Zhang Qiushi has officially entered Zhongshuge to perform his duties.

After a month of work handover, Zhang Qiushi was already familiar with Zhongshuge's work.

Like Huang Wenguang, he also focused his work on the Secretariat.

"Preparations for this year's national examination have been completed. This time, based on the reports from various ministries and even local government offices, as well as the total number of establishments in each unit, as well as the total number of graduates from universities and middle schools this year, a total of 485 government officials and 9,250 civil servants have been recruited. people.

I believe that after this national examination, the shortage of personnel in various units should be greatly alleviated.

In addition, local police stations mainly recruit veterans and are not included in the recruitment range. "

Zhang Qiushi reported on the important things that will be arranged in the near future.

“The talent gap is still very poor.”

Ren Pingsheng leaned back in his chair.

Nowadays, large units in the capital of Qi have a huge shortage of staff.

Not to mention there are more than a dozen provinces, more than 80 counties, more than 500 counties, and nearly 5,000 towns. For such a huge administrative agency to be able to undertake various policies and work, the talent gap is far from sufficient.

Moreover, now that the Ministry of National Defense has decided to launch a strategic counteroffensive, the new land still requires a large number of officials to manage it.

"After all, it is still restricted by education. How is the situation of running schools in various places now?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

The literacy rate in Qi was still too low, especially in the nine provinces it later captured. This not only hindered the government's ability to absorb talents, but also hindered Qi's industrialization process.

"Now, there are more than 1,400 primary schools and nearly 500 middle schools that have been built or are under construction."

Zhang Qiushi has been compiling data this month. When he heard the king's question, he immediately opened his mouth.


It’s useless no matter how fancy the article is, the data is the real deal.

"We must pay close attention to education. After you go back, go to Wu Fengbo and set up an office to prevent school dropouts in the Ministry of Education to take care of school-age children's schooling.

The means combine soft and hard measures to establish a long-term mechanism. "

Ren Pingsheng instructed.


Zhang Qiushi wrote it down.

Putting away his notebook, Zhang Qiushi continued: "Now, in Beiwan and Zhongzhou of the Beiwan Group, and in Yanzhou and Zhaozhou of the Yanzhao Group, we have dispatched some local officials to begin to take over local governance.

At the same time, in the coordinated command operations on the front line, we also have a strong influence and appeal on the armies of the two groups, and the time to formally integrate the two groups is becoming increasingly mature. "

"This is a good thing. Now with the increase in rear production, our initiative will become stronger and stronger.

We must continue to advance the control of these two groups. "

Ren Pingsheng said.


Zhang Qiushi nodded: "When I return, I will convey the king's order to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense."

"You go back first."

Ren Pingsheng asked Zhang Qiushi to leave, then turned to look at Xiaowan who came out from behind: "What's wrong?"

"The small world has just returned with news that the war has reached the final stage. Fangyuan Sect is also going down the mountain to grant the 'mandate of destiny' to the victor."

Xiaowan gave the news just delivered to Ren Pingsheng.

"Who won in the end?"

Ren Pingsheng felt that the war in the small world was straightforward.

The total population is only about half a million, and war scenes usually only involve a few thousand people fighting there.

In Qi State, when two towns used to fight over water, there would be this scene.

"Prime Minister Li's family."

Xiaowan said.

"As expected."

The Li family had great momentum from the beginning. They held the emperor hostage and incorporated the power of the Yuan Dynasty. They also had the support of Zidian Peak and were the strongest.

"Although there are few people, the war is extremely cruel."

Xiao Wan couldn't help but frown: "On the final battlefield, the old, weak, women and children all went to the battlefield. Moreover, military discipline was loose, and villages along the way were unavoidable, resulting in heavy casualties.

Today, the remaining population of the small world is probably about a hundred thousand. "

Ren Pingsheng had nothing to express, so he stood up and said, "Tell Sledgehammer to bring someone with him, and we'll go there again."

In the evening, thousands of people had entered the city and were ready to go.

This time, we just took advantage of this opportunity to completely capture this world, and encircle Fangyuan Sect at the same time, to see what secrets this small world hides in the "Immortal Sect".

"Katerina, how was this operation?"

When Ren Pingsheng took Xiaowan and Ruan Tang, who had rushed back from Yunmen, to Ledao Zhai, he saw Catalina doing fortune-telling with a lotus tube.

"Report to the king! Good luck!"

Catalina took out a bamboo stick with her fingers, and after countless shadows flashed through her eyes like a zoetrope, she spoke to Ren Pingsheng.

"Okay, let's go."

Thousands of heavily armed people lined up and passed through the stairs for about ten minutes. Finally, after regrouping in the valley, they crossed the suspension bridge lowered in the mist and entered the small world of Xilu Mountain.

The evening sky turned into early morning as soon as it arrived here. It must have just rained lightly, and the air was still filled with the smell of earth.

The soldiers felt this small world in a novel way.

The aliens in the team are more sensitive to spiritual energy and feel that the world is more friendly to aliens casting spells.

"Everyone get in the car!"

The platoon leaders released the prepared troop transport trucks from the space props. All the soldiers got on the car and headed down Xilu Mountain.

Although the mountain road in Xulu Mountain is rugged, it is still wide and trucks can run in most places.

Where they couldn't pass, the soldiers picked up the truck and ran away without wasting much time.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Ren Pingsheng obviously found that both the villages and the market towns were in a lot of decline, and there were cries in almost every household.

"Luzhou is relatively good. No one invades. The main battlefields in other states are tragic!"

Sanhua, who has been staying in this world, said.

Soon, the convoy arrived at Lin'an, the city of Luzhou where the Wu family was located.

The convoy of thirty trucks immediately caused a sensation in Lin'an City.

It attracted the attention of the Wu family and the Saint Yunting of Yunding Peak who had not yet left. (End of chapter)

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